after losing heart

Chapter 244 [277] Give you 3 days

Chapter 244 [277] Give you three days
【Two chapters combined into one chapter, 6000 words】

The days passed day by day, warm and quiet, and before I knew it, it was early summer.

After all, Su Mochen still didn't go to Youmei Palace.

He is still very busy, going to court, approving memorials, discussing political affairs with ministers, often having secret talks with Fourteen and Old Nine, and occasionally going to the people in private.

With his efforts, Xi Cang has gradually entered into a prosperous and prosperous world, but only he knows that there will be a bloody storm in the world of Xi Cang sooner or later.

Hundreds of officials in the court called for Su Mo to be drafted and enrich the harem. Although, at the beginning, they were all prevaricated by the emperor. After a long time, there was no reason to prevaricate, so he just got angry and refused coldly.

However, there are always some who are not afraid of death, not to mention, they are all thinking of the country, and there is no reason to punish them. Besides, the so-called law does not punish the public, Su Mochen is a little powerless about this.

Qiancheng's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and she is struggling more and more. Recently, her feet have become swollen, so she rarely goes out.

Fortunately, whenever Su Mochen had time, he would come to accompany her. Sometimes Fang Fang would come to see her in the palace when he was free, and tell her interesting stories outside and Su Mofeng's recent situation. She felt that life was not so difficult to pass.

The sun always dawns very early in June.

In the early morning of this day, Chunlan opened the door, and she was shocked.

In the yard, there were people kneeling all over the ground, one by one dressed in orthodox court clothes, kneeling straight and neatly in unison.

Even if Chunlan is a servant who has no experience, she still knows who these people are, civil and military officials.

It's just that these people don't kneel in the Golden Luan Hall, but what does it mean to kneel here with a concubine in the harem?He also specially picked Su Mo and Shen Weifu to come when he was away among the people and not in the palace.

He secretly felt that something was wrong, so he turned around and went back to the house to report to Qiancheng.

When Qiancheng came out with a big belly, all the officials made clear their intention of coming, and said in unison: "Concubine Chen, please persuade the emperor to hold a draft to fill the harem!"

Qiancheng was dumbfounded.

She is simple-minded, but she is not a fool.

It is clear from Baiguan's words that they respect her, but they are actually blaming her, which means that the reason why Su Mochen has not filled the harem for a long time is because of her, and she is the culprit.

Thinking of this, she became a little annoyed. What does this have to do with her?

Feeling displeased, she didn't bother to pay attention to everyone, so she turned around and went back to her room.

But all the officials seemed to be against her, and they couldn't afford to kneel for a long time without her promise. They knelt from early morning to noon, and then from noon to sunset.

The sun was scorching, everyone was sweating profusely, they didn't eat or drink, and they were so exposed to the sun that some older people even fainted and were carried to the Tai Hospital.

Sitting in the back room, Qiancheng was upset. He didn't want to pay attention to the people outside, but he was worried that if this stalemate continued, some people would really die, and Su Mochen was not around. In the end, she had to agree.

Only then did everyone return satisfied.

However, Qiancheng's heart was terribly blocked. When she returned to the back room, she was just about to sit down when she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her lower abdomen, which was unbearable. gruff.

Chunlan and the maids around her were shocked, and hurried forward to support her, "Master..."

"It stomach hurts..."

Qiancheng was leaned on the soft chair by the crowd, exhaled a lot of air, but inhaled less, his face was pale, and his forehead was sweating profusely.

Seeing her appearance, Chunlan's complexion changed, "I'm afraid the master is about to give birth, hurry up, go and call the imperial physician!"

to give birth?
Isn't this more than half a month away from the due date?Could it be that he was angered by the officials just now?

Everyone couldn't care less about it. When they heard that they were about to give birth, they were both surprised and happy, and the whole Tsinghua Palace jumped up and down.

Those who went to the Tai Hospital went to the Tai Hospital, those who went to ask for a stable woman asked for a stable woman, and some people went to Longyin Palace to inform Eunuch Li, and asked Eunuch Li to quickly notify the current emperor who is away.

