after losing heart

Chapter 237 [268] Take me away

Chapter 237 [268] Take me away


On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the first day of the new year, Xi Cang officially entered a new era from this day.Su Mochen is Emperor Yijing, so from this date is the first year of Yijing.

Early in the morning, the sky actually started to snow, like a large piece of goose feather, swirling one after another.

Qiancheng stood quietly in front of the door of the Tsinghua Palace bedroom, watching the snowflakes falling outside.

This weather is really like someone's face, it changes as soon as it is said, the sun was shining brightly yesterday, but it is snowing so much today.

"Master Qian..." Chunlan came out holding a hand stove, looked at her thin back, frowned slightly, walked in front of her, and gently stuffed the hand stove into her cold hands, "It's so cold today, What is the master doing standing outside?"

Qiancheng came back to his senses, looked at her, smiled slightly, and said nothing, a gust of cold wind blew by, and the charcoal fire in the hand stove raised a few small sparks, which were extinguished in an instant.

Chunlan let out a low sigh, and went into the room to get a cloak and put it on her body.

"Master Qian, the Empress, Concubine Yun, and the others have all gone to Youmei Palace to pay New Year greetings to the Supreme Emperor and the Concubine. I heard that the princes have also gone. Do you want to go too..."

"I'm not going to join in the fun." Qiancheng sighed softly, his eyes fixed on a plum blossom in front of the door, his eyes misty.

"However, if the master doesn't go, it doesn't seem very good."

"Really?" Qian Cheng lowered his eyes and smiled, with a hint of bitterness in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Anyway, she already has a good reputation, so if she is jealous of her wife, she is not afraid of being charged with another crime of disrespecting her elders.

So as not to spoil the mood of those people.

Xia Lian walked in from the gate of the courtyard, her eyes were red, she immediately lowered her eyebrows when she saw Qiancheng and Chunlan standing at the gate.

"What's wrong?" Qiancheng glanced at her, but didn't speak, but Chunlan spoke first.

"'s nothing." Xia Lian bit her lip and went straight into the back room.

Chunlan was puzzled, and wanted to ask what happened, but seeing that Qiancheng didn't say anything, she didn't want to say anything.

Xiaobai ran out from the back room, and rubbed affectionately around Qiancheng's feet. Qiancheng looked down, couldn't help but smiled, handed the stove in his hand to Chunlan, bent down and hugged it in his arms, with a light face Tap on its smooth feathers.

Youmei Palace

It was a completely different scene. The incense was lingering and the charcoal fire was strong. Everyone gathered around the charcoal fire, sipping tea, eating melon and fruit preserves, laughing and having fun.

Compared with last night's New Year's Eve banquet, today is more like a reunion.

Perhaps it was because there was someone who didn't come, the man who didn't need to be cold-faced, but just had an expressionless face, and everyone didn't dare to show their anger.

Oh, no, to be exact, the two of them didn't come.

Concubine Chen didn't come either.

Some princes with families came back after New Year's greetings, some stayed behind, Xiao Qi was also there, Xi Lingxue and Yun Kou also came early in the morning.

A place with Xiao Qi is naturally lively.

She and Xilingxue were almost the only ones talking, and when it came to the funny part, everyone roared with laughter.

Mei Ping kept busy with a smile on her face, and made tea for everyone herself instead of being served by maidservants.

Emperor Wen sat there watching his sons and daughters talking and laughing happily, pursing his lips slightly, sometimes having fun with everyone, and sometimes thinking deeply with his eyes.

Yun Kou also kept smiling quietly, occasionally responding with a sentence or two.

Fourteen was originally a talkative master, but for some reason recently, he has become a rare silent person, sitting there alone with a small poker to fiddle with the charcoal particles in the charcoal stove.

Lunch was served in Youmei Palace, besides the meals in the imperial dining room, Mei Ping also personally made a few Jiangnan snacks, and everyone ate comfortably.

Su Mochen never came.

Xilingxue sent maidservants to visit Longyin Palace several times, and when they came back, they all said that the emperor was reviewing the memorial.

Just ascended the throne, how can there be so many memorials to be approved?And it has to be a batch at the beginning of the new year?
Everyone knew that it was because that man still had a grudge against the parents of Emperor Wen and Concubine Mei.

Mei Ping smiled, feeling bitter in her heart, but she couldn't express her bitterness, so she thought that if she was busy at noon, she might be able to relax at night, so she used an excuse to say that she wanted to cook some Jiangnan dishes for everyone at night. Everyone stayed.

