after losing heart

Chapter 214 [241] Nothing

Chapter 214 [241] Nothing
Everyone was startled, and looked at the person who made the sound in unison.

It was Concubine Mei.

Emperor Wen's pupils shrank round and round, and the haze in his pupils became even more hazy. He slowly turned his head and looked coldly at the woman beside him.

Mei Ping's heart trembled, and she was frightened by the hostility in his eyes, as if all the warmth of this man these days was just her dream.

"what do you want?"

When Emperor Wen opened his mouth, he paused every word, and his cold voice burst out from between his teeth, piercing the chill.

Mei Ping frowned slightly, he used you, not Ping'er.

Pulling back the corner of her cloak, she slowly knelt on the ice-cold bluestone bridge.

Everyone was shocked at first, and then horrified.

The emperor's woman knelt down to plead for another man?

What's the situation?
Everyone didn't dare to show their anger, they all looked at the gloomy emperor.

Su Mochen was also shocked.

He knew that this woman was very kind to him. Whenever he was in trouble, she would help him. He also knew that, but this time...

He knew very well how serious his matter was this time.

The so-called bringing him back to the prison in the palace is nothing but a dead end.

No one can help him.

"My Concubine Mei..."

He was just about to speak, but was interrupted by Emperor Wen's deep voice. Of course, he didn't tell him, but turned to Mei Ping, "Do you want to intercede with him?"

Emperor Wen looked at Mei Ping, but pointed his finger at Su Mochen, with bruised veins on the back of his hand, "Did you know that he committed a capital crime? If I had known that he is so evil today, when he was born, I should have slapped him Squeezing him to death will save him from making so many troubles."

Behind him, Su Mochen smiled wryly.

Squeeze him to death?
Why not pinch?It would be better to crush him to death!
No, Mei Ping reached out and grabbed the corner of Emperor Wen's robe tremblingly. How could she say that about her child?About her poor child?She raised her head, beggingly looking up at the godlike man, with tears in her eyes, "Your Majesty, he is actually"

"Stop talking!" Emperor Wen waved her hand down with a flick of his arm, mercilessly.

Mei Ping was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground.

"What kind of mother, what kind of son, only a slut like Chen Zhu'er can give birth to such evil, ahem..."

Emperor Wen's chest heaved rapidly, perhaps because he was too excited, but at the end he coughed violently.

Eunuch Li was shocked, and hurriedly took the medicine from his sleeve and stepped forward.

After Li Fei's incident, this man was treated by the imperial hospital, and he hasn't coughed for a long time. Today, it can be seen that he is really angry.

Emperor Wen directly knocked out the medicine in his hand with a wave of his arm, and finally pointed at Su Mochen viciously, his cold eyes swept over everyone one by one, "If anyone pleads for him again, I will kill him now!"

At that moment, his decisive appearance convinced everyone present that he would kill anyone who dared to ask for it!

Even if that person is his son!

The whole place was quiet.

Emperor Wen turned back to look at Mei Ping, who was kneeling on the ground, and pinched her chin violently. His thin lips pursed into a sneer, "And you! What qualifications do you have to intercede for him? Why do you think you are If you beg for mercy, I will let him go? Don't think that if I take you out and pamper you for a few days, your bones will be so light that you don't even know how much you weigh. In my heart, you are nothing!"

Pinched by his big hand, Mei Ping was forced to raise her head. She looked at him, looked at him with pain, and looked at the man who brought her happiness these days, the brilliance in her eyes peeled off bit by bit.

In my heart, you are nothing!

His words were like a sword piercing her heart, piercing her heart petal by petal, dripping with blood.

Originally, she was going to say that Su Mochen was her child, but luckily she didn't.

Otherwise, not only would he not be able to help him, but he would be harmed even more, and he would be charged with deceiving the emperor.

Chen Zhu'er is the woman that the emperor loves the most. Although he hates it, it's because he loves it!

In fact, she has always known it, but she has been blinded for the past few days.

She is so silly.

It turns out she is nothing!

Suddenly, she curled her lips at the familiar yet unfamiliar man in front of her, and smiled slightly.

Emperor Wen's heart hit him, his eyes flickered, he felt that the smile was so dazzling, he let go of his hand, and looked away.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what he was angry about.

