after losing heart

Chapter 231 [262] You can think about it

Chapter 231 [262] You can think about it
Su Mo raised his eyes lightly, and stared at the door without any expression on his face. Some people in the crowd dared to look back, but their expressions suddenly changed drastically in fright.

It was... It was actually several soldiers standing at the door.


What do you mean?
Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Su Mofeng walked in slowly in court clothes, paused slightly when passing by Qiancheng, took a deep look at her, and then walked towards the front of the hall again, preparing to lift up his clothes and kneel down However, Su Mochen stopped his movements with a word.

"Third brother came late, and brought so many soldiers here, why? Do you want to rebel?"

Su Mofeng was startled, and looked at Eunuch Li who was standing beside the main hall. Eunuch Li's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyebrows lowered.

Su Mofeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Sure enough, sure enough!
The crowd was horrified.

For the ceremony of the new emperor, this person not only came here with soldiers, but also bowed down and even laughed at him.
Qiancheng frowned slightly, not knowing what he wanted to do, but raised his heart high.

Seeing Su Mofeng but smiling and not saying a word, he was actually a rare arrogance. Su Moshen was not annoyed, and his thin lips pursed into a slight smile, "Today is my enthronement ceremony, and the third brother came like this, clearly If you don't take me seriously, has Third Brother thought about the consequences?"

as a result of?

Su Mofeng's low laughter came, and when everyone was astonished, he suddenly withdrew his smile and said coldly: "Do I still need to think about the consequences? Aren't all the consequences in the palm of the emperor's hands?"

This morning, Eunuch Li, the head of internal affairs, suddenly went to the Three Kings' Mansion to convey the new emperor's oral order, saying that because the new emperor ascended the throne, he was afraid that some dissatisfied people would cause chaos on the spot, so he asked him to take some soldiers to guard the Jinluan Hall in case of accidents.

He was thinking at that time, there are many imperial guards in the palace, why is it necessary for him to lead the guards?It must be a trap!
The sad thing is, knowing that it was a trap, he had no choice but to jump into it.

What Eunuch Li said was just a verbal order, if he denied it, then he would lead his troops to trespass on Jinluan without permission, and it would be a death penalty;
But if he didn't bring troops to come, he would ignore the new emperor's orders, and disobeying the orders would be a death penalty.

Anyway, it is a dead word, but he is calm.

Originally, he still wanted to tell the matter, and confronted Li Gonggong, but now it seems that it is useless.

Eunuch Li's dodging eyes just now said everything.

He is just a slave who obeys his master's orders, not to mention that the master is still the current emperor.

He won't admit it, so why bother?

The conversation between the two was misty and misty, but judging by the tense atmosphere, Su Mofeng might be more or less ominous.

Sure enough, the new emperor narrowed his eyes and said sharply: "Come here, arrest this arrogant person!"

Everyone was shocked, including Qiancheng.

Some guards rushed in and restrained Su Mofeng with all their hands and feet, but Su Mofeng didn't resist, and let the guards do whatever they wanted, but the smile on his lips was even more wanton.

"What? The third brother seems to be dissatisfied?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows deeply.

Su Mofeng sneered, "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about. What does it matter whether you are obedient or not?"

Everyone was shocked.

Want to impose a crime?

Is it...

Su Mo laughed softly, "In full view, the third brother said that I want to punish you?"

Su Mofeng snorted coldly, his eyes burning, "Whether you want to join, the emperor knows in his heart."

He knew that this man would deal with him sooner or later, but he didn't expect that he would do it so soon, so impatiently, on the day he ascended the throne.

Su Mochen didn't speak, just looked back at him.

The four eyes met, and the two stared at each other for a long time.

One had a wry smile, with a hint of mockery in his eyes; the other's thin lips were tightly pressed, and there was unprecedented hatred in his eyes.

The audience was silent, and everyone was sweating coldly.

Qiancheng clenched his palms tightly, and looked at Su Mochen with his lips pursed. From a distance, he couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, only the cold and hard lines on his face.

Suddenly, Ming Huang's sleeves fluttered, "Take him down to me and put him in the sky prison! He will be executed in three days!"

Beheaded? !
Everyone was shocked.

"The emperor calm down!" Someone in the crowd took the lead and knelt down.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they also knelt down one after another. Fourteen and Su Moyi looked at each other and frowned.

Qiancheng was startled and frightened, his heart was beating wildly, his mind was blank, and he didn't know what to do for a while?
Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Su Mo sneered, "What? They don't even want me to be the throne, do they?"

