after losing heart

Chapter 248 [282]

Chapter 248 [282]
After the ultimate round, both of them were sweating profusely.

Qian Chengwo was panting in Su Mochen's arms, and Su Mochen's long and narrow eyes were slightly closed.

Qiancheng suddenly remembered something, and nudged Su Mochen with his elbow, "By the way, my mother brought me a maid from the palace today, she was the girl who had been serving me in the general's mansion, her name is Zhu'er."

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and then said "Mmm", thinking of the face-to-face maid who was guarding the outer hall with Chunlan just now.

Seeing that the man's reaction was neither salty nor weak, Qiancheng raised his head from his embrace, "You won't be unhappy, right? I can't help it either, but I have no choice but to..."

Mrs. Yang told her that her daughter always brings her personal servant girl when she gets married, and she has always been a widow. Now that she has Jin'er, there must be many tiring things. Many loyal and caring people are here It's always good to be around.

In fact, how can there be a lack of maidservants in this Tsinghua Palace, not to mention that she still has Chunlan. Although that Zhu'er is her personal maidservant, it is also the real Ranqiancheng, not her. She went to Yuxiangfang not long after she crossed over. , to say close-fitting, Chunlan is.

However, now that she has become a mother, she understands the painstaking efforts of being a mother, so she doesn't say much.

"It's okay!" Su Mochen smiled slightly, bowed his head and kissed the corner of her lips, "It's fine for you to make up your own mind about these small matters, besides, it might be a good thing to have one more person around you to take care of you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course!" Su Mo smiled charmingly, and leaned forward again...

The cool summer night breeze blows in through the gaps in the windows, blows over the hair tips of the palace lanterns, the candlelight flickers slightly, and the shadows are vague.

The weather is getting cooler day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it is autumn, and Jin'er's hundred days is also ushered in.

In the early morning of the same day, Su Mochen promulgated an imperial decree, naming the eldest princess Su Jin'er as the Pearl Princess.

That night, the Hundred Days Wedding Banquet was held in Weiyang Palace, all relatives of the emperor, civil and military officials, were all invited.

Weiyang Palace is resplendent and resplendent, brightly lit, and fragrant with delicious food and wine.

This was the first time that everyone saw their emperor drinking happily. In memory, this young emperor was very self-disciplined, and he always looked cool and calm no matter when and where. Sitting on a high place, everyone's eyes turned into awe.

Tonight, he was different.

Although he still didn't talk much and was still sitting in the main seat, everyone could see it.

The emperor is in a good mood.

Because from the beginning to the end, there was a long smile on the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. Everyone thought, maybe it was because of the stunning woman in purple robe sitting next to him, the mother of the eldest princess, a woman named Qiancheng; Because the two senior ministers who had been sitting in the middle of the court just now were brought down by him with tricks.

Anyway, everyone knows that the young emperor should not be underestimated!
Halfway through the banquet, the nanny brought in tonight's protagonist, Princess Pearl, and handed it over to Qiancheng. Immediately, the banquet became more lively, and everyone stood up to express their congratulations.

When another woman in a plain dress stood up on the main seat, the hall suddenly became inexplicably quiet.

Concubine Yun.

Everyone knows it.

Everyone knows that Su Mochen has been enthroned for more than half a year, but the harem is very deserted. Excluding Xilingxue, who has been cut off from his position and put into the cold palace, now there are only two palaces left, one concubine Chen and the other. this woman.

The new emperor's favorite concubine is known all over the world, but this woman...

Ever since the day when the Inheritance was seized in the Golden Palace, from the moment the woman hijacked the former empress and turned against Su Mochen, everyone knew the relationship between the two of them.

Some people say that the two of them are childhood sweethearts, share weal and woe, and love each other...

Ignoring everyone's probing, curious, interested, or sympathetic eyes, Yun Kou walked up to Qiancheng with a slight smile, reached out from her sleeve and took out a piece of jade, a piece of green jade with a red string, "Jin'er Hundred Days, I also There is nothing to give, so I will give this piece of jade to Jin'er as a hundred-day gift."

Qiancheng was startled, and Su Mochen's expression changed slightly.

This jade is unknown to others, but Qian Cheng and Su Mochen are very familiar with it, and now Su Mochen has the exact same piece in his bosom.

Yun Kou stretched out her hand, even though it was for Jin'er, how could the Hundred Days Baby pick it up?

No one picked up.

Everyone's eyes gathered together.

"Yunkou..." Su Mochen called out to the woman softly, at the same time, Qiancheng smiled sweetly, and reached out to take the jade in his hand, "Thank you!"

Yun Kou also smiled, but turned her eyes to Su Mochen, "You're welcome, I hope you don't dislike him."

Dear ones, I’m sorry, there will only be one update today, and two updates will resume from tomorrow, and at least [-] words will be updated on Sunday, hey~~
Thank you [siojad] dear, [chunlifeng] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Dream of Poppy], [Lion's Sorrow], [Tiffany-lai], [林木木1], [chunlifeng], [hdl950716], [seafox0363], [Looking Back on Life] monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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