after losing heart

Chapter 229 [260] Don't Hate Me

Chapter 229 [260] Don't Hate Me

"Su Mochen, can you promise me one thing?"

Qiancheng looked up at him in his arms.

"Yeah!" Su Mo lowered his head, looked at her watery eyes, his mind was swayed, and couldn't help but kissed the corner of her lips lightly, but it was just a superficial touch, and he left before she could react. .

Qiancheng didn't bother with him either, pursed his lips, and said solemnly, "Because I lost my memory, I don't know what I have experienced, so can you and don't care about what I did during this period of amnesia?" , even... Even if it may hurt you, don't blame me, don't hate me, and don't blame others."

Su Mo stared blankly, staring at her, unexpectedly she would say such words suddenly.

Is this explaining?

Is there an explanation for the removal of his mask on the double bridge that day, and the arrival of the Jinluan Hall and Su Mofeng with troops?

Don't care, don't blame her, don't hate her?
She is caring about his thoughts and attitudes, isn't she?
Yes, he did hate, very much!However, at the moment when he learned of her amnesia, he had already forgiven her, and now the only thing left in his heart is his heartache, the kind of pain he cherishes her.

As for what she said about blaming others, he knew who she was referring to, Su Mofeng.

Why did this man need to use the word venting anger, and killed Yang Hen at him, and owed blood debts to thousands of brothers in Heishamen. It would not be too much for him to kill him a thousand times and ten thousand words.

But she doesn't want to, does she?
She would be sad to kill that man, wouldn't she?
He had sworn that he would avenge Yang Hen and his thousands of brothers, not to mention that he was originally a person who would take revenge, and had always been.

However, at this moment, looking at the hopeful and helpless eyes of the woman in his arms, he suddenly thought, forget it.

Since she doesn't want him to kill Su Mofeng, let's not kill him. As long as that man doesn't covet her any more, and doesn't covet her at all, then so be it.

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Qiancheng was a little disappointed, lowered his eyes lightly, and did not speak.

"Okay! I promise you!"

Su Mochen suddenly spoke.

Qiancheng was startled, and raised his eyes in astonishment, "Really?"

"En!" Su Mo nodded with a deep smile, stretched out his hand to press her head in his arms, and said softly, "Go to sleep!"

Qiancheng also smiled, and nestled in his arms obediently, suddenly thought of something, and raised his head suddenly, "No, what you say is useless, what if one day you go back on your word and want to kill me?"

To kill her?

Su Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

Even if she took off his mask in full view and drove him to a dead end, he hated him so much and never thought of it, so how could he do it in the future?
"Then what do you want? Is it possible to make a written proof?"

He just teased casually, but Qiancheng's eyes lit up, "It's a good proposal. I heard from Chunlan and Xia Lian that you will be the emperor soon, and your words are golden words. Holding your written evidence is equivalent to holding the imperial decree." , isn't it?"

Really serious.

Su Mochen was dumbfounded again.

"It's freezing cold, and I still need to study ink, or else, I'll write to you tomorrow!"

"No way!" Qiancheng managed to speak out what he was holding back, and got his assurance again, so he would not agree, "How about this, don't get up anymore, you will bring a token or something with you Give it to me too!"


Except for the painting that Wu Sheng painted for the two of them with the magic brush, he has nothing else. He used to have a piece of jade, which she gave him, and she took it back later. Where is he? What other belongings?
"No, it's just me. Do you want it? If so, I'd be more than happy!"

Su Mo smiled brilliantly, and approached her with a playful smile.

"Stop!" Qiancheng hastily stretched out his hand to his chest, paused for a moment, then raised his hand suddenly, and took off a piece of suet white jade on the top of his head. Immediately, his black hair poured down and scattered On the soft pillow, mingling with hers.

"That's it!" Qian Cheng took a look at the flat, square piece of white jade, and there was a word "四" engraved on it.

She frowned at Su Mo, "Very good, if you want to do this, you won't be able to do so!"

Su Mo shook his head with a deep smile, feeling very helpless, thought for a while and said, "You took my things, so you have to give me something too!"

"Me?" Qian Cheng was taken aback, and thought for a while, "I'm all alone..."

