after losing heart

Chapter 228 [258] Dazzling light

Chapter 228 [258] Dazzling light

Qiancheng was startled, and followed his line of sight, only to see two women standing not far from the pond.

One is wearing a red fox fur and a big red cloak, dazzling and elegant; the other is plainly dressed, with an apricot-colored jacket and apricot-colored hairpin skirt, but it is also the best Shu brocade, fresh and refined without being expensive gas.

Qiancheng only knew the plain-clothed woman, and she met once in the Golden Luan Hall that day. She seemed to be the queen's maid, but in fact she was a secret agent arranged by Su Mochen, who seemed to be called Yun Kou.

She didn't know another enchanting woman.

The two of them were looking at them for a moment, to be precise, they were looking at Qiancheng, and when Su Mochen turned around and opened his mouth, they turned their eyes away, and bowed slightly to Su Mochen to salute, "Fourth Master !"

Su Mochen raised his hand lightly, and the two of them straightened up, their eyes glancing across Qiancheng vaguely.

Although the two of them didn't show anything, and they didn't even have any emotion in their eyes, for some reason, Qiancheng felt uncomfortable all over, and he could see the hostility in their eyes.

Yes, hostility.

And it's very strange, my heart is also inexplicably blocked, like a sponge is stuffed, a little breathless.

She has no memory, and she has a simple temperament. If she likes it, she likes it, and if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it. Since she feels uncomfortable all over, she doesn't want to stay for a moment.

"You guys talk first, don't bother!"

After she finished speaking to Su Mochen, she turned around and left.

Her ankle was still hurting, she gritted her teeth to hold back, and walked very fast.

The brows and eyes of the two women kept shaking in front of my eyes, but my heart became tighter and tighter.

They are also Su Mochen's women, right?Otherwise, how could there be such a subconscious reaction in her heart?
Just as she was thinking dazedly, her clothes rustled behind her, before she could turn her head, the foreground suddenly tilted, she let out a cry of surprise, and was hugged horizontally.

Suddenly losing her balance, she instinctively reached out to wrap her hands around the neck of the visitor.

A low laugh came from the top of his head, and he seemed to be very happy, "You can run so fast with a sore foot, you really can."

Su Mochen?
Finished talking so quickly?

The sourness in her heart is still there, and she is not a person who can hide after amnesia, so she couldn't help but sneer at each other, "Didn't your woman ask you for something?"

"Send you back first!"

It turns out that I haven't finished talking yet, send her back to Tsinghua Garden first, and continue with them later?
Feeling very displeased, she stretched out her hand and pushed him, "Put me down, your women are still watching! I don't want to make enemies!"

"Are you eating?" The man seemed to be a little more happy, his arms were not loose, he kept walking, he lowered his head to her ear, blowing hot air ambiguously.

The warm breath hit the neck, itching for a while, Qiancheng shrank his neck, and said angrily: "Where is it?"

So, there was another shortcoming of this man in his heart, cheeky.

"You obviously are!"

"You're being self-indulgent!"


Looking at the figure of the man holding the woman walking away, the two women stood by the pond without moving for a long time.

Xilingxue's face turned pale, and she looked down at her hands that were tightly clutching the front of her clothes, her knuckles had already lost color, and even her nails were broken a few times, but she didn't realize it.

She thought that the woman was dead, but she still didn't believe it when she heard what the maidservants said. When she came over to see, it was indeed her.

Only she, that man can spoil her like this.

She and Yun Kou came to him for something, but he directly left them aside, and when he saw the woman running away, he just dropped a sentence, went to the study and waited, and then chased after her.

Just chase after him, and you have to hug him away, he has arms and legs...

The teasing laughter of the two pierced her eardrums viciously, and she looked at the long smile on the corners of the man's eyes and brows, and suddenly thought, if that was her, if the one in his arms was her...

The figures of men and women gradually drifted away, and she regained consciousness in a trance, suddenly remembered the woman beside her, and turned her head to look at her.

Yun Kou?

She had already heard about the incident at the Golden Luan Palace that day, and she knew that this woman belonged to Su Mochen, but she didn't know what the relationship between the two was like?
Just now, I met her in the yard looking for Su Mochen, and she came here with me out of curiosity, and saw the scene of a man and a woman in love without thinking.

What would she think?
Take a closer look at the woman.

