after losing heart

Chapter 258 [292] The poison was not mine

Chapter 258 [292] The poison was not mine

In the following days, Su Mochen still did not come to Tsinghua Palace.

However, as the news that Yun Kou was pregnant with a dragon seed spread in the palace, everyone often saw the figure of the young emperor appearing in Yaohua Palace.

If there is any good thing in the palace, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also the first to send it to Yaohua Palace.

As a result, there were rumors in private that the original concubine of the two palaces was going to take turns, the empress plummeted, and Concubine Yun was at the height of the sky. If things go on like this, Concubine Yun will give birth to a son.

Chunlan and Zhu'er got angry when they heard this, and complained in front of Qiancheng in various ways, and they couldn't argue with each other.

Qiancheng listened quietly, still just laughing.

Only she knows that she is waiting, waiting for the day to come.

On the second day after Yun Kou was found to be pregnant, she went to the prison to find Concubine Liang. Concubine Liang promised to give the antidote to Su Mochen on the winter solstice. As for how to give it, she asked Concubine Liang, and Concubine Liang remained calm. Face said, don't worry about her.

The winter solstice is only a few days away, but for Qiancheng, the days are like years.

Finally, on this day, Eunuch Li came over early in the morning to inform that today’s winter solstice coincides with the [-]th day, the empress ascends the throne, Concubine Yun is happy, and there are many happy events in the palace. , Let Qiancheng get ready.

Palace banquet?

For some reason, when he heard about the palace banquet, Qiancheng was very flustered, it seemed that every time such a gathering, there would always be such and such, big or small, happening.

And today is the day when Concubine Liang gives the antidote.

Feeling uneasy, at dusk, people from the Shangyi Bureau brought a newly made phoenix robe.

What surprised her was that the phoenix robe was not the usual bright red, but the purple she loved so much.

The top-quality tribute brocade is delicate, smooth, and shiny. It is hand-embroidered with patterns of a hundred birds facing the phoenix. The stitches are exquisitely crafted. The wings of the phoenix are inlaid with various gemstones and jade diamonds, shining brightly.

According to people from the Shangyi Bureau, this phoenix robe has been made a few days since she sealed it, and it has been rushing to finish it until today.

It took two full months.

In fact, Qiancheng herself doesn't like this kind of luxurious and high-profile attire, but since she is already in her position and she is still in public, she can't break the rules.

When she walked out of Tsinghua Palace in a phoenix robe and delicate makeup, she found Su Mochen standing there, dressed in bright yellow, with his back to the door, hands behind his back, his eyes didn't know where he was going, he seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Qiancheng was stunned, for a moment he didn't know whether to salute or not, what should he call him?

It was the maids and eunuchs on both sides who were the first to react.

Chunlan and Zhu'er knelt down to Su Mo, and Eunuch Li bowed to Qiancheng.

"Your Majesty is auspicious!"

"Good luck, empress!"

Hearing this, Su Mochen turned around slowly and looked at her.

Just one look, just one look, and it seems that it can no longer be moved away.

Qiancheng also looked at him.

At this time, the sun has already set to the west, and the light is dim.

It was a little far away, but she could clearly see the deep purple and radiance reflected in his pitch-black eyes, the corners of his lips curved slightly, and he stretched out his hand towards her.

His hands were white and slender, glowing charmingly in the afterglow of the setting sun.

As if bewitched, Qiancheng actually walked over and put his hand in his palm.

A hand and a grip seem to be very ordinary and natural.

Neither of them spoke, they walked towards Weiyang Palace together.

The maids and eunuchs hurriedly bowed to follow, and from time to time some people raised their eyes and secretly looked at the pair of emperors and empresses who were walking hand in hand, who obviously understood each other very well, but were very strange.

When they walked into Weiyang Palace, the emperor's relatives, civil and military officials were basically all present, and Emperor Wen, Concubine Mei, and Yun Kou were also sitting at the banquet.

Xiaoqi, Ninth Prince, and Fourteen were also there, Fourteen's eyes were scarlet and bloodshot, and he didn't know whether he had cried or hadn't slept for several nights.

