after losing heart

Chapter 242 [275] You are really nice...

Chapter 242 [275] You are really nice...

[6000 words, turn the page]

Emperor's tomb
Su Mofeng slowly opened his eyes, his head was a little heavy, and he still had a little pain, presumably because he drank too much alcohol last night, and fell asleep until now.

No wonder people in the world like to drink away their sorrows. Wine is indeed a good thing. After he was drunk, he had a good night's sleep last night. Otherwise, every night's dream would be the woman's eyebrows and eyes, which made it painful for him to even breathe. .

The sun outside the window is so strong, I'm afraid it's getting late.

After coming to the imperial mausoleum, he never looked at the time, anyway, the sunrise and sunset are only one day.

He got up and put on his clothes and got out of bed, when he heard movement outside.

In the imperial tomb, he lived alone, because no matter what he said, he was still a prince, and it was impossible for him to live with some servants and women who guarded the tomb.

Who will be out there?
Slightly puzzled, he walked out.

In the yard, a woman was bending over to clean up the empty wine jars that he threw away on the ground last night. The woman was wearing a cloak and her hair was loose, looking dusty.

The sun was a bit dazzling, Su Mofeng squinted his eyes, and slightly drew his brows together, why is she here?

"Fang Fang!"

The woman straightened up when she heard the sound, turned around, and saw him, with a happy expression on her face, and a bright smile, "Are you up?"

Su Mofeng was stunned for a moment, it seemed that she had come a long time ago and should have been to his wing.

"Why are you here?" Su Mofeng said lightly without moving.

Fang Fang's smile was a little stiff, she turned her gaze away to look elsewhere, then turned to look at him, pretending to be relaxed and casually smiled, "Come to see you, it's Chinese New Year, come and give you New Year's greetings! It seems that the third master It doesn't seem very welcoming."

Su Mofeng curled his lips and said nothing.

"Are you hungry?" Fang Fang put the wine jar in his hand on the stone table and asked him, "I brought a lot of delicious things here, as long as they are warmed up."

While speaking, Fang Fang walked to the horse not far away, and took off the package on the horse's back.

"No need." Su Mofeng raised his eyebrows again, "There is a special cook in the Imperial Mausoleum, and someone will deliver the meal later."

Fang Fang's movements were a little stiff, and she lowered her eyes to look at her hand lightly, and said "oh" for a while.

Su Mofeng picked up the steps and walked out.

"where are you going?"

Fang Fang bit her lip, she really shouldn't have come.

"Go and inspect the imperial tomb." Su Mofeng glanced at her lightly, and walked out the door.

The morning sun slanted into the yard, and the ground was golden. Fang Fang stood there, looking at her own shadow that was stretched obliquely and long in front of her, and lost her mind for a long time.

After arguing with Su Mochen all morning, Qiancheng couldn't sleep, so the man got up soon after he left.

Chunlan waited for her to change and wash, and she had eaten breakfast, she remembered that the man said that if Chunlan woke up, let Chunlan inform him, and he would ask the imperial doctor to show her.

In fact, she also wanted the imperial physician to show her, especially if she was drugged, she didn't know if it would affect the child.

Seeing that it was sunny outside after the snow, and the sun was just right, they went out with Chunlan.

The snow on the palace road had already been cleaned by the palace people, only the trees and flowers on the side of the road still had some unmelted residual snow, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight.

Qiancheng and Chunlan walked one after the other, when they passed by the back garden, they saw a woman sitting in the gazebo.

The woman was dressed in a white fox fur, with light makeup and a light face. She sat there alone, and the two maidservants stood far away by the pavilion.

Yun Kou, Su Mochen's concubine Yun.

Qiancheng was stunned.

They were going to Longyin Palace, they had to pass by the gazebo, she didn't know whether to say hello to them.

But Yun Kou lowered her brows and kept fiddling with something in her hand, as if she didn't see them at all.

Qiancheng pursed his lips, and was about to pretend he didn't see it, and just passed by, but his gaze was suddenly drawn away by the object in her hand, and his face turned pale immediately, he was stunned for a while, then turned his head and walked back.

Chunlan didn't know why, seeing her walking fast, she hurriedly followed behind, "Master, slow down, slow down..."

Back at Tsinghua Palace, Qiancheng sat down on the stone bench in the courtyard, Chunlan was startled, and quickly ordered the little maid to go to the back room to get a soft cushion, and put it on the stone bench.

