after losing heart

Chapter 246 [279] I believe in the emperor

Chapter 246 [279] I believe in the emperor

Qiancheng was carried back to Tsinghua Palace by Su Mochen.

As usual, Qiancheng hooked his neck with both hands, and leaned weakly in his arms, docile and obedient.

It was as if what had just happened was nothing more than a dream.

But the more this happened, the more nervous Su Mo became in his heart.

Her appearance seemed to be the same as before the memory was restored, but he knew that something changed just changed.

For example, she called him "Emperor". Before, she never called him that, she always called him by his first name.

Back at Tsinghua Palace, it was time for lunch, Chunlan saw that Su Mochen had no intention of leaving, so she hurriedly bought an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Qiancheng swayed Jin'er in his arms, while teasing and teasing, smiling all the time.

Su Mochen just sat there looking at her, pursing his lips slightly, his black eyes were deep.

Chunlan on the side realized the subtlety between the two of them, and hurriedly stepped forward to fill the bowls and plates of the two, and then signaled to the nanny next to her to take the child away from Qiancheng's hands.

Taking a sneak peek at the emperor's face, Chunlan cautiously said, "Master Qian, this soup is going to be cold. Although it's summer, master has just given birth and is weak, so I can't..."

"It's just you talking too much!" Qiancheng scolded her with a smile, then handed Jin'er to the nanny, reached out to take the bowl of soup in her hand, gently stirred the porcelain spoon with onion fingers, and drank with lowered eyebrows.

After taking a few sips, he paused, looked up at Su Mochen who was sitting motionless opposite, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Hey, why doesn't the emperor eat?"

Su Mo was stunned, unexpectedly she would take the initiative to talk to him, although he still used the emperor, but he was still very happy, the corners of his lips curled up, "Watch you eat!"

Qiancheng smiled, raised his hand to caress his face, his eyes sparkled, "Is this the legendary beauty? But now I am sick and haggard, I dare not look at it myself, the emperor is not afraid Dirty longan?"

Su Mochen didn't speak, he forced himself to suppress the surging emotions in his heart, and still just looked at her with a smile.

"Then I'm welcome!"

Perhaps it was because her stomach had been empty for too long. Qiancheng had a rare appetite. After drinking two bowls of soup and a small bowl of rice, Su Mochen was sitting opposite her, never moving his chopsticks. But it never left her face.

Qiancheng was also fearless, and she looked calm and composed from beginning to end. She put down the bowl and chopsticks until the bottom of the small bowl of rice, looked at the man opposite, and said with a smile: "I've used it up. I'm going to take a lunch break. The emperor is..."

"I still have some business to deal with," Su Mochen said, standing up as he stood up, "You just gave birth to Jin'er, and you are still in confinement, take a good rest!"

"En!" Qiancheng nodded obediently, put Chunlan's hand on his back, and watched the man go out.

Su Mochen walked very fast, with light footsteps, but it seemed like something was about to explode in his heart.

Expansive, uncomfortable, blocked!

business?How can he have so many official duties?And with her, even if you have official business, you can put it on hold!
He just suddenly didn't know how to get along with her.

She has changed.

It became no longer the her before the amnesia, nor the her after the amnesia, and even he couldn't guess what she was thinking.

Ever wondered what she would look like after she regained her memory countless times?But I didn't expect it to be like this now.

He thought she would ignore her, hate him, blame him, annoy him, or leave.

She didn't even contradict him, and kept smiling all the time, but what kind of thoughts were behind that smile?He really doesn't know.

After amnesia, she was as pure as paper, and she could see all her thoughts at a glance. Even if she had no amnesia before, he felt that he could guess her general emotions.

But now, she is like a fan, a fan wearing a mask, making it impossible for people to see through or guess.

At the gate of Longyin Palace, Eunuch Li bowed to greet him when he saw him, "Your Majesty!"

"Where is the third prince?"

"Go back to the emperor, the third master has already returned to the imperial mausoleum!"

When Qiancheng appeared in Yaohua Palace, Yun Kou was really surprised.