Both the imperial physician and Wen Po were appointed by Su Mochen early in the morning, and they had already made sufficient preparations. When they heard that Concubine Chen was going to give birth, they didn't dare to delay for a moment, and rushed over in a hurry.

On the bed, Qiancheng was sweating profusely, and his clothes were drenched, as if he had been fished out of the water just now.

The imperial doctor took her pulse, and Mrs. Wen was preparing to deliver the baby swiftly. Chunlan stood beside her anxiously, holding a brocade scarf in her hand and kept wiping her sweat. Fan the wind.

Everyone was sweating profusely and cautiously.

Because everyone knows how important this woman is to that young emperor, if there is a slight difference, it will be a matter of life and death.

The labor pains became more and more intense and dense, round after round, wave after wave, there were some gaps at the beginning, but in the end, there was only a lot of pain left, and she finally couldn't help crying out anymore.

"Su Mochen...Su Mochen...."

People in Tsinghua Palace have long been familiar with the taboo of this woman calling the emperor by the name of the emperor, but the imperial physician Wenpo was quite frightened, thinking it was because of the pain and confusion, and quickly ordered the maid to give her the sliced ​​ginseng slices superior.

When Su Mochen arrived at Tsinghua Palace, the courtyard of Tsinghua Palace was full of people, including palace maids, eunuchs, imperial physicians, Yun Kou was also there, and even Concubine Wendi Mei came, all with serious expressions.

A woman's hoarse and broken voice came from the room, and he heard it clearly, it was "Su Mochen".

His heart suddenly ached and sank.

She is calling him!

It turned out that she was really calling him!
It turned out that there was a real feeling, just like when she was tortured by rats in the palace, he could feel it when she called him. Fortunately, he didn't go far this time, and received a letter from Eunuch Li, He rushed back without stopping, and all the way, he heard her calling him, wishing he could put on his wings and fly.

Regarding his sudden appearance, before everyone in the courtyard could react, Zi Ying flickered, and the man had already broken into the wing.

By the time everyone realized that they wanted to stop it, the door had already been closed with a "bang".

Everyone was horrified, how could an emperor enter such a filthy place as the blood room?

That's ominous!

Everyone was startled and frightened, not knowing whether to go in and persuade him to come out, but knowing the temper of the young emperor, he was not a master who would listen to persuasion, so they all looked at Emperor Wen, the former Xi Emperor Cang.

Mei Ping smiled lightly, "Let him alone! Good or bad, he is willing."

"Yeah!" Emperor Wen nodded.

Everyone had to give up.

On the side, Yun Kou narrowed her eyes slightly, and pursed her lips tightly.

In the room, when Po Wen saw Su Mochen who entered suddenly, she was shocked and saluted hurriedly, "Why did the emperor come in? The empress gave birth here, the emperor can't stay here, get out quickly!"

Su Mochen couldn't hear it, and ran directly to the bed.

Qiancheng was lying there soaked all over, his face was pale, even his lips were bloodless, his eyes were slightly closed, if it wasn't for calling his name one after another, it would almost make people doubt if she was still alive.

He was in so much pain, his heart trembled again and again, "Qiancheng, I'm back, I'm here, I'm here..."

He grabbed the woman's hand and held it in his palm, only to find that his hand was as cold as hers.

He is also afraid, never afraid before.

Seeing that the midwife was still kneeling on the ground, he suddenly yelled, "Why are you still kneeling there? Hurry up and give me a good delivery!"

Wen Po was a little frightened, and after a while she came to her senses, she quickly got up from the ground and continued to check the situation of Qiancheng.

Qiancheng was already on the verge of fainting. In his daze, he seemed to hear Su Mochen's voice. He was overjoyed, and smiled weakly, "Su Mochen... child.... child..."

Su Mo's eyes hurt, he put her cold little hand to his lips, and kissed gently, "Don't be afraid, Qiancheng, the child is fine, the child will be fine..."

"Your Majesty, push harder, harder!"

