after losing heart

Chapter 220 [247] Another man's wild species

Chapter 220 [247] Another man's wild species

He was talking to himself, and suddenly remembered something, his pupils narrowed, "Did you set the fire in the cold palace by yourself? The purpose was to get rid of the golden cicada's shell!"

Put it yourself?

how come?
Everyone looked at the woman in eunuch uniform in astonishment.

Chen Zhu'er was startled, opened her mouth to answer, but suddenly thought of something, turned her eyes to look at Su Mochen, then quickly pursed her lips and remained silent.

Do not ring, equal to the default.

Everyone knows it.

Su Mochen shook his head lightly, still in disbelief.

No, she definitely didn't let it go. How could it be her?

How could a person set himself on fire and burn himself like that, his face was disfigured, and even a calf was burned.

She must have a reason.

"You escaped from the cold palace, and you have been planning for so many years just for today, to push me down from the throne, and even kill me, right?" Injured without even realizing it.

Everyone thought that Chen Zhu'er would remain silent.

Unexpectedly, she made a sound.

"Yes!" She looked up at Emperor Wen with burning eyes and a firm tone, "I want your country and your life just for today, and I want you to lose everything!"

Everyone was shocked.

This... This has taken the courage of the ambitious leopard, dare to talk to the emperor like this!
Su Mochen pursed his lips slightly, he knew the hatred of his mother and concubine these years, he knew that what she said was true.

Several guards restraining Chen Zhu'er saw that she was speaking rudely, and twisted her arms to try to make her kneel down, but Emperor Wen raised his hand to stop her.

"You hate me so much?" Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman who was a head shorter than him without blinking.

Chen Zhu'er snorted coldly, and turned her face away in disgust.

Emperor Wen shook his head.

"At the beginning, in order to accept you as my concubine, I even did not hesitate to disobey the late emperor and dismiss the courtiers. I gave you three thousand favors, even... even if I caught you in bed with that wild man, I didn't kill you, It just put you in the cold palace, but you set yourself on fire and escaped from your shell, the person who should hate is me! What do you hate? What right do you have to hate?"

At the end, Emperor Wen suddenly raised his voice, his voice trembled, and his chest heaved rapidly. He gritted his teeth and repeated sharply, "Say, what do you hate? What right do you have to hate me?"

Everyone was shocked by the emperor's appearance of losing control, and dared not vent his anger.

Among the civil and military officials, there are many old ministers who have heard about what Emperor Wen said back then, but at that time they only heard that the concubine Liang was having an affair with a man, but they didn't know that the emperor had actually caught him.

In this way, it is really easy to just fall into the limbo.

As a result, everyone looked at Chen Zhu'er with more disgust and contempt.

"Did Emperor Father investigate that matter back then?" Su Mo said in a deep voice, he couldn't stand the way these people looked at his mother and concubine.

A woman living such a miserable life should not be looked down upon by others.

"Father and imperial concubine put mother and concubine in the cold palace without asking indiscriminately. Don't you think that mother and concubine were framed by others?"

"Framed?" Emperor Wen looked back at him, sneered coldly, pointed at Chen Zhu'er suddenly, and said sharply: "You asked her if she was framed?
Why didn't he investigate it back then.

He also hoped that it was just being framed. After all, he really wanted to treat this woman well, but the result of the investigation was that she had had affairs with that man many times.

Chen Zhu'er remained silent, still turning her head to look elsewhere.

Emperor Wen only felt the anger in his heart be ignited with a bang, as if a lion was hitting his chest, about to break through his heart, he raised his hand, pinched Chen Zhuer's chin forcefully, forcing her to turn her head.

"What? Don't dare to admit it? Don't you dare to admit that you are a shameless woman in front of your son?"

He sneered, viciously, his voice came out from the depths of his throat, and a bloodthirsty light shone in his eyes.

With five fingers, you can even hear the sound of joint contraction.

Everyone was frightened by his appearance.

Chen Zhu'er was in pain, tears flowed out.

"No! Mother concubine, isn't she..." Su Mochen shook his head, and was about to argue, but was suddenly interrupted by Chen Zhuer.

"Yes! I'm shameless!" Her jaw was clamped, and she was forced to raise her head to meet Emperor Wen's gaze. Her eyes were red, but she couldn't hide the hatred in her eyes. Suddenly, she grinned and smiled softly. , "I'm just shameless, I just like to be with other men, I just like the feeling he brings me, who makes the emperor inferior to him in this respect!"


