after losing heart

Chapter 230 [261] I was too tired last night

Chapter 230 [261] I was too tired last night
When Qiancheng woke up again, it was already an unfamiliar environment.

Pink curtains, big bed carved with nanmu wood, carved beams and painted buildings, resplendent and resplendent, all in one eye.

The incense is lingering, the charcoal fire in the stove is burning vigorously, and the warmth is as warm as spring.

She sat up in a daze. She remembered that she was basking in the sun in the courtyard of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, and she was about to get up and go back to the house. She didn't know whether it was because of sitting for a long time or because of a sudden rise, she passed out as soon as her eyes darkened.

why now...

Xiaobai was bouncing up and down the room shaking her head, while Chunlan and Xia Lian were rushing in and out packing things, seeing her get up, they quickly followed her to serve her.

Only then did she know that she had already entered the palace. This place was assigned to her. I don't know if it was originally there or it was changed later. The palace has the same name as Tsinghua Garden in the Fourth Prince's Mansion, and it is also called Tsinghua Palace.

Chunlan and Xia Lian had already changed into the costumes of the maids in the palace, Qiancheng was a little dazed, lost his mind for a while, then remembered something, and asked, "Didn't anything happen after I fainted?"

Chunlan and Xia Lian glanced at each other, their eyes flickered slightly, they shook their heads and said, "No!"

"No?" Qiancheng frowned slightly, "Don't the prince know?"

She fainted. If he knew, he would be worried. If he was worried, he would definitely call a doctor, right?

If a doctor is invited...

She was startled, and her palms were wet with sweat.

"The maidservant notified the prince! The prince came to see, the prince said...the prince said, Master Qian was last night...I was too tired last night."

Too tired last night?
Qiancheng reacted for a while before he understood, and his face blushed completely.

That fellow...that fellow...

Didn't they do anything well last night?But after thinking about it, yes, the two of them almost tossed until dawn.

Fortunately the man thought so.

Qian Cheng looked up at the door again, he could vaguely see the clothes of the eunuch standing at the door, the sky was full of red clouds outside, and it was already sunset.

Wei Wei raised her eyebrows, had she been in a coma for so long?

Su Mochen didn't show up until night.

The Tsinghua Palace was very lively, people came all the time, people from all the prisons of the House of Internal Affairs came one after another, asked one by one, and then sent over the daily necessities, except Chunlan Xialian, and two other maids. Two eunuchs came to serve.

The huge palace was full of people coming and going, but for some reason, Qiancheng felt a little lost for no reason.

She was thinking about a person, wondering why he didn't come?

According to his concern for her these past few days, shouldn't he come over and ask, is he used to it?Is there anything else missing?

She was taken aback by the thought of herself.

No matter what she had with this man, even if she was his wife, she forgot, didn't she?Now she and him are almost strangers, aren't they?Besides, isn't he a stinky blemish?

Why did she miss him when he was not around after only three days?

how come?
After dinner, after taking a bath, and going to bed, the man did not come.

I don't know if it's because of the choice of the raw bed, but she couldn't sleep while hugging the soft quilt, so she took out the piece of suet white jade to play with, and the man's smiling eyes flashed in front of her eyes.

The 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

It was supposed to be the coldest time of the year, but on this day, the palace was full of heat and joy.

Because today is the day when the new emperor of Xicang Kingdom ascends the throne.

The weather was also surprisingly good, sunny and cloudless.

Early in the morning, Qiancheng was also called up, saying that there was a decree to come over, and that he was also asked to attend the grand ceremony.

She didn't like to join in the fun, but the other party was him, wasn't she?

My heart was still inexplicably a little excited.

People from the Shangyi Bureau brought over the palace clothes. It was a purple robe, the best tribute brocade, and the workmanship was exquisite. There were fine hand-embroidered patterns on the corner of the robe. After looking carefully, I realized that it was Mulan, and it was actually her favorite color. , the pattern I like, the style I like, it even seems to be custom-made for her, it fits very well.

Originally, I thought I was just going to observe other people's halls, so it didn't matter what a spectator wore, but when I saw that I liked the new robe so much, I didn't hesitate and just put it on.

Chunlan and Xia Lian dressed her up again skillfully.

