after losing heart

Chapter 245 [278] I remember everything

Chapter 245 [278] I remember everything
[Still two chapters and one chapter 6000 words, turn the page]

The maids were sweeping the courtyard, and when they saw her coming in, they put down their tools and saluted her, "Concubine Yun!"

Yun Kou nodded with a faint smile, graceful and generous, "Is the concubine Chen awake?"

The maids shook their heads dismally, "Not yet."

"I'm going to see her." Yun Kou went straight into the back room, and the maids couldn't find a reason to stop her.

Su Mochen has explained that she should let Concubine Chen take a good rest and not let others disturb her.

The maids thought, Concubine Yun should not be included in this other people.

It is said that this woman has had a relationship with the current emperor for more than ten years, and the feeling of sharing weal and woe is also the emperor's heart.

She came to visit, the emperor should not blame her.

Actually, even if other people include Concubine Yun, so what?How can these slaves stop a master?
Chunlan came in from the outside holding the little princess and the nanny, and the maids hurriedly stepped forward to tell her that Concubine Yun was visiting Concubine Chen in the back room. When Chunlan heard this, her face changed, and she said angrily: "Didn't the emperor say that you should not let the concubine come in?" Did others bother Concubine Chen? Have you all forgotten?"

"But..." the maids were wronged, "I am Concubine Yun, the master."

"Hey~" Chunlan stomped her feet and was about to enter the house with Jin'er in her arms. When she reached the door, the door was suddenly opened from the inside, and Yun Kou Pingping Tingting came out.

Chunlan was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyebrows and bowed slightly to salute her: "Concubine Yun!"

"Yeah!" Yun Kou nodded and teased Jin'er in Chunlan's arms with a smile. In just one day, the little guy has a pair of bright black eyes rolling around, which is really cute.

At the end, Yun Kou ordered Chunlan and the maids and eunuchs to take good care of Qiancheng and the child, and then left with the maidservant's hand.

Chunlan thought of something, and quickly walked into the back room with Jin'er in her arms.

When Su Mofeng arrived at the palace, it was already noon, and the bright sun shone down on his head, as if he was about to scorch someone, it was burning and painful.

His mood is also like this day, burning with urgency. Although he doesn't understand what Su Mochen suddenly called him back to the palace, his intuition tells him that it should have something to do with Qiancheng, because, counting the time, Qiancheng seems to be giving birth Also during this time.

Outside Longyin Palace, Eunuch Li was standing at the door with his fly whisk in his hand. When he saw him, he quickly saluted, "Third Master!"

"Is the emperor there?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for the third master inside!"

waiting for him?
Su Mofeng was startled, and walked in step by step.

Suddenly walking into the room from the bright outside, he felt his sight dimmed, and his eyes couldn't adapt to it for a while. After a while, he saw the man sitting behind the dragon table reviewing the memorial, dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe and full of hair. Mo Feng hangs his head lightly, as rich as jade, yet indifferent and elegant.

Yes, indifference, he could clearly see the kind of indifference and coldness from him.

Su Mofeng frowned slightly, bowed and saluted, "Your Majesty!"

Su Mochen slowly raised his head from the memorial, glanced at him, lightly raised the memorial in his hand, and placed it on the dragon table with a "snap", the man said calmly: "I know why I called you into the palace ?"

Su Mofeng bent his lips, remained silent, and quietly stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

He didn't want to play psychological warfare with this man.

Su Mochen didn't care, he got up slowly, and stood with his hands behind his back, "Did you know that Qiancheng was born?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Su Mofeng's original indifferent expression finally disappeared. He was both surprised and happy, "Really? Then she... are she and the child okay?"

Su Mo lowered his eyes and smiled. When he raised his head and looked at him again, his eyes were full of frost, and the corners of his lips were slightly icy cold. He opened his thin lips lightly, and paused every word, "What does the third brother say?"

Su Mofeng's heart sank suddenly, and a bad premonition struck him, and he asked eagerly, "What does the emperor mean by this?"