There was an uproar!

Everyone wondered if there was something wrong with their ears. In this world, is there anyone more shameless than this woman?
Certainly not!

Su Mochen frowned slightly, he had a feeling that his mother and concubine were deliberately angering Emperor Wen, but, at this time, why did she...

He couldn't allow him to think too much, because the result of the matter was as he expected.

I saw that Emperor Wen let out a low growl, "Bitch!" He pulled out the long sword from the waist of the guard next to him, and pointed it directly at Chen Zhu'er's eyebrows.

He was startled, "Mother Concubine!"

Emperor Wen's hands were trembling, his lips were trembling, and his chest heaved rapidly, obviously very angry.

"Then I will kill you now and let you go and be with that man in the underworld!"

Chen Zhu'er's eyes flickered slightly, and she turned to look at Su Mochen, her eyes were full of pain, with tears streaming down her face, "Chen'er, mother, take a step first, I can't accompany you anymore, and no one will force you anymore, take care!"

After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes heavily, raised her face, and waited for Emperor Wen to penetrate.

"Do not--"

Su Mo let out a deep growl.

There was only a crisp sound of "Dang Clang", which was the sound of armor hitting the ground. Everyone saw that Su Mochen had knelt on the ground.

"I beg my father to let my mother and concubine go, and all the culprits will be borne by my son alone!"

He used to ask for words.

It was the first time that Su Mochen begged someone like this!

Everyone was shocked, including Emperor Wen, who paused slightly with his sword hand.

"Chen'er..." Chen Zhu'er opened her eyes and cried out in pain.

No one noticed the flash of light in her eyes.

"What if I say no?" Emperor Wen's black eyes were full of storms, he gritted his teeth, and paused every word, and Senhan's voice came out from between his teeth, "Chen Zhuer, I will not forgive you, Su Mochen, and neither will I." Forgive me!"

Chen Zhu'er's face turned pale.

Su Mochen smiled wryly.

Yun Kou and Xiao Qi both clenched their brows and bit their lips, not knowing what to do.

Qiancheng suddenly felt a pain in his heart and almost couldn't stand still. Seeing this, Su Mofeng at the side quickly reached out to hug her, "What's wrong?"

She gritted her teeth and shook her head, "It's okay!" But she couldn't help it, and raised her eyebrows and eyes slightly, looking at the man kneeling there with his back straight.

In that room, Chen Zhu'er suddenly laughed out loud, sharp and reckless.

Everyone was shocked, not knowing why.

Suddenly, she stopped laughing, and said sharply to Su Mochen: "Shen'er, don't ask him, he is not your father, you are not his son, there is no need for you to kneel down to him!"

Her words were like thunder on the ground, exploding in the huge Golden Palace.

Everyone was stunned, including Emperor Wen and Su Mochen.

He is not his son, what do you mean?
"Speak clearly!"

Emperor Wen roared fiercely, his wrist trembled, and the sharp point of the sword pierced the flesh between Chen Zhu'er's eyebrows, and bright red blood flowed out.

Chen Zhu'er was still smiling, looking like a madman. She looked at Emperor Wen sarcastically, "Didn't the emperor know what I am? Didn't the emperor say that I was shameless? How could the emperor trust the child of a shameless person like that? That's right! He is not the emperor's son! He was born to me and another man, but I still want to thank the emperor for raising him for so many years!"

Emperor Wen's feet softened, and he took several steps back. The long sword in his hand fell down even weaker, and the sharp tip of the sword drew sparks on the bluestone ground.

Su Mo was stunned.

For a moment, he thought he had heard wrong.

how come?
He looked at Chen Zhu'er with dark eyes, unbelievable.

Suddenly, there was a chill between his brows.

He came back to his senses in a daze, only to see a glint of light in front of him, it was a long sword, and it was the long sword in Emperor Wen's hand pointing in his direction.

"Then I will kill the child you gave birth to with someone else first."

"No! He is the emperor's flesh and blood!" A woman's painful roar came from the door.

Thank you [sherryxiong], [peojoy] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [21832178] dear, [whitelotus1213] dear, [13820779759] dear monthly ticket~~~group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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