Everyone panicked, they didn't mean that, one by one changed their faces, "I dare not wait!"

"Don't you dare?" Su Mo let out a low laugh, but suddenly stopped smiling, and said sharply: "Don't you dare to kneel like this, what's the point of begging for a treacherous person?"

No one dared to speak.

A long silence.

After an unknown amount of time, someone stood up. Slowly, one, two... Everyone stood up one after another.

After all, people, there is no need to struggle with your own head.

Judging the situation is always the way to be an official, isn't it?

In the end, there were only two kneeling figures left in Nuo Da's Golden Luan Hall.

It's two women.

Everyone knows that one is Fang Fang, who can make new types of weapons, and the other is Ran Qiancheng, the wife of the new emperor Su Mochen, the daughter of Ranfei.

Su Mochen's face was grim, and his black eyes lightly passed over the two of them, the light in them was deep and far away, and he didn't know where they fell.

No one knew what he was thinking at the moment, just like no one knew why his woman knelt down to plead for another man.

Fang Fang spoke first, "Please bypass the Third Prince, Your Majesty!"

After a while, Su Mochen smiled softly, "Forgive him? Then how do you let me convince everyone? How do you let me sit in this seat?"

His voice was very soft, Bai Bi's slender fingers pointed at the dragon chair beside him, and he asked Fang Fang with a smile.

In fact, what he said is not exaggerated. After all, it is a capital offense to lead troops into the golden palace without permission, and it is not a rule set by him. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Moreover, if he only tolerated it on the first day he ascended the throne, what is Tianwei's power? ?
Fang Fang was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

It was the woman kneeling behind who spoke, "Does your majesty still remember this curly hair jade?"

Su Mo was shocked.

Everyone found that the emperor, who had been sinking since he came in, finally changed his face.

He turned his eyes slowly, looked at the speaker, and pursed his lips tightly.

Qiancheng held a piece of suet white jade with both hands above his head.

There was a suppressed sigh from the crowd.

They knew that jade, at Emperor Wen's birthday banquet, each prince gave one, and each prince had his ranking on it.

Qiancheng lowered his brows and continued, "The emperor gave me this piece of jade and also gave me a promise. I wonder if this piece of jade can save the third master's life now?"

Everyone was shocked, including Su Mofeng.

He turned his head to look at Qiancheng, his heart was surging like never before.

"A Thousand Cities..."

Xilingxue clenched her palms tightly, Yun Kou's face turned pale slightly.

Promise... Personal things... He gave this woman all of it, but she doesn't know what to do!

Su Mochen, on the other hand, had already returned to normal, with a pair of black eyes quietly looking at Qiancheng, the clouds were calm and the wind was light, and he couldn't guess the meaning in his heart at all.

After a long silence, he said lightly, "Of course I will remember the promise I made to you, but that jade can only be used once, have you made up your mind?"

His voice was very soft, just like he usually talked to her, but Qiancheng could hear a chill.

Can only be used once?
She bit her lip. In fact, she originally wanted this piece of jade for the child in her womb, but now that Brother Feng is in trouble, she can't just ignore it.

After pondering for a while, she made up her mind, "I've made up my mind, I beg the emperor to spare brother Feng!"

Brother Feng?
Well, when she got excited, she forgot to say the third prince.

Everyone was startled, their eyes complicated.

Su Mofeng's eyes were filled with joy, satisfaction and excitement, and the corners of Xilingxue's and Yunkou's lips curled up.

Su Mo stared intently at Qiancheng again, his eyes as dark as splashed ink, and remained silent for a while. He walked slowly to Qiancheng's side, stretched out his hand, and took the white jade in her hand.

For some reason, Qiancheng suddenly felt empty-headed. Just as he was about to look up at him, he saw a bright yellow flash in front of him. The man had already walked back quickly, and while climbing up the steps, he said in a deep voice: "Okay! Spare the third prince for the death penalty, and punish him." It guards the imperial tomb!"

Dear friends, don't worry, listen to Suzi slowly, Shen naturally didn't misunderstand the city so easily, hey~
Thank you [bingjiefhf] for your big purse and monthly pass~~
Thank you [Siwy], [ygamj], [lylsh93], [leaves1989], [Leaves 73], [hhyeywlc], [Blue Cat Konger] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [Anonymous User] dear eggs~~
(End of this chapter)

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