after losing heart

Chapter 213 [240] The desired ending

Chapter 213 [240] The desired ending
Suddenly, there was chaos on the bridge, passers-by fled in a panic, screams, the sound of weapons being handed over, and various sounds...

In the blink of an eye, there was no pedestrian on the huge bluestone bridge, only Emperor Wen, Concubine Mei, Su Mofeng, Qiancheng, Eunuch Li, Xiangcao, and the three who were fighting obsessively remained.

The two big inner guards are both first-class masters, but Su Mochen is not inferior. For a moment, there is only a touch of black, two touches of black, entangled with each other, and it is impossible to tell who is who. The long sword with the handle is like a three-tailed silver dragon, intertwined and dancing, unpredictable.

Emperor Wen's face was stern, and he slightly narrowed his phoenix eyes, which were deep and cold.

Although he has never met Sikong Wei, but based on his knowledge of the Heisha Sect and the rumors about the master of the Heisha Sect, he knows who is coming.

Concubine Mei bit her lip, feeling a little frightened, at a loss for what to do, when suddenly the back of her hand became hot, and it was Emperor Wen who held her hand and squeezed her palm.

She bent her lips, her heart gradually settled down, and there was even a sense of heroism in her heart that she would live and die with the man she loved.

Both Eunuch Li and Xiang Cao turned pale with fright, but the masters stood there without moving, so they had no choice but to stand there and resign themselves to fate.

Su Mofeng frowned slightly, looking at the three fighting figures, with a slightly stunned expression on his face, Sikong Wei's target just now was clearly him.

However, he has no grievances with him, and some time ago, he even gave him warm alkaline water.

Why do you want to kill him now?
Suddenly remembered something, he turned his head and asked the woman who had already been protected by him, "How did you know he was going to kill me?"

Qiancheng was startled, thinking of the scene on the street just now, he secretly rejoiced, "I overheard it."

No wonder this man appeared in her mind that night and looked at her and Su Mofeng coldly. It turned out that he wanted to kill Su Mofeng.

Just now at the tea stall, the man with him called him fourth master, and he was also called third brother Su Mofeng, so, he is...

In that room, because there were many words and many questions in his heart, Su Mo Shen fought very eagerly, so his moves were extremely fast, the sword flower changed, as fast as lightning, and his moves were ruthless and fatal. Slowly, the two The big inner guard was a little overwhelmed, showing signs of defeat.

Emperor Wen pursed his thin lips tighter and tighter, and slowly closed his big hands. Realizing his strength, Mei Ping looked up at him. She knew that this man wanted to make a move.

Su Mofeng's black eyes also followed several people closely, hesitating in his heart whether to step forward.

Suddenly, a woman's clear voice pierced everyone's eardrums.

"Four princes!"

The three words were like thunder on the ground, exploding in this winter afternoon.

For a moment, everyone was shocked, even Su Mochen himself.

Four princes?
Eunuch Li and Xiang Cao looked around, where is the Fourth Prince?
Emperor Wen, Mei Ping, and Su Mofeng looked at the woman who spoke, full of inquiry.

But the woman stared at the man with the iron face, who was fighting and staring at her, and said again, "Fourth Prince, brother Feng is your brother, how can you bear it?"

Four princes?
This person is the Fourth Prince?Is the master of Heishamen the Fourth Prince?

Emperor Wen was shocked, Mei Ping was terrified, and Su Mofeng couldn't believe it.

Su Mochen's feet softened, and he heard something shattering in his heart.

She called him Fourth Prince?

All eyes!

how come?
After taking two steps back, Su Mochen stabilized his body, still not believing it was true.

Eunuch Li and Vanilla look at me and I look at you, completely dumbfounded.

The two guards heard that it was the fourth prince, Su Mochen, and they were stunned. They didn't know what to do, whether to continue the fight...

"Fourth?" Emperor Wen suddenly said in a deep voice, his tone was cold and uncertain, he stared at Su Mochen tightly, his deep eyes were more complicated than ever before.

Su Mo's hand holding the sword paused, and his painful eyes slowly moved away from Qiancheng's face, looking at Emperor Wen.

When the two guards heard that Emperor Wen spoke suddenly, and saw that Su Mochen had given up the attack, they also stopped.

