after losing heart

Chapter 218 [245] You belong to Brother 4

Chapter 218 [245] You belong to the fourth brother

【4000 words】

However, Su Mochen chuckled suddenly, glanced at the crowd leisurely, then raised the tip of his eyes to look at Su Mohong, "Could it be that the sixth brother thinks I'm here to die?"

Su Mohong sneered coldly, "Otherwise?"

Su Mo bent his lips, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the door lightly, not knowing where his eyes fell. After a while, he turned back to look at Su Mohong, "I don't know if forty thousand disciples of the Heisha sect, plus one hundred thousand Dongmo's army, will deal with six How about the hundred thousand imperial guards?"

Everyone was shocked, including Su Mohong and Emperor Wen.

Disciple of Heishamen?Dongmo army?

If you talk about Dongmo's army, everyone understands, because the fourth princess Xilingxue is the princess of Dongmo, and it is reasonable for the emperor of Dongmo to send [-] troops to help his son-in-law.

However, this Heishamen disciple...

That was an organization in the Jianghu, and they never worked with the imperial court, and even openly came to the palace to steal a relic of Emperor Wen.

how come?
People don't know why.

Fourteen and Su Moyi also frowned and looked at Su Mochen.

Su Mohong seemed to have caught something suddenly, and was overjoyed.

"What? The fourth brother brought people from the Heishamen here, is he trying to plot rebellion?"

Everyone thought that Su Mochen would say no, that he was here to rescue him.

Of course, the development of things is always unexpected.

He smiled nonchalantly, and parted his thin lips lightly, "How can my sixth brother be able to do it, but I can't?"

The crowd was horrified.

Shisi and Su Moyi also changed their faces, and reprimanded him softly, "Fourth brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Emperor Wen still sat high, his face was calm, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and there was no sign of happiness or anger.

Su Mochen still smiled lightly, ignoring everyone's startled gazes, and slightly raised the tip of his eyes, looking at the man on the high seat lightly, with an imperceptible bitterness flashing across his eyes.

Since he has no way out, he can only move forward!
It's a prince, it's a gangster, what does it matter?
On the side, Su Mohong suddenly burst out laughing and couldn't stop for a long time, "I didn't expect that our fourth prince, who is as indifferent as a chrysanthemum, would be so interested in this throne! It seems... We are actually the same kind of people!"

"No!" Su Mochen interrupted him softly, and said with a smile, "I'm different from you!"

"What's the difference?" Su Mohong sneered, "It's all for the person who does everything for the throne, isn't it?"

Su Mo smiled deeply, shook his head, and ignored it.

He wanted the throne just because he lived, he lived, and his mother and concubine lived.

Seeing that he was silent, Su Mohong said again in a deep voice, "Then what is fourth brother going to do now?"

There is only one throne, he wants it, and he wants it too.

It is absolutely impossible to let him go, but it seems absolutely impossible to let this man go.

Su Mochen's face remained unchanged, and the thin lips were lightly arced, "I don't want to go to war, after all, there will be casualties when fighting in battle, as long as the sixth brother is willing to bow his head and be a minister, then it is not impossible to be a king."

Bow down? !
Everyone was stunned!

From this point of view, Su Mo's serious desire to seize the throne is already a fact.

In fact, ever since this man came in, he should have discovered that he did not salute Emperor Wen, and he hardly even looked at Emperor Wen. This is not the Fourth Prince Su Mochen who has always followed the rules and is gentle and indifferent.

Shisi and Su Moyi looked at each other, frowned and shook their heads, and all of them turned their gazes to Emperor Wen who had been silent and looked at everything coldly from the beginning to the end.

sad?This is royal!
The two sons struggled to push their father out of the so-called dragon chair.

Emperor Wen remained silent.

However, Su Mohong sneered, "Fourth brother is so loud! Dare I ask if fourth brother came out of the palace of the fourth prince?"

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and glanced at him, but didn't say anything.

He went on to say: "I don't think so! If you came out of the four palaces, you should have seen my people, right? To be safe, I have ordered people to surround the palaces."

Everyone was shocked, and the audience was in a state of commotion.

