after losing heart

Chapter 247 [281] Don't mess around

Chapter 247 [281] Don't mess around
【5000 words】

That night
Emperor's tomb
After drinking two jars of wine, Su Mofeng went to sleep on the couch, but couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. He only felt that the calls of summer insects outside were so noisy and harsh.

With a heavy head and restless heart, he got up and got out of bed, picked up the two altars of sweet-scented osmanthus wine by the corner, went out and jumped onto the roof.

The rubble was covered with the dew of the night. After sitting on it for a while, his clothes were wet, and it was a bit cold. When the night wind blew, the wine seemed to wake up a bit.

Swallowing the bitterness in his heart, he lifted the wine jar, raised his neck and took a sip, swallowing slowly, slowly feeling the pungent feeling rushing from his throat into his heart.

A full moon above the head was like a disk, and it was another fifteenth night.

I still remember that there was a woman who was most afraid of the full moon, because on this day the poison on her body would break out, and her black hair would be stained with silver frost.

He hugged her and cuddled on the cold jade bed.

Then tonight, if he is not here, what should she do?
Immediately, he smiled.

He actually forgot that her poison had been cured long ago, she didn't need him, and she even hated him.

Taking another sip of wine, he felt that it was not satisfying, so he lifted the wine jar, poured all the wine into his mouth, raised his hand, and threw the empty wine jar into the courtyard. With a crisp sound of shattering, he closed his eyes heavily. , The woman's eyebrows and eyes, cold eyebrows and eyes flashed before her eyes.

Can not go back.

He had a feeling that he and her couldn't go back together, never again.

There was a rustle of clothes in the air, and someone came stepping on the rubble. He didn't open his eyes, and frowned slightly.

Who does he know?
Fang Fang?

Only she often appeared inexplicably, and he didn't respond very well, and she disappeared inexplicably, and after a while, she appeared again.

In fact, think about it, she is the same person as him, obsessed with her own obsession.

They are all poor people who have lost their way!

He sighed, "Don't come here again!"

He didn't get a response for a long time, and then he faintly felt that something was wrong, and suddenly remembered that Fang Fang didn't know martial arts, how could he go up the roof and walk over the rubble?

Opening his eyes suddenly, he looked at the person coming.

The person who came was dressed in nocturnal black clothes, even though the moonlight was shining brightly, he could only see his face hidden in the darkness.

"It's you!"

Su Mofeng shuddered, and the wine suddenly woke up halfway.

The visitor gave a wicked smile, "Third Brother is feeling sad for a woman? The so-called drinking to drown your sorrows is even more worrying. The woman doesn't know, so why should Third Brother do this?"


Tsinghua Palace

"No! This slave will send the master there!" Chunlan took out a butter umbrella and opened it, "The sun is so strong outside, what should the master do if the sun burns?"

Qiancheng looked at the bowl of iced salad he had just made in his hand, and looked out of the window helplessly: "Dragon Yin Palace is so close to here, how could it be sunburned?"

Chunlan refused to let go: "No! Master's skin is like creamy fat, blown to pieces, like a paper-stuffed person. If it is sunburned and tanned, the emperor will feel distressed when he sees it!"

"It's so delicate..." Qiancheng blushed, gave her a hard look, and walked out the door.

Chunlan smiled and followed with her umbrella open.

Dragon Palace

When Qiancheng entered, it was rare for Su Mochen to not be reviewing the memorial, but standing in front of the desk, drawing something with a brush. Seeing her coming in, his eyes lit up: "You are here!", and immediately remembered something, stretched his finger Pointing to the low couch next to it, "Sit there for a while, don't come over!"

Qian Cheng was slightly startled, seeing his mysterious look, although he stopped in his tracks, he couldn't help stretching out his neck to look, "Are you... drawing?"

Su Mochen smiled slightly, "It will be fine soon!"

Qiancheng had no choice but to put down the porcelain dish in her hand, and sat on the low couch to wait for him. There were many memorials on the low couch, and she casually flipped through them.

After touching for about half an hour, she heard Su Mochen's voice again.

"All right!"

Putting down the memorial in his hand, Qiancheng stood up with great interest, and took a closer look. On the white rice paper, there were large begonias, and the woman hid her smile among the flowers.

Next to the rice paper, there was another painting, a man and a woman, she and Su Mochen standing side by side under the crabapple tree.

The painting is a little old, the creases on the paper are clear, and the edges are already hairy, and some places have even been stained by water or sweat, leaving mottled marks.

She knew that it was drawn by Wu Sheng, the magic brush.

Looking at himself in the two paintings, Qiancheng smiled and said, "You copied it quite alike!"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows deeply, unable to hide his complacency: "That's right! Others don't know how to paint, but I'm sure to paint you!"

Of course, no one knew that he had actually practiced for a long time.

"Why only me, and you?"

"I can't paint by myself!"

Putting down the brush in his hand, Su Mochen carefully folded the picture drawn by Wu Sheng and put it in the lapel of his chest.

Qiancheng was shocked, "You keep this painting with you all the time?"

"Can't you?"

Su Mo hugged her from behind with a deep smile, wrapping his arms around her slender waist, "In the days when you were not around, it was always with me."

Qiancheng's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his heart was like the spring water being drawn by floating willows, and the fine ripples swayed layer by layer.

"By the way, I'm here to deliver food." Blushing and pushing away his hand, she returned to the low couch and picked up the china plate and handed it to him.

Su Mochen didn't pick it up, but hugged her again, "You just have to be a good person to the end, feed me!"

This is still an inch.

Qiancheng gouged him out and pouted slightly, but his subordinates still couldn't help scooping up a spoon and brought it to his lips.

