after losing heart

Chapter 253 [287] She seems to be leaving

Chapter 253 [287] She seems to be leaving

another night

When the Ninth Prince Su Moyi stepped into the Dragon Palace, he unexpectedly saw that tireless young emperor not reading the memorial for the first time, but sitting beside the dragon table, resting his forehead with one hand, motionless.

At first he thought he was taking a nap, but when he got closer, he realized that it was not, Su Mochen had his eyes open, and he didn't know what was on his mind.

He bowed slightly and shouted, "Fourth brother!"

The man didn't respond.

He took another two steps forward, only to realize that although the man's face was still calm, there was unprecedented sadness and despair in the pair of black eyes that looked at the flickering candlelight on the table without blinking.

Desolation and despair?

Su Moyi was taken aback by his own knowledge, and called again, "Fourth brother?"

Su Mochen finally had a reaction, and slowly removed the hand on his forehead, raised his eyes slightly, and glanced at him, without any expression, he just said lightly: "You are here!"

Su Moyi doesn't seem to have a shallow mind like Fourteen. Although he is not as deep as Su Mo, he is still as delicate as a hair. How can he not see the abnormality of this man? After a soft "um", he couldn't help but ask, "Fourth brother, I found something wrong with you during this time, what's wrong with you?"

"She seems to be leaving..." Su Mo said quietly, his eyes fell on the flames in the octagonal palace lantern again.

Su Moyi couldn't understand such an unreasonable first sentence. He didn't know whether he was talking about him or her. He raised his eyes and saw Su Mochen staring at the candle light and lost his mind. I couldn't help being shocked, it seemed that I finally understood.

I'm afraid there is only one person in this world who can make him look like this, right?
"Fourth brother, you mean fourth sister-in-law..."

Su Mo was silent. After a long time, he looked back at him again, but he didn't answer, but returned to his usual calm and indifferent appearance, "I'm entering the palace tonight, but what do you need to report?"

Su Moyi was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly his topic changed so quickly, he pursed his lips and thought for a while before saying: "Yes! The fourth brother asked me what happened in Ranfu that day, so I was more careful. Fei Fei frequently went to the barracks, in principle, there is nothing strange about a general going to the barracks, but he went there frequently, and after he went there, he was not inspecting the soldiers, but having secret talks with several deputy commanders."

Su Moyi paused, and saw that Su Mochen's face was as calm as water, without any fluctuations. I don't know if it was expected, or he didn't think it was a big deal at all.

"Fourth brother, what should I do next? Do I want to send someone to monitor those deputy commanders?"

Su Mo shook his head and said calmly, "No need!"

Su Moyi frowned slightly, a little confused, "Maybe it's just me being overwhelmed, but it's always good to have an extra thought..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Mochen, "Go back, I have my own plan for this matter!"

Su Moyi was startled, his lips twitched twice, he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

"Fourth brother, you should also rest earlier!"

Su Mo waved his hand wearily with dark eyes.

Su Moyi bowed slightly, stared at him again, then turned and left.

The door creaked and was gently closed, and Eunuch Li's voice of "Jiuye go slowly" came from outside the door. Su Mochen covered his face with his hands and let out a heavy sigh.

Dye fly? !
Putting his hand down from his face, there was a slight arc on the corner of his lips, and a cold light nodded.

So, Qiancheng, you are thinking of leaving, right?

During this period of time, he saw the abnormality of that woman, and came to cling to him every night; slept in his arms, but called other men's names in his dreams; said inexplicable things to him from time to time, like The funeral is usually about Jin'er.

She is no longer the Ranqiancheng she used to be, whether it was before amnesia or after amnesia, he thinks he can understand her, but now she has accumulated in the years, but he can't see clearly...

There was a sudden block in his heart, he raised his hand to cover his chest, raised his head and gasped slightly.

Poison is about to strike again.

After Su Mochen finished reading the memorial, it was already late at night. He raised his hand to pinch the aching brows, and stretched his muscles, only to realize that the woman hadn't come tonight.

Feeling a little disappointed in his heart, he got up and walked out.

Seeing this, Eunuch Li, who was guarding the door, knew that he was going to Tsinghua Palace, so he hurried back to the inner hall, took his cloak and chased after him.

Tsinghua Palace, a bean candle.

Under the candlelight, Qiancheng lowered his brows and eyes, not knowing what he was busy with.

Wearing a pure white middle coat, her head was full of blue hair, hanging down her waist without a trace of restraint. The orange light hit her white dress and black hair, coating her whole body with a layer of holy light.

Su Mochen stood at the door and watched for a while, then walked over with the corners of his lips bent, and stretched out his arms to wrap her around her, "What are you up to?"

In fact, while asking, he had already seen what she was doing.

I'm making clothes, to be precise, I'm making a small dress.

Obviously too focused, Qiancheng was startled, the embroidery needle in his hand almost poked his fingertips, turned around and glared at him angrily, "There is no sound when walking, it scared me."

At the end, he turned his head and continued to skillfully thread the needle, "I'll make a little jacket for Jin'er."

Su Mochen just hugged her and didn't let go, resting his chin on her shoulder, silently watching the way her hands kept moving.

What she made was a double-breasted jacket with pink brocade for the face, and a few cute animals were embroidered on it. Su Mo's lips curled up, "I didn't expect your girl to be so good!"

