after losing heart

Chapter 261 [295] I Kill You

Chapter 261 [295] I Kill You
Relatively speechless, the two sat all night.

She knew that in that heart-piercing bite, she tried her best, and also used up the last ounce of courage to persist.

After that night, she stayed behind closed doors, and she also thought about many things in her own precipitation. After so many years, she also wanted to understand some facts about her and him.

He wasn't hers after all.

Thinking of the poison on his body, and thinking of Concubine Liang's condition for giving the antidote that she would be able to conceive a child, so she acted in the play of fake pregnancy.

Even if Concubine Liang was her mother, she decided to cheat like this. After all, happiness is not happy, like a person drinking water, knowing whether he is warm or not. If his heart is not with her, even if she has his child, she will be a tragedy.

It's actually very easy to make a non-pregnant person have a happy pulse, all you need is medicine. Tong Suqing once used it on Xilingxue.

She took medicine, but the imperial doctor found out that it was Ximai, so she asked the maid to inform Su Mochen.

Su Mochen immediately came to Yaohua Palace, and without saying anything, he just sat there drinking tea, just like the last time when she drugged Qiancheng's pulse condition, drinking tea quietly with a stern expression on his face.

She wanted to laugh, but in the end she didn't even have the strength to laugh.

She knew that this man thought she was playing some trick again.

Xu Shi didn't want to be underestimated by this man anymore, so she confided in Concubine Liang's plan.

She thought he would be shocked or angry, but no, nothing, he was very calm, as if he knew it already, she even saw an imperceptible light in his eyes, and he said, "She was really forced to of."

She knew who she was referring to in his words.

If her heart was dead after what happened that night, then when she heard his words, her heart was also completely dead.

Swallowing all the bitterness and abandoning all distracting thoughts, she just wanted to help him get the antidote.

So they played the play together.

Who knew that in the end, the poison was not caused by Concubine Liang, and Concubine Liang had no antidote, and she somehow became the Seventh Princess and his younger sister.

God can be kidding.

She didn't know whether she should feel lucky or sad, sad that he treated her with courtesy these years, and rejoice that he treated her with courtesy these years.

To make things clear between them.

Whether she is his concubine Yun or his imperial sister, there is no innocence between them, isn't it?

Her arms were sorely raised, she lowered them, and she slowly glanced at the eyebrows of everyone in the hall.

Some people were shocked, some sighed, some ridiculed, some were numb, and she even saw Fourteen's painful eyes.

She is Su Mochen's younger sister, the older sister of this man, isn't she?
Well, well, a relationship she'd been finding difficult to deal with had been resolved in one fell swoop.


It was the old and trembling voice of Emperor Wen.

She turned her head slowly, and suddenly, the figure beside her flickered, and a woman's hiss pierced all the silence, and pierced everyone's eardrums.

"I kill you!"

Everyone was shocked, Yun Kou was also shocked, thinking that Concubine Liang was targeting her, she tiptoed and instinctively dodged, but realized in the next moment, no!

Although she was locked with a heavy anklet, Concubine Liang was still as light as a swallow. She held a short dagger and flew straight in one direction.

Under the radiance of the candlelight in the hall, the dagger shone like an orchid.

And her target was the one sitting at the banquet——Mei Ping.

It happened so suddenly, it seemed that it only took an instant, and everyone was dumbfounded because they didn't react to the sudden change.

Mei Ping didn't know martial arts at all, and she was so frightened by this sudden situation that her mind went blank, she just sat there and watched the galloping dagger motionless.

Emperor Wen's face changed drastically, and he was about to fly up, but found that someone had already rushed forward one step ahead of him, blocking Mei Ping with his body.

Bright yellow catches the eyes, it is Su Mochen.

Everyone was shocked, some even screamed in fright, Qiancheng was even more frightened and terrified, calling Su Mochen tremblingly.

Concubine Liang saw that it was Su Mochen, and a startled expression flashed across her eyes, and her complexion also changed. The next moment, she turned her wrist urgently, trying to retract the force, and then turned her body backwards quickly, but after a while, It was too close, and the attack was originally fast and ruthless, even if it was temporarily changed, the dagger in her hand still slashed towards Su Mochen's chest.

"嗞啦——" the voice of cloth cutting.

"Hiss—" the sound of a sharp weapon piercing into flesh.

"Hmm~" Someone hummed.