As Eunuch Li sang: "The emperor is here, the empress is here!", except for Emperor Wen and Concubine Mei, everyone stood up and knelt down to salute.

The voice of the mountain shouting long live and thousand live.

Su Mo lifted the tip of his eyes lightly, and his sharp eyes quickly glanced over the crowd, "Let's get flat!"

At the end, he walked to the main seat and sat down, and motioned Qiancheng to sit on his right.

Everyone got up and took their seats.

Su Mochen suddenly stretched out his hand towards Yun Kou, and smiled warmly, "Come sit here!"

Qiancheng was taken aback.

Everyone is also stunned.

Although Yun Kou is pregnant with the dragon species, but her status is concubine after all, concubine and concubine are very different, if she sits like this, won't she be shoulder to shoulder with the empress?
Discussions belong to the abdomen, but no one dares to speak.

Yun Kou blushed, raised her eyes to look at Qian Cheng, swayed slightly, and walked over. Su Mochen took her hand and let her sit on her left.

Su Mochen said something on the scene, and the dinner officially began.

Because there was something in his heart, Qiancheng ate very little, and Yun Kou didn't move his chopsticks much, his face was cold, showing no joy or anger, but Su Mochen's expression was as usual, calm and composed from beginning to end.

When the dinner was halfway through, a young eunuch suddenly barged in, and the guards at the door couldn't stop him, yelling that he had something urgent to see the emperor.

Everyone was horrified, Su Mo Shen Ming waved his yellow sleeves and said, "Let him in!"

The little eunuch was flustered and flustered, stumbling, and even accidentally dropped the eunuch cap on his head when he knelt down to salute.

Her silver hair was like frost.

Everyone was shocked.

Qiancheng almost slipped off the seat.

Moonlight Cream!
He was actually hit by Yueyingshuang.

Qiancheng knew this person, the little eunuch who deliberately bumped into her in the back garden that day and brought her the letter from Concubine Liang.

It turned out that Concubine Liang controlled him through Yue Yingshuang and asked him to work for her.

Just, come here at this time...

Her pupils narrowed, could it be related to the antidote?

Looking sideways at Su Mochen, he saw his face was calm and calm, and his tone was as dull as his expression: "Speak, what's urgent to report to me?"

All of a sudden, hundreds of dozens of people in the hall were completely devoid of life, and needles could be heard.

The little eunuch trembled and shivered, "Liang... Concubine Liang... oh, no, Chen... Chen Zhuer asked the servant to tell the emperor that she...she wanted to come to Weiyang Palace in person and take the body of the emperor. Give the emperor the antidote to the poison."

Like thunder on the ground, the little eunuch's words rang in everyone's ears.

Everyone was shocked, and one by one only wondered if their ears hadn't heard clearly.

Emperor Wen and Concubine Mei were even more shocked and unbelievable.

"Shen'er, that bitch really poisoned you?"

Emperor Wen finally couldn't hold back, and spoke in a deep voice.

Su Mochen glanced at him lightly, but didn't say anything.

No sound is the default.

Emperor Wen shook his body, and Concubine Mei's face turned pale, she tilted her head and coughed suddenly, the silk covering her mouth was red and spotted, she hurriedly gathered the silk into her sleeves.

The atmosphere instantly condensed, and the entire Weiyang Palace was immediately covered by a high pressure.

Today's son is being tortured by someone, but the person who is being abused is still the woman he once called his concubine mother?
Everyone was shocked and frightened.

However, contrary to everyone's reaction, the person concerned seemed quite calm. He slightly hooked the corners of his lips and smiled faintly, "Okay! Since she has such a heart, how can I not do what she wants? Come on! Go to the prison and arrest Chen Zhu." Bring me here!"

"Chen'er, don't believe that woman's words. Since she was cruel enough to poison you back then, she definitely wouldn't easily give you the antidote. She must be playing tricks again!"

Emperor Wen wanted to stop Su Mochen, Su Mochen's eyes flickered slightly, he paused, but still waved to the guard who was in charge, "Go! Bring her here!"