He opened his mouth, took it with a smile, his black eyes glued to her face, and said suddenly: "Well, what is so delicious?"

"Don't tell you!"

"You did it?"

"Of course!"

Su Mo's dark eyes became brighter, "You seem to know a lot of novel things!"

Qiancheng smiled slightly, but before saying anything, he suddenly remembered something else, and raised his eyebrows unconsciously, "Su Mochen, you really don't plan to draft girls anymore?"

Su Mo was stunned, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What? Qiancheng wants me to choose?"

"No..." Qiancheng didn't have the heart to joke with him, and frowned, "If you don't choose, what about the elders in the court?"

Just now, she casually flipped through the memorials, half of which were for drafting. Although she lived in the harem, she had heard a thing or two about the previous court. Several of the officials who spoke were Emperor Zeng Wen. The important ministers of the period, even her father Ranfei, were among the people who spoke up. The new Emperor Su Mo, Shen, had only been on the throne for half a year, and it was not a good thing to openly oppose these people.

"Those old and stubborn!" Su Mochen didn't seem to care, Yun Danfeng smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I have a way to deal with them, anyway, I count the loyal ones, and the unfaithful ones won't last long."

Qiancheng found that when he said this, although he was smiling slightly, there was an obvious coldness in his eyes.

"I believe in your ability, it's just..."

Qiancheng was very contradictory. Of course she was not happy to let her man be drafted, but letting her man get into trouble was not what she wanted to see.

Su Mochen raised his hand and scratched her nose lightly, "In short, don't worry about court affairs, your husband will take care of it, and you will be responsible for serving your husband and daughter." Well, let them eat well, sleep well, and feel good!"

Qiancheng curled his lips, and stuffed the last spoonful of salad into the man's mouth, "Teaching husbands and children is not my strong point!"

"Then what are your strengths?"


When Su Mochen finished approving the memorial and returned to Tsinghua Palace, it was already late at night, and the Tsinghua Palace was quiet.

The inner hall was still lit, he knew she was waiting for him, even if she fell asleep first, she would definitely leave a candle for him.

He likes this feeling very much, no matter how tiresome and tiring the court affairs are, every time he walks into this palace, he feels his body and mind relax.

Chunlan and a court lady were guarding the outer hall, seeing him coming in, she hurriedly got up and saluted, her voice was suppressed very quietly, for fear of disturbing the people in the inner room, so he just raised his hand to make them stand up, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the court lady, and for a moment I just felt unfamiliar and felt a slight pause in my heart.

The inner room is filled with incense, such as sandalwood for repelling mosquitoes and mint for relieving the heat. On the big golden nanmu carved bed, the woman lies facing the outside, motionless.

Su Mochen walked over, sat gently on the edge of the bed, and looked at her quietly.

Qiancheng seemed to be sleeping soundly, with thick, curly long eyelashes drooping slightly, a faint blush on his cheeks, slightly pouty red lips, and a soft pillow all over his hair, because it was summer and the weather was hot, so he wore very little , wearing only a light white pajamas, and nothing covered.

Su Mo sighed deeply, went to bed, and gently hugged her in his arms.

This woman has such magical powers, just such a casual reclining sleeping position, such a natural sleepy state, has made his mind flutter.

As if feeling his touch, Qiancheng grunted, buried her little face in his arms, and continued to sleep.

After sleeping for a while, she felt some discomfort in the corners of her nose and lips, and frowned slightly. She opened her eyes in a daze, and raised her head to find that Su Mochen was looking at her. A pair of black eyes were as clear as stars reflected in the dark night, The two looked at each other for a long while before Qiancheng seemed to wake up completely.

Wei Wei hesitated, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Su Mo lowered his head, "Qiancheng...I want you..."

Qiancheng's body tightened slightly, and he held his hand, blocking his way.

Su Mo paused for a short breath, held her hand in the palm of his backhand, buried his head in her hair, "Qiancheng..."

Qiancheng looked up at the pink curtains on the bed, and under the reflection of the candlelight, there were many overlapping shadows. She pulled her hands from his palms, stretched out her arms, wrapped them around the man's neck, and said softly, "Su Mo Shen, will you love me like my father loves my mother? Love me only for the rest of my life?"

This afternoon, her mother definitely said that it was Yang Shi, the mother of this body, who came to see her and Jin'er in the palace. The mother and daughter chatted for a while, and she saw that every time when Ranfei was mentioned, the corners of Yang Shi's eyes and eyebrows They were all happy and long smiles. She felt that, as a woman, it was worth living to that extent.

In fact, what women want is very simple, really simple, it is just a man's complete love, and Yang has achieved it.

What about her?
"Will you only love me for the rest of your life?"

The man slowly raised his head, opened the distance between the two of them a little, bent over to look at her, the light in his eyes gradually condensed, and scanned her eyebrows inch by inch intently, he spoke solemnly, low and dark, A hoarse voice flowed out: "Su Mochen has only loved one person in Qiancheng all his life!"

Every word is spoken, seldom serious, seldom prudent, and seldom determined.

The tip of Qiancheng's nose became sour, and his eyes immediately turned red.

In his memory, after that drunk, he said that I love you so much, other times, he never confessed anything to her.

"Su Mochen..." Qiancheng's eyes softened, he reached out to wrap his arms around his neck again, closed his eyes and kissed his lips...

Today's update is over~~ There will be two or three chapters of sweetness, which are also transitional chapters and chapters of various ambush chapters. If you don't like sweetness, you can choose to subscribe~~
Thank you [leaves1989] dear, [Xiaobai obediently 1211] dear purse~~ thank you [Tiffany-lai] dear, [mjh Xia Duo] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Anonymous User] dear eggs~
(End of this chapter)

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