after losing heart

Chapter 243 [276] To Jiangnan

Chapter 243 [276] To Jiangnan
As soon as the third day of junior high school passed, Su Mochen became busy. Basically, before Qiancheng woke up every day, he had already got up and went to court. At night, after she fell asleep, he came to Tsinghua Palace after approving the memorial. He only woke up in the middle of the night. When I came, I realized that there was someone beside me who was sleeping with her in my arms.

But she herself is very leisurely, she eats and sleeps every day, and when the weather is good, she goes out for a walk, or visits Youmei Palace.

Mei Ping is very kind to her, and often cooks some delicious food for her to eat, and has already started to make small clothes and shoes for her unborn child.

Originally Emperor Wen and she planned to go to Jiangnan after the new year, but for some reason, they didn't leave for a long time.

The weather is getting warmer day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it is spring.

Dragon Palace

Su Mochen closed the memorial in his hand with some annoyance, and threw it on the dragon table with a "snap".

Eunuch Li next to him was taken aback.

He knew that this man had been in a bad mood from the morning court to the present, and the hundreds of officials in the morning court jointly signed a memorial, saying that the harem is deserted now, and asked to hold a draft to enrich the harem, but this man shunned it. I am afraid that these memorials are also like this something.

In fact, as an emperor, it is common to have Sangong and Six Courts, and in all dynasties, the harem is inseparable from the previous dynasties. The harem is also an important factor in maintaining the balance and stability of the political situation, especially for the new emperor who has just ascended the throne. It is even more important.

He didn't understand why this man objected so much. Although he knew how much he doted on that concubine Chen, it was not contradictory at all. If you choose a concubine, you can still love three thousand people, right?
Eunuch Li was thinking to himself when a man's voice suddenly sounded.

"Eunuch Li, is there any news from the person sent to investigate the Sixth Prince?"

Eunuch Li was stunned for a moment, then shook his head solemnly, "Go back to the emperor, not yet."

"Not yet?" Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and sneered, "It's been a long time, and there's still no news at all. I don't believe it. Could it be that two living people just disappeared out of thin air?"

Eunuch Li was silent, not daring to vent his breath.

After serving this period of time, he found that this man hardly lost his temper or was hoarse, most of the time his face was as dark as water, showing no emotion, but occasionally his face was stern, with a sneer on the corner of his lips. Seemingly nothing, it directly makes people feel as if Mount Tai is overwhelmed and breathless.

"Send someone to the Ninth Prince's Mansion, let the Ninth Prince enter the palace, and tell him that I have something to discuss with him."

"Yes! This servant is going!" Eunuch Li bowed and retreated.

Su Mo raised his hand, pinched the aching brows, leaned against the back of the chair, and slightly closed his eyes.

It stands to reason that the people he sent out to secretly investigate Su Mohong's whereabouts are first-class, and it will not be possible to find out any clues after such a long time, unless...unless someone keeps passing his news to Su Mohong.

With the sound of small footsteps, he opened his eyes suddenly, and a delicate figure of a woman came into his eyes, and she was tiptoeing towards the hall with her skirts in hand.

With a hook on his lips, he closed his eyes again.

He thought the woman would yell to scare him, or cover his eyes and let him guess, or...

Anyway, since she came here on tiptoe, she was definitely going to make a fuss with him, so he just waited there with his eyes closed, motionless, to see if she had any tricks, but in the end, he waited and waited, but nothing happened.

There was no movement at all.

how come?
Confused, he opened his eyes again, and found that there was no one in the hall?
"Qiancheng..." He yelled twice, but seeing no one responded, he got up and searched out.

In the hall, under the bright yellow curtain, the woman came out, curling her lips in disdain: "Cut! It's also claimed to be strong in martial arts, and the person hiding under the nose can't even detect it."

"Who says you can't detect it?" The man's evil figure moved.

Qian Cheng raised his head, and saw Su Mochen standing at the door, with his arms folded, looking at her leisurely, his black eyes sparkling, and he seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You—" Qiancheng realized that she had been fooled. It turned out that it was a lie to go out to look for it, and it was the truth to lie to her to come out by herself. She suddenly became angry, "You, you are boring!"

"I don't know who is bored?" The man smiled brilliantly, put down his arms, and walked towards the hall with his purple robe fluttering.