She knew that if everyone was there, her son might still come, but if there were no people, it would definitely not be possible.

In the afternoon, the third prince Su Mofeng also came, with snowflakes all over his hair and coat, and his whole body was dusty. He said that the new emperor had allowed him to enter the palace today to pay New Year greetings to Emperor Wen, and he had to rush back to the emperor after the New Year greetings. Tomb.

Emperor Wen was very happy. The father and son talked for a long time in the yard, but it is unknown what they talked about.

Everyone in the room was chatting and chatting, playing chess and chess, and a few people even played bird cards, and the time was quickly passed in the midst of having fun.

In the evening, Su Mofeng proposed to go back first.

After all, he is the body to be punished, and it is not easy for everyone to force him to stay, so they let him go.

Mei Ping packed a lot of snacks and asked him to take them back to the imperial mausoleum, and Xi Lingxue also asked her maid to go back to Fengqi Palace to pick up a piece of fine tiger skin that Dong Mo had just sent over and gave it to him as a gift.

Until dinner, Su Mochen still didn't come.

When the dishes were put on the table, everyone waited and waited tacitly.

Xilingxue asked her maid to go to Longyin Palace to find out about Eunuch Li, but was told that the emperor had already had dinner.

Everyone also lost the meaning of waiting.

After hastily eating dinner, Xilingxue suggested that the plum blossoms in the plum garden were in full bloom when the snow had just rested, or else, we should all go to the snow to look for plum blossoms together.

When everyone heard it, watching plum blossoms on a snowy night was indeed an elegant thing, and they all agreed.

So, the cloak-wearing cloak, the big-gauge putting on the big-gauge, and the hand-cuffing stove, a group of several people went out, and even Mei Ping, who had never liked the excitement, was gently embraced by Emperor Wen and joined the crowd.

Plum garden
Although it was night, it was not dark at all. Against the background of white snow, the vision was so clear that people had the illusion of daytime.

There is thick snow everywhere, white, and rows of plum trees are covered with silver, and the red plums on the branches are in full bloom.

A woman in a white cloak shuttles slowly through the plum grove, looking left and right, looking for something. The cloak is wide and the hat is worn on her head. There is a circle of soft rabbit fur on the edge of the hat. Only a small face is exposed. The skin is more than snow , The eyebrows are picturesque, walking lightly among such white snow and red plums, it is as beautiful as a heavenly man.

Perhaps it was because of the cold weather, her small face was flushed with cold, she slightly rolled up the sleeves of her robe, and walked more and more eagerly.

Yes, she is Qiancheng.

Last night, she received a letter from Su Mofeng, saying that Su Moshen had allowed him to come to the palace today to greet Emperor Wen and pay New Year's greetings. He wanted to see her, so in order to avoid suspicion, he asked her to wait for him in the plum garden in Xushi.

Did you come early?
Why is there no sign of Brother Feng?

Qiancheng kept putting his hand to his mouth to breathe hot air, looking around, his soft shoes creaked on the soft snow.

In the depths of the plum grove, a handsome figure stood quietly, dressed in a crescent-colored soft robe and a navy blue coat, with white jade hair on top of his head and black hair hanging down at the back of his head, his luxurious and handsome appearance was incomparable.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his black eyes closely following the delicate figure shuttling among the white snow and red plums.

Qiancheng, you are really here.

A complex look quickly passed by the bottom of his eyes, and the tip of his eyes lightly glanced away from her, looking towards the distance of Merlin, and after a while, he glanced back again, and his thin lips parted lightly: "Thousand cities!"

Qiancheng was taken aback, stopped, looked around, and finally saw the man standing not far away, his eyes lit up, "Brother Feng——"

Before the words could be uttered, the man was already galloping towards the man like a butterfly spreading its wings.

"Qiancheng..." The man smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to her, and she threw herself into his arms.

The familiar body was in his arms, carrying the cool air of Xue Ye, and also carrying her unique breath. The man's chest was shaking, and his arms tightly encircled her.

"Qiancheng, how are you? How is the child?" The man's voice was a little trembling, and it was hoarse in the quiet night, which was not like Su Mofeng's usual voice.

The woman in his arms buried her head and did not make a sound for a long time. The man found her body trembling in his arms.