Angry at this woman for being nice to another man?

how come?
Suddenly losing support, Mei Ping's body went limp and she sat on her lap.

"Concubine Mei's kindness, Su Mochen is very grateful, it's just today's matter, no one can help, please don't worry about it!"

Su Mochen didn't expect that this woman would come here for him, but he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Mei Ping closed her eyes heavily, and tears welled up in her eyes.

You are my son, how can I ignore it?
It's my mother who is sorry for you. She abandoned you first, but now she speaks lightly and can't help you.

"Take it away!" Emperor Wen waved his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, turned around, no longer looking at Mei Ping, no longer looking at Su Mochen, and no longer looking at anyone.

Su Mochen smiled lightly, raised the corners of his eyes, and looked at Qiancheng again.

Although Qiancheng was afraid to look at him, he couldn't help but couldn't help the torment in his heart, and secretly raised his eyes to look at him. The eyes of the two met unexpectedly, Qiancheng's heart trembled, and he looked away in a panic.

There was a great pain in her heart, and she didn't know why.

She seems to have done something wrong, she seems to have harmed this man!

But why did he kill her brother Feng?
Su Mofeng frowned slightly.

He had never seen such a Su Mochen, a defeated, decadent, even self-defeating Su Mochen, never before.

In fact, he knew that if this man wanted to leave, no one could stop him.

The two guards were about to lead Su Mo to turn around, and Mei Ping staggered to her feet.

Suddenly, a black shadow sprang out from nowhere, and there was a "whoosh", the sound of sharp blades cutting through the air.

The glinting cold blade pierced straight in one direction.

Everyone was horrified, that was the direction of Emperor Wen...

There are assassins!
The accident happened so suddenly, it seemed that it was only in the blink of an eye, and there was no time for everyone to react too much.

Su Mofeng was startled, and instinctively picked up the long sword thrown by Su Mochen at his feet, and stabbed at the black-clothed assassin.

Su Mochen was also taken aback, the moment he stepped up, things suddenly turned around.

"Hiss~" The sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh.

"Hmm~" the voices of men and women muffled.

Blood splatters everywhere...

"Your Majesty!" Eunuch Li's complexion changed drastically, and he stepped forward, but he suddenly found that his emperor was safe and sound, because someone was standing in front of this man.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

The assassin's sword was pierced into the woman's heart, while Su Mofeng's sword was pierced straight into the assassin's vest.

Everyone froze in place!Su Mochen was also stunned, suddenly realized something, his pupils narrowed, he threw off the restraints of the two guards, walked over quickly, swung Su Mofeng away vigorously, picked up the assassin, tapped his toes, and flew away.

Walking on the wind, he turned his head slowly, and saw Su Mofeng being pushed hard by his palm, and took several steps back, Qiancheng beside him quickly reached out to help him, and she called him, "Brother Feng!"

His eyes hurt, and he turned his head away, unable to bear to look any further.

Two guards flew up behind him, but he didn't look back, he raised his hand, his sleeves fluttered, and the hidden weapon flew out.

The two fell into the water in response.

on the bridge.

"Ping'er!" Emperor Wen exclaimed, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to embrace Mei Ping in his arms.

Even before he could react in time, she stood in front of him without even thinking about it!

What kind of woman is this?
He covered her wound with his big hand, where the warm stickiness leaked out from between his fingers, and he felt panic for the first time.

"Ping'er, hold on! I'll take you to the doctor right away!" Emperor Wen stretched out his hand, touched a few big acupuncture points on her body, picked her up in his arms, and hurried down the bridge.

Eunuch Li and Xiangcao hurriedly followed behind.

Qiancheng stared blankly at the pools of blood on the bluestone bridge, lost her mind, suddenly her stomach churns, and she vomited violently while holding on to the bridge railing.

"Are you okay?" Su Mofeng's expression changed, and he quickly stepped forward to gently stroke her back.

She shook her head, took out a piece of silk from her sleeve, and wiped the corners of her lips. She felt that her heart was in a mess, and she looked up to the direction of the other side of the bridge.

That was the direction the man was going.

The first update~ The legend will add an update today~~
Thank you [668669], [Xiaoxiaoyanzi 123], [Glacier Mineral Water], [Yaoyao Yaoyao], [na38233], [Double Pisces] for the monthly pass, I am patient with you~~
(End of this chapter)

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