after losing heart

Chapter 254 [288] She is qualified to drink

Chapter 254 [288] She is qualified to drink
Feeling disgusted and ironic in his heart, Qiancheng gently closed the box and stuffed it back into Yunkou's hands, smiling sweetly, "This is what your mother left you, how can you give it to someone else?"

"Who made you my best sister?" Yun Koufu stuffed the box to her again, smiling slightly, "I really can't think of what gift to give you, you have what I have, and you have what I don't have, so .”

Qiancheng was startled, and he could hear the loneliness and deep meaning in her words, so he didn't want to entangle her with this matter any more, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, thank you for your kindness!"

Qian Cheng frowned, turned around and put the wooden box in the drawer of the dressing table, then came to hold Yun Kou's hand, and led her to sit on one side of the table, "You sit first, the emperor should be here in a while, wait When he comes over, we'll have dinner."

"Yeah!" Yun Kou nodded with a smile, raised her hand to signal the maidservant who came with her to back down, and finally turned her eyes to look at Qian Cheng, and said suddenly, "Thank you, Qian Cheng!"

Qiancheng was slightly stunned, then smiled slyly, his watery eyes shone like the light of a lake, "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for inviting me to celebrate your birthday with you."

Yun Kou stared at her, speaking sincerely.

Qiancheng's eyes flickered slightly, but his face still had a bright smile on his face, "What's there to thank? Like you said, who made us the best sisters? Once in Yuxiangfang, wasn't it your birthday every year?" Did you stay with me?"

"That's true." Yun Kou nodded with a smile, and was about to say something more, but suddenly heard the voice of a maidservant and eunuch saluting outside, "See Your Majesty!"

Both of them were startled, but the moment they turned their heads, Su Mochen had already walked in with a yellow scroll.

The man was dressed in a crimson purple dragon robe, crowned with jade hair, high-spirited and rich like jade, he called out "Thousands of cities!", and saw Yun Kou sitting there, slightly startled, but only for a moment, his complexion changed again. Returning to normal, she slightly curled the corners of her lips, "Yun Kou is here too."

The voice is light and can't hear any meaning.

Yun Kou hurriedly got up and bowed to salute, "I have seen the emperor!"

Qiancheng had never been in the habit of saluting, seeing her like this, he didn't want to show how special he was, so he blessed himself too.

"Get up!" The words were addressed to two people, but Su Mochen went straight to Qiancheng's side and helped her up.

Yun Kou lowered her eyebrows and waited for a while, seeing that he didn't intend to help her either, she laughed at herself and straightened her waist.

"Sit down!" Su Mochen put the scroll in his hand on the table, lifted the corner of his robe, and sat on one side.

Qiancheng smiled, pulled Yun Kou to sit down, then gently closed one of his cloud sleeves, lifted the jug on the desk, and began to add wine to everyone's glasses.

"Chunlan can do these!" Su Mochen looked at her, his black eyes were full of tenderness and softness.

Qiancheng raised his eyes, glanced at him, and said coquettishly: "I don't want too many outsiders present, besides, it's rare for me to serve you, so I'm so happy!"

Su Mo smiled deeply, without saying a word, his black eyes followed her all the time with deep and distant gaze.

There was a pattering sound as the wine collided with the glass.

Yun Kou sat there, pursed her lips slightly, and suddenly tried hard to recall, had this man ever looked at her with such eyes?

Memories are flooding and my mind is chaotic, but I can't think of this kind of eyes like a deep sea vortex, which makes people drown when they bump into it.

There's none?
how come?
In that room, Qiancheng had already filled up the cups of the three of them, and then sat down at the seat opposite Yun Kou.

Holding the wine cup in her slender hand, Qiancheng smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes were like pearls, and she looked at Su Mochen and Yun Kou with a flash of light, "Thank you two for accompanying Qiancheng to celebrate this birthday, Qiancheng is the first to do it in respect." !"

As soon as the words were finished, when Su Mochen was about to reach out to take her wine cup, she had already drank the wine in the cup with a sip of her neck.

Xu Shi drank too fast and was choked suddenly, she quickly took out a silk scarf to cover her mouth and turned her head sideways to cough.

"You don't know how to drink, why do you want to drink so eagerly? It's like someone wants to snatch you away." Su Mochen sighed softly, stretched out his big hand and patted her back one after another, without hiding his eyes. Doting and helpless.