"What do you mean? The third brother should know what the third brother did, right?"


Su Mofeng was puzzled, and was so anxious that the man said half of what he said and kept half of it, so he couldn't help being a little annoyed, and said angrily: "I don't know, please let the emperor express it!"

Su Mochen didn't take it seriously, and still sneered, seemingly nothing, "Since the birth of Jin'er yesterday, Qiancheng is still unconscious. Third brother, do you think she is okay?"

Jin'er, upon hearing the first sentence, Su Mofeng felt a little relieved, oh, she is a little princess, but the next moment, he was shocked by the second half of his sentence and his heart stopped beating.

In a coma?

He looked up sharply, "Why?"

Dystocia?then what?
Has been in a coma until now, is there nothing the imperial doctor can do?

"Let me go and see!"

After all, he is also good at the art of qi and yellow, and knowing that the woman is in such a situation, the desire to see her in his heart is inflated.

Thinking like this, he couldn't control his feet, turned around, and was about to go out.

Suddenly, behind him, his clothes rustled, and he was stunned. When he realized it, a cold sword was already pressed against his neck.

He froze in his footsteps, turned his head slowly, and looked at the emperor standing behind him with a silver sword in his hand in astonishment, with a cold expression on his face.

"You gave her amnesia medicine!"

Su Mo opened his mouth slowly, pausing every word, his voice bursting out from the depths of his throat, cold to the bone.

Su Mofeng swayed and looked at him in disbelief, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

He knew, he actually knew, what about her?Does she know?
Suddenly, Su Mofeng thought of something again, looked at Su Mochen tremblingly, and said with difficulty, "You mean... the medicine for amnesia caused her to be unconscious now?"

Su Mo pursed his lips and remained silent, and the haze gathered in his black eyes, just like the gathering of dark clouds before a storm, ready to destroy the city.

At that moment, Su Mofeng saw murderous intent in his eyes.

His feet were weak, and he took several steps back before stabilizing his body. It was not because he was afraid of his killing intent, but because his silence was tantamount to admitting his conjecture.

His medicine caused Qiancheng to fall into a coma.

how come?
how come?
God, what did he do?
He shook his head, looked down at his hands, and the man's cold sword came over again, "Your medicine hurt her brain nerves, and she was exhausted during this delivery, which is why she is still in a coma."

This was what Imperial Physician Qiu told him last night, and Imperial Physician Qiu said that he was just guessing, not sure.

He wasn't sure, and Su Mochen was even less sure.

In fact, at the moment when Su Mofeng was called into the palace, he even thought that Su Mofeng would not do such a thing.

However, the facts are often unexpected.

"Whether a person's experience is pain or joy, it's all her experience. How can you erase her so arbitrarily? Have you asked her? Have you asked for her opinion? Is she willing to do so, or is it your memory?" Going your own way with selfish motives?"

"Do you still remember what you said that day in the study of the Fourth Prince's Mansion? You said that since she chose to forget me, she would never fall in love with me again. Now I want to ask, did she choose to forget, or did you force it?" Of?"

"I have always respected you as a man, and I thought that no matter what, you would never hurt Qiancheng, so even if Qiancheng was destroyed by someone, I never doubted your innocence with her; but, After all, you hurt Qiancheng for your own selfish desire."

Su Mo spoke in a deep and cold tone, his voice was not loud, but his words were cold.

Su Mofeng stared at him blankly, watching his thin lips open and close, only felt that every word was like a sharp knife, piercing the sore spot in his heart, unable to utter a word of rebuttal .

Why didn't he know that he hurt her?

When Jiangnan saw her lost her mind and didn't know who she was, he knew it.

Later, when he saw her holding his head repeatedly, in pain and tears streaming down her face, he regretted it.

He really regretted it.

However, he has no antidote, just like there is no regret medicine in this world.

Now, she is unconscious again...