Slightly startled, he raised his hand to hold her face, lifted it up little by little, and she was crying, tears streaming down her face, but quietly.

"Qiancheng..." His eyes hurt, and he stared at her deeply. He didn't know how to comfort her. He only knew how to gently wipe the moisture on her face with his fingertips, but the woman's tears were like a broken thread. The beads rustled down, and they couldn't be wiped clean, but more and more.

"Brother Feng, take me away, take me away, okay?"

The woman held down his big hand that fell on her face, and held it in her hand, looking at him with tears in her eyes, a little choked up.

The coldness of her palm made him tremble in shock, and with a movement of his wrist, he wrapped her little hand in his palm, brought it to his lips to breathe for her, and finally, held it in his big hand again, rubbed it gently, and sighed softly: "Go out." Why don’t you know how to bring a hand stove?”

Seeing that the man didn't answer her question directly, but deliberately said something else, Qiancheng was a little sad, looked down at the hands they held, and muttered in a low voice: "I forgot, brother Feng is also in deep trouble now. In the middle, it is not easy to enter the palace by yourself, how can you take me away?"

"Can you really want to go? Do you really want to leave him?"

His slender fingers gently lifted her chin, forcing her to raise her head to face him again, and he stared into her eyes tightly, as if trying to see something from her eyes.

For some reason, Qiancheng was a little afraid of his eyes, turned her head slightly, and looked away, she sniffed and said: "I don't want to look for memories, I think, since I choose to forget, those memories must be unbearable I don't want to remember them all, so why should I ask for trouble?"

"But you love him, don't you?"

The man held her face again, curled the corners of his lips, but his eyes were full of pain, making Qiancheng wonder for a moment whether he was smiling or not, but his words shocked her.

She loves Su Mochen?

she does not know.

If you love, why did you choose to forget?
If you don't love, why is it so painful?

The man's staring gaze made her a little breathless, she raised her hand and brushed his big hand away calmly, turned her head slightly, looked at a red plum tree beside her, and said quietly: "But he doesn't love me, does he? ?”

"No, he loves it!"

The man shook his head, as if he was talking about himself rather than others.

Qiancheng also shook his head, shaking his head with a wry smile.

She didn't see love, all she saw was his repetition, his ruthlessness, and his humiliation.

"He loves you more than anyone else!" The man added firmly.

"Do you love me more than you?" Qiancheng raised his eyes, fixedly looking at the man who has been helping others,

He is so strange tonight. In the past, when she told him about Su Mochen, he kept avoiding it on purpose. Tonight, she didn't want to talk about it, but he kept bringing it up instead.

"Isn't brother Feng the one who loves me the most in this world?" Qiancheng tilted his head to look at him, and asked again.

Otherwise, how could she have children with him?


The man was speechless for a moment.

Qiancheng saw the contradiction in his eyes, and she mistook it as his embarrassment, so she smiled softly, "Forget it, I won't force you, these are not important, let's talk about something else, by the way, you are in the palace How is Ling doing?"

"Well, it's pretty good." The man's brows drooped slightly, his long eyelashes concealed the emotion in his eyes, and then he raised his eyes with a calm face, "What about you? You and the child..."

"It's all good."

So what?He couldn't take her away, so why bother to say something to make each other worry.

"The child is almost three months old, why can't you see it at all?" The man's eyes fell on her stomach, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and his black eyes were deep.

"Yeah!" Qiancheng nodded, also lowered his eyes, raised his hand to gently cover his lower abdomen, and gently bent his lips, "Maybe it's because I'm too thin, I don't show my bosom, besides, it's winter, Wear more clothes."

But secretly rejoicing in his heart, fortunately he couldn't see it, otherwise, if the man found out, it would be miserable.When the torch was lit last night, she was already said to be unholy. If she knew that he was pregnant with another man's child, how would she humiliate her?

No, the child in her womb grew up day by day, and she couldn't hide it. She had to escape as soon as possible.

Brother Feng can't help now, and she can't implicate him, so she has to think of some other way.

"Qiancheng, I have to go."

Qian Cheng came back to his senses in a trance, "Are you leaving now?"

"Yeah!" The man nodded, looking through her shoulders, not far away, there was a group of people coming towards Mei Lin in the white snow, "If it's too late and the palace is banned, you won't be able to get out."

"Oh" Qiancheng felt a little lost.

The man smiled slightly, slowly turned his eyes away, stared at her, his pair of dark eyes were shining brightly, and suddenly said: "Qiancheng, can I hug you again?"

