after losing heart

Chapter 240 [271] Going to Yaohua Palace

Chapter 240 [271] Going to Yaohua Palace

PS: Suzi admits his mistake first, the last chapter: "The emperor...the emperor don't listen to that little hoof...she...she framed me..."

It should be changed to ["Your Majesty... Your Majesty, don't listen to that little hoof... She... She framed her concubines..."]

Qiancheng didn't know how he returned to Tsinghua Palace, but only remembered that he was carried back by Su Mochen, and then he left after asking Chunlan to take good care of her.

Shouldn't he have explained it?

Why did you leave?
But it's true, at this moment, she can't even catch her breath, and she can't listen to his explanation.

Because what happened tonight was too shocking, really, every episode was like a dream.

He said the child was his?
Everything he did was for her, to find out who framed her behind the scenes?

He doesn't even want her to smell musk?

Was the person who framed her Xilingxue, Xia Lian or someone from Xilingxue, one of them was thrown into limbo, and the other was killed with a walking stick?
She is messy!

How could this be?
Why is it happening like that?

Youmei Palace

Mei Ping was resting on Emperor Wen's arm, playing with a strand of his hair with her fingers, "Jin, did you already know that the third prince who came over this afternoon is Shen'er?"

"Yeah!" Emperor Wen responded lightly.

In the afternoon, Su Mofeng rushed over in a dusty suit. He was very happy. Then, the two went to the yard, but after only a moment, he knew that he was not Su Mofeng.

Who is he, he is the father of these children, he has studied them and guarded against them for so many years, he knows what everyone is like, he knows better than anyone else.

He didn't understand why he had to pretend to be Su Mofeng. After thinking about it, he still exposed him, and he didn't deny it. He said that he wanted to put on a show and find out someone, and hoped that he would keep it a secret for him.

He promised him.

Later, the two talked about Mei Ping. They said they were talking, but in fact they were not. He was the only one who was talking and persuading, and his son was listening.

Over the years, he had done many things to his son, and he did not ask for his forgiveness, but Mei Ping was different, she did not hurt her, she just couldn't help herself.

Later, his son entered the house, and before entering the house, he said, "My son knows that she is suffering."

Although it was just a sentence, and it didn't express any attitude, he was still very relieved, he knew that this son was slowly coming out.

"He's Shen'er, that means he came to greet us for a new year?" Mei Ping was a little excited, she got up and looked at him, her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah!" Emperor Wen nodded with a smile, and pressed her into his arms again, "Whatever you do, be careful not to catch a cold."

Mei Ping was in a good mood, and lay back obediently, then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Jin, you said there are many ways to find Xilingxue, why did Shen'er take so much trouble?"

Emperor Wen smiled slightly, "You women don't understand. Who is Xilingxue? She is not a simple person. She is the princess of Dongmo, the daughter of Emperor Dongmo. How can it be so easy to deal with her? Not good, it will lead to war between the two countries. Therefore, it must be well-designed and one move to control the enemy. Not only must the evidence be convincing, but also the crime must be serious, and then, there must be many people present to witness, so that she is indisputable, There is no need for us to talk about it, so many people will eventually spread the news, so Dongmo will have nothing to say, and he will not say that I, Xi Cang, have fabricated the facts."

"So complicated?" Mei Ping muttered.

"Of course!" Emperor Wen raised his eyebrows and reached out to pinch her face, "Do you think it's so easy to be a monarch? You have to consider all aspects! However, your son is really beyond my expectations! Look! Come on, hand Xi Cang into his hands, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Of course!" Mei Ping followed his example and raised her eyebrows, pinching his face.

He smiled lowly, turned over and pressed her under him.

"what are you going to do?"

"Knowingly asking!"

Dragon Palace

Su Mo stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, his black eyes quietly looking at the snow on the window lattice, motionless.

Eunuch Li bowed and stood behind him, also motionless, not daring to breathe.

This man has been standing here since he came back from the plum garden, like a stone statue, wondering what he was thinking.

It stands to reason that everything he did was for the sake of Concubine Chen, so he should be in Tsinghua Palace now for that woman. However, he just sent that woman back and returned to Longyin Palace. Once you stop, you are here now.

