after losing heart

Chapter 224 [251] Don't go

Chapter 224 [251] Don't go
Morning the next day
Everyone thought that the fourth prince, Su Mochen, would not come, including Emperor Wen.

Unexpectedly, he went, dressed in court clothes, jade belt and python pattern, graceful and graceful, as if nothing had happened.

Emperor Wen was very happy in his heart, and quickly promulgated the imperial edict, and said that the new emperor's enthronement ceremony would be held on the 28th three days later.

The dust has settled.

Some of the princes were happy, some were unwilling, and some were indifferent. Su Mofeng smiled wryly.

Su Moshen accepted the order lightly, and thanked him lightly.

Congratulations from all civil and military officials.

Since returning from the Golden Luan Hall yesterday, Qiancheng has been in a semi-free state, as if a heart is floating and can't touch the ground.

Originally, Su Mofeng said that he would tell her about her and Su Mochen as soon as the matter of returning to Beijing was over, but yesterday, when she asked him, he refused to mention it, saying that it was not the time yet, and Fang Fang seemed to be talking to him as well. The collusion is over, no matter how you ask, you don't say anything.

Actually, for Su Mochen.

She couldn't tell what she felt in her heart, but she felt a little curious, a little familiar, a little resistant, and a little bit of guilt for driving him to a desperate situation last time.

And the curiosity mainly comes from her pain, she doesn't know why she feels pain for another person inexplicably.

Su Mofeng sent Fang Fang back to the mansion. She was bored all by herself, and started to think wildly again. Later, she thought that Fang Fang said that she was the daughter of General Ranfeiran, so she decided to go back to the general's mansion.

Maybe they could tell her something.

After leaving a note for Su Mofeng, she asked the carriage of the Three Princes' Mansion to take her there.

It was dusk now.

The street was very lively, with people coming and going, rubbing shoulders, so the carriage moved very slowly, stopping and going.

Qiancheng was very anxious in his heart, and couldn't help but lift the curtain to look out.

All eyes were a bustling scene, and suddenly, a familiar figure jumped into view.

Jingshi, Dongshan

A figure in white clothes is walking up the winding mountain road.

Originally inaccessible, and it was winter, all the leaves of the trees on the mountain had already fallen off, leaving only bare trunks, which seemed indescribably quiet and desolate.

The figure in white stood still in front of a mausoleum, and the afterglow of the setting sun flooded over him. He squinted slightly, looking at the words on the tombstone.

Yang Hen's Tomb.

He just stood like that, dazed for a long time, the cool mountain wind hit his face, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Yang Hen, I'm here to see you."

The man sat cross-legged in front of the mausoleum, the wind blowing through his clothes, and his body was cool.

He put the two wine jars in his hands on the ground, and Bai Bi's big hands unscrewed the lids of the two wine jars, one was in his hand, and the other was placed in front of the stele.

"Yang Hen, do you know? I am the emperor, and my long-cherished wish for many years has finally been fulfilled, do you know? I'm so happy, come, let's celebrate!"

Lifting the wine jar and colliding with the one in front of the stele, after a crisp sound, the man brought the wine jar to his lips, raised his neck, and took a few mouthfuls suddenly.

A strong acrimony rushed straight into his heart and lungs, and he coughed with choking.

At the end, he raised his hand to wipe off the wine stains from the corners of his lips, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Yang Hen, you told me that day, Lord, you can't let Yang Hen die in vain, and you can't let thousands of brothers die in vain." Death, and Madam, if you give up, what will Madam do? Madam?"

Speaking of this, the man laughed softly, "Do you know who the madam is? Yang Hen, do you know who the person I've been calling concubine mother for more than 20 years is?"

Swallowing the bitterness in his heart, the man raised his neck again and drank a few mouthfuls of strong wine.

"Although in these years, she stopped what I wanted to do, and the person I wanted to protect, she wanted to get rid of it, and even my right to listen to my heart and love someone well, she also deprived me of it, But I still think, she is for my own good, she loves me, she loves my son, she is just a little stricter, she just used her own way, after all, she has suffered so much It’s not easy for her. But what I never dreamed of was that it turned out that all of this was a scam, and it was a scam from the very beginning. What she did to me was just training a sharp weapon for revenge.”