The woman seemed to be very calm, with no expression on her frail little face. Just like her, she had just looked away from a distance, and when she saw her looking at her, she smiled slightly at her, "Princess, Fourth Master asked us to go to the study, we let's go!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for her to respond, he turned around and walked slowly ahead, in a direction that Xi Lingxue couldn't see, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Su Mochen was very busy all afternoon, Yun Kou left, Xiao Qi came again, Xiao Qi left, and those princes and brothers came one after another.

Su Mochen was very clear about the purpose of their visit.

Is he about to be the new emperor? Let's please them so that he won't be disadvantageous to them. After all, many people have attacked him before.

Scared now.

In fact, their worries are superfluous, not to mention that they are from the same root, why is it too urgent to fight each other, even if he just came to power and the political situation is not stable, he will definitely not rashly go to war.

Of course, if someone has a different heart, that's another matter.

That night.

Tsinghua Garden, with a bean candle burning, is also quiet.

The woman slept soundly on the bed.

Chunlan and Xia Lian were dozing off under the light. Su Mochen pushed the door open and entered. The two startled when they heard the sound, and were about to salute, but Su Mochen waved his hand and retreated.

Su Mochen came to the bed, sat down lightly, and looked at the woman who was already soundly asleep by the candlelight.

The woman's eyes are slightly closed, and her slender and curly eyelashes are like two butterfly wings, leaving two rows of beautiful silhouettes in the eye sockets. Her onion nose is like jade, small and tall, and her lips are like red, slightly pouting, making people look at her. At a glance, I couldn't help wanting to kiss Fangze.

At this time, she was like a water lily, quiet and beautiful, with her black hair covering the entire soft pillow.

She was still her, and she was still what he thought.

However, she is not her.

It's much simpler and simpler, and I can say a lot of things that I couldn't say before, and I can do a lot of things that I couldn't do before.

She also forgot about him.

When she woke up in the cave in Dongshan in the middle of the night last night, she was lying in his arms. The cave was very dark, and she couldn't see clearly, but the body in his arms was so real. At that moment, he thought he was dreaming. Not daring to move, it took him a long time to believe that it was her, his Qiancheng, who had come and was still sleeping in his arms.

No one knew what he was feeling at that moment, the feeling of ecstasy until the sky fell apart.

He hugged her for a long time and refused to let go, although he found that both of their clothes were soaked.

Later, he was always concerned about her body, so he got up and picked up firewood to keep her warm.

Sitting under the firewood, he no longer felt drowsy, and his heart gradually became quiet and clear.

He didn't know why she appeared in Dongshan?Unless you follow him, because no one knows he's here.

Why follow, why come?Why are you still sleeping in his arms?
Is it pity for him?Or is there another purpose?

After thinking about it, he thought it was the latter.

She will not pity him!

If there was a trace of pity, she would not ruthlessly take off his mask in full view and drive him to a dead end; if there was a trace of pity, she would not show up with Su Mofeng and the army The Golden Temple cut off his last way.

Just imagine, if he wasn't Concubine Mei's son, at this time, he would already be a thief who conspired with his head removed.

this woman.

Only for another purpose.

For the third child?After all, every time she is for that man.

Seeing that he was about to ascend the throne and become emperor, I was afraid that he would retaliate, and that he would be disadvantageous to the third child, so came here?

It's a pity that he, Su Mochen, won't be confused again, and won't fall down a second time in her hands.

So, when she woke up, when he saw her ankle was hurt, he turned a blind eye, and he told himself, it's not a beauty trick, it's a bitter trick, right?

He snorted, and he resolutely left.

However, for this woman, his heart was far from the determination he imagined, he went back after all, he couldn't leave her behind.At that moment, he even thought, he admitted it, even if she did it on purpose, even if she was for another man, he also admitted it.

Later, he found out that she had lost her memory, and he was ecstatic again.

Although, he was a little bit disappointed about her forgetting, but after all, he couldn't match the joy and excitement in his heart.

Does that mean that all the harm she did to him was not intentional, but because she lost her memory?

For the first time, he was so grateful for his kindness.

Fortunately, he did not go down the mountain alone, fortunately, he came back.

Bending his lips, he leaned over and kissed the woman's smooth forehead lightly. When he straightened up, he realized that a pair of big sleepy eyes were looking at him ignorantly.

He was taken aback, "Are you awake?"

The first one~~
Thank you [Green Gate Xueer] for your magic pen~~Thank you for [370758204], [abc6611], [Little Soy Sauce 1988], [770426] for your monthly pass~~ I love you guys~~
(End of this chapter)

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