after losing heart

Chapter 225 [253] Tell me everything

Chapter 225 [253] Tell me everything

Consciousness slowly came back, she suddenly remembered something, turned over suddenly, and saw the man sitting across from her.

The man seemed to be looking at her at first, but he didn't seem to be. Seeing that she was awake, he glanced lightly and looked out of the cave, his voice was as dull as his gaze, "Why are you here?"

Qiancheng was a little dazed.

The winter morning light came in through the hole, and although it was still dark inside, the sight was clear.

Qiancheng looked at him.

Fengshen Ruyu, indifferent and elegant.

At this time, he has already suppressed all the fragility and decadence, and the only thing left is coldness, the kind of coldness that keeps people thousands of miles away.

It seemed that everything that happened last night was just a dream for her.

"Are you sober?"

She doesn't want to answer his question?I don't know how to answer.

It can't be said that I followed you, so I am here, or that I happened to pass by and bumped into you...

She couldn't say the former, but she didn't even believe it when she said the latter.

The man's eyes moved slightly, and he slowly turned his gaze back to her face, "Did you come here by yourself, or did Third Brother ask you to come?"

He thought, it must be the former. To some extent, he still knew Su Mofeng's personality, and he definitely would not use this woman for anything.

What this woman did to him was nothing more than her willingness to pay for Su Mofeng.

This is what hurts him the most.

Frowning slightly, he just looked at her, quietly watching her, waiting for her answer.

Qiancheng was a little dazed, and it took him a while to understand what he meant.

It is suspected that her appearance is deliberate and purposeful, isn't it?
My heart suddenly became angry.

She was really full.

Being exposed to the rain, freezing, and starving with this man, and being angry with him.

"Then fourth master just pretends that I haven't been here!"

After Qiancheng finished speaking with a cold face, she got up and was about to leave, but just as she stood up, her ankle hurt, she staggered, almost fell, and quickly reached out to hold the cave wall to stabilize her body.

Leaning down, she lifted her trousers and looked at it. There was redness and swelling on her ankle, which was obviously twisted. Last night, she only held on with one breath, but she didn't realize it.

It's all right now, I can't go anymore.

Annoyed in her heart, she had to lean against the cave wall again, sat down again, took off her shoes, and gently rubbed her ankles.

The stinging pain was unbearable, and she was in so much pain that she almost shed tears.

The man was sitting opposite her, silent, as if nothing happened.

Qiancheng rubbed, rubbed, and felt wronged.

What did you say yesterday, I love her so much!

Is this his love?

No wonder she doesn't remember him, no wonder she is with Su Mofeng!
How could she like this kind of man?
Selfish, duplicity, ignorance, serious suspicion, no compassion, no manners, and... no wine, taking advantage of others.

She will not like it!

He was secretly listing his shortcomings one by one in his heart, when suddenly, a white shadow flickered beside him, and it was the man who got up and stood up.

A gust of clear sandalwood brushed past, Qiancheng raised his head, and saw the man walking towards the entrance of the cave.

What do you mean?

Abandon her?

How did she get down the mountain with her feet like this?

As soon as her brain got hot, she shouted at the back: "Hey! Su Mochen, I am your savior!"

The man paused, wondering if it was because of the sound of Su Mo Shen, or because of the phrase "savior?"

At this time, he was already at the entrance of the cave, tall and tall, and the golden sunlight shone on his white robe. The brilliant metallic light made Qiancheng suddenly think of the description of a god.

Under the sun, he turned around slowly, stared at her, and sneered at the corner of his lips, "So?"

Qiancheng was taken aback.

So you can't abandon your savior!

Looking up again, the entrance of the cave is dazzling with light, where is the figure of a man?
really gone?

What man?
Qiancheng completely collapsed.

Sure enough, poor people must have something to hate!
No wonder so many people in this world want to lie to him, he deserves it, a person like him deserves to be deceived.

The more Qiancheng thought about it, the angrier she became, and the angrier she became, the hand rubbing her ankle suddenly lost its weight, her pupils shrank in pain, and she grinned.