Seeing her angry look, Chunlan didn't understand. At this time, the chief eunuch of Tsinghuayuan came to report that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had sent candied fruit.

Qiancheng kept a cold face and remained silent.

Seeing this, Chunlan hurriedly ordered the candied fruit to be taken away, and even brought two dishes out of small plates and placed them on the stone table.

"Master Qian, try it. This dish is sour, and the other dish is sweet. The eunuch who brought it here said it was the emperor's intention. The emperor really has a heart."

"It's very caring."

Qiancheng groaned coldly, his eyes fell on the crystal clear candied fruit, the glutton in his stomach was hooked up immediately, and he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to pick up one and put it in his mouth.

Outside the door, Su Mochen came in, dressed in purple dragon gun, and looked magnificent. When he saw Qiancheng, he curled his lips and walked directly in front of her, "Since I'm up, why don't I let Chunlan notify you?" ?”

When everyone in the courtyard saw them, they quickly knelt down and saluted. Only Qiancheng still sat there and did not get up. Suddenly, he frowned, pointed to a plate of candied fruit, and asked Chunlan who was kneeling beside him: "Are you sure this is sweet?" ?”

Chunlan was startled, and Su Mo couldn't help smiling, "It's not sweet, it's sour."

While speaking, he waved his sleeves to make everyone stand up.

Chunlan was a little dazed, she got up and looked at the plate Qiancheng was pointing to again, and frowned slightly, "The father-in-law who brought the candied fruit clearly said that it was sweet, could it be... the servant made a mistake?"

Su Mo smiled lowly, stepped forward and directly pulled Qiancheng up, sat down by himself, hugged Qiancheng on his lap, and looked at Chunlan, "You're not mistaken, some people eat sweet things into sweets. It's just sour."

Qiancheng got annoyed when he heard it, and stretched out his elbow to hit his chest, "Let me go!"

Su Mochen was not angry, but smiled even brighter, his arms were still tightly cuffed, and he turned his head and told Chunlan next to him, "Go to the Imperial Hospital and invite Imperial Doctor Qiu over."

Chunlan took the order and left.

Seeing that he couldn't break free, Qiancheng didn't bother to waste his efforts, and suddenly reached out to him, "Give me back my things!"

"What?" Su Mo suppressed his smile and looked at her.

"Jade! The piece of jade I gave you." Qiancheng also looked back at him, but his clear eyes were full of anger.

"Don't return it!" Su Mochen was categorical, and at the end, he added, "It's mine if you give it to me. If you want to return it, you will return it."

Hearing this, Qiancheng became even angrier, "Then the piece of jade you gave me is going to go back too?"

"It's different! You used that piece of jade to intercede with another man, didn't you?" Su Mochen said lightly, his eyes darkened.

"Then you are not much better! Didn't you also give the jade I gave you to another woman?"

Su Mochen just looked at her, his eyes darkened even more, and he pursed his lips slightly.

Seeing his eyes like this, Qiancheng felt a little guilty, paused for a moment, and remembered that he saw Yun Kou playing with her piece of red rope and green jade just now, so he met his eyes confidently.

Suddenly, the back of his hand became hot, and it was Su Mochen who pressed her hand and stuffed it into his lapel.

Her heart skipped a beat, and the place where her palm touched was hard and cold. He took her hand and pulled out something.

Red String Green Jade!

Isn't it her piece?

Qiancheng was completely dumbfounded, so just now... did he just miss it?
"Sorry, I……"

She didn't know what to say, but she couldn't say that she was delusional and thought that the jade in Yun Kou's hand was her own?Then what face does she have to meet people?
"Qiancheng, after going through so much, I thought you believed in me, just like I believed in you. It turned out that it was really just my thought..."

Su Mo curled his lips and smiled coldly.


Qiancheng was a little at a loss, and seeing him like this, couldn't help but blushed.

"Hey~" Su Mo sighed deeply, his eyes gradually softened, and he reached out to hug her, "Qiancheng, you have to trust me..."

No one knew how much he cared about her trust.

Going around, he was afraid, he was really afraid.

Qiancheng remained silent, silently buried his head in his arms.

Su Mochen stretched out his hand and slowly raised her face, how aggrieved and how aggrieved the tear was about to drip, his heart moved, he lowered his head, gently kissed her eyelids, and finally landed on her lips.