The man bent his lips and smiled softly, "She is not my concubine mother."

Suddenly, he looked sideways again, looking at the cold tombstone, "Yang Hen, do you know who my concubine mother is?"

Wei Wei was absent-minded for a while, before turning his eyes away, "You must not have thought of it! Because...even I didn't think of it myself."

He raised his neck and drank a few more sips of wine before he continued, "It's Concubine Mei! Concubine Mei is actually my concubine mother, isn't it funny?"

"However, I am happy. Now I have an upright mother and concubine, I have the guilt and love of my father, and I am honored as the Ninth Five-Year Lord. I have everything I should have. Yang Hen, I am happy!"

With a low wry smile, he raised the wine jar and directly poured all the wine in the wine jar into his mouth.


After drinking the whole jar, he picked up the altar given to Yang Hen in front of the tombstone, and drank all the wine in the huge jar in one go.

There was a crisp sound of "Dang Clang", the sound of an empty wine jug hitting the ground, and debris splashed everywhere.

The man is already a little shaky.

Alcohol is drunk.

He leaned slightly, leaning against the cold tombstone, his cheeks flushed, motionless and silent for a long time.

The sky gradually darkened, and there was eerie silence all around.

The man's vague voice suddenly sounded again, "Yang Hen...don't go...just leave like this, I don't even have a drinker..."

"Everyone is a liar... Everyone is lying to me, Qiancheng is, Father is, and Mother is also..."

"Yang Hen."

The man called softly, his low voice was hoarse and broken.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Qiancheng would never have connected the man in front of her with the man whose mask she had uncovered on the Shuangqiao that day, and would never have connected it with the armored and handsome man who walked into the Golden Luan Hall yesterday. Men connect.

At that time, he was as rich as jade and as noble as an emperor.

At this time, he was so decadent and so fragile.

He hunched over, leaning against the bluestone tombstone, regardless of the white clothes he was wearing in Shengxue, making a mess.

The chest and sleeves are all stained with wine, and the corners of the robe are stained with dust and fallen leaves.

On the edge of his gold-thread soft shoes, the tiles of the wine jar are scattered here and there.

What kind of blow could make such a man become like this?
If she pushed him to a dead end when she stretched out her hand that day, then the revelation of the truth of more than 20 years in the Golden Luan Palace yesterday completely killed his heart, right?
It was as if there was an unknown hand pinching and twisting his heart, and Qiancheng also bowed his body in pain.

Is she hurting for him?
She is pregnant with someone else's child, why does her heart ache for this man?

Taking a deep breath, she walked over in a mysterious way.

Yes, it's a coincidence!It's as if she saw him go up the mountain with wine on the street just now, got out of the carriage and followed him here, it's a strange coincidence.

"The Fourth Prince..."

His head was heavy and painful. Su Mo pressed his hot forehead against the cold tombstone, drowsy and half awake.

who is it?

Whose voice is so familiar?
Thousand cities? !

Slightly wry smile, how could it be her?

She is with Su Mofeng now, and she won't call him Fourth Prince, she will only call him Su Mochen.

"Fourth Master..."

The voice seemed to move a little closer.

is her!

It was clearly her voice!
Su Mochen slowly opened his heavy eyelids, his vision was a bit blurred, and the sun had set in the west, the light and shadow were reversed, and there was a black shadow in front of him, which seemed to be squatting in front of him.

He squinted his long and narrow phoenix eyes and looked at her quietly. After a long time, his vision seemed to have a gleam of clarity. In his drunken eyes, the woman's whirling eyebrows and eyes were sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.


Leaning against the tombstone without moving, he smiled lowly, with a long smile on the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

"Wine is really a good thing. After drinking it, I can see you!"

"Fourth Master, it's getting late, and it seems to be changing, you."

Qiancheng looked up at the suddenly gloomy sky, and frowned slightly.

The man seemed quite drunk.

Suddenly, the back of her hand became hot, and she trembled. Before she could react, her body suddenly lost her balance. The next moment, she was already wrapped deeply in someone's arms.

The first one~~
Thank you [shyy1209] Dear monthly pass~~Crazy~~ It’s a rarity now

(End of this chapter)

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