after losing heart

Chapter 233 [264] Can cure heart disease

Chapter 233 [264] Can cure heart disease
Youmei Palace

In the courtyard, Emperor Wen leaned on the back of his chair, lazily basking in the sun, his phoenix eyes slightly narrowed, quietly looking at the busy woman in front of him.

The woman was wearing a dark green jacket, fresh and elegant, covering her face with a light gauze, sitting at the stone table, with a pair of white onion hands constantly fiddling with the celadon tea set on the stone table.

The tea is fragrant.

Emperor Wen took a deep breath comfortably.

The woman looked up at him, with a tender smile on the corners of her eyes and brows. Cong carried the pot, and deftly knocked the tea from the teapot into the teacup. Finally, she held the teacup and handed it to him, "Your Majesty!"

Emperor Wen bent his lips and smiled, "You still call me the emperor, starting from today, the emperor is your son."

While speaking, he sat up, reached out to take the teacup, and wrapped his big hand around the back of the woman's hand.

The woman blushed, wanted to smoke but couldn't, and said coquettishly, "Then what should my name be?"

"Call me by my name, Su Ruijin, or Ruijin, of course, it's better to be called Jin." Emperor Wen stared at her evilly with his black eyes shining.

The woman smiled shyly and did not speak. She finally withdrew her hand while he was not paying attention, "Hurry up, the tea is getting cold!"

Emperor Wen picked up the teacup, warmed the tea in his mouth, the fragrance remained on his lips and teeth, and a burst of sweetness directly penetrated into his heart and spleen.

"When did Ping'er understand the tea ceremony?"

The woman lowered her eyes and smiled, "I always understood, but you didn't know."

Emperor Wen was stunned, also, for more than 20 years, the two of them were close at hand, but their hearts were far away, he missed too many things.


Putting down the teacup, he held her hand in the palm of his hand again, the little hand was cold, and he rubbed it gently.

Since waking up from the last injury, this woman has often vomited blood. The imperial doctor of the imperial hospital said that it was a disease of stagnation for many years. The blood loss from the last injury was just an inducement. She took it every day, but her body still didn't get better.

"After New Year's Eve, we will go to Jiangnan to find a miracle doctor."

Mei Ping still just smiled and said nothing.


It's useless.

Can a miracle doctor cure a heart disease?
"The enthronement ceremony should be almost over, right?"

"Yeah!" Emperor Wen nodded. In principle, he should also go to participate. He took the throne and the new emperor succeeded, but he didn't go after all.

"Then do you think Shen'er will come?"

According to the custom, after the new emperor ascends the throne, he has to pay homage to his parents.

"I don't know." A look of loneliness flashed across Emperor Wen's eyes, and then he smiled again, "I will be very busy when I first ascended the throne. There are a lot of things to learn and things to deal with. It's normal to be unable to get away for a while. You Do you think the emperor is so easy to do?"

Mei Ping bent her lips and said nothing. This man was comforting her, so why didn't she know it.

At the gate of the courtyard, a figure dressed in bright yellow stood far away, his black eyes slightly narrowed, quietly looking at the courtyard, looking at the two people in the courtyard, the warm winter sun shone on his chiseled facial features, making the originally Bai Bi's skin glowed with a metallic brilliance, like a god's mansion.

Eunuch Li, who was accompanying him, saw the man standing there suddenly, so he also stopped, and stood cautiously behind him.

The man didn't move for a long time.

The people inside have never been aware of it.

Just when Eunuch Li was hesitating whether to go in and make an announcement, the man suddenly turned around, and he was startled.


The man took a look at him, walked past him and walked back.

Eunuch Li was a little confused.

gone like this?
Why don't you enter Youmei Palace to pay homage to Emperor Wen and Concubine Mei?

Looking at the back of the man walking away quickly, he secretly groaned in his heart, it seems that this new emperor will only be more difficult to serve than Emperor Wen.

Sighing, he quickly picked up steps to catch up.

Su Mochen walked very fast, and he had to follow pantingly. He didn't know what was wrong with this man, he just felt that the sun was so strong, but his back was still as cold as ice and snow, so he didn't dare to act rashly. Asking something, I had no choice but to follow behind.

The commander of the Imperial Guard hurried over, knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty!"

Su Mo frowned slightly, "What's the matter?"

"Someone broke through the underground of the dungeon, and took away... will... the sixth prince and the former... former queen."

Su Mo narrowed his pupils.

Eunuch Li was terrified, before he could recover, he saw a bright yellow flash in front of his eyes, and the man was already walking towards the direction of the prison.

The guards, cell bosses, and jailers knelt together.

