after losing heart

Chapter 259 [293] Son and Daughter

Chapter 259 [293] Son and Daughter
"That's because I lost at that time, I'm not reconciled, I want to keep this life to make your life worse than death!" She paused, with a smug smile on her face, "Now, I did it!"

Everyone was shocked, and Emperor Wen's face changed even more. His phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, cold light gathered, and his sharp eyes shot at her. He said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Su Mochen sat down on his seat, and after hearing what Concubine Liang said, he looked up coolly.

Qiancheng's heart was full of twists and turns, and it was already in a mess.

"Quickly, what do you mean?"

Emperor Wen roared fiercely, obviously losing his patience, and there was a tremor in his voice that he didn't even notice.

Indeed, the most terrifying thing in life is the fear of the unknown.

"It's nothing interesting." Concubine Liang was not afraid, and met Emperor Wen's gaze straight away, smiling like a flower, "It's just letting your son and your daughter be together, and they have a child."

Everyone is horrified!

Qiancheng was dizzy for a while, she couldn't hold on any longer, and she really slipped off the seat. Just before she fell to the ground, her arm suddenly lifted, and someone helped her in time.

Familiar strength, familiar posture, who is it?
Who is so quick to hold her up?

She raised her eyes in a daze, and saw Su Mo's handsome and flawless face. She tried hard to let herself see his expression clearly. She thought, at this moment, he must be in pain and despair, right?

However, she couldn't see any emotion in him, only his black eyes fell deeply on her face, and he said, "Are you okay?"

She came back to herself in a trance, her heart skipped a beat, and she looked away, "I'm fine!"

He tried his best to smile, and sat back in his seat, tightly grasping the armrests of the chair with a pair of small hands, and his heart was turbulent.

What can she do.

He and Yun Kou are the ones who have something to do, right?

The son and the daughter are together, and the two have a child!

Concubine Liang's words lingered in her ears like a magic voice.

Yun Kou, Yun Kou turned out to be Emperor Wen's daughter.

God, what has she done.

Confused in her heart, she turned her head slightly and looked at Yun Kou beside her, only to see that this woman had already lost her usual composure, her face was as pale as paper, her lips were slightly pursed, as if she was trying to hold back something.

In that room, Emperor Wen was too shocked to recover for a long time. After a long time, he suddenly stood up from his seat, flew down in front of Concubine Liang, grabbed her collar with his big hands, and almost lifted her whole body. , "Speak clearly! Who is with whom?"

Emperor Wen's eyes were scarlet, and he almost gritted his teeth.

Everyone present knew that the emperor had many sons, but only one daughter, the seventh princess Su Ningshuang.

According to Concubine Liang's meaning, it means that a certain son had a child with Princess Seven.

So, everyone's eyes turned to the Seventh Princess Su Ningshuang in unison.

Xiao Qi was inexplicable, but faintly aware of something, frightened and frightened, flustered and flustered, his little hands tightly twisted his skirt, sitting there at a loss.

"Who is with whom?" Concubine Liang sneered, because the neckline was sealed by Emperor Wen, it was difficult to speak, she turned her eyes to look at Su Mochen with difficulty, and she was on the verge of falling, "Your emperor's son and the seventh princess!"

There was a suppressed sigh again from the audience.

It turned out to be the emperor!
So everyone's eyes turned to the young emperor sitting upright again.

Su Mo pursed his lips, his face was stern, his black eyes were as deep as the sea, and as black as ink, he looked at the almost crazy woman in Emperor Wen's hand without blinking.

No one knows his mind.

Even Qiancheng next to him didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Perhaps the end of despair is such no response, is it?
Heartache, Qiancheng only felt heartache, she looked at him tremblingly, stretched out her hand involuntarily, and gently covered the back of the man's hand on the armrest of the chair, but the moment she just touched it, was wrapped by the man's backhand, She held her hand, tightly in the palm.

At that moment, she finally couldn't help crying.

Tears streamed down his face, but he dared not make a sound.

Everyone's eyes were on Su Mochen's side, so even though she tried her best to be silent, everyone still knew that she was crying.

It's just that no one really knows why she's crying?It's like no one knows how she feels at the moment.

That kind of pain that makes me want to die, and the guilt that makes me want to die.

Su Mochen patted the back of her hand lightly, stood up, and walked towards Emperor Wen and Concubine Liang.

