after losing heart

Chapter 232 [263] Concubine Chen

Chapter 232 [263] Concubine Chen

With Su Mofeng taken away, a farce finally came to an end.

Qiancheng's heart relaxed slightly, he wanted to stand up, but felt that it was inappropriate, so he raised his eyes to look at the man standing on a high place, the man's face was as deep as water, his eyes were calm, but his eyes were not on her side at all.

Is he blaming her?She knew, blamed her for helping Su Mofeng.

But, that's her brother Feng, how can she stand by and watch?She couldn't stand by and watch, absolutely not.

Gritting her teeth, she had no choice but to hold back, thinking that the ceremony is almost over, right?

At this time, Eunuch Li's shrill voice sounded again: "The harem canonization ceremony begins—"

Canonization of the harem?

A thousand cities were shaken.

She was not the only one who was shocked, Xilingxue and Yun Kou even showed expressions of astonishment.

Didn't you say that the matter of the harem will be discussed later?

Why all of a sudden...there was no prior notice.

The hearts of both of them thumped like a deer bumping in an instant, and Yingying looked at the most honorable man in the world full of surprise and hope.

Eunuch Li held the bright yellow scroll in his hand, and sang in a long voice: "Princess Xilingxue of Dongmo, who is intelligent, virtuous and virtuous, is specially conferred the title of Empress, and granted her residence in Fengxi Palace, I honor you—"

Happiness came so quickly, Xilingxue almost became dizzy, and in a trance, she just thought that her ears had misheard, so she stood stupidly until someone reminded her softly, and then she fell on the ground ecstatically to receive the order.

Eunuch Li continued: "Yun Kou, the orphan daughter of the Yun family, is intelligent, gentle and gentle, and has a pure temperament. She is specially conferred the title of Concubine Yun and bestowed upon her in the Yaohua Palace. This—"

Everyone was slightly taken aback, but they were not too surprised. After all, in the Golden Luan Hall that day, everyone knew that the former queen's maidservant belonged to Su Mochen.

There was only one person whose face was pale and unbelievable, and that was the Fourteenth Prince Su Moyu. His feet softened and he took a step back before he managed to stabilize his body.

In fact, everything is already clear in my heart, isn't it?
However, people are like this, until the last step, they always like to deceive themselves and others.

He raised his eyes, and looked at the man standing on a high place with his hands behind his back in pain. The man pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He turned his head slowly again, and looked at the woman who had haunted him in his dreams. The woman had already knelt down and accepted the imperial edict with a smile.

Looking at the woman's slightly smiling eyebrows, his heart was in a ball of pain.

She wasn't his after all.

Qiancheng was still kneeling on the ground, staring blankly at all this, watching the bright yellow and handsome man climb down the steps, and tenderly help the two women who received the orders.

A heart was a feeling she had never felt before, it was so strong that it squeezed straight into her internal organs, it was indescribable.

That night, he said, I only want you!

That night, he said, I will arrange them.

This is his arrangement?
Slightly wry smile, sure enough, this arrangement is good, excellent.

Really, concubine and empress, there is nothing better than this.

She was still immersed in her own emotions, so much so that Eunuch Li had finished reading out the edict to make her Concubine Chen, and she hadn't come to her senses yet.

The audience was silent, everyone was looking at her, oh no, except for one person, except for the man who walked up the steps with his back to everyone, walking lightly.

Seeing her motionless, Eunuch Li frowned slightly, walked to her side, and reminded in a low voice: "Chen Concubine, accept the order!"

Concubine Chen?

Qiancheng returned to his senses in a trance, raised his eyes slowly and blankly, looked at Eunuch Li in front of him, and said quietly, "Are you calling me?"

Certainly not.

He said, he said, he just lives in the palace, and he will not forcibly canonize her or anything for the time being, everything will be discussed after she recovers.

He said so.

Eunuch Li was startled, he didn't expect that she would suddenly say such shocking words, and everyone sighed suppressedly.

this woman...

Just now he begged Su Mofeng recklessly, but now he despises the emperor's decree ignorantly.

Could it be that Xindi owed her some promise?
Everyone's eyes were complicated.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Xilingxue's lips, and Yun Kou pursed her lips slightly.

Eunuch Li was a little embarrassed, and looked timidly at the young emperor with a questioning gaze, but the man's heart didn't seem to be on this, he squinted his eyes at the door, not knowing where to look.

Therefore, Eunuch Li had to remind patiently, "Concubine Chen please accept the order!"

