after losing heart

Chapter 241 [272] I will kill you

Chapter 241 [272] I will kill you

The room is very quiet, you can hear the drop of a needle, only the sound of the cup lid hitting the teacup, one sound, one sound, very crisp.

Yun Kou was sitting in front of the vanity mirror, brushing her hair with ivory in her hand and smoothing out her black hair, her face was calm, but her heart was already beating wildly.

It's winter, she only wears pajamas, but her palms are still sweaty.

This man has been sitting there since he entered the door without making a sound. She poured him a tea cup, and he took it silently without saying a word.

Having known him for many years, she still doesn't know what kind of person he is.

The more silent, the more terrifying.

Through the bronze mirror, she looked at the man again. The man still maintained the movement of flicking the tea cup, without raising his eyebrows.

She smiled bitterly in her heart, when did the two of them become like this?
Become such a close at hand, but relatively speechless state?
Withdrawing his eyes, he looked at himself in the bronze mirror. He was dressed in white pajamas, spotless, and his head was full of black hair, pouring down like a waterfall. His eyebrows were picturesque, without any decoration or makeup.

She pursed her lips, thought for a while, then gently placed the comb in her hand on the stage, and stood up gracefully.

"Shen..." She stretched out her jade arms and hugged the man behind her. The woman's exquisite and uneven curves pressed tightly against the man's back. She buried her head in the back of his neck, exhaling like blue.

Su Mochen didn't move, not even shaking the tea noodles in the cup in his hand.

Seeing that the man didn't push her away, Yun Kou's mind was moved, and a smile rose from the corner of her lips. She stretched out her little hand tremblingly, and poked into the hem of the man's chest. Her heart was pounding like a deer, and she was about to make another move, but her wrist Suddenly, the man grabbed her hand.

She thought the man would just pull her hand and pull her to the front, but no!
There was a palpitating crisp sound, the sound of a man resetting the teacup on the table, and the man rose up in response.

The man's sudden rise caught her who was originally attached to the man by surprise and almost fell to the ground.

"Shen..." Yun Kou looked at the man who suddenly turned to face her in disbelief.

"All these years, I thought you understood me!"

The man opened his mouth lightly, then turned around and sat down at the desk, but changed his seat.

Yun Kou didn't move, just stood there, her body trembling a little, for the sake of his name, and also for the seat he left.

When did they start to be so unfamiliar with each other?In private, I still have to address myself.

Since when did he avoid her like the plague?He didn't even give her a hug.

She Yun Kou is not such a shameless woman, she is very hurt!
After a long time, she regained her mind, bent her lips, walked to the seat opposite him and sat down, looked at him quietly, and said coldly: "The emperor is here tonight, why is it? If it is to serve the bed , then go to bed now, it’s almost dawn; if it’s for other things, let’s talk about it quickly, I’m very tired, I want to rest early.”

"When did you become like this?" Su Mo's eyes sharpened slightly, and he slowly looked at her.

"What kind of look?" Yun Kou laughed at herself.

Su Mo shook his head deeply, his brows were slightly drawn together, "I do have something to talk to you about."

Yun Kou was stunned, seeing his slightly condensed expression, flustered in her heart, but forced herself to be calm, she smiled slightly and said: "Please speak, Your Majesty!"

"If what happened tonight was done by someone else, I would have killed her already."

Yun Kou's heart bumped, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her palms.

What does he mean by that?
Who is he referring to by her, Xilingxue, or Yunkou?

She gritted her teeth tightly and looked at him for a moment.

The corners of Su Mo's lips curved deeply, evoking a cold and charming smile, his black eyes also looked back at her, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Is Xia Lian a person who eats from two families?"

Yun Kou was startled, and a look of disbelief floated in her water eyes.

The man's words continued, "On the surface, she is from Xilingxue, but in fact she is from your Yunkou. Am I right?"

With her heart beating wildly, Yun Kou recalled that night in the plum garden, the man gave her a light look. At that time, she was wondering if he was suspicious of her, if he had noticed something?
Later, when she saw this man confronting Xilingxue all the time, her heart finally calmed down.

It turned out that he was suspicious of her after all, wasn't he?

Or is it just a test?
Confused, she clenched and clenched the little hands under her sleeves, she smiled lightly, "Sorry, I don't know what the emperor is talking about?"

Su Mo gave a low smile, and the smile on his lips slowly faded, until finally only Qing Lie remained, "You know I'm not a patient person!"

Yun Kou's breathing stopped, her body trembled uncontrollably, she clenched her palms tightly, her long nails dug into the flesh, she told herself to calm down, calm down.

"What exactly does the emperor want to say?"

Su Mo lowered his brows and glanced at her extremely tense arms, "You know what I want to say, you are the one who gave Qiancheng medicine to make her pulse abnormal?"

Yun Kou heard the sound of her nails snapping.

"No," she smiled coldly, "it's obviously Xilingxue..."

"It's not her!" Su Mo interrupted her in a deep voice, "She was just framed by Xia Lian."

Framed and framed?

Yun Kou smiled wryly, "Is it because she said she was wronged?"

Why does this man trust everyone, but doubt her alone?

Ran Qiancheng was like that, his pulse was like that, and he still firmly believed that the child belonged to him.

Xilingxue said that she was wronged and framed, so he said it was not Xilingxue's fault.