However, who is she, who has been with that man for many years, has already learned his calmness and deep thinking, and it is just a blink of an eye to cover up the panic.

She greeted her with a light smile, gently held Qiancheng by her arm, and said with a little reproach: "Qiancheng, you are lying in the air, why are you running out?"

Qiancheng also smiled slightly, "This palace is too boring, I have nowhere to go, so I just wanted to come to your place to sit."

"You!" Yun Kou smiled and glared at her, helped her to sit down on the wooden chair in the gazebo in the courtyard, and sat next to him, holding her hand, "You are bored, you can let go Someone come over and tell me, just let me go to Tsinghua Palace, but you have to run out like this, if the emperor finds out about it, you won't feel bad!"

Qiancheng didn't speak, but still smiled, his eyes didn't know where to fall.

After a while, I suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Yun Kou, I lost my memory a while ago, you should know?"

Yun Kou was startled, lowered her eyes, nodded, "En!"

After a pause, he raised his eyes to look at Qiancheng again, "Then... when did you recover your memory?"

Qiancheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly: "This time I woke up and recovered."

"Oh, that's good!" A gleam of light flashed across Yun Kou's eyes, and she said with a smile, "It's good to recover, otherwise, don't you even know that I am your good sister?"

Qiancheng smiled, but did not make a sound.

Yes, good sister!

That good sister who deliberately abandoned her who didn't know any martial arts on the night of the Tianlun Festival, and let those men in black from the border country hunt down and kill her, right?
That good sister who drugged her to destroy her pregnancy pulse in order to create a rift between her and Su Mochen, right?
That good sister who knew she was awake and deliberately threw the truth to her cruelly, right?

People are really strange, it seems that they have to go through it, they have to break their heads, and some things can be understood.

She used to think that Yun Kou didn't kill her the night she broke the relationship between Yun Kou and Su Mochen on the Tianlun Festival because she cared about her sisterhood. Today, she thought about the whole story carefully, and suddenly realized that she was not I don't want to kill, but I just want to kill with the hands of a dummy.

And this time, when Yun Kou came to Tsinghua Palace and asked her maid, Concubine Chen, if she was awake, she heard it. At that time, she was getting out of bed to pour water when she was thirsty. Going to see her, she quickly took off her shoes and went to bed and pretended to be unconscious.

Yun Kou came in and looked at her for a while, then turned around and left, but after walking a few steps, she stopped again, she secretly squinted her eyes, and found that she was looking at the messy shoes on the ground that she threw in a hurry, and sure enough, the next moment, she He turned back, stroked her face, and said a lot of confession.

Although, she knew that what she said was the truth, because no one was willing to take the blame on herself.

However, when she knew she was awake, she deliberately told the truth, why?
Do you really repent?
of course not!If so, she wouldn't have said the following words, those words that expressed happiness and determination, but were like sharp knives to her.

Come to think of it, there is only one purpose, the same as the purpose of drugging her to destroy her pregnancy, to renew the rift between her and Su Mochen, isn't it?
Originally, these were just her guesses, but now she can be sure.

"Yun Kou, I'm a little tired, I'm going back first." Hiding the emotion in his eyes, Qian Cheng got up.

"En!" Yun Kou also stood up, reaching out to gently support her, "I'll see you off!"

Qiancheng smiled faintly, his eyes fell on the onion hand on her arm, "No need, Chunlan is at the door."

Cold Palace
If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qiancheng would not have believed that the person in front of him was Xilingxue.

In my memory, Xilingxue was always dazzling and radiant, whether it was clothing or makeup, it was always extremely enchanting.

But the woman in front of her was wearing a plain skirt, her head full of blue hair, she didn't have any pearls to swear, she didn't even have a hair tie, her plain face looked haggard.

She was sitting under the eaves of the cold palace, eating grapes, eating one, and then "spit" disregarding the image, spitting out the grape seeds in her mouth far away, repeating over and over again.

Qiancheng frowned, looked around, and found that although it was a cold palace, everything was still available, and there was even an old nanny serving her.

In this palace, if Su Moshen hadn't spoken, who would dare to give such an expensive treatment to a cold palace?

