after losing heart

Chapter 215 [242] Why are you here

Chapter 215 [242] Why are you here
Su Mochen walked quickly with the person in his arms in his arms, and warm liquid kept pouring out from the vest of the person in his arms, tick-tocking all over the place.

He knew that Su Mofeng's sword almost pierced the man's chest.

He didn't expect that he would go to Shuangqiao, let alone assassinate Emperor Wen.

"Yang Hen, don't sleep, hold on! Let's go to the doctor!"

"Master..." Yang Hen smiled weakly, "It's useless..."

How deep his injury was, he knew it himself.

He knew how much blood he had shed.

Su Mo felt a great pain in his heart, and quickened his steps, but seeing that Yang Hen had almost closed his eyes, he stopped again, put him down, and both of them sat on the ground.

He placed his hand on top of his head, pouring his inner strength into it.

Finally, Yang Hen slowly opened his eyes again, there was no sorrow of dying on his handsome face, but a smile, he tried his best to make himself look okay, " can't be taken back by them, then... It's a dead end, a long-cherished wish for so many years... How can you just give up? You can't let Yang Hen die in vain... You can't let thousands of brothers die in vain, and your wife... If... If you give up... What about madam?"

In the end, his voice became smaller and weaker, almost inaudible.

Su Mochen pushed his inner breath to the maximum, injected it into his forehead crazily, and said in a deep voice, "Don't talk!"

However, the most helpless thing in this world is life and death.

Su Mochen still clearly felt that this man's life was passing along with his blood. Suddenly, Yang Hen stretched out his hand, held his wrist, and tried to speak clearly: "...Yang Hen...Yang Hen's life... ...The most fortunate thing is that I followed the master...the most...the most regrettable thing is that I can't wait for the day when the master wears the dragon robe..."

Yang Hen spoke with difficulty, and bright red blood gushed out of his mouth.

Su Mochen held his hand with his backhand and reprimanded him coldly, "Stop talking!"

The palm of the hand still let his true energy pass to him.

However, it is useless not to speak, and it is useless to pass the true energy, the man's temperature is still slowly draining.

Yang Hen didn't feel the pain of dying at all, and when his consciousness gradually fell into chaos, he seemed to see a woman, the woman he could only watch from a distance in his life, and silently love her.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, she stood among red flowers and green grass, looking at him and smiling...

In his heart, he silently said her name, and he could only say it in his heart, because in this life she was his master, the woman of the man he respected the most, so he could only call her Mrs. Qian, Master Qian.

Goodbye, Qiancheng...

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Hen's body gradually cooled down, and Su Mochen was still sitting there, like a stone sculpture, motionless.

My mind is full of the day-to-day relationship with this man over the years.

If there is one person in this world who is sincerely devoted to him and who can share all his secrets, then this person is Yang Hen, and only Yang Hen.

He is his subordinate, his friend, and his relative.

The warmth that Emperor Wen didn't give, and the warmth that Concubine Liang didn't give, was given by Yang Hen.

"Master, you can't let Yang Hen die in can't let thousands of brothers die in vain, and madam...if...if you give up...what will madam do?"

"If I had known how evil he is today, when he was born, I should have crushed him to death, and saved him from making so many corrections."

"What kind of mother, what kind of son, only a slut like Chen Zhu'er can give birth to such evil!"

Su Mo stood up slowly, his eyes were cold and determined.He lowered his head and gently brushed off the red dust on the black robe, the red was Yang Hen's blood.

For the first time, the head of the Heisha Sect, who has dominated the world, was terribly quiet.

That night
Dragon Yin Palace is brightly lit.

Emperor Wen stood on the side of the dragon couch with his hands behind his back, with a stern expression on his face, looking at the woman on the couch for a moment.

The woman's face was pale, her lips had no trace of blood, her eyes were lightly closed, and she remained motionless.

so quiet.

It is so quiet that there is almost no sense of existence, like a fallen leaf, which will be blown away by the wind at any time.

Taiyuan Hospital and two medical women are carefully checking the woman's condition.

