after losing heart

Chapter 250 [284] Yun Kou is your daughter

Chapter 250 [284] Yun Kou is your daughter
The next morning, when Qiancheng woke up, as usual, Su Mochen was nowhere to be seen. She knew that he had already gone to court.

Thinking of all that happened last night, and thinking of the man saying that he was tired, she couldn't help sighing again, her heart ached slightly.

I used to read books and watch TV, watching those who are the emperors have the supreme glory, hold the power of life and death of the common people in the world, do whatever they want, live their lives freely, glamorous, looking at it now, in fact, being an emperor is really hard, With heavy burdens and great responsibilities, she couldn't understand why so many people wanted to sit on the throne with all their brains.

Zhu'er waited for her to change and wash, and Chunlan came in with breakfast.

She saw that Chunlan took a silver needle, inserted it into each of the dishes, and then tasted each of them with the attached chopsticks. She just brought it to her, and she couldn't help laughing. Have you enjoyed the emperor's treatment?"

In the palace, only Su Mochen's food is in charge of a special person. Every time before using it, there is a special person to test whether it is poisonous, and the eunuch eats it first. Why is it her turn today?
Chunlan also smiled, and presented the jade chopsticks to her, "This is the emperor's order, which shows how nervous he is. Master, in this deep palace, servants also feel that there is nothing wrong with multiple hearts."

Qiancheng shook his head with a smile, and didn't take it too seriously, so he lowered his head and ate his breakfast.

At noon, Qiancheng had nothing to do, and seeing that the weather was fine, he and Chunlan went for a walk in the back garden.

It was late autumn, and all the flowers should have withered, but the back garden was still full of purples and reds, all of which were flowers and trees that bloomed in autumn and winter from other countries.

The sky is blue and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing. Qiancheng raises his head slightly and takes a deep breath. He just feels that the years are so quiet, so quiet that it seems to be in a dream.

At this time, a little eunuch suddenly jumped out from the flower path and slammed into Qiancheng. Qiancheng was caught off guard and staggered. Chunlan was shocked, and hurried forward to support Qiancheng, "Master!"

The little eunuch hooked his head, said in a low voice, "I'm sorry", then turned around and ran away. When Chunlan was about to catch him, he had already disappeared.

"Which slave is this that doesn't have eyes?" Chunlan was furious, seeing Qiancheng's expression changed, she quickly asked: "Master, is everything okay? Wait a moment, the servant asked Eunuch Li to check, which palace's slave is this?" Are you so ignorant of the rules?"

"I'm fine!" Qiancheng smiled, and tightly clenched the little hands under the wide sleeves of the Huapao. In his palm was a letter that the little eunuch had thrust into her the moment he bumped into her just now.

Back at Tsinghua Palace, she sent Chunlan and Zhuer away on the pretext of wanting to rest, and opened the letter impatiently.

The white silk paper, with beautiful characters, was written by a woman, but the handwriting penetrates the paper, which shows the strength of the writer's wrist.

There was only one sentence on it, after Qiancheng read it, his face was as pale as paper.

"The man who doesn't want you to die, I will see you in the prison tonight, don't tell anyone, or you will bear the consequences!——Chen Zhu'er"

Just such a sentence, but Qiancheng reacted for a long time.

her man?Su Mo Shen!Isn't Su Mochen all right?How to pull it to death?

And Chen Zhu'er, her first reaction was to remember her current maid, Zhu'er, and almost forgot that Su Mochen's mother and concubine, the fake mother and concubine Liang Concubine, was also called Zhu'er.

Concubine Liang asking her out?

for what purpose?
Don't want your man to die, don't want your man to die...

She chewed on this sentence repeatedly, her heart suddenly hit, she suddenly remembered that Emperor Wen wanted to kill her on the day of seizing the throne, and she told Emperor Wen, if you want Su Mo to die, you can kill me.

Breathing stagnantly, she tightly grasped the skirt of her chest, only feeling that her heart was wrapped tightly by something, and she couldn't breathe.

What do you mean?
What did she mean by that?
At that time, she thought that the woman was just talking nonsense for self-protection. After all, she and Su Mochen have been mother and child for many years. Even if they are not related by blood, they still have feelings, right?
But now...

What did she do to Su Mochen?
Think about it, this woman is really powerful, even though she is in a cage, she can still bring out the letter.

However, after thinking about it, she and Su Mochen had been thinking about it for so many years, so it's not surprising that there are still one or two people she is loyal to in this palace.


Late autumn night, very cold.

There are no stars, and even the moon seems to be covered in a layer of mist, with only a faint, hazy moon shadow, making the night more bleak and quiet.

The wind lamps on both sides of the palace road gave off a faint yellow light, and a woman in a black cloak walked quickly.

Yes, she is Qiancheng.

She thought about it all afternoon, and she definitely went to Concubine Liang's appointment.

She can't gamble, she can't gamble with Su Mochen's life, as long as she has something to do with him, she will definitely go, let alone in the palace, in her man's palace, there are so many The guards, and that woman is still locked up, what is she afraid of?
Because the letter said that she could not tell anyone, she dismissed everyone, including Chunlan, but she did not tell, and went out alone.

The guards guarding the gate of the dungeon stretched out their weapons to stop her, and she took off the cloak and hat, and someone recognized her. After being stunned, everyone saluted, "Chenfei empress!"

"I don't know why the concubine Chen came here late at night, why?"

Qiancheng went straight past the crowd and walked in, "Ben Gong is here to meet someone!"

Before everyone got up, they saw the black cloak brushing past their eyes like butterfly wings, and a faint fragrance hit them.

Behind him was the sound of everyone's body slumping, Qiancheng didn't turn his head, but bent his lips.

