after losing heart

Chapter 238 [269] Why is it you

Chapter 238 [269] Why is it you
Qiancheng was panicked and frightened, so Su Mofeng stretched out his hand to wrap her little hand around her.

It seemed to be a coincidence that there happened to be a large number of imperial guards patrolling nearby, so they all rushed over in a short time and surrounded the two with weapons.

Su Mofeng suddenly laughed.

Everyone was shocked, including Xilingxue and Qiancheng.

"I'll say it again, I'm just close friends with the concubine Chen, so I advise the empress to be cautious, otherwise the emperor and the concubine Chen are deeply in love, seeing the empress treat her like this, I'm afraid it will be bad for the empress what!"

"Deep love?"

Xilingxue sneered, seemingly disapproving.

That was once!

Any man can't stand his own woman pregnant with another man's child, right?

The deeper the love, the more unbearable it is, and Su Mochen is the same.

Based on his attitude towards that woman in the past few days, his attitude at the enthronement ceremony, and at the New Year's Eve banquet, that woman's good days have long since come to an end.

Now that the two of them have a private meeting, under the eyes of everyone, and the ironclad evidence is so strong, it will only make Su Mochen hate the two of them even more, and directly put that woman to death.

For such a long time, this woman has been a thorn in her flesh and a thorn in her eye!
She is looking forward to the stars and the moon, looking forward to such a good opportunity to remove thorns and nails, why should she act cautiously?

"Thank you for the reminder, the third master. I think that I sit up straight and walk upright. Today, I am doing this for the sake of cleaning the harem. If the emperor knows about it, he will definitely stand by my side. So, please don't make it up for me, the third master." Gong is worried, it's better to ask for more blessings. Someone, let me arrest the two of you!"

Several guards came forward with weapons in hand.

"and many more!"

Su Mofeng stopped again sternly, the guards paused, and looked at Xilingxue with inquiring eyes.

"What else do you want to say?" Xi Lingxue frowned, with impatience and impatience evident in her tone.

Su Mofeng bent his lips and smiled, and his black eyes fell on her face with interest, "The empress must think carefully, are you really going to arrest me, and the concubine Chen, and hand them over to the emperor?"

At the word "together", Su Mofeng deliberately emphasized his tone, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

"Nonsense!" Xi Lingxue snorted coldly, "The so-called catching a thief requires catching the stolen goods, and catching a traitor requires catching both. Do you think I will let you go?"

"Okay, don't be too wordy anymore. If you have anything to say, you can tell the emperor yourself." Xi Lingxue glanced fiercely at the guards at the side, "Hurry up and arrest the two of you!"

The guard was ordered to step forward again.

"Xilingxue, you are so courageous!"

The man shouted in a deep voice.

who is it?

Everyone was surprised.

Xilingxue was even more horrified.

who is talking?
Why are you so like that man?
But where is he?
Xilingxue looked around in horror, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

"Do you know what you are doing?" The man's voice sounded again.

Xilingxue trembled again, oh, the voice came from the side, she followed the reputation, she felt relieved, it turned out to be Su Mofeng, but soon she was shocked again, where is Su Mofeng?It was clearly Su Mochen!

Everyone, including Xilingxue and Qiancheng, looked at the man who was originally Su Mofeng but now Su Mochen in astonishment.

In the man's hand was a human skin mask, as thin as a cicada's wing.

It turned out to be the magistrate pretending to be the present.

Not Su Mofeng.

The sound of "Dang Clang~" was heard everywhere, it was the sound of weapons falling from the hands of the imperial guards.

Xilingxue swayed, the stove in her hand dropped, and hit the snow, splashing snowflakes and sparks, the maidservant next to her was startled, and quickly stepped forward to support her body.

Everyone looked at Su Mochen in disbelief, Emperor Wen still had deep eyes, and Yun Kou pursed his lips slightly.

Qiancheng stared sideways at the man beside him, unable to express the feeling in his heart, shook his head lightly, and said quietly: "Why is it you?"

No wonder, no wonder he has a breath of clear sandalwood?
Well, what she said just now...

He also seems to be talking about children...

Qiancheng was startled, his palms were sweaty.

Su Mochen turned his head and smiled at her, "I'll explain to you later!"

Saying that, the warm and dry big palm held her little hand even tighter.

"See the emperor!"