"I won't play with you anymore." Qiancheng pouted displeasedly, and was about to go out, but was picked up by the man, "Stay with me!"

"What are you doing with me?"

"Look at the memorial!" While speaking, the man had already hugged her and sat beside the dragon case, and raised his hand to open a book slip.

"Look at the memorial, what am I doing?"

"Watch or sleep with me!" The man answered simply and domineeringly.

Qiancheng almost choked on his own saliva.

Let's see, she is not interested in those national affairs!But sleep, the sky is bright and bright, not to mention she just woke up from sleep, how can she still be able to sleep?

She wanted to break free, but saw that the man was already concentrating, not knowing what he was seeing, and his handsome eyebrows were still slightly raised, her heart moved, thinking of the hard work of this man these days, she felt a little distressed.

So she nestled in his arms obediently and found a comfortable position, he looked at the memorial, she looked at him, at his flawless handsome appearance, thinking about things in her own mind.

"What are you thinking?" The man bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

Qian Cheng regained consciousness in a trance, "Nothing!"

In fact, she was thinking about Su Mofeng, she hadn't heard from him for a long time, and she didn't know if he was doing well.

The corner of the man's lips curled up, his eyes turned dark, and he stared at her without saying a word.

What look is this?
She hated looking at him like this.

Qiancheng was slightly annoyed, and was about to express his dissatisfaction, but there was a sudden movement in his stomach, like a meridian twitching, as if someone kicked you, but it didn't hurt at all.

She opened her eyes wide in astonishment, grabbed Su Mochen's big hand and pressed it to her belly.

Su Mochen was holding her with one arm and the imperial pen in the other, startled by her sudden movement, and immediately, the imperial pen in his hand fell down suddenly, his face that had always been indifferent was an expression of ecstasy beyond belief.

"Qiancheng...he's moving!"

There was a tremor in his voice that he didn't even notice.

It was a look that Qiancheng had never seen before, and she seemed to see the crystals in his eyes, the crystals shining with strong emotions.

"Yeah! He's moving!" Qiancheng smiled, his heart was too excited to hold back.

Suddenly, the man waved his hand, and there was a loud "crash", and the memorial, pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the dragon case were swept to the ground.

Qiancheng was startled, but before he could react, the man had already picked her up, placed her on the dragon table, and lifted up her shirt with his big hands impatiently.

His body suddenly felt cold, Qiancheng exclaimed, "What are you going to do?"

Before she finished speaking, she was stopped by the man's next movement. The man was half bent, lowered his head, and pressed his face against her bulging belly.

Focus like never before.

"Su Mochen..."

"Hush!" Before she could speak, she was stopped by his vertical finger, so she had no choice but to keep silent.

After a while, the man raised his head, with a look of disappointment on his face, "It seems that he is not moving anymore."

Seeing his appearance, Qiancheng couldn't help but burst into laughter, "When I called you, I was going to tell you that he wasn't moving anymore, so don't let me tell you."

Su Mochen was not annoyed, he put down her clothes with his big hand, leaned over and pecked her soft lips vigorously, "The next time you move, remember to tell me, it's been more than five months now, the back should be able to move more and more frequently."

Talked like he was very experienced.

Qiancheng curled her lips, and she noticed that when she said this, there was something in the man's black eyes.

Is it hope?

Does he really care that much?Really care about her and their children so much?
"Su Mochen"

Raising her hand, she circled his neck and blew like blue.

Su Mo's body froze slightly, "What's wrong?"

"You love our children very much, don't you?"

Qiancheng looked at the handsome man who was close at hand, his eyes sparkled.

Su Mo was stunned, the corners of his lips curled up, and he leaned over to touch her forehead, and said softly, "Of course!"

"Being a parent is really hard, isn't it?"


"Then..." Qiancheng paused, and slightly distanced himself from him, "Let's go to Youmei Palace to have a look!"

The smile on Su Mochen's lips faded, and he looked at her lightly, without blinking for a moment.

Qiancheng was startled, thinking that he was annoyed, and was about to change the subject, when he suddenly heard him say: "Well, let me think about it."

Suzi has something to do, so I will just watch the bird today, sorry~ By the way, these chapters are sweet, right? hiahia~
Thank you [tiffany-lai] dear Huahua~~thank you [Green Gate Xueer] dear magic pen~~
(End of this chapter)

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