What about Yun Kou?
She should be the woman he trusts the most, shouldn't she?

"You would rather believe her than me!" Yun Kou felt extremely miserable.

"I'm just speaking with the facts!" Su Mochen said lightly, and glanced at her indifferently, "When she asked the guards to take away me who was pretending to be Su Mofeng, I asked her repeatedly, if she really wanted to marry him?" Arrest me and Qiancheng to the emperor? She said with certainty, of course, to catch a traitor, you have to catch both, then I will know that the person who prescribes the drug is not her."

"She didn't know that the pulse was destroyed. She always thought that the child was really only more than one month old and belonged to Su Mofeng. Xia Lian only gave her such a message. She also believed it very firmly, so she dared to pass it on. Su Mofeng and Qiancheng came to see me together, if she destroyed the pulse, how dare she do this? Isn't it afraid that Su Mofeng and Qiancheng will confront each other and the truth will come out?"

Yun Kou was startled.

That's right, she was as thoughtful as she was, and she even forgot this point.

"So what? Xilingxue didn't do it, and it doesn't mean I did it."

Su Mochen pursed his lips tightly and closed his eyes, as if he was holding back his anger. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold, "I'm giving you a chance! I didn't let Xilingxue get entangled tonight, I just did it I gave you a chance, I sentenced Xia Lian to be executed immediately, I am also giving you a chance, now, sitting here, I am still giving you a chance, if you still persist in your obsession..."

"You'll just kill me, won't you?" Yun Kou interrupted him coldly, staring at him with burning eyes, her eyes slowly turning red.

She finally understood who he was referring to in the sentence "If what happened tonight was done by someone else, I would have killed her" just now, it wasn't Yun Kou.

"Yes!" The man's thin lips parted slightly, and the word escaped coldly. At the end, he added, "If there is another time, I will kill you!"

Yun Kou swayed and almost collapsed under the stool.

When had he ever said such a thing to her?
When had he ever said such unfeeling words to her?
For a moment, she felt a great pain in her heart, and she raised her hand to tightly cover her colic chest, and looked at him with a pale face, still in disbelief.

"Shen, you have changed..."

Su Mo Shen's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Maybe, maybe he has changed, or maybe he hasn't changed, but the people and things around him have changed.

After a long silence, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Shisi is a good man, and he has always been affectionate to you. If you want, I can release the news of Concubine Yun's death, and let you marry him in another capacity." ..."

"Su Mochen, what did you say?"

Yun Kou roared.

What is he saying?
What is this man talking about?
Push her to another man?
No, Su Mochen, how can you do this?How can you be so cruel?
A heart is like tens of thousands of hands scratching and scratching. The pain was almost unbearable for her. She trembled and tears flowed all over her face.

Su Mo sighed softly, "Yun Kou, I'm doing it for your own good! After all, I betrayed you! But, you are still young, and you still have a long way to go. I don't want you to be consumed by me. I also don't want you to turn bad for me. Except for glory and wealth and a concubine position, I can't give you what you want, but I can do it when you are fourteen. You have the right to pursue your own happiness."

Yun Kou smiled wryly.

This man finally used me and stopped using me, but the words he said were like a sharp knife, piercing her with holes.

Do not--

Her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she shook her head in pain.


What is happiness?

Don't you know that you are my happiness?You, Su Mochen, are my Yunkou's happiness?
"Think about it for yourself!" The man got up, as if he was about to leave.

"No... Shen... no..."

Yun Kou went crazy, rushed up, and hugged the man from behind, tightly, tightly, and humblely.

"I'm not going anywhere...I'm going to stay by your side...I promise you, I'll never do anything to hurt her again..."

The man paused for a moment, closed his eyes, sighed deeply, raised his hand to part the hand around his waist, opened the door and walked out.

The door opened and closed, a gust of cold night air swept in, Yun Kou shivered and fell to the ground.

Yes, Xia Lian belongs to Xilingxue, and also to her.

The difference is that what Xilingxue gave her was gold and silver, but what she used was the life of her family members.

Money is outside the body, but human life is always at stake.

So, destined, she was the winner.

She will never forget how she felt when Xia Lian told her that Qiancheng was pregnant. At that moment, she hated. She had never hated someone so much, never.

She should be the one who has a child with that man, shouldn't she?It can only be her, can't it?
How can dye Qiancheng?

So, she asked Xia Lian to drug that woman, which made her pulse abnormal, and she wanted her to have a quarrel with that man.

She also asked Xia Lian to bring the news to Xilingxue. She knew that according to Xilingxue's personality, she would definitely make good use of this opportunity. trap.

However, it was a trap, and she was not afraid, because she knew that Xia Lian would not catch her, after all, her family's life was still in her hands, right?

However, everything failed to escape the man's eyes after all.

She didn't know whether she should be happy or sad?
Glad this man let Xilingxue take the blame for her?Sad that this man wanted to kill her for such a trivial matter?

It's over, she suddenly has a very strong feeling that she and that man are over.

The first one~~
Thank you [Wang Qiwen] for your purse~~
Thank you [Tiffany—lai], [nLCS], [Lu Jin], Huahua~~
Thank you [hjhgl] dear, [auoauo] dear, [Green Gate Xueer] dear, [Lu Jin] dear, [dmz—922] dear, [chuyun—1114] dear, [Matarui Baby] dear monthly pass~~ group what~~~
(End of this chapter)

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