The crowd did not dare to come out.

Qiancheng's heart was fluctuating, and he secretly glanced at Yun Kou who was beside him, only to see that she pursed her lips slightly, her eyebrows and eyes were lowered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

It was originally a banquet, but no one touched their chopsticks, and the whole Weiyang Palace was quiet.

Everyone is waiting.

Concubine Liang was quickly brought over. She was dressed in a prison uniform, with black hair hanging down her waist, and her face was slightly pale. At first glance, she was also a beautiful person, but her eyes were gloomy and sharp, like Like a falcon, it was completely out of place with her face.

There are heavy anklets on her feet, and as she walks step by step into the Weiyang Palace, the sound of metal hitting the white marble floor is particularly sweet and loud, and it makes one's heart palpitate for no reason.

Standing still in the middle of the hall, she glanced at Yun Kou, Qiancheng, Concubine Wendi Mei, and finally landed on Su Mochen with a slight smile, "Chen'er, don't come here without any harm!"

Su Mo looked at her quietly with deep eyes.

On the other hand, Eunuch Li sternly shouted, "Bold, you are a prisoner, you don't kneel down when you see the emperor, and you call the emperor by his name!"

Eunuch Li said while gesturing to the eunuchs next to Concubine Liang.

A few people understood, and rushed forward, ready to push Concubine Liang to her knees, but was stopped by Su Mochen raising her hand.

"I heard that you want to come here in person and hand over the antidote to me with your own hands?"

With that said, Su Mochen gracefully got up from his seat, walked slowly, stood in front of Concubine Liang, and looked at her.

Concubine Liang also looked up at him.

The two of them were only one step away, neither making a sound or moving.

The crowd did not dare to come out.

However, Qiancheng's heart ached. Although Su Mochen turned his back to her and she couldn't see the expression on his face, she could completely guess his mood at the moment.

This man is like this, and will always be like this, even though his heart is bleeding and rotten, his face is always calm.

No matter how painful it is.

She tugged at the skirt of her shirt tightly, suddenly wanting to cry.

But Concubine Liang suddenly smiled at this time, "Chen'er is still so naive, you can believe whatever I say, but, Chen'er, if I say that I did not inflict your poison, I have no antidote at all, you Believe it or not?"

Everyone was shocked, Qiancheng was even more astonished, shaking her hand, she heard the sound of her nails snapping.

Concubine Liang's voice continued, "It's because I told Emperor Wen that day in the Jinluan Palace that if you want you to die, you can kill me, so you think I did the poison, right?"

"But, Chen'er, it's not me. It's really not me. I was also the one who went to the prison to look for me that night. I didn't know that you were poisoned. I didn't have any antidote at all."

Concubine Liang shook her head lightly and smiled slightly.

Qiancheng's head buzzed, feeling like the sky was falling apart.

Yun Kou on the side also showed a surprised expression.

Su Mo suddenly turned around and walked back, pursing his lips tightly, his eyes were dark, and he didn't say a word.

Emperor Wen suddenly said, "Chen Zhu'er, do you know the consequences of what you said? I saved your life before, but I just didn't want to gamble with Shen'er's life. Since, you said now, you didn't What has Shen Er done, so what's the use of keeping your life? Are you not afraid that I will kill you now?"

"Kill me?" Concubine Liang sneered, "I've already seen through life and death, so why not die? I came here today and I have no intention of going back alive."

"See through life and death?" Emperor Wen also sneered back, "If you really see through life and death, why did you use Shen'er's life to force me to bypass you?"

"That's because I lost at that time, I'm not reconciled, I want to keep this life to make your life worse than death!" She paused, with a smug smile on her face, "Now, I did it!"

Khan, the truth is still not out, I will try to update it early tomorrow.
Thank you [Thick Soup] dear, [Red Clothes and Greenery] dear, [Yaya Baby Jing] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [326330842] dear, [gaochao524] dear, [ygamj] dear, [red and green] dear, [kookta] dear, [spiritual paradise] dear monthly pass~~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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