Qiancheng was flushed with coughing and teary, and it took a long time to stop. Seeing that the wine cups of the two of them had not moved, he yelled dissatisfiedly, "I am a birthday star today, and the birthday stars have drunk like this. You didn't even move, just drank your own wine quickly, and I'll add more to you!"

Su Mo bent his lips into a deep smile, held up the wine cup with his long and slender white hand, his black eyes were deeply glued to her already rosy face, and under the table, he stretched out his big hand to wrap the back of her hand in his palm.

"Qiancheng, happy birthday!"

He looked at her, raised his neck, and drank in one gulp.

Qiancheng frowned slightly, the deep pain flashed in his eyes, and it was fleeting, then he turned his eyes and smiled at Yun Kou, Yun Kou also picked up the wine cup, and said with a smile: "I also wish you every year as old as today!" Years have today."

After finishing speaking, she gracefully raised one of her cloud sleeves, lightly covered the cup, and then slowly drank the wine.

Not blustery, soft and smooth movements.

Seeing her graceful appearance, Qiancheng smiled. Compared with her, he always seemed so edgy, didn't know the rules, had no etiquette, and couldn't help this man.

And even though she was only a maidservant by the queen's side at that time, she would always look demure and decent. She had traveled with this man, experienced his suffering and vicissitudes, shared his loneliness and secrets, stood by his side, Help him at critical times.

Forget it, Yun Kou is qualified to drink this glass of wine!
She is entitled to drink.

Qiancheng told himself so.

Filling up the three people's wine cups again, Qian Cheng suddenly said: "Your Majesty, you haven't heard me sing yet, have you? It's rare to be in a good mood today, how about I sing a song for the Emperor?"

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and his black eyes looked over with a little probing and deep meaning.

I don't know if the wine was too strong, but with just one glass, both his and Yun Kou's faces were flushed red.

Qiancheng gently took his hand out of his palm, got up, came to a Yaoqin in the room, flicked his skirt and sat down.

The tips of ten fingers quickly stroked the strings, bringing up a series of melodious notes. Suddenly, both hands were pressed flat on the strings, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

Both Su Mochen and Yun Kou looked at her.

She smiled slightly, "I wonder if I can play the piano and sing and Yun Kou dances for me like in Yuxiangfang?"

Both of them were slightly taken aback.

"I..." Yun Kou bit her lips lightly, and looked at Su Mochen with watery eyes, but Su Mochen's eyes were not on her at all.

There is only one person in his eyes.

It seemed like she shouldn't be here tonight.

Yun Kou looked away lonely, pursed her lips, and said: "Okay!" Then she got up and stood up, taking off the cloak on her body, revealing a long apricot-colored diamond flower silk skirt.

Lean and breezy.

Qiancheng smiled slightly, her thick and slender eyelashes drooping down, concealing all the emotions in her eyes, her hands were like jade, stroking the strings deftly and flexibly, and immediately, the lingering and sentimental sound of the piano flowed like a stream under her fingers.

She raised her head slightly, and looked at the man sitting at the table looking at her for a moment.

The eyes are sticky, meeting in the air, and they can't be separated anymore.

She opened her thin lips lightly, and began to sing gracefully.

In the middle of the room, Yun Kou also moved her lotus steps lightly, swayed her willow waist, turned her red sleeves, and lightly covered her face, dancing in various styles.

All the joys and sorrows of the world

I don't want to sip tea

Just to continue your unfinished love song
I would rather be reincarnated from generation to generation

If our love in the previous life was not true enough
How can there be endless obsession in this life
Look how bright the moon is tonight

Are all the scenarios preordained in previous lives?

This song "Yuan" is a modern song. When he was in Yuxiangfang, Qiancheng taught Yun Kou to sing it. Qiancheng never dreamed that it would be so useful today.

The sound of the piano is melodious, the singing is full of sorrow, and the dancing is graceful.

Su Mochen pursed his lips slightly, this woman did have a lot that he couldn't think of.

He picked up the wine cup in his big hand and took another sip. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of the bright yellow scroll on the table. Then he remembered that he hadn't given this woman his birthday present yet, so he put down the wine cup and was about to reach out to take it.

Suddenly, the lower abdomen tightened, and an unbearable dryness and heat burst out from the depths of the body, directly reaching the internal organs.

The second update, there is an update~~~
Thank you [Qiannai], [lylsh93], [Lanbao37] for the monthly pass~~~Kangyao~~~
(End of this chapter)

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