This man is so despicable, some of the princes have cursed at him.

However, Su Mohong didn't take it seriously, and looked down at Su Mochen with a little color.

Su Mochen still looked extremely indifferent, his eyes were slightly cold: "Really?"

"Yes! As long as I have something to do, everyone in the palace will be buried with me! So, you all have to pray that I am well!"

The princes gritted their teeth one by one, but there was nothing they could do.

"Then Liu Ye better pray for her to be well!" A cold female voice suddenly came from the door.

Everyone was shocked, and followed the prestige again.

It seems to be very lively today, even women have come to the Golden Luan Hall.

The first thing that appeared in everyone's sight was the Queen.

Su Mohong's mother?

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and it was clear that what they said was Liu Ye, and it probably didn't come from her mouth. It wasn't until after the queen walked in slowly that everyone saw another woman behind her holding a dagger against her neck, they suddenly understood. come over.

The queen was kidnapped!
The princes couldn't help jumping up in their hearts.

They turned their heads towards the woman behind them, only to see that the woman was dressed as a court lady, thin and graceful, with picturesque eyebrows and a cold face.

Many people present knew this woman, she was—Yun Kou, the empress' maidservant.

how come?
Everyone was shocked, Shisi was astonished, and Emperor Wen slowly narrowed his eyes.

Su Mochen slightly hooked the corners of his lips, his face was calm.

Su Mohong's face turned pale, "Mother's Queen!"

The queen's face was bleak, "Hong'er..."

Su Mohong's face turned cold, his eyes were like knives, and he shot at Yun Kou sharply, "Are you from the fourth brother?"

Yun Kou smiled lightly, her red lips moved slightly, and the affirmative word escaped lightly, "Yes!"

After saying that, the watery eyes flowed, staring deeply at Su Mochen, and Su Mochen's eyes moved slightly.

Fourteen's feet softened, he took a step back, and almost fell, the Ninth Prince Su Moyi beside him quickly reached out to support him.

it's okay no problem!
Fourteen reminded himself, it's okay, don't think too much, she belongs to the fourth brother, not the fourth brother's woman!
There is still a difference between men and women!

It's just, fourth brother, Yun Kou, you guys are hiding so deep!

In this room, Yun Kou has already pushed the queen, stood beside Su Mochen, and looked at Su Mohong coldly together, "Master Liu has always been filial, so I don't think you want to see your mother suffer, right?"

While speaking, the gleaming dagger in his hand pierced the queen's neck again.

"Su Mochen, you are so despicable, you actually arranged for Xizuo to be by my side!" Su Mohong finally lost his composure and roared.

Su Mo bent his lips deeply, and a touching smile bloomed on the edge of his thin lips, "Didn't the sixth brother say it? I, like the sixth brother, can use everything to the extreme, so why should I be so shocked?"

"You—" Su Mohong was furious.

Thousands of calculations, follow the mountains and rivers!
After all, it's hard to guard against a house thief!

Daye was only one step away, but he couldn't disregard his mother's life.

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to be calm, "Su Mochen, now that you have held my mother hostage, I have held the Fourth Prince's Mansion hostage. At best, we will have a tie, and I have not lost!"

"If Sixth Brother finds out that the Tiger Talisman in Sixth Brother's hand is just a piece of useless broken jade, will Sixth Brother admit that he has lost?"

The woman's crisp voice came from the entrance of the hall.

Everyone was startled.

What happened today?
Come one by one!
Who is it this time?
Everyone turned around in astonishment, and saw the Seventh Princess Su Ningshuang poking her head at the entrance of the hall. Seeing that she was discovered, she swaggered in with her tongue out, and bowed to Emperor Wen above the hall, "See Father!"

Emperor Wen's face darkened, his eyebrows frowned, and he rarely opened his mouth, "What are you doing here? Go back quickly! This is not where you should come!"

Xiao Qi was not afraid, and smiled brightly at Emperor Wen, showing two small canine teeth, "Go back to Father, it's like this, yesterday I went to play at Sixth Brother's mansion, and it turned out that Sixth Brother was doing that with the concubine Ji at the mansion." What a shameful thing, I got playful and wanted to tease Sixth Brother, so I stole his clothes, and then I found the tiger amulet in the sleeve, and then I stole it... Later, I thought it was wrong , quickly made a fake one and sent it back, and put it in his bedding..."