Qiancheng didn't raise his eyes, and smiled slightly: "There are more things you can't think of!"

It was an extremely ordinary sentence, but Su Mo's heart shuddered when he heard it for some reason.

Qian Cheng didn't know about this, so he looked back at him with a smile, and said jokingly: "Aren't you the biggest master of Yuxiangfang? Including female celebrities, you have to be proficient in everything, otherwise how will you stand out? After all, I have to thank you for your training!"

Su Mo was startled, and he didn't know how much of a joke or blame was in what she said, so he couldn't help but reached out and turned her face away, only to see her smiling like a flower.

For some reason, he was inexplicably annoyed, lowered his head, and kissed her gently raised red lips heavily.

Qiancheng's pupils narrowed, not because of his sudden kiss, but because the embroidery needle in his hand really pierced his fingertips this time.

The embroidered jacket fell from his hands and landed at their feet.

Su Mo was startled, and suddenly realized something, let go of her quickly, and looked down at her hand, with bright red dots on her long, white fingers.

"I'm sorry..." He took her hand distressedly.

"It's okay!" Qiancheng smiled lightly, and was about to pull his hand away from his palm, but suddenly his fingers became hot, and the man had already sucked her injured finger into his mouth.

A faint tingling and warmth spread from the fingertips in an instant, Qiancheng stared at him blankly, seeing his gentle and watery appearance, his heart ached, and the corners of his eyes turned sore.

He didn't care about the faint bloody entrance, but his black eyes were glued to her deeply, not for a moment.

Looking at each other for a long time, each other's eyes are entangled.

In the end, Qiancheng was the first to look away.

Because she was afraid, she was afraid of his eyes, she was afraid that she would not be able to help crying.

"Don't do it, okay?"

It took an unknown amount of time before Su Mochen let go of her fingers, bent down and picked up the little jacket that fell on the ground.

Qiancheng bit her lip and didn't speak, but felt his voice was indescribably hoarse and deep, which made her feel extremely stuffy in her heart.

"You don't need to do these things yourself. People from the Shangyi Bureau will do it for you. If you don't like their styles, you can tell them all your requirements and let them follow your requirements."

Putting the jacket on the table, Su Mochen squatted in front of her while holding her hand.

Qiancheng's heart was agitated again, but he tried his best not to be noticed by him, so he could only look aggrieved and said, "Didn't that mean that only mother-made jackets are warm?"

Su Mo was stunned, and a slight smile spread in his deep black eyes, "Then do it later, Jin'er is not yet a year old, look at the jacket you made, it's so big, At least two or three years old can wear it."

"I just made it for her to wear in the future."

As soon as the words came out, Qiancheng felt his nose sore.

Su Mochen also narrowed his eyes, straightened up suddenly, and hugged her horizontally, "Since it's for later wearing, then I'll do it later!"

Suddenly losing her balance, Qiancheng instinctively stretched out her hand, wrapped it around his neck, and leaned against his chest, she looked absent-minded like never before.


After that, the two had a good meal and entangled to the death.

After the cloud stopped and the rain rested, Qiancheng was pillowed in Su Mochen's arms, panting, Su Mochen pulled the quilt over the two of them, tilted his head and kissed the corner of her lips lightly.

"Su Mochen..." Qiancheng turned over with difficulty and rested his head on his chest.

"En!" Gently caressing her thick and soft hair with a big hand, Su Mochen slightly closed his eyes.

"The day after tomorrow is my birthday."


Ok?What does um mean?Qiancheng was stunned, and couldn't help raising his head, looking at the man, only to see the man's eyes closed, not sure if he was asleep or awake, and felt extremely disappointed for a moment.

This was her first birthday with him, and perhaps the last.

He didn't care so much.

Heartbroken, she smiled bitterly and lay down silently.

The man with his eyes closed and motionless had the corners of his lips curled up.

The autumn moon is cold and the moonlight is long.

Qiancheng asked Chunlan to arrange the food and wine on the table, and then asked him to take all the servants down.

There were three bowls and chopsticks and three wine cups on the table. Qian Cheng stared at them in a daze for a while, then went to the window and looked at the moon in the distance, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

It wasn't until the voice of the maid saluting outside came, "Concubine Yun!", that she came back to herself in a daze.

Turning around, she went to the door, and saw Yun Kou walking in with her maid's hand in her hand. Tonight, she was wearing an apricot cloud brocade skirt, a cloak of the same color, and light makeup. When she saw Qian Cheng, she stepped forward with a smile, "Qiancheng, happy birthday!"

While speaking, he motioned to the maid beside him to present a vermilion lacquered wooden box to Qiancheng.

"Thank you!" Qiancheng took it with a smile, and opened it, and it turned out to be a hairpin.

She had seen this hairpin once when she was still in Yuxiangfang. She remembered that Yun Kou had told her that this hairpin was the only token left by her mother.

Concubine Liang's stuff?
She gave it to her?
Feeling disgusted and ironic in his heart, Qiancheng gently closed the box and stuffed it back into Yunkou's hands, smiling sweetly, "This is what your mother left you, how can you give it to someone else?"

The first update will be updated today~~
Thank you [Youlan Mingdi], [Yixiang Suibuyou], [fcmwyf], [Jade Edition Xuan 09], [13962696908ny] for the monthly pass~~~
Love you, love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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