after losing heart

Chapter 251 [285] Everyone is finished

Chapter 251 [285] Everyone is finished

Concubine Liang glanced at her, and said in a cold voice, "Of course it's not this matter, I have something you care more about to tell you!"

Qiancheng's heart pounded, and he suddenly remembered the first sentence on the letter.

If you don't want your man to die...

"What's the matter?" She tightly clenched her palm, her face was calm, but her heart was already beating uncontrollably, as if it could hit her ear every time.

She had a very bad feeling.


"Your man is poisoned, do you know?" Concubine Liang looked at her with a calm voice.

Qiancheng swayed.

Although, before coming here, she was already mentally prepared, but she still found it hard to believe what this woman said.

After being dazed for a while, she seemed to find her own voice.

"Did you do it?" She stared tightly at Concubine Liang, the woman who was talking in a low voice just now, but now she said you were a man.

Concubine Liang smiled, not saying yes or no.

Qiancheng shook his head, feeling pain in his heart, "He called you concubine mother for 20 years, how could you do that?"

Although she has only been with Su Mochen for more than a year, even she knows what this woman means to Su Mochen all these years?
Almost all of his beliefs are because of this woman, all his forbearance, all his efforts, and all his deliberations are just to let this woman live in the sun.

He treated her like this, and she treated him like this.

How did she do it?

"What the hell is your heart made of?"

Qiancheng felt so sad, really sad, not for himself, but for Su Mochen.

She didn't even dare to think, after the day of seizing the throne, the truth of more than 20 years was revealed, how did Su Mochen survive at that time?

No wonder he was so drunk in front of Yang Hen's tomb.

Seeing the pain in her eyes, Concubine Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and she snorted coldly, "Who made him the son of that man? He has to bear all these."

Qian Cheng still just shook his head, "Since you hate it so much, why did you send Yun Kou to him?"

Shouldn't it be Ai Wu Ji Wu?Shouldn't it be for the sake of his own daughter and hope for his son-in-law?

"It's two different things!" Concubine Liang frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice, with obvious impatience in her tone.

"Then what do you want now?" Qiancheng also said in a cold voice, straightforward, "What conditions?"

After going through so much, this woman didn't come to her senses. She felt that there was no need to talk to her here.

"It's very simple, I only want Yunkou to be happy!"

Concubine Liang looked up at her.

Qian Cheng was startled, looked back at her, and said after a while, "So? Let me go?"

But before Concubine Liang could react, Qiancheng said firmly, "Don't even think about it! Concubine Liang needs to figure out a few things. First, since Yun Kou loves Su Mochen, you, as her mother, love her The man using poison has already pushed Yun Kou into unhappiness; secondly, Yun Kou's happiness was not given by me, and it has nothing to do with whether I leave or not. If you want to find Su Mochen, I can't help you !"

"So I never thought of letting you go!"

Qiancheng was startled and looked at her in astonishment.

Concubine Liang fell silent suddenly, and said after a while: "I know that feelings cannot be forced, and I know that even if you leave, Shen Er's heart will still not be with her. Perhaps Concubine Yun and Yaohua Palace are hers. I have been like this all my life, I don't want her to be as lonely as me, I just want her to have a sustenance and a hope in her next life, so..."

Concubine Liang paused, and then continued: "So, even if Su Mochen can't give her love, as long as I give her a child, the day she conceives an heir is the time when I will give Su Mochen the antidote!"

Qiancheng was stunned, with an unbelievable expression on his face, but soon, it was replaced by a sneer, "Is the concubine Liang sure she is negotiating terms with me? She wants Su Mochen's child, let her go, let Su Mo Chen, what are you doing to me? I told you, you should talk to Su Mochen..."

"According to Su Mochen's temperament, do you think this is a good deal?" Concubine Liang interrupted her sharply, her eyes were cold.

Qiancheng remained silent and looked at her coldly.

Of course she knew it wasn't right to talk, she didn't know Su Mochen's temperament, she would rather not have an antidote than be manipulated by others.