All the people from the Tai Hospital came, and everyone in the room dared not show their anger.

During this period of time, the only thing is that the emperor is sick and stays behind closed doors, how did Concubine Mei become so injured?

Obviously a sword wound.

What happened in the end?

Moreover, the dragon couch in the Dragon Song Palace never sleeps on a woman, even when the concubine Liang was favoring her, she never slept on it, but today she was laid on it by this unremarkable woman.

And a dying woman.

What an honor is this?
Everyone couldn't help but wonder what happened between the emperor and this woman.

"How?" Emperor Wen said in a deep voice.

Yuanzheng was dripping with cold sweat, knelt on the ground hastily, and gave a reply similar to that of several imperial physicians just now, "If you go back to the emperor, Concubine Mei has lost too much blood..."

Yuanzheng didn't finish his words, so he just stopped there.

Emperor Wen withdrew his eyes from the woman's face, turned around slowly, and looked at everyone coldly.

Of course he knew that she had lost a lot of blood. In Jiangnan, he found several medical clinics to stop her bleeding. However, even if the bleeding was stopped, she was still unconscious. The level should be the best in the world, so I hurried back to the palace.

It is still the answer.

"You can prescribe some medicine to replenish qi and blood first. As for..." Yuan Zheng shook his head, not daring to look up at the emperor. I can't be sure for the time being, I need to observe for a few days first."

I haven't heard Emperor Wen's reaction for a long time. Just when everyone thought a storm was coming, he just waved at them lightly, "Get out!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as if they had received an amnesty, and hurriedly saluted and dispersed.

Eunuch Li walked at the back, walked to the door, and turned back, "I've been exhausted for days, my servant serving the emperor should rest early!"

Others didn't know, but he followed him all the way back, and everything was seen in his eyes. This man didn't rest for several days, and kept guarding this woman.

Emperor Wen did not speak, but waved to him wearily.

Eunuch Li sighed helplessly and withdrew.

The hall suddenly fell silent.

Emperor Wen took a deep breath, sat on the soft chair, leaned against the back of the chair, and slowly closed his eyes.

Raising his hand, he squeezed the slightly painful brows, suddenly, he remembered something.

His rebellious son is still at large!

In the past few days, Mei Ping has been all over her mind and eyes, and she almost forgot about it.

He once only suspected that his son had something to do with the Heisha Sect, but he never dreamed that he was actually the head of the sect.

If it wasn't for Ran Qiancheng to make his identity known to the world, he doesn't know how long he would be kept in the dark.

From this point of view, it is true that Ran Qiancheng entered Yuxiangfang for the sake of the third child and pretended to marry the fourth child.

Fourth brother, fourth child, you have calculated thousands of times, but you didn't calculate that you would fall into the hands of a woman, did you?


He suddenly thought of the woman lying on the bed at this moment.

He didn't know how much courage it took to stand in front of him recklessly and take that sword for him. He only knew that the moment he saw the woman lying in his arms covered in blood, his heart ached. up.

Ever since he took that supreme seat, he had already forgotten what it felt like to be heartbroken.

He regained it suddenly, and he couldn't believe it.

The assassin that day was obviously also the fourth child, otherwise, he would not have rescued that person at a critical moment.

Want to kill the third child, but also want to kill him!
Fourth brother, do you really want to go against it?
No, the imperial decree must be issued as soon as possible tomorrow, and he cannot be given a chance to breathe.

See where he can escape to?
Could it be that he doesn't care about the lives of those people in the Fourth Prince's Mansion?
There were small footsteps approaching, but Emperor Wen didn't open his eyes. He thought it was Eunuch Li who had gone and returned.

It wasn't until he felt that the visitor stood still in front of him, but didn't make a sound for a long time, did he feel something strange, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Seeing the person coming, Emperor Wen was a little sullen, and his tone was very displeased.

The second update~~ Continue to update~~
Officially entering the stage of seizing the heir, the truth is slowly revealed~~
Thank you [coke-81] for your monthly pass~~Thank you [Qina] for your purse~~I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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