He cursed Su Mochen again in his heart.

I don't know how long she rubbed her feet, but her feet didn't get any better.

She wanted to go on like this, but there was no way. She probably would still be like this until it was dark, so she put on her shoes, got up, and prepared to go down the mountain with one foot.

Maybe it was because she had been sitting for too long, or maybe it was because she was a pregnant woman. When she stood up suddenly, her eyes suddenly went dark. In desperation, she wanted to reach out to hold on to the cave wall, but the cave wall failed to hold her, and her feet went limp. , she fell straight to the side.

she exclaimed.

Of course, the expected pain didn't come, and she didn't fall to the ground, because a pair of powerful arms caught her just in time.

Qiancheng was startled, looked up, and saw the man's handsome face.

Su Mo Shen!
"Why are you back again?"

Qiancheng couldn't hide his excitement.

"Because I don't want to owe you favors!" the man said flatly.

Don't want to owe her a favor?

This is saying...

Qiancheng was very angry again, and was about to open his mouth to fight with him, but found that the man had already sat down with her in his arms.

He sat on the ground and she sat in his arms.

Very... An ambiguous posture.

Qiancheng's face turned red immediately, and he forgot what he wanted to say in an instant.

The two of them were like this last night, at least he was so drunk that he passed out, now...

Just as she was in a daze, her feet suddenly felt cold. When she came back to her senses, the man had already taken off all her shoes and socks.

"Ah, fourth master..."

She was anxious and shy, and wanted to take her feet back.

Isn't a woman's feet only for her husband to see?

Then how can she show her feet to men other than Brother Feng?
"do not move!"

As soon as her feet became hot, the man's warm and dry hands had already wrapped her bare feet and held them in his palms.

"Fourth Master..."

"Call me Su Mochen!" The man interrupted her in a deep voice, holding her white jade feet with one hand, and sprinkled a porcelain bottle of medicinal powder on her ankles with the other, and then gently massaged it to spread.

Qiancheng was a little dazed, because he called me Su Mochen, and because he applied medicine to her like this.

The man's warm fingertips rolled gently around her ankles.

Immediately, a coolness slowly bloomed on the skin.

The two were very close, their breathing could be heard, and their noses intertwined.

With a faint sandalwood lingering on the tip of his nose, Qiancheng was a little dazed, and slightly raised the tip of his eyes, quietly looking at the man's handsome side face, watching his focused expression.

There is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Very strange feeling, indescribable.

"Four... Su... Su Mochen, I'll wipe it myself! It's not good for us to do this..."

The man's hand paused slightly, without raising his head, he sneered in a low voice, "Not good? I haven't seen any part of your body?"

Qiancheng was startled, and raised his eyes in astonishment.

For a moment, she thought she had heard wrong.

"What did you say?"

The man glanced sideways at her, then smiled sneeringly, before turning around again, picked up the socks on the ground, and slowly put them on her jade feet.

Qiancheng reached out and grabbed his wrist, "Su Mochen, tell me!"

"What?" The man's tone was very light, and the corners of his eyes flicked slightly, looking at her holding the hand on his wrist.

"Tell me, what is our relationship?" Qiancheng stared at him tightly, without blinking, his eyes were intense.

She is obviously Su Mofeng's woman, and she is still pregnant with his child, why did this man say he had seen her body?

Is she a woman who can do her best?
"Tell me, what is our relationship? Tell me, what happened to us? Tell me, why should I hate you? Tell me, tell me everything!"

Qiancheng was a little excited, and finished speaking in one breath, panting slightly.

There was a crisp "clang" sound, which was the sound of the porcelain bottle containing the medicine in the man's hand falling to the ground.

The man froze for a while, then turned his head in astonishment, and met her eyes in disbelief.

Thank you [mali8008] dear purse~~
Thank you [qxdlj-008277] dear, [lylsh93] dear, [326330842] dear, [be happy yourself 999] dear Huahua~~ Qunyou~~
(End of this chapter)

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