The cell was empty, leaving only withered and moldy straw and a bowl of leftover rice. The middle of the cell had collapsed, apparently caused by the hollowing out of the ground.

Su Mo's face was stern, his thin lips were tightly pursed into a cold straight line, he stood outside the cell with his hands behind his back, his black eyes swept sharply across the corner of the cell.

Everyone dared not breathe, sweating profusely.

The new emperor ascended the throne, and such a big incident happened, I am afraid that the head of the project will be lost.

They have been careful and cautious, cautious and cautious, but they never dreamed that someone would dig a tunnel to save people.

It is not an ordinary distance from outside the palace to this sky prison. It is definitely a project that consumes manpower and material resources. It will only take a few days to put the two of them in the sky prison. Such a huge land can be captured in such a short period of time. After the completion of the project, is it a human being or a god?
There was a sneer on the corner of Su Mochen's lips. It seemed that there was still a lot of Su Mohong's power, perhaps in the court today.

He slowly narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in them.

Turning around, he picked up steps and walked out without making a sound.

Everyone didn't understand the Holy Will, but they didn't dare to act rashly, and they knelt there without making a sound.

Eunuch Li was startled, and hurriedly followed.

The commander of the imperial guards thought about it for a while, so he also followed up bravely.

Su Mo looked back, glanced at the commander of the imperial guards, and kept walking.

"Carefully inspect all the cells in the sky prison to see if there are similar situations. The speed will make people fill up the hollowed out underground, and add some guards around the periphery of the sky prison."

"Send some people to search through the hollowed-out tunnels, there will always be clues left behind, and then arrange some people to pretend to go around the market to inquire. If you have any news, don't startle the snake, and report it to me first."

"Also... don't spread the news today, lest it cause panic and some people take advantage of the situation to make trouble!"

The commander of the imperial guards nodded his head and received the decree, full of awe for the new emperor in his heart.

Listening to the new emperor's orderly instructions, at that moment, what he thought of was the description of calm, calm, shrewd and wise, although, although, this man is really cold.

It seems that the head of the item is temporarily saved.

He had just breathed a sigh of relief, but Su Mochen suddenly stopped, turned his head, he was startled, but found that the man was not looking at him, but glanced slightly at the people lying on the ground behind him.

"You!" The bright yellow sleeves in front of him suddenly raised.

He was startled, and looked in the direction the man pointed, it was a jailer.

The jailer who was called trembled and sat on his lap, hooking his head, dripping with cold sweat.

Everyone's hearts were raised again, and they fell on the ground, not daring to breathe.

The corner of the man's lips curled up suddenly, "Eunuch Li, is the water prison under construction?"

Eunuch Li was taken aback, not understanding how the topic would have such a big jump, but the emperor did not dare to neglect his question, and quickly bowed forward, "Go back to the emperor, yes! Because it is severe winter, the water in the water prison It's freezing cold, and the construction of the water prison has to enter the water, so the progress is a bit slow."

He didn't say that two laborers froze to death a few days ago.

"Yeah!" The man hummed lightly, and withdrew his hand, "Let him build the water dungeon!"

In the end, she turned around lightly and left the dungeon without a single pause.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, sitting softly on their laps, sweating profusely. The jailer who was assigned to build the water prison was as pale as a sheet of paper, sitting there stupidly, motionless, and under his trousers was It was a large area of ​​wetness, and a smell of urine was in the air.

Eunuch Li followed the man, turned his head inadvertently, and suddenly realized that the jailer... the jailer was not that person.

Once Concubine Chen was imprisoned, and this person was in charge of guarding her.

At that time, Emperor Wen tortured Concubine Chen with rats, and he came over twice with him, so he knew this person.

He was surprised, so to speak, now the new emperor is doing this only because of that woman.

Such a long time, such an inconspicuous person can remember it, which shows the position of that woman in the heart of the young emperor, but, then... Then why did the scene in the Golden Palace appear again today?
Looking at the handsome and indifferent back in front, he realized that he didn't understand this man even more.

This chapter is considered a transition, Suzi slowly, dear friends, tomorrow New Year's Eve~~
I'm sorry, I'm very busy today, just one chapter, and I will update at least [-] characters on the weekend~~ Regarding the text, Suzi doesn't want to say anything for the time being, I have been following Suzi's relatives to understand, some things are often beyond your thinking.

Thank you [yb770405] dear, [ynlcgty] dear, [Tiffany-lai] dear, [Xinrui Baoer] dear, [yingqi82] dear Huahua~~

[Xinyou 0808] Dear monthly ticket~~
Thank you [jiang19937], [mali8008], [Yuzixin] for your purse~~
Thank you [Anonymous User] dear eggs~~
(End of this chapter)

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