Everyone sighed for a while, most women are ashamed to talk about the affairs of men and women in the room in public, let alone a woman who has not left the cabinet, but the other party is the unruly and willful seventh princess Su Ningshuang, so everyone is not surprised.

She can do anything beyond the norm, let alone anything beyond the norm.

Emperor Wen's face became more and more gloomy.

Su Mochen always smiled lightly.

As Xiao Qi said, he took out a piece of Tiger Talisman from his sleeve.

Su Mohong suddenly took several steps back, his face pale.

"Oh it's you!"

Yesterday, after he and his concubine finished talking, he found that the tiger charm was gone, and he couldn't find it after searching. He was so anxious that he almost toppled the roof.Later, when he was sleeping at night, he found that he was in the quilt, and his heart was at peace.

It turns out, it turns out...

"Xiao Qi, come on, it belongs to Sixth Brother, return it to Sixth Brother!" He stretched out his hand to Su Ningshuang, coaxing.

"Don't give it to him!" Emperor Wen said in a deep voice.

Xiao Qi shrugged indifferently, and turned his mouth, "I don't know if this is true!" As he spoke, he turned around, walked up to Su Mochen, and handed the Tiger Talisman to his hand, "Fourth brother, have you seen Hufu, can you see if this is real?"

The corners of Su Mochen's lips curled slightly, and he lowered his eyes to look at the object in his hand. With his five fingers together, he pulled the tiger amulet into his palm.

It was only now that everyone realized that the Seventh Princess Su Ningshuang was also on the side of the Fourth Prince Su Mochen.

Although she acted casually, her purpose was obvious. Why did she give him the tiger talisman alone among all the people in the palace?And after Su Mochen got the Tiger Talisman, he held it in his hand silently?

Fourteen and Su Moyi smiled at each other.

Emperor Wen's pupils narrowed, and the cold air gathered in them.

The outcome has been decided.

Su Mochen had [-] Heisha disciples, [-] Eastern Mo troops, and [-] forbidden troops.

And the rest of Su Mohong...

Su Mohong's feet went limp and he completely fell to the ground.

"Hong'er..." The queen's face was pale, with tears in her eyes, and she looked at Ranfei who was standing in the hall precariously.

Ran Fei's eyes flickered slightly, and he frowned and looked away.

He also wants to save him, but now he is just a bare general, how can he save him?
"Come on!" Su Mo ordered in a deep voice.

There are guards filing in at the door.

"Take the empress and the sixth prince down!" Su Mochen waved his arm, and the armor on his body clanged.

"Wait!" Suddenly, a stern voice came from above the hall, "I'm still here, when will it be your turn to give orders?"

Everyone was startled, including Su Mochen, who raised their eyes to look at the man sitting on the dragon chair.

This was the first time he spoke to Su Moshen since he came in.

I saw his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, the purple energy in his eyes swallowed, staring at Su Mochen for a moment, as if he wanted to swallow him.

The sleeves of the bright yellow robe suddenly fluttered, and he stood up against the table.

"Come on! Catch this evil son!"

The crowd was horrified.

There was movement at the door, the sound of hurried footsteps.

Su Mochen tilted his head slightly, and saw Su Mofeng in white clothes standing at the door, handsome as jade, behind him there were many guards, on his left and right stood a woman, on the left was a woman who hadn't seen her for a long time Fang Fang, on the right is...

Su Mo took a deep breath, it was Qiancheng.

Baqianzi bird, there are [-] updates, but it will be later, at night~~
In the next chapter, the old hag that everyone calls will also appear, please leave a message, what kind of ending do you want to arrange for her? o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [Pisces Little Rabbit], [dmz-922], [Xiao Xiaowen Yaya] for the monthly ticket~~Thank you for the [big and big], [Spiritual Paradise] for the flowers~~Thank you [mali8008] Dear,【Qiannai】Dear purse~~Qunyou~~
(End of this chapter)

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