after losing heart

Chapter 219 [246] You are still alive

Chapter 219 [246] You are still alive
Su Mo took a deep breath, it was Qiancheng.

Qiancheng also happened to look at him, with a bit of confusion in his eyes, and a twinge of pain.

The eyes of the two collided, and Qiancheng looked away as if he had been stung, and lowered his eyebrows.

Su Mofeng's black eyes looked around the people in the hall, his eyes lightly passed over Su Mochen, and he picked up steps to walk in, Fang Fang and Qian Cheng also walked in together.

Su Mochen's eyes followed Qiancheng all the time, not for a moment.

Qiancheng kept his head slightly hooked, his eyebrows lowered, looking at his toes, but Fang Fang raised his eyes to look at Su Mochen, shook his head and sighed softly.

Yun Kou looked at Qiancheng, then at the man beside him, and pursed her lips slightly.

Xiaoqi frowned, turned her head and asked Su Mochen in a low voice, "Fourth brother, what should we do now?"

Su Mo was still silent, still looking at the figure who followed Su Mofeng to the palace.

"My son came late to rescue me, please punish my father!"

When the three of them came to the hall, Su Mofeng lifted the corner of his robe and knelt on the ground. Qiancheng and Fang Fang looked at each other and knelt down.

"Not too late!" Emperor Wen kept a secret smile, raised his hand, and signaled them to get up, "You guys came just in time, neither early nor late!"

After speaking, Emperor Wen got up and walked down gracefully.

"If you come early, how can I see the wolfish ambitions of these unfilial sons? If you come late, I am afraid that the dragon chair has already been replaced by someone else, so you came at the right time."

The crowd suddenly realized.

Just now, the emperor has been sitting silently, it turns out that he has already made up his mind, but he is just waiting.

"Fourth brother!" Emperor Wen walked up to Su Mochen and stood still, raised his head slightly, and looked at him obliquely, "I should call you the master of the Sikong Sect, it's really hard for you for so many years, all the tricks are exhausted! "

Su Mo smiled coldly, not paying attention to his ridicule.

"By the way." Emperor Wen pointed to the tiger talisman in his hand, and twitched his lips mockingly, "This tiger talisman is also fake. I gave the real tiger talisman to the third child when I was in the south of the Yangtze River."

Su Mofeng?Already?Jiangnan?
Everyone was shocked.

Su Mochen smiled wryly, once again feeling that the palms and backs of the hands will never be the same.

The same son, the same son's mother and concubine made mistakes and were also exiled. One was really suffering and suffered all the eyes of others, while the other was just using the name of exile to save energy and hide his strength. .

No wonder Su Mofeng went to Jiangnan first, and Emperor Wen also went to Jiangnan. It turned out that he was plotting today's good show, right?

Curving his lips bitterly, he smiled lightly, his five fingers tightened suddenly, and the tiger talisman in his hand instantly turned into ashes.

Raising his hand, dark red powder swelled down between his fingers, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Emperor Wen, "So what?"

Isn't it because he doesn't have the [-] forbidden troops?
Isn't it Su Mofeng who holds [-] forbidden troops?
"Fourth brother!"

It was Su Mofeng who spoke.

He walked slowly in front of Su Mochen, frowned slightly, with a dignified expression, pursed his lips, and said earnestly: "Fourth brother, stop! Turn back and do it!"

Is it right to turn back?

Su Mo sneered.

A man who killed Yang Hen, a man who killed thousands of his brothers, told him to stop, turn around and do it!

There is no shore in his world.

In the past, he turned his head countless times, but he didn't see the shore once. What he saw was that everyone wanted him to drown and die.

"What if I say no?" He bent his lips, raised his eyes slightly, and looked through Su Mofeng's shoulder at the woman standing quietly behind Su Mofeng.

He has nothing left to lose, is it that he is afraid of wearing shoes when he is barefoot?

Su Mofeng sighed softly, "I don't want to be your enemy, but you are absolutely not allowed to make trouble. Not only do I have one hundred thousand forbidden troops, but I also have the original Ranjia army in my hands."

The people mourned.

Su Mo smiled lightly.

It turned out that most of Xi Cang's troops were in the hands of this prince, who was exiled abroad.

Su Mofeng paused, and then continued: "Also, I believe you know how powerful Fang Fang's new weapon is."