"Master Qian, you are so beautiful, like a fairy!"

Looking at the woman with picturesque eyebrows in the bronze mirror, Chunlan and Xia Lian stared straight.

In their impressions, the one who remembers the most is Qiancheng who was still wearing a mask at the time. After taking off the mask, Qiancheng never lived in Tsinghua Court, and the two of them lived in Yunxuan Pavilion when she was autistic. After taking care of her for two days, there was not much interaction.

Looking at it now, she is dressed in gorgeous clothes and a touch of pink makeup. She is really charming and magnificent.

"Let's go!" Qiancheng smiled and glared at the two of them, then got up.

Golden Palace

Bright yellow carpets, bright yellow curtains, resplendent and luxurious.

When Qiancheng arrived, many people had already arrived, and the Golden Luan Hall was filled with people, men and women, people in court clothes and palace clothes, dazzling.

Anyway, there were not many people who knew her, so she stood quietly behind the crowd, and the moment she looked up, she found that the two women she saw at the pond of the Fourth Prince's Mansion that day were also there, and they seemed to be looking at her indifferently.

She turned her gaze away, pretending she didn't see it.

Just as he was thinking about something in his mind, he suddenly heard the high-pitched voice of the eunuch's servant, "The emperor is here——"

For some reason, she suddenly clenched the hand that was holding the cuff.

Everyone knelt down to salute, and she also knelt down along with her. Amidst the crowd's lowered eyebrows and the voices of Shan shouting "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor", she raised her head and looked towards the door.

I saw a handsome man dressed in bright yellow walking in quickly, stepping on the bright yellow carpet towards the hall, with light steps.

It is the new emperor Su Mochen.

It was the first time Qiancheng saw him wearing a dragon robe, but she never thought that the dull bright yellow would look so good on him, even the golden color seemed to her to be alive and flowing.

The man walked quickly among the crowd, and the moment he brushed against her clothes, he seemed to glance at her, but he didn't seem to be there, very quickly, very lightly, and seemed... very cold, she didn't have time to capture it, but It was the heart beating and beating.

Until the man stood still on a high place and made everyone flatten, her eyes never left him.

Then, the ceremonial officer read out the imperial decree of Emperor Wen's passing on the throne and read out various documents.

After the ceremony, everyone knelt down to worship the new emperor again.

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, staring down at everyone in His Royal Highness, the arrogance of standing with his hands behind his back, the domineering arrogance of domineering over the world, completely natural.

Fengshen is like jade, and indifference and coldness are nothing more than that.

The man Minghuang raised his sleeves to make everyone stand up, and then said something on the scene in a deep voice.

Qian Cheng's heart was focused on that gaze just now, and he didn't listen to what he said at all. He only knew that after the man finished speaking a few sentences, everyone knelt down again and vowed their loyalty.

Thousands of cities are sweating.

Kneeling together, kneeling together, endlessly, fortunately, the winter clothes are thick, otherwise, the knees would definitely hurt.

She didn't know if it was because of her bad ankle or because she was pregnant. Slowly, she felt a little unsteady, but the ceremony was not completed, and it was not easy to leave first.

"Why didn't the third prince come?"

The man's cool voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Everyone was shocked, including Qiancheng.

Looking up at the people in front of him, but seeing Su Mofeng, he couldn't help but feel a slight twist in his heart.

The crowd did not dare to come out.

There were hundreds of people in the huge Golden Temple, but there was no sound at all.

The new emperor enthroned, what a big event, the third prince is absent, isn't this obviously against the emperor, looking for death?
Many people in the palace knew about the unpleasantness between the third prince and the new emperor. Although they were not very clear, they probably knew that those princes were even more so, and even saw the two of them fighting to the death. After two times.

In the condensing room, only the sound of footsteps outside the door was heard.

Su Mo raised his eyes lightly, and stared at the door without any expression on his face. Some people in the crowd dared to look back, but their expressions suddenly changed drastically in fright.

Today's update is complete~~ Dear friends, happy reading~~
Thank you [Yi Yun Er Dancing] for your shining diamond~~
Thank you [I love Dutch peas], [20110604] for the monthly pass~~
I love you guys~~~
(End of this chapter)

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