After mustering up the courage for a long time, Eunuch Li said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the night is already very deep..."

The man turned his head and glanced at him lightly, but he didn't say anything behind him.

In fact, it is really deep, and the sky is almost dawn.

Just when he was thinking dejectedly that he might not be able to sleep tonight, the man suddenly turned his head again, "Order, although Xilingxue has been thrown into the cold palace, don't save on food and clothing in her palace. The class of ordinary concubines."

Eunuch Li was a little dazed, he was stunned for a while before he realized, and quickly replied: "Yes!"

I couldn't help feeling a little bit of emotion in my heart, it seemed that this young emperor was not as cold-blooded as he appeared on his face.

Just as she was thinking about it, suddenly, a white shadow flickered in front of her eyes, and the man passed him and walked out.

He came back to his senses and hurriedly followed, "Your Majesty, it's so late, which palace are you going to?"

The man kept walking, and a faint voice came, "Yaohua Palace!"

Yaohua Palace? !

Eunuch Li was startled again.

Instead of going to Tsinghua Palace, go to Yaohua Palace and Concubine Yun?
Really, the king's heart is unpredictable, the king's heart is unpredictable, he will never understand this man's mind.

In Yaohua Palace, the candles are flickering

Yun Kou sat under the lamp, playing with a piece of jade in her hand, a red string green jade.

That day at the main helm of Heishamen, the woman said that she broke the jade she gave to Su Mochen and asked her to give him another piece. She made another piece, but she never had a good chance to give it to him.

I thought of giving it to him as a New Year's gift, but he didn't come on New Year's Eve, and he still didn't come tonight on the first day of the new year.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late at night, let the servants wait on your Majesty to rest!"

Yun Kou raised her hand, her eyes were tired, "You all step back!"

The two maidservants looked at each other, but they didn't say much, they added some charcoal particles into the charcoal furnace, and quietly retreated.

They don't understand, didn't the queen capsize tonight?This woman should be happy, why is she looking lost?

The two of them had just closed the door, and when they turned around, they saw a man coming quickly, dressed in a crescent-colored soft robe, with a dragon and a phoenix posture, as rich as a jade.

Who is it if it is not the current Holy Majesty?
The two were overjoyed, this man had never stepped into Yaohua Palace since he became a concubine, and this was the first time he came tonight.

"See the emperor!" Both of them knelt down together.

Su Mochen ignored the two of them, walked past them, pushed the door open and entered.

Then, there was another "squeak" and the sound of the door closing.

The two dared to get up slowly, but they were still very happy in their hearts. In this harem, the master and the servants, one prospered and the other lost. Now, the queen has just been abolished, and this man has come to their master instead of Tsinghua University Gong, what does that mean?
I felt happy thinking about it, so I didn't back down, I just thought about standing at the door and waiting to be served, and seeing Eunuch Li standing at the door, I couldn't help but joked with him, "Hey, Eunuch Li, come with us Tell me, what kind of person is the emperor?"

In their eyes, although the princes and princes are all dragons and phoenixes among people, the current saint is really No. 1, the kind of No. 1 that makes people blush and heartbeat at a glance.

"My little ancestor, the emperor is also something we can talk about in private? Are you looking for death?" Eunuch Li held a whisk in his hand and knocked a blow on the heads of the two of them.

The two stuck out their tongues and giggled.

In the room, it was a different situation.

The man sat on the main seat, pursing his lips slightly, with a calm face, lowered eyebrows and eyes, looking at the teacup in his hand, pinching the lid with Bai Bi's slender fingers, gently flicking the tea surface.

The room is very quiet, you can hear the drop of a needle, only the sound of the cup lid hitting the teacup, one sound, one sound, very crisp.

After finishing the [-]D update today, Suzi vomited blood for a while, and continued [-]D tomorrow~~
Thank you [mali8008] for your big purse~
Thank you [Yezi1702], [gy3198], [mali8008], [13816256587] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [yuyan1314] Dear Huahua~~ I am very patient with you, are you a group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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