Su Mochen's words continued, "You did the two worst things. One, you shouldn't have used my trust in Qiancheng to find out the position of the chief rudder of the Heisha Gate in the desert that day; two, you shouldn't have Presumptuously, I said to Qiancheng about the amnesia medicine, anyone who hurt her, I will not let her go, and you, too!"

The cold sword in his hand was raised suddenly, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Su Mofeng's eyebrows.

Su Mofeng's heart was already in a state of confusion, and he seemed to hear him say the head of the Heisha Gate in a trance, and then he came back to his senses in a daze. He opened his mouth to say something, but the door opened with a "squeak". The bright light of the day streams in through the door.

Both people in the hall were startled, and instinctively looked towards the door.

A frail figure appeared at the door, with black hair and long clothes, as if the snow was returning to the wind.

At this moment, the sun was shining brightly outside, and the light and shadow were against the sky. I couldn't see the appearance of the person coming, but I could only see the person walking in slowly in white clothes and skirts fluttering slightly.

Both of them forgot to move, to react, or even to breathe.

The visitor got closer and closer, and their sight became clearer and clearer. They finally became sure that all this was not a dream.

It was Qiancheng, it was really Qiancheng, she woke up, she finally woke up, although her face was weak and pale, and her face was cold.


The hearts of the two collided.

Before she could speak, the woman had already come to the two of them, stretched out her hand and indifferently pushed away Su Mochen's silver sword pointing at Su Mofeng's brow, and smiled softly: "Using and prescribing these two things, didn't the emperor also use it on me?" Have you ever done it? After all, you are all the same person, why bother to kill him?"

Su Mo was shocked, surprised and delighted.

She... She recovered her memory, didn't she?She remembered it all, didn't she?
However, the surprise was only momentary, and then it was replaced by boundless panic.

What did she say, she said, he also used her, he also drugged her?

Yes, marrying her is taking advantage of her, making Su Mofeng drunk and uncovering her hijab on the wedding night is taking advantage of her, and taking her to the desert to get relics is also taking advantage of him... He has used her many, many times, and he also used her... She had been under Yue Yingshuang, the Yue Yingshuang that made her gray hair overnight and her life was worse than death.

She remembered it all, didn't she?
The long sword in his hand suddenly fell and hit the white marble floor, making a palpitating sound.

"Thousand cities..." After a long time, Su Mochen found his voice.

At this time, Su Mofeng was not much better, also in panic and pain.

He looked at the woman tremblingly, his heart was extremely disturbed.

She knew, she finally knew that he drugged her.

At the end of the day, she said, you are all the same.

Which kind of person?
No, Qiancheng, no, you can't look at me like this, screaming in pain, but something is choking his throat, he can't even say a word.

The woman looked at Su Mochen lightly, with a smile on her lips, "Also, in the future, don't say anything like 'you will not let anyone who hurt me', really, it's unnecessary! It's unnecessary You speak so affectionately! I can't stand it!"

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around slowly, looked at Su Mofeng lightly, and walked out of the hall.

Su Mochen didn't recover from her last sentence for a long time. What do you mean don't say any more, what do you mean it's unnecessary, and what do you mean you can't stand it?
She wanted to say that the person who hurt her the most in this world was Su Mochen, right?
No, Qiancheng.

With pain in his eyes, he picked up steps and chased him out.

Su Mofeng stood in the hall in a daze, motionless, as if his soul had been robbed.

All I could think of was the contemptuous look the woman gave him just before going out.

What is that look?
Is it contempt?Contempt for him actually drugging her?
Still disappointed?Disappointed with him?

Or is it painful?
There are two men around her, both men treat her like this, she must be in pain, right?

How much the smile is like a flower, the heart will be as painful, right?
Qiancheng walked extremely fast, even though he had just given birth and his lower body was in pain, even though he had just woken up, his steps were sloppy.

But none of these pains were as intense as heartache.

Yes, she recovered her memory. When she woke up this morning, she recovered. She just didn't let Chunlan tell her.