Wen Po was also out of breath and sweating profusely. Seeing that more than two hours had passed, there was no sign of the child coming out.

Qiancheng shook Su Mochen's hand with one hand, and tightly grasped the quilt with the other hand. His consciousness was already weak, and the only thing in his mind was the voice of Mrs. Wen telling her to use force, so he held on with one breath and tried his best to go down earn.

I don't know how long it took, but the child still didn't come out, and the mother-in-law's voice continued, but Qiancheng felt that his whole body was as soft as a ball of mud, and he didn't even have the strength to move his little finger.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you can't sleep, you must stay awake, otherwise you will be in danger, come and follow the servant, breathe in and out..."

There was a lot of noise in his ears, Qiancheng couldn't tell whose voice it was, and couldn't hear what was said, but felt that his consciousness was getting more and more chaotic.

"Qiancheng, be good, don't sleep! Wake up, be sure to stay awake!"

Su Mochen was in a panic. While sending her true energy through the palm of his hand, he lowered his head and kissed the corners of the woman's nose and lips, "Qiancheng... Qiancheng... Persist... Must persevere, our child... we The baby is coming out soon...."

He straightened his voice, but still couldn't hide the trembling of his voice. He really wished that at this moment, he was the one suffering.

Maybe it was because of his true energy, or maybe because he heard his call, Qiancheng opened his eyes again.

At this moment, Granny Wen looked at Qiancheng's lower body, and was also overjoyed, "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, empress, try harder, harder!"

Feeling the pain in his abdomen, Qiancheng closed his eyes heavily, and struggled again with all his strength, a shrill scream came out through his throat, piercing everyone's eardrums, "Ah——"

Everyone was startled, and before they could react, they heard the loud cry of the baby.

"It was born, it was born, congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the empress, you are a princess!" It was the voice of Wen Po who was extremely happy.

"It's born, it's born, the master is born!" The maids and eunuchs of Tsinghua Palace also burst into joy.

Everyone's face relaxed, inside and outside the house.

Mei Ping let out a long breath, and Emperor Wen squeezed her palm with a smile.

Yun Kou smiled wryly, looked up at the sky, there were stars mottled above her head, it was already night, she turned around slowly, and walked out of Tsinghua Palace.

In the room, Su Mochen gently kissed the woman's sweaty forehead, with a long smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, "Qiancheng, our Jin'er was born..."

She and his Jin'er.

Qiancheng slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly bumped into the man's black pupils, which were full of tenderness and distress.

The four eyes met, and the sticky eyes were twisted together, as if they could never be separated again.

"Su Mochen...I want to see my daughter..." Qiancheng said weakly.

"Okay!" Su Mo stood up with a deep smile.

The woman in this room has cleaned and wrapped the baby. Su Mochen took the swaddling baby, his black eyes fixed on the baby in the swaddling baby, his heart trembled, the feeling, the feeling was indescribably good .

Seeing the man's clumsy hugging posture, a gratified smile appeared on Qiancheng's pale lips, he moved his body, and wanted to get up, but suddenly his eyes darkened and he passed out.

A man's terrified voice sounded next to his ear, "Qiancheng——"

Not long after the Ministry of Internal Affairs spread the good news of Concubine Chen's birthday to the princess, it suddenly came the news that Concubine Chen fell into a coma after giving birth.

Tsinghua Palace is brightly lit.

Su Mo sat on the edge of the bed, his face condensed.

In front of him, everyone knelt down together, the imperial physician, Wen Po, court ladies, and eunuchs.

There were dozens of people, but there was no sound at all.

The room was silent, only the sound of Geng leaking from the corner, rustling, rustling.

Everyone shook their heads, not daring to look at the young emperor, their clothes were drenched with sweat.

After a long period of silence, I heard Su Mochen's voice in a daze, "What do you mean, I can only wait now, don't you?"

All the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital came, including Yuan Zheng, but at this moment, no one dared to say a word.

Each of them took the woman's pulse and found nothing abnormal, and there was no heavy bleeding during the delivery, and they didn't know why they fell into a coma?