Suddenly, there was silence in the hall, and everyone was horrified to see all this, forgot to move, forgot to react.

In the end, Qiancheng was the first to react, got up with a pale face, stumbled over, grabbed Su Mochen's arm, tears streaming down his face, "Su Mochen, Su Mochen..."

Mei Ping was also frightened out of her wits, in shock and pain, she looked in disbelief at the man who was desperate to block him, "Chen'er..."

"I'm fine!" The man's deep voice rang in his ears.

Qiancheng came back to his senses in a daze, and finally saw clearly what happened in front of him.

The clothes on Su Mochen's chest were cut long and long, and even the middle clothes were cut, revealing the white inner clothes. Although the clothes were torn, they were not injured.

But in front of him, Concubine Liang twitched and twitched, her brows furrowed deeply, her eyes looked at Su Mochen in pain, and bright red blood gushed out from the corner of her lips.

Behind her, Emperor Wen held a silver sword, and the sharp tip of the silver sword passed straight through Concubine Liang's back and came out from her chest.

The bright red blood flowed down the sword tip, staining Concubine Liang's sky blue prison attire red.

Emperor Wen's face was stern and his eyes were scarlet. Suddenly, with a wave of his arm, he pulled out the long sword that had pierced Concubine Liang's body.

"Father!" Su Mo wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Along with the long sword, a fountain of blood was brought out, splashing in all directions.

"Oh~" Concubine Liang groaned in pain again, her body finally couldn't hold on anymore, she shook twice, and fell to the ground slumped.

Like a broken leaf, her body was heavily entrusted to the ground.

Along with her body, there was another painting, which fell out of the ripped clothes on his chest as Su Mochen raised his hand to stop Emperor Wen.

The drawing paper fluttered, and finally fell on the ground in front of Concubine Liang.

Concubine Liang, who was dying at first, suddenly showed a shocked expression, and all kinds of strong emotions gathered in her eyes instantly.

Her face was pale, her mouth was open, and she gasped for breath. The bright red blood gushed out from the corner of her mouth even more urgently, but she didn't care about it, she squirmed and crawled towards the painting with difficulty.

Everyone was astonished, Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, took a step forward, bent down and picked up the painting.

It was the group portrait of him and Qiancheng drawn by Wu Sheng, which he kept with him all the time.

Concubine Liang crawled at Su Mochen's feet, grabbed the corner of his robe, raised her head tremblingly, and looked at him beggingly, "Chen'er..."

Just like countless times before, she called him Shen'er, but never had her voice been so hoarse and desolate like this time.

In Su Mochen's memory, this woman has always been a strong existence.

No matter when she was favored, when she fell out of favor and was imprisoned in the cold palace, or after she escaped from the cold palace, she always appeared in front of him as a strong person. When has she been so pitiful?

Su Mo's eyes hurt, and his heart trembled with pain. He knelt down and slowly hugged her in his arms.

Concubine Liang had a gratified smile on her face. She leaned against his arms, twitching all over her body, stretched out her hand with difficulty, and pointed to the painting in his hand, " me..."

Su Mo looked at her deeply, pursed his lips, his eyes were deep, he supported her shoulder with one hand, and shook the portrait away with the other.

He and Qiancheng stood among the flowers and laughed.

"It's him!" Concubine Liang suddenly grabbed his hand, getting emotional, "It's him!"

"Who is it?" Su Mochen frowned slightly, and looked at this woman with some puzzlement. He saw that her eyes were full of ecstasy and disbelief, but then they were replaced by desolation and despair.

"He is still alive...but he didn't come to me, and I...and I lost my life for him...."

She smiled and grinned, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and there were long water marks on her face, which was a dilapidated and self-deprecating experience that had never been seen before.

Suddenly a gust of scarletness rushed straight up from her stomach, her throat was itchy, she closed her pupils, opened her mouth, a fountain of blood gushed out, splashing both her and Su Mochen.

"Mother and concubine." Su Mochen exclaimed.

"Chen'er." Concubine Liang held his hand tightly, opened her mouth with difficulty, whimpered, her breath was like a silk, "Look for... find him... find him... poison... poison...."

Before she finished speaking, Su Mochen only felt the back of his hand lighten, and the hand that was holding the back of his hand fell silently.

The first one is a bit busy on weekends, the second one will be later, in the evening~~
(End of this chapter)

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