Qiancheng ignored him, as if he didn't hear him, and turned his eyes slowly, looking at the man dressed in bright yellow, the man standing with his hands behind his back.

It's just that he didn't wait for his response, because he didn't look at her at all.

The atmosphere became condensed.

There was no sound in the audience.

Eunuch Li was dripping with cold sweat, and urged him again, "Concubine Chen, please be sympathetic to this servant, accept the order!"

He wanted to cry but had no tears, he was just about to kneel down to this woman.

He was standing in a cold stalemate, but he heard the man's cold voice suddenly, "That's it for today, retreat!"

Everyone was startled, but before they could react, they saw Ming Huang's figure walking down quickly, passing by everyone, and walking outside the hall.

what's the situation?
This is the end?

Everyone looked at each other.

After each of them was stunned for a while, everyone filed out one after another.

Hou's maidservants outside the main hall entered one after another.

Xilingxue glanced at Qiancheng, snorted coldly, and walked out gracefully with the maid's hand.

Yun Kou pursed her lips, let out a low sigh, turned around, and suddenly felt a hot gaze focus on her, she raised her eyes and saw it was Fourteen.

She was slightly taken aback, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Fourteen stared at her tightly, relatively speechless.

She raised her brows slightly, turned her gaze away, and remained silent for a while, then walked straight past him.

When Chunlan and Xia Lian came in, they saw that there were only two people left in the huge Golden Temple.

Eunuch Li stood there with a bright yellow scroll in his hand, with a bitter expression on his face. In front of him, a woman in a purple dress was kneeling, with the wide hem of her robe lightly spread on the ground, like a lonely blooming flower.

what happened?

The two glanced at each other, frowned, and walked over, "Master Qian!"

Eunuch Li was worried that she would not accept the imperial decree. Seeing the two of them passing by, he thought for a while before handing the imperial decree to Chunlan, "Your master conferred the imperial concubine Chen, please help your empress to go back to rest!"

After finishing speaking, he wanted to shake off a big burden and left the Golden Luan Hall in a hurry.

Chunlan and Xia Lian quickly helped Qiancheng up, but they were very puzzled.

Shouldn't you be happy to seal your empress?Why do you look lost?

The two met their eyes, then smiled and said in unison: "Congratulations, Madam, congratulations, Madam!"

Qiancheng lowered his eyes, smiled lightly, bitterly, "Call me Master Qian!"

Chunlan and Xia Lian were slightly taken aback, Qiancheng had already picked up steps and walked out.

"Master, slow down..." Xia Lian hurriedly followed.

Looking at her back, Chunlan frowned slightly, recalling what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, this woman fainted, she went to find Su Mochen, Su Mochen rushed to Tsinghuayuan in a hurry, and asked her to find a doctor.

She will never forget the moment when the doctor said that his wife had a happy pulse. The man's eyes were shining, his chest was shaking, and he was ecstatic. He held the doctor's hand tightly. She saw his hand shaking. He said, "I have a child, you mean I have a child?"

That was a look she had never seen before, such a loss of control did not belong to that man who had always been quiet.

Then, he kept asking, how is she?How is the child?Want to pay attention to something?

The doctor said that the child is still young, only over a month old, and there is nothing much to see, as long as he pays attention to rest on weekdays.

She saw the stiff smile on the man's lips, and he said doctor, you read it wrong, how could it only be more than a month? Probe carefully.

The final result was still the same, and the doctor said it took more than a month.

Seeing the man swaying and almost falling, she said it was impossible, picked up the woman on the bed and rushed out like crazy.

When she and Xia Lian arrived in the palace, the woman was already sleeping on the bed in Tsinghua Palace, and the imperial physician just came out, and the man stood by the bed with his hands behind his back, with no expression on his face, seeing the two of them coming in, he dropped a sentence, Take good care of her, don't mention today's matter to her, and leave.

She couldn't understand this pair of people. It's a good thing to have a child, but what does it matter if it's more than one month or three months, but the man won't let them mention it; it's also a good thing to be a concubine. Only by their status can they not be looked down upon by others, but women are not allowed to call them empresses.

Hey, in fact, she never understood these two people.

Today's update is complete~~
Thank you [ayq1226] dear, [ryf8888520] dear, [Yu Shang Yao Yao] dear monthly pass~~
Thank you [Shuangshuangyu], [Yushang Yaoyao] for your purse~
(End of this chapter)

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