Although she remembered everything in the past, and all the entanglements with Su Mochen, she did not forget the memories of this period of time, and all the good things with that man during this period of time.

So, she convinced herself that the past should be over, as long as the present he treats her wholeheartedly.

So, she purposely didn't let Chunlan tell the news of her waking up, she even thought about giving him a surprise.

Sure enough, a surprise came.

It's just that she didn't give it to him, but another woman gave it to her.

Yun Kou came, when she asked Chunlan to go to the nanny to bring the baby over.

She didn't know what Yun Kou's purpose was, so she had no choice but to continue pretending to be unconscious.

In the end, Yun Kou didn't do anything to her, but just caressed her face and said a few words to her who was "comatose".

But those few seemingly repentant words extinguished the spark of self-persistence in her heart little by little.

Yun Kou said, "Qiancheng, why don't you wake up? Is it because of the sequelae of the medicine I gave you to destroy the pregnancy vein? If so, I'm really sorry! I'm sorry! Qiancheng! Actually, I have no intention of harming you either. After all, we used to be very good sisters. I just do it for the man in my heart. If I really want to harm you, there are many ways to make you slip, but I didn’t. I just disturbed the pulse. That's all. Qiancheng, can you forgive me? I promise, I will never do anything to hurt you again, really, and, through this incident, I also understand Shen's intentions. He would rather let Xiling Xue, the princess of Dongmo, came to take the blame for me, so why should I be suspicious of him? Let me just say, I have been in love with him for so many years, it’s not that he doesn’t love me. I think so much, how can I do everything possible to protect me? He just got lost for a while, I will give him time, I will wait for him, I will wait for him where I am!"

At that time, she almost couldn't laugh, but she endured, resisted the urge to laugh, and also endured the fragmented voice in her heart.

It's so true!

It turned out that Xilingxue was a scapegoat, and Xia Lian was also a scapegoat.

But the person who really hurt her and the child was well protected.

He was even brazen just now, saying that he would not let anyone who hurt her be spared.

Therefore, she told him not to say it, and never to say it in the future, she couldn't bear it.

And Su Mofeng.

The man who was as beautiful in her heart as pure as the wind in April and the sunshine in May also...

"A Thousand Cities..."

A man's hoarse voice came from behind him.

She didn't look back, and walked forward quickly, she just felt that the road from Longyin Palace to Tsinghua Palace was surprisingly long today, and she couldn't reach it no matter how she walked.

The clothes rustled behind her, and her back felt hot, and she was already wrapped deeply in her arms.

So tight, so strong!

She stopped and let him hold her without moving.

The man's chin rested on the top of her hair, calling out "A Thousand Cities, Thousand Cities" over and over again, his voice trembling and broken.

No one knows his mood, the kind of mood where all kinds of emotions are stirring together.

This period of time was too good, so good that he felt unreal like a dream, he felt like a thief, stealing happiness from God, and he even thought, if it could be like this forever, he would rather she be forever Do not restore memory.

However, he knew that it was impossible, the stolen things would have to be returned after all.

He knew that there would be today, and he knew that one day she would think of everything.

Just now, seeing her smiling like a flower and her eyes cold, his heart flustered to the extreme.

She remembered, and she might put their relationship back on track.

However, at this moment, with the familiar body in his arms, he suddenly discovered that the surprise finally outweighed the fear.

He wants her, he wants her whole.

Even, he's probably a long way from today.

Gently turned the woman's body, bowed his head, and wanted to kiss her lips, just like countless times before.

The woman turned her head slightly, and his lips fell on her cheek.

He was startled, and the woman's soft body leaned against him lightly, "Your Majesty, I'm so tired, can you send me back to rest?"

Six thousand words updated today~~
Thank you [xiaoyudiangood], [tiffany-lai] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [tb009522], [Kong Baixue], [Shenshang Aigeng], [Liu Anting], [yuankang1977], [880226] for the monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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