"Don't you have a piece of green jade with a red string?" Su Mochen directly interrupted her.

Qiancheng was shocked, "How do you know?"

Of course I know, because you gave it to me, but you took it away from me when you were sad.

"Don't forget what relationship we have?"

"What's the relationship?" As soon as the words came out, Qiancheng regretted it. Is there any need to ask, it is obvious that he is her husband and she is his woman.

Then, what about her and Su Mofeng...

Her heart was flustered for a moment, she took out the piece of red rope and green jade from her sleeve with some hesitation, the man snatched it with quick eyesight, and held it tightly in the palm of his hand, for fear that she would go back on his word.

The two quarreled for a long time, and it was already the middle of the night.

"Sleep! I have to move to the palace tomorrow, and you will be tired."

"Moving to the palace?"

"Well! You will be enthroned the day after tomorrow, and you will all live in the palace from now on, and so will you."

Qiancheng looked up at him in a daze.

He smiled knowingly, "I just live in the palace, and I won't force you to be canonized for the time being. We'll talk about it when you recover."

Qiancheng's heart moved, he nodded with a smile, and lay back quietly in his arms.

Slowly closing her eyes, she raised her hand to gently cover her lower abdomen.

A heart is chaotic and confused.

She was lying with him, but she was pregnant with another man's child in her belly.

She didn't know what kind of feelings she had for this man, or what kind of feelings she had for Su Mofeng?
All I know is that there is only Su Mofeng in my memory, and this man will make my heart hurt again.

She also thought about whether to tell this man about the child, but she didn't know where to start, because even she herself didn't know what was going on.

Therefore, she wanted to retrieve her memory as soon as possible, maybe everything would be clear;
However, she was still afraid, afraid that once her stomach could no longer hide and her memory hadn't come back, what would she do?
How would this man treat her once he knew that he was pregnant with someone else's child?
Over the past two days, especially when the two of them were alone, the man's possessiveness towards her was undisguised, and it deeply frightened her.

That's why she asked for his guarantee just now.

Tell him not to worry about what she did when she lost her memory, and take the jade from his hair.

I hope this is just an unnecessary move by myself, and her memory will come back soon.

"Qiancheng..." The man beside her called out in a hoarse voice, and his arms around her tightened again.

She came back to her senses and let out a soft "huh!"

But there was no movement from the man for a while, she turned her sideways lightly, only to find that the man was soundly asleep, and the noise just now was just sleep talk.

She lost her mind at that sound again.

next day
The Four Princes' Mansion was busy.

All the gardens were packing up the things to enter the palace, Tsinghua Garden was no exception, Chunlan and Xia Lian were so excited and busy, but Qiancheng seemed indifferent, moved a soft chair in the yard, Holding Xiaobai on the nest, lazily basking in the sun.

In Yunxuan Pavilion.

Su Mochen was also packing his things. Originally, these were the tasks of servants, but he didn't let them, because the servants didn't know what should be brought and what should not be brought, and there were some things he didn't want to let go. Someone else touches, for example, someone's crappy drawing.

Flipping through those white papers one by one, looking at the eyebrows and eyes of someone on it who uglified him, he still couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips.

He suddenly felt that the missing years of his life were suddenly complete.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good..."

Someone rushed in stumbling.

"Why are you so flustered?" Su Mo said in a cold voice, turned his head, and saw Chunlan from Tsinghua Garden, his eyebrows twitched.

"Madam Qianqian fainted..."

Before Chunlan finished speaking, the purple shadow in front of her eyes shook, and when she recovered, where was Su Mochen?All I saw was a messy white paper, on which were the unfinished eyebrows and eyes of a man.

Suzi didn’t want to spoil it, but many of her relatives were worried, so she couldn’t help but take it easy, don’t worry, Suzi is her own mother, so far, you guys understand~
Thank you [mali8008] for your big purse~~
Thank you [Happiness Forever 1baizi], [Lion’s Sorrow], [mali8008], [Blue Cat Konger], [Tiffany-lai], [CaitlinZLL] for the monthly pass~~Kangyao~~
(End of this chapter)

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