Everyone looked at him.

Emperor Wen also looked at his son with deep pain in his eyes, "Chen'er, you are really with Xiao Qi..."

Su Mo took a deep look at him, but didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Xiao Qi couldn't stand being stared at by everyone, so she stood up suddenly, "I didn't!"

If there was really something between her and Su Mochen, it was just her heart for him.

However, his heart is not on her, which she has already recognized clearly.

This man is stingy with even giving her a kiss, so how can he have a child?

Everyone was stunned, and Emperor Wen's face relaxed, and he sneered, and his big hand turned from Concubine Liang's collar to grab her neck directly, "You crazy woman, I'll kill you!"

Tightening his hands inch by inch, Emperor Wen's long and narrow phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, and he breathed out the cold air.

Concubine Liang didn't resist, she let him pinch her, her body was on the verge of falling, she just laughed, sneered, and laughed eeriely.

At this time, Su Mochen had already walked in front of the two of them, stood still, and raised his hand to hold Emperor Wen's arm.

Emperor Wen was startled, looked at him for a while, and finally let go.

"Why did you do this?" Su Mo shook his head slightly, concentrating on Concubine Liang.

Concubine Liang panted heavily, her originally pale face turned slightly red from the suffocation just now, "Why? I've said it many times, I want to make his life worse than death!"

Concubine Liang hissed and pointed at Emperor Wen beside him.

At the end, he smiled again and looked at Su Mochen, "Chen'er, doesn't that feel good?"

Everyone was shocked and broke out in cold sweat.

Su Mo's brows and eyes were condensed, still just looking at her, his thin lips were tightened more and more.

Emperor Wen beside him couldn't help shouting: "Xiao Qi has already said that there is no more, you bastard is still talking nonsense here..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Concubine Liang, "Of course she didn't, because she was not the seventh princess in the first place, am I right? Xie Yunxi!"

She turned to look at Xiao Qi, and Xiao Qi's expression changed.

Everyone's face changed dramatically, including Emperor Wen.

What exactly is going on?

Seeing Emperor Wen's reaction, Concubine Liang was delighted, "Shocked, isn't it? Didn't she think that the daughter she loved for so many years is a fake?"

"Speak clearly to me!"

Emperor Wen pulled the woman up again, his cold voice burst out from the depths of his throat, and he paused every word.

Concubine Liang raised her eyebrows pointlessly, "I'm not going to hide anything until now. Yes, the Seventh Princess Su Ningshuang is a fake, she was dropped by me. Her real name is Xie Yunxi, and she is the real princess!"

While speaking, he stretched out his slender fingers and pointed at the slightly pale woman sitting on the main seat.

Yun Kou!

Concubine Yun?

Everyone was shocked!

No wonder, no wonder it is said that the son and daughter are together and pregnant with a child!
Oh my god, it's messed up, messed up, completely messed up, if this gets out, what a joke it will be?
"Impossible!" Emperor Wen yelled loudly, still in disbelief, "Xiao Qi has been living in the palace, you have no chance to change your bag, and if you do, I will definitely recognize it."

"Really?" Concubine Liang sneered, "The Seventh Princess was born among the people and entered the palace at the age of seven..."

Emperor Wen was shocked, "You mean you changed them before entering the palace?"

Concubine Liang just smiled, without comment.

"You are despicable!" Emperor Wen roared, suddenly raised his arm, and swung it vigorously. With a crisp slap, Concubine Liang's body flew up like a broken leaf, and then fell heavily on the ground, and the iron chain on her feet hit her. On the white marble floor, there was a palpitating loud noise.

Everyone was stunned to see all this.

Concubine Liang was still smiling, with dark red blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, she raised her hand to wipe it, and looked at Emperor Wen triumphantly and proudly.

"I'll kill you!" Emperor Wen was furious, his scarlet eyes were about to pull out the sword of the guard beside him, but was interrupted by a woman's cold voice.

"and many more!"

Dear friends, you are so strong, you already guessed that Yun Kou is Xiaoqi, so Suzi has no suspense, 55555~~~
Actively respond to your call, today there are two updates, but the second update is a little later~~
Thank you [Royal Blue Pearl], [ryf8888520], [21832178] for the monthly pass~~Mad?~~
(End of this chapter)

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