"Don't..." Qiancheng blushed, stretched out his hand to push him, and muttered, "Everyone is here."

"People? Where is someone?" Su Mo smiled lowly.

Qiancheng looked around in astonishment, when the people in the yard just now disappeared.

The man's lips came up again, she refused to let her hide, so he searched bit by bit, the two were arguing, Chunlan came in with the imperial doctor.

Qiancheng blushed, and wanted to stand up, but was held by Su Mochen, "Don't move!"

The imperial physician was about to salute, but Su Mochen waved his hand to stop, "Help Concubine Chen take a look!"

While speaking, he took the jade back from Qiancheng's hand and stuffed it into the lapel of his chest.

The imperial doctor took the pulse carefully and said that the baby was normal, and then prescribed some anti-fetal medicine, and also prescribed a medicine to restore the pregnancy pulse.

at night
When Su Mochen came to Tsinghua Palace after reviewing the memorial, Qiancheng was looking at the bowl of thick black soup on the desk with a sad face, and sighed.

Seeing Su Mochen coming in, she pointed at the medicine bowl, and said aggrievedly: "Su Mochen, can I not drink it?"

"No!" Su Mochen reached out to explore the wall of the bowl, and seeing that the medicine was still warm, he picked up the medicine bowl and handed it to her.

"But, it's really hard!" Qiancheng looked up at him, looking like he was about to cry.

She had already drank it once in the afternoon, and it was so bitter that she couldn't recover from eating candied fruit and sweets all afternoon.

"The good medicine tastes bitter! It's all for the good of the baby in your belly. Come on, be good, drink it up..." Bai Bi's slender fingers gently rubbed the corners of her eyes back and forth, and Su Mo coaxed her patiently.

At the end, he ordered Chunlan to fetch honey and candied fruit.

Qiancheng lingered for a while, seeing that he couldn't push it away, he cursed in a low voice, "You're ruthless!"

Then, pinching his nose, he drank the medicine in one gulp angrily, wrinkling his face from the bitterness.

Su Mochen was not annoyed, he smiled at her, his black eyes were as bright as stars, he reached out and picked up a candied fruit and handed it to her lips.

She looked at him in pain and hatred, and when she saw the man's smiling face, she felt angry.

Putting the bowl in her hand on the table heavily, she stood up awkwardly, "The child belongs to both of us, why should I suffer alone, it's not fair!"

As soon as she finished speaking, before Su Mochen could react, she stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips directly to his.

Su Mo trembled, and her arms were already on his neck, imitating the way he usually kissed her.

While doing something between his lips and tongue, she asked inarticulately: "Is it suffering... I am suffering, and I want you to suffer..."

He didn't care about it, he was still willing to succumb, entangled her tongue, Qiancheng was always making trouble with him, seeing him like this, he didn't show any weakness.

In the silent night, only the entanglement of two people's lips and tongues was heard.

How can Su Mochen bear it?
He bent down and picked her up horizontally, walked quickly to the side of the bed, and put her on the bed.

The charcoal fire in the room was burning brightly and it was as warm as spring. After taking a bath, she only wore a pajamas, so without any effort, she was completely taken off by him.

Realizing what he was going to do, she was ashamed and startled: "Don't...Su Mochen..."

"You provoked it yourself."

Qiancheng wanted to cry, but she didn't know how things turned out like this. In fact, after the past few days, she no longer resisted his touch, but, it's just...

She raised her head to look at her lower abdomen, Su Mochen's lips moved over again, and kissed her tenderly, "Don't be afraid, I'm sensible..."

This was the first time that Qiancheng looked at Su Mochen's body after losing his memory. All this was so shocking that Qiancheng didn't dare to look directly at him, so he could only blushed and his eyes fluttered around.

She is so young,

The ashamed Lian Yue'er also hid in the clouds.

Today's update is over~~ Don't say Suzi is updated, this is 6000 words, which is equivalent to the usual two updates, and they are posted together, so that you can enjoy watching and avoid incoherence. ╭(╯3╰)╮

In addition, dear friends, can you help Suzi choose a little girl's name? o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [hdl950716] dear, [370758204] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [bingjiefhf], [tiffany—lai] for your purse~~
Thank you [mercuryxia], [high2004], [laughandlove], [370758204], [Zhang Weizhi], [hjyblj042017], [dadakangkang] for the monthly pass~~~ I love you guys~~
(End of this chapter)

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