After a while, everyone recovered from the shock and realized that they had to salute.

In the huge plum garden, all knelt down on the ground.

"Get up!"

Su Mo's deep and sharp eyes swept across the audience, pausing slightly on Yun Kou's body, then quickly swept away, and finally landed on Xi Lingxue's body.

Xilingxue was on the verge of falling, and it took a long time before she managed to regain her composure, "Your majesty, the so-called ignorant is not guilty. The concubine does not know that it is the emperor. The concubine is the same as everyone else. What I saw was the third prince and the concubine Chen hugging each other. The concubine is the queen, the head of the six palaces, is it wrong to deal with it like this?"

Every word and sentence ends with reason.

When everyone thinks about it, it seems to be the same.

Su Mochen laughed softly, his black eyes shining brightly in the snowy night, "What a person who doesn't know is innocent! The queen dares to say that you invited everyone to come to the plum garden, isn't it just to watch a good show and let everyone To testify?"

Everyone was startled, and Xilingxue's face turned pale, "The does the emperor know?"

Su Mo snorted coldly, "If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing!"

"So...the letter from the Third Prince that Concubine Chen received was written by the Emperor..." Xi Lingxue shook her head in disbelief, her sheet was as pale as a sheet of paper, "The purpose is to lure me here tonight..."

This morning, she received the news that Su Mofeng wrote a letter to Concubine Chen, asking that woman to meet in Meiyuan in Xushi.

She thought, Su Mochen had a rift with that woman because of the child in her womb, and if she added another fire, she could kill that woman, so she came.

She knew that one person's words were worthless, and they might be said to be framed, so she brought everyone here under the pretext of treading snow and looking for plums.

Everything is going smoothly, everything is expected, everything is going in the direction she expected, who knows in the end...

this man!

This terrible man!

She looked at that luxurious and handsome man, and shook her head with a pale face, how could that be?how come?
Obviously he just made her the queen, and he was so affectionate and considerate to her at the New Year's Eve family dinner last night, how could that be?
"Why does the emperor do this?"

Su Mo smiled coldly, paused every word, and said from the depths of his throat, "As the queen said, lure out those who harbor evil intentions!"

Bad intentions?

Xilingxue was shocked, and after a while, smiled wryly again, "Even if the concubine knew the contents of the letter and invited everyone to come here on purpose, the concubine was doing it for the emperor's good, for the sake of the emperor's face, why would he have any evil intentions?"

"For my face?" Su Mo let out a low laugh. Suddenly, his smile faded, and his cold eyes swept across the audience, "For my face, did you bring so many people here? Anyone who can come Are you here? Are you afraid that the world will know about it?"

Xilingxue's feet were soft, but fortunately she had a maid by her side to support her.

She clenched her palms tightly, her long nails were deeply embedded in her flesh, and she didn't even know it. She closed her eyes and forced herself to be calm.

"Okay! Even if the concubine is wrong, the concubine is willing to be punished, but she—"

Xilingxue stretched out her hand and pointed directly at Qiancheng.

"Is she right? Like the concubine and everyone else, she doesn't know that Su Mofeng is pretending to be the emperor tonight, right? As the emperor's woman, why would she come to meet another man in private? And why? Hugging with others without shame?"

Qiancheng's face turned pale.

"Shut up!" Su Mo interrupted her in a deep voice, his brows were slightly condensed, and the haze and coldness in his black eyes were clear.

"It's not up to you to comment on the relationship between Concubine Chen and the Third Prince. I just said that they are best friends, and I trust them!"

Everyone was shocked, including Qiancheng. She looked at the man next to her again and pursed her lips slightly.

"Best friend?" Xilingxue burst out laughing suddenly, as if hearing a funny joke, she laughed recklessly and wildly, and couldn't stop for a long time, "When will the emperor deceive himself? A best friend will make the emperor's woman pregnant His child?"

Her words were like thunder on the ground, exploding in the quiet snowy night.

Everyone was shocked.

Qiancheng's feet softened even more.

Go to the next update first, don’t worry, Suzi will continue to code, today’s million words~
Thank you [Cecile2007] for your generosity

Thank you【18705598918】Dear brilliant diamond
Thank you [Moye Coconut], [418728342], [Nie Haiyan], [Lin Mu 1] for the monthly pass~~~
(End of this chapter)

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