"Of course I know!" Su Mochen sneered, "In an instant, the top of a mountain can be razed to the ground, and in an instant, thousands of people can be wiped out, right?"

Su Mofeng was taken aback for a moment, a little puzzled by his reaction.

Ranfei's eyes flickered slightly, and he frowned slowly.

"Don't talk too much with this villain!" Emperor Wen sternly interrupted the conversation between the two, "Come here, arrest this traitor!"

A guard stepped forward hurriedly.

Yun Kou, Xiao Qi, Su Moyi, and Su Moyu all changed their expressions, but only the person involved, Su Mochen, remained extremely indifferent.

"Shen, let's fight out. Only in this way, we still have a chance, otherwise we will die!" Yun Kou tilted her head slightly and said softly.

Su Mo was silent, and raised his eyes again to look at the woman standing there with eyes, nose, nose, and heart.

Qiancheng, if you don't hear it, don't you think that there is no ups and downs in your heart?
Is today's ending really what you want?

There was a smile on his lips, whether it was Qiancheng or this, completely indifferent.

I'm just an evil obstacle who seeks power and usurps the throne, so let me fall into a demon in the dark, drowning deeper and deeper, you belong to the light, only a man who lives in love like the third brother, knows how to love, and belongs to the bright world Qualifications get you well.

A love for children is really not suitable for a man like him!

Having made up his mind, he tilted his head slightly, and whispered to Yun Kou and Xiao Qi who were standing on the left and right: "Okay! Let's fight out!"

"God emperor, take your life!"

Suddenly, a woman's cold shout resounded abruptly in the hall.

Everyone was stunned, but before they could react, they saw a black figure rushing straight at Emperor Wen following the sound, the dagger in his hand glowing with a cold blue light.

It happened so suddenly, it seemed that it only happened in an instant, and everyone was shocked.

Just when the black shadow was about to approach Emperor Wen, Emperor Wen suddenly raised his arm, as if he had expected it, and swung it down heavily, as fast as lightning, without mercy.

There was a muffled hum and a crisp sound.

When everyone reacted, what they saw was Eunuch Li lying on the ground in pain, with a fallen dagger in his hand.

Eunuch Li?
Everyone was astonished.

Eunuch Li was the one who assassinated Emperor Wen just now?
It's obviously a female voice, even if the eunuch's voice is high pitched, it's not a female voice, and Eunuch Li's voice is familiar to everyone on weekdays, it's definitely not this person.

Several guards have stepped forward and captured Eunuch Li. Eunuch Li struggled, but it was of no avail.

Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes dangerously, and stepped forward quickly.

Eunuch Li has followed him for many years, and he is so familiar with him. Today, he felt that there was something wrong with this person, so he became more careful.


Everyone saw Minghuang's sleeves fluttering, and with a "hiss", Emperor Wen had already tore off Eunuch Li's thin skin on his hands.

It was indeed a woman's face.

The audience was shocked.

This... This... Isn't this Concubine Liang?
There were many people in the venue who knew her, but each of them only doubted their own eyes.

Hasn't she been dead for many years?

how come?
Emperor Wen froze even more, forgot to move or breathe.

Su Mo shook his body and took two steps back.

"Mother!" he exclaimed.

Why is she here too?
It's just her face, wasn't her face burned by the fire?So, for so many years, she has been covering her face with a light veil.However, at this moment, her skin is as thick as fat, without a trace of scar, what's going on?

"you are still alive!"

It took a long time for Emperor Wen to find his voice.

He straightened his voice, but still couldn't hide the tremor in his voice.

Chen Zhu'er looked at him bitterly, and smiled coldly, "Yes, I am still alive, and I have disappointed the emperor."

Emperor Wen's eyes flickered slightly, and he shook his head, "I should have thought of it a long time ago, when my relic was stolen, I should have thought of it, you are still alive."

He was talking to himself, and suddenly remembered something, his pupils narrowed, "Did you set the fire in the cold palace by yourself? The purpose was to get rid of the golden cicada's shell!"

[-] words have been updated~~ Suzi finally failed to become a legendary element, o(╯□╰)o
Concubine Mei, whom everyone is looking forward to tomorrow, will also come, all kinds of confrontation, all kinds of pain

Thank you [shyy1209], [717 Xiaoyu] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you【Tiffany——lai】Dear Huahua~~~
Thank you [717 Xiaoyu] for your big purse~~ Suzi is crying, I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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