After all, he is the prince!Or listen to the emperor's orders!
The world seemed to stand still for an instant, only the sound of wind blowing clothes.

Suddenly, a petite pink figure ran out from behind Su Mofeng and ran straight towards Su Mochen.

Thousand cities!

Su Mochen forgot to move or react, and stared blankly at the woman flying towards him like a butterfly with wings spread.

With a sudden light on his face, the woman has raised her hand to take off the mask on his face.

Eye to eye!

The sun is dazzling!

Everyone is shocked!

Emperor Wen pursed his thin lips into a cold straight line.

Mei Ping's complexion suddenly changed, she was as pale as paper.

Su Mofeng frowned, unable to believe his eyes.

No one moved.

The iron face fell from Qiancheng's hands and rolled down the bluestone steps, the sound of metal hitting the stone face made one's heart palpitate.

Su Mo closed his eyes heavily. If he was shocked and frightened when the chief rudder was lifted, then this moment, he only felt pain.

Qiancheng stared quietly at the man's handsome face, those eyebrows and those eyes were indescribably familiar, yet he felt an inexplicable rejection of this man in his heart.

Su Mo opened his eyes, but also stared at her tightly.

Each other's eyes twisted together.

The difference is that this time, his pain was wiped out, while hers were as light as autumn water.

"It's really you!" Emperor Wen first broke the silence and spoke coldly.

Su Mo remained silent, his dark pupils kept falling on Qiancheng's face.

Qiancheng's heart suffocated, and he looked away.

For some reason, being looked at by him like this, she suddenly felt sad, with a very complicated and tangled mood. The feeling was indescribable, and she didn't like it.

Frowning, she turned around and walked back to Su Mofeng's side, not looking at that man anymore, to be honest, she was afraid to look at him!

"Fourth brother, you have disappointed me so much!" Emperor Wen suppressed the anger in his heart, paused every word, and his voice came out from the depths of his throat.


Who let who down?
Su Mochen smiled wryly, but did not speak.

From childhood to adulthood, when did he give him hope?

"I am your father, and the third child is your elder brother. You bleed the blood of the royal family, and you are the leader of the bandits and the head of the Heishamen. Now you want to kill your own brother. Tell me, what is your intention?" ?”

What are your intentions?

Su Mochen still smiled lightly, lonely and desolate, "Isn't my father very clear about my intentions?"

If he didn't force him, if they didn't force him, how could he be like this?

Royal blood is blood?Isn't the blood of his thousands of brothers not blood?
In this world, who is more noble than whom?

Seeing what he said, Emperor Wen's face turned paler, and the haze in his phoenix eyes accumulated more and more, as if the dark clouds in the sky were dense on the eve of a storm, and they were about to destroy the city. The palace dungeon!"

The two guards got the order and rushed forward again.

Su Mo Shen was more than enough to deal with these two people, but he didn't intend to resist.

Looking up at the sky, he suddenly felt that all his persistence was meaningless.

Since everyone wants him to die, what's the point of him struggling to live?
The winter sun slanted on the bridge and hit his black clothes. Under the sun, he slowly turned his head and looked at Qiancheng again. The light and shadow were reversed, and no one could see the expression on his face clearly. He was only in a trance.

"Qiancheng, I didn't expect you to hate me so far. Since this is the ending you want, then I will give it to you!"

As long as it is what she wants, he will give it, even if it is in this world, even if it is his life, he will give it, as long as it is what she wants.

The arm suddenly raised, and the long sword in his hand flew out, and it was inserted straight into the bluestone bridge, the blade of the sword swayed slightly.

Qiancheng was startled, only felt that the tip of the sword thrown by him suddenly pierced her heart, and her pupils narrowed in pain.

She clutched her heart, had difficulty breathing, and didn't have the courage to look at him...

Emperor Wen was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect him to abandon the weapon on his own initiative, he pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment, then motioned to the guards beside him, "Take it away!"

The guard stepped forward and grabbed Su Mochen's arm.

Su Mo lowered his eyes and smiled slightly.

"No—" a woman's painful cry suddenly sounded.

Everyone was startled, and looked at the person who made the sound in unison.

Thank you [Mizuki Huayuen] dear, [Joanna is not good] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Tiffany-lai], [Strawberry Woman], [bigthree], and [Baby Matarui] for the monthly tickets~~~Group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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