In the dungeon, Concubine Liang was locked in a room alone.

When Qiancheng passed by, Concubine Liang was wearing a ball uniform and was sitting in meditation on the stone bed in the cell, her eyes slightly closed. Although she had been trapped in the prison for a long time, she still had a cool and luxurious figure.

This is the first time Qiancheng has seen her real face. He has seen her face several times before, but it was always covered by a light veil.

When I went to Shaxi to seek medical treatment, I heard Su Mochen say that her appearance was ruined by the fire in the cold palace, so it turned out to be a fake.

In fact, she is also a woman with allure.

"You came!"

Concubine Liang slowly opened her eyes, looked at Qiancheng, with a smile on her lips, but her eyes were as cold as ever, "I knew you would come."

But Qiancheng was not afraid, he stood still outside the cell, and met her eyes through the stake, "I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Concubine Liang got up slowly, got off the stone couch, walked towards her step by step, and stood still.

A solid prison pile is separated between the two, one outside the prison, one inside the prison, and the two look at each other.

Qiancheng was anxious, but he didn't show it on his face, he just looked at her calmly, waiting for her to speak.

Sure enough, after a long silence, Concubine Liang smiled coldly and turned her eyes away, "You seem to be calmer than before?"

Qian Cheng also responded with a sneer, turned his head and glanced at the guards standing behind him, and said with a smile: "Could it be that you came here to see if I have made any progress?"

"Of course not!" Concubine Liang turned around, walked back to the stone couch and sat down, and said calmly: "I just want to tell you some secrets that no one knows."

Qiancheng's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at her.

Concubine Liang smiled softly, and said calmly, "You were also in the Golden Luan Hall on the day you seized the throne. You must know about me. I was once caught by Emperor Wen himself in bed with a guard..."

Qian Cheng frowned slightly, but he had to admire this woman in his heart, she was probably the only one in the world who could talk about such disgraceful things as if showing off.

"After that, I was thrown into limbo. Everyone knew about it, but no one knew that I was pregnant with that guard's child."

Qiancheng was startled, and raised his eyes in astonishment.

"Originally I didn't want to, but I was lonely all my life. I had my own child for the first time. I couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear to kill her, so I risked my life and death to keep her. Fortunately, since I was imprisoned in the limbo , so no one cared about it, and when the belly grew, it was already winter, and I wore a lot of clothes, so no one noticed. Later, the child was born, a girl, and for her safety, I asked my mother to take care of her. The nanny sent out of the palace."

Speaking of this, Concubine Liang glanced at Qiancheng, seeing that she was silent, she couldn't help asking: "Don't you want to know who she is?"

Qiancheng bent his lips and smiled coldly, "I'm not interested in the story of Concubine Liang."

In fact, I have already guessed in my heart.

Since she told her like this, she must know that girl.

Is it Xiaoqi?

Seeing Qiancheng like this, Concubine Liang was not annoyed, she lowered her eyes and smiled, "It's Yunkou."

Yunkou? !
Qiancheng was shocked, and looked at her in disbelief.

"What? Was it a surprise? I thought you had already guessed it." Seeing her expression, Concubine Liang smiled again.

How could it be Yunkou?

Qiancheng shook his head slightly, his heart was shocked, suddenly, thinking of something, he smiled softly, "I don't know what the good concubine concubine wants to tell Qiancheng by making up such a story?"

"You think I made it up?" Concubine Liang asked back.

"Isn't it?" Qiancheng asked with a sneer.

Seeing Concubine Liang but she smiled silently, she went on to say:

"Back then, when you were thrown into the cold palace, Su Mochen was five years old. If you had Yun Kou at that time, Yun Kou should be five years younger than Su Mochen, right? When we arrived at Yun Kou, Su Moshen was ten years old and Yun Kou was seven years old, how do you explain that?"

Concubine Liang laughed softly, "That's right, when Shen'er was ten years old, Yun Kou was seven years old, but she said she was seven years old, right? Have you ever thought that she doesn't even have the memory of the past?" , how does she know that she is seven years old?"

Qiancheng felt a lump in his throat and couldn't speak a word.

Yes, when in the desert, Yun Kou told her the story of herself and Su Mochen. She said that someone was chasing her and Su Mochen rescued her. At that time, she was seven years old, and her memory started from seven years old. At first, she didn't remember anything from the past.

"Her memory was erased by me with drugs. I had someone instill in her that I was seven years old. In fact, she was only five years old at that time. The purpose of my doing that was to prevent some interested people from finding out."

"So, it's all fake that she was hunted down, it's just that you want to send her to Su Mochen, isn't it?" Qian Cheng looked at her without blinking.

"Yes!" Concubine Liang nodded, "Because I know that Shen'er will achieve great things in the future, and Yun Kou will surely enjoy the glory of life by following him. But Shen'er has a cold and eccentric personality, doesn't listen to anyone, and has a delicate mind. I'm afraid he will see It is only when there are clues that people create a chance encounter."

Terrible, this woman is terrible!

Qiancheng shook his head, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

People are in the cold palace, but they don't stop, they have been working in scheming, even their adopted son, even their own daughter, have to use schemes and schemes.

There was a mocking sneer on the corner of his mouth, Qiancheng looked at her, and said lightly, "If you came here to tell me that Yunkou is your daughter, well, I understand."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it's true or not, it doesn't affect her, she doesn't care.

Concubine Liang glanced at her, and said in a cold voice, "Of course it's not this matter, I have something you care more about to tell you!"

Today's update is complete~Wenwen has entered the countdown to the ending, and it will look like the middle of this month~~
Thank you [Hanxiner], [ela2ne7a] for the monthly pass~~ It’s so rare, eh~~
(End of this chapter)

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