That's right, after all, he is somewhat guilty of letting others take the blame, right?
She bent her lips and smiled, she picked up the steps to go in, but was held back by Chunlan beside her, "Master, it's better not to go in this kind of place!"

"It's okay! Wait for me outside! I'll be out soon!" Qiancheng patted her hand, gave her a reassuring smile, and walked in.

The old mammy saw her first and hurried over to salute, but she waved her hand and stepped back.

When Xilingxue saw her, she was a little shocked, and sat on the recliner for a long time without reacting.

She called out, "Xilingxue."

The woman came back to her senses in a daze, and the porcelain plate containing the grapes in her hand suddenly fell to the ground, with a crisp sound, porcelain shards splashed everywhere, and purple-red grapes rolled all over the ground.

Dye thousands of cities!
The woman suddenly got up from the recliner with an "awow", rushed in front of her, and reached out to grab her collar.

Qiancheng was startled, thinking that she was going to pinch her neck, but no, she just shook her clothes, her eyes were scarlet: "You witch, you vixen, it's you who made Bengong into this way, Bengong I didn’t drug you, Ben Gong didn’t... You framed Ben Gong on purpose, you want to take the queen’s seat, don’t you? Isn’t it?”

Qiancheng frowned, waved her hand away, turned and walked out.

Originally, she was still thinking about having a good talk with her. If possible, she wanted Su Mochen to let her go.

Now it seems that she is still obsessed with it.

Xilingxue has been imprisoned here for more than half a year, spending every day in pain and hatred, and finally let her see her enemy, how could she let it go, seeing Qiancheng turn around and leave, she hurried to catch up, pulled Qiancheng, Yang The hand is a slap.

There was a crisp and loud "snap", which seemed to have exhausted all the strength in the whole body, and the mother in the back room and Chunlan outside both heard the movement and rushed over.

On Qiancheng's face, there were already five clear and crimson finger marks.

"Master..." Chunlan exclaimed, feeling distressed and angry at the same time, she was about to go forward to push Xilingxue, but found that there was a bright yellow in front of her eyes, and someone had already kicked Xilingxue to the ground.

"Qiancheng, why did you come to such a place?" The man's deep voice rang above his head, Qiancheng was already wrapped in his arms, "Does it hurt?"

The big hand gently raised her chin, the man frowned at her, looked at her slightly red and swollen face, his black eyes twinkling with pity.

Qiancheng shook his head, pursed his lips, and turned to look at Xilingxue who was lying on the ground.

At this time, she happened to fall on the grapes scattered on the ground, the purple grape juice smudged the plain clothes, like residual blood, shocking.

Su Mo's eyes turned cold, and he wanted to go forward again, but someone grabbed his skirt.

He froze for a moment, looked at the hand holding his skirt, then at the owner of the hand, and said in a deep voice, "She hit you!"

Qiancheng smiled slightly: "She said she didn't take the medicine!"

"Do you trust her?"

"No! I believe in the emperor!" Qian Cheng raised his head, staring at that handsome man.

Regarding the text, please rest assured that Suzi is working hard towards the end; as for the plot, those who have been watching Suziwen know that the truth may not be the truth until the last moment, so don’t worry;
Thank you [Susu Shallow Singing] dear, [daisy cute] dear, [Mi Yaoyao] dear, [717 Xiaoyu] dear, [Double Pisces] dear, [Fengwu Tianjiao] dear, [Qiannai] dear, [Shen Shang] Ai Geng] Dear, 【Yiyi1105】Pro, 【Pisces Little Rabbit】Pro, 【Feather Yaoyao】Pro, 【nini1025】Pro,

[Wine 1978] pro, [lauralin0330] pro, [Taste Taste] pro, [Xiao Pang’s Sugar] pro, [Lu Jin] pro, [Little Soy Sauce 1988] pro’s monthly ticket~~~
Thank you [Yiyi 1105] dear, [Lu Jin] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [717 Xiaoyu], [Yu Shang Yaoyao] for your purse~~~
It's great to have you all the way~~
(End of this chapter)

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