Qiancheng was startled, then smiled.

This man just wanted to push her to other men, and he is the one who loves her the most.

Eyebrows curved, she walked in front of him, stretched out her arms to hug his waist, and leaned her face against his chest. For some reason, she smelled a familiar breath of clear sandalwood. In her arms, she only cared about crying and didn't pay attention, now.
Her heart startled.

But what shocked her even more was still to come. A woman's sharp voice cut through the snowy night and sounded suddenly.

"What are you doing?"

Su Mofeng and Qiancheng separated quickly, and both turned their heads to look at Shengsheng.

Dressed in a fiery red fox fur, it was Xilingxue, and behind her were several astonished gazes.

It was a bunch of people.

Emperor Wen, Concubine Mei, Yun Kou, Fourteenth, Old Ninth, Little Seventh, Eighth Prince...

Who else, Qiancheng didn't bother to care about it anymore, thinking, today he really wants to confirm the uncleanness of Su Mochen's mouth.

"It turns out that the third prince is so anxious to go back to the imperial mausoleum because he came here to meet Concubine Chen privately."

Xiling Xuepi smiled but didn't smile, her lustful eyes rolled over Su Mofeng and Qiancheng with interest.

Qiancheng has a feeling that he can't argue with a hundred mouths, and he can't clear it up even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

On the other hand, Su Mofeng was much more indifferent, he smiled lowly, and bowed slightly to Xilingxue, "Please be careful, empress, concubine Chen and I just met by chance."

"Encounter?" Xilingxue giggled, as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world, and her branches trembled with laughter, "Can Encounter hug each other by Encounter? If Ben Gong sees it alone, you can still Saying that Ben Gong framed you, now that everyone is watching and everyone is watching, the third master told Ben Gong that they met by chance? Don't you think it's too ridiculous?"

No one said a word, Emperor Wen cast his eyes down, Mei Ping frowned slightly, and Yun Kou pursed his lips, looking at the two of them.

Qiancheng was silent.

Su Mofeng was still calm, calm and breezy, walked gracefully for two steps, stood four or five steps away from Xilingxue, and smiled slightly: "I have known Concubine Chen since childhood. It’s no secret that we are close friends, two good friends reunite after a long absence, could it be that even a hug violates the law of Xi Cang?”

Everyone was shocked, including Qiancheng.

When did that guy become so eloquent?
Xilingxue's face turned blue and then pale, and Su Mofeng looked at her with a smile in the corner of his eyes and eyebrows.

Xilingxue's chest rose and fell, she remained calm, smiled, sneered, "Friend?"

"Yes, friend!" Su Mofeng frowned and smiled harmlessly, "Even the emperor knows about this, even if the matter goes to the emperor today, he will definitely not blame me and Concubine Chen. "

"Pfft~" Xilingxue chuckled, mocking, "The emperor won't blame you? Then you can ask your good concubine Chen, what kind of life have you been these few days?"

Su Mofeng was stunned, and turned his head to look at Qiancheng, who lowered his head and looked away.

"During this period of time, I am in the imperial tomb, what is the relationship with the concubine Chen?"

Xilingxue snorted coldly, "You know what you do yourself!"

"Madam empress, please speak clearly. What disdainful thing did I do to make the emperor jealous of Concubine Chen?"

Xilingxue was still cold, and her complacent eyes lightly glanced at Qiancheng's lower abdomen, "You can ask the emperor about this, I don't know about it. I only know that Concubine Chen is having an affair with you here, promiscuous in the palace. As the head of the six palaces, the palace must not be tolerated!"

"Come on—" she yelled, "I will arrest these two men and women and hand them over to the emperor to deal with them himself!"

Everyone was shocked, but they had no position to intercede. After all, everyone saw what happened to the two of them.

Qiancheng was panicked and frightened, so Su Mofeng stretched out his hand to wrap her little hand around her.

Sweat, sweat, the truth has yet to come out~
Although there is one chapter today, it is still [-] words. It is the same as the usual two updates. According to legend, tomorrow will be updated with [-] words~~
Thank you [Qiannai] for your purse~~Thank you [Xiaobai obediently 1211] for your magic pen

Thank you [shihong01] dear, [daisy cute] dear, [Lanbao37] dear, [706598900] dear, [xwj258] dear Huahua~~
(End of this chapter)

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