"He came here last night!" Concubine Liang suddenly lowered her voice and sighed softly.

Qiancheng was startled, and soon realized who she was referring to.

No wonder, he returned to Tsinghua Palace so late.

"This is the first time he has come to the prison since I was imprisoned here... He just stood there, his whole body was bright yellow, even though he was poisoned, he was still so majestic," Concubine Liang pointed to the man next to Qiancheng. There was a hint of loneliness on his face, "He said, Concubine Mother, I'm poisoned."

Qiancheng's heart trembled.

"He called me Concubine Mu, and he still calls me Concubine Mu... I thought he came to ask me for the antidote, no, he didn't mention the antidote at all, he just asked me if I poisoned it, I didn't answer, and he left."

Concubine Liang's voice was faint, the candlelight on the cell wall was dim and flickering slightly, illuminating her face flickering.

"If he asks you for it, will you give it to him?" Qiancheng asked suddenly. At that moment, she even had the illusion that this woman actually had feelings for Su Mochen.

"No!" Concubine Liang answered simply.

Qiancheng laughed, "It seems that he knows you very well!"

Concubine Liang's face darkened, but she didn't speak.

"If you don't give Su Mochen the antidote, aren't you afraid of affecting the child? Besides, if you haven't been pregnant, then Su Mochen's body can be dragged all the time?" Qiancheng really didn't know how to persuade this Obsessed woman.

Concubine Liang's eyes flickered slightly, "The poison is mine, I know very well whether it will affect the child, and I also have a secret medicine that can make people happy quickly, you don't need to worry about these, just tell me, will you agree or not?" My conditions?"

"What if I don't agree?" Qiancheng looked at her coldly.

Concubine Liang smiled indifferently, "Then you just wait to collect your man's body! He only has a maximum of four months, anyway, Yun Kou won't get it, and you won't get it either. We're done."

"You——" Qiancheng was angry, his chest heaved slightly because of the pent-up anger, and after a while, he suddenly laughed, "I won't believe you, a woman like you has been scheming all her life, from your mouth How many of the words said in the book are true? I think my man is fine, but he doesn't look like he's been poisoned?"

What can a person who can plot for more than 20 years not do?

She cannot easily fall into the trap of others.

What's more, she couldn't send other women to the bed of the man she loved the most.

"I won't promise you, just pretend I didn't come tonight!" After Qian Cheng finished speaking, he turned around and left, not wanting to get entangled with this woman for a moment.

A low sneer came from behind, "Okay? You don't know him too well, maybe until he dies, he will behave well in front of you."

Qiancheng's footsteps stopped, her heart was agitated to the extreme, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she finally did not look back, and continued to walk outside, surrounded by tired guards on the ground, she raised her hand and threw a Something, the long corridor, suddenly a dark fragrance wafts up, it is the antidote to the obsessive fragrance.

Mi Wangxiang.

Not only can make people comatose, but also make people lose their memory before and after coma.

Dragon Palace

Su Mo sat under the lamp, his eyebrows lowered, and he was concentrating on reviewing the memorial with a royal pen in his hand. Suddenly, his chest tightened, as if a huge boulder crushed him.

With the imperial pen in his hand, he frowned.


Every night seems to be this hour.

Secretly adjusting his breath, he tried his best to bear it, and calmly raised his hand to signal Eunuch Li who was standing aside, "Go outside and watch, don't let anyone come in to disturb me!"

Eunuch Li was startled, he didn't understand why he made such sudden remarks, but he didn't dare to speculate and be suspicious, he just said "Yes!" and retreated.

Hearing the door creak and being led shut, Su Mo relaxed his body, leaned back on the chair behind him, his face was pale, and he gasped with his mouth open.

Standing by the half-opened golden window, there is only a thin shadow in the ink-stained night, as if to merge with the darkness, only the trembling shoulders can tell that the person seems to be crying, but I tried my best to endure it, and didn't make a sound.

I'm sorry, the update speed these days is a bit deceitful, please forgive me, starting tomorrow, Suzi will start to paint the walls with dung, more!

(End of this chapter)

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