Seeing everyone's silence, Su Mo sneered: "This is my imperial hospital?"

A hospital where even a puerpera faints is helpless?

"I'll give you three days. If Concubine Chen doesn't wake up after three days, I'll make Xi Cang no longer have a grand hospital!"

He raised his hand and waved wearily at the crowd. His voice was not heavy, but every word came out from the depths of his throat, causing everyone present to change their faces and become terrified, and forgot to react for a moment.

Seeing that everyone was still kneeling there motionless, he suddenly yelled, "Get lost—"

Everyone was frightened, sweating profusely, and hurriedly got up like birds and beasts to scatter.

The room fell silent again.

Su Mochen sat alone in a daze for a while, then slowly turned around and looked at the woman on the bed.

Like a water lily.

So quiet, so quiet that there is almost no sense of existence.

Bowing his head, he gently kissed the woman's dry lips, tossed and turned, and murmured, "Qiancheng, if you are tired, just sleep for a while, but if you sleep enough, you must wake up, our daughter, you haven't seen it yet." Here we go..."

When Chunlan walked in, she saw the man kissing the woman while talking in a hoarse voice.

So affectionate.

In fact, she has long been familiar with these two people. She once saw the scene where the young emperor washed the woman's feet. , put it in the copper basin to wash gently, both of them smiled and bent their eyebrows.

Chunlan was thinking, I'm afraid there will never be such a second couple in this world, right?

However, the world is always impermanent, often while giving you a joy, it also wants to give you a good day.

How can you be unconscious?
After a long time, the man slowly straightened up, turned his head, and glanced at her, "Is there something wrong?"

It was only then that Chunlan remembered the business, bowed to Su Mo, "Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Qiu has gone and returned, and said that he has something to ask the Emperor."

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Let him in quickly!"

Emperor's tomb
Su Mofeng slept lightly, and in the dream, there were always the eyes of the woman smiling, angry, angry, or crying.

"Brother Feng, come and chase me!"

Under the blue sky and white clouds, among the red flowers and green grass, the woman in white clothes fluttered like flowing snow, running non-stop, and kept turning her head and smiling at him, a string of silver bell-like laughter spread all over the hill.

"Qiancheng, run slowly." He also smiled brightly.

However, suddenly, the woman was getting faster and faster, running farther and farther, his face changed, he quickly tapped his toes, and stepped forward with lightness kung fu, only to find that there was nowhere for the woman to be seen.

In the vast and vast world, he looked around blankly, there was nothing, not even flowers and trees, only him, standing alone in the world.

"Qiancheng—" He suddenly turned over and sat up, only to realize that it was just a dream.

Outside the window, it was already daylight.

He bent his lips somewhat self-deprecatingly, it seems that wine is useless, even if they go to bed drunk, some people still come in a dream.

"Third Master!"

There was a knocking sound on the wooden door.


So early, who came to find him?

Frowning slightly, he got up with his clothes on and opened the door.

It's an eunuch, with a dusty body, one can tell at a glance that he came here overnight.

Seeing him, the eunuch was overjoyed, and quickly saluted: "Third Master, the emperor has called urgently to ask Third Master to return to the palace immediately!"

Morning the next day
Su Mochen ignited the first big fire in history on the Golden Luan Hall, and punished and demoted the three leading officials who brought all the officials to the Tsinghua Palace to kneel down, and all participants were fined and paid half a year.

Everyone was terrified, but no one dared to speak.

After all, it was a fact that Concubine Chen gave birth ahead of time when they walked forward, and it was also a fact that Concubine Chen fell into a coma after the child was born.

They should never have stimulated a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, and this pregnant woman was the young emperor's life.

When Yun Kou walked into Tsinghua Palace holding the maid's hand, the Tsinghua Palace was completely quiet.

The maids were sweeping the courtyard, and when they saw her coming in, they put down their tools and saluted her, "Concubine Yun!"

Six thousand words updated today~~
Thank you [ynlcgty], [bigthree] for your purse~~~
love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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