after losing heart

Chapter 262 [296]

Chapter 262 [296]

I don't know how long it took, the people in the palace left one after another under the signal of Emperor Wen.

Su Mochen hugged Concubine Liang motionlessly, feeling that the body temperature in his arms was slowly passing away, and it was no longer warm.

He looked at her quietly, watching that her resolute and indifferent face finally lost its sharpness, perhaps because of the blood flow, her face was as pale as a paper doll that had been crushed by a boulder.

She also opened her eyes wide, with wet tears in the corners of her eyes.

He raised his hand and gently wiped away the dampness with his fingertips. He covered her eyes with his warm palm and slowly wiped it down. When he moved it away again, he found that her eyes were still open.

Su Mochen suddenly felt a great pain in his heart.

Is this what people often say about dying with peace in your eyes?
he does not know.

All he knew was that the woman said, "He's alive...but he didn't come to me, and I...and I lost my life for him...."

She was blinded by hatred for a man, hated her whole life, calculated her whole life, and took revenge all her life, but in the end, that man was still alive and forgot her, right?

"Mother and Concubine, why are you bothering? Why are you bothering?"

He shook his head, looked at her eyes that refused to close no matter what, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Fragments of memories flashed sharply before his eyes.

It's very strange, obviously she used everything she did to him, and obviously she brought him so much harm, but why are her words and deeds still engraved in her heart?

She taught him martial arts, she taught him to use poison, she taught him to calculate, she called him Shen'er Shen'er.

Although she is strict, although she is cruel, although she does not allow him to cry when he is in pain.

However, in the past 20 years, he has truly lived for her. Sitting on the throne and letting her see the sun again is his only mission in the past 20 years.

Now that she is gone, this woman who has been forcing him to go, this ruthless woman who bears the title of his concubine is gone, he should be happy, but why is he so sad?
The huge Weiyang Palace was brightly lit, and thick blood wafted in the air.

Qiancheng stood behind him, quietly watching the man crouching on the ground holding Concubine Liang, his heart ached to the point of trembling.

Several attendants who were in charge of handling the corpse stood beside the man carrying a stretcher, not daring to go forward, and looked at Qiancheng for help one by one.

Qiancheng pursed his lips and was about to walk over, but found the man stood up suddenly.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, he gently put Liang Concubine's body on the stretcher, said lightly, "Buried in Dongshan!", and walked out.

Qiancheng looked at him, saw him pursing his thin lips slightly, his face was stern, the robe on his chest was torn, and his body was covered in blood, but he didn't look embarrassed at all, and he still looked like a dragon and a phoenix.

With a heartbeat, she stepped forward and stretched out her hand to him, just like when he was waiting at the gate of Tsinghua Palace to stretch out his hand to her when tonight came.

The man was slightly startled, raised his eyes and glanced at her, without saying anything, he stretched out his hand to wrap her hand around her, and led her out.

It was an extremely cold winter night, and as soon as he went out, a gust of cold wind hit his face, blowing through his clothes, Qiancheng couldn't help shivering.

The big palm wrapped around the back of her hand tightened.

Neither of them spoke, they walked forward side by side.

Maybe he had something on his mind, or maybe he was afraid that she would struggle to follow, so he walked very slowly, the lanterns on both sides of the palace road gave off orange light, hitting the two of them, stretching their shadows obliquely and long.

It was so quiet that it seemed that only the heartbeat and breathing of the two could be heard.

Qiancheng suddenly felt that it would be great if this road could be longer, if it could go on like this forever.

When he reached the gate of Tsinghua Palace, he stopped. She knew well that he didn't want to go in.

Feeling a little disappointed in her heart, she slowly withdrew her hand from his, and bent her lips towards him, "I'm going in, you should rest earlier."

"En!" Su Mo nodded deeply. Although it was a winter night, there was a ray of clear moonlight passing through the clouds and reflecting on his face impartially. At that moment, Qiancheng saw the tiredness and joy in his eyes. desolate.

Feeling pain in her heart, she didn't say much, she turned and left, walked a few steps, then stopped suddenly, and looked back, Su Mochen was still standing there looking at her.

"Su Mochen..." she said quietly.

Too many things happened tonight, she knew he was feeling bad, she wanted to apologize, about the poisoning, about the concubine Liang, she wanted him not to be sad, about the antidote, she wanted him not to be discouraged, she had a lot I wanted to say something to him, but I felt something stuck in my throat, and I couldn't say anything.

The corners of her eyes were sore, she quickly stepped forward and threw herself into his arms.

The man's body stiffened slightly, he stretched out his hands to hold her face, and sighed, "My body is dirty."

Qiancheng was stunned, and realized that he was talking about blood stains, so he leaned closer to his chest, and deliberately slapped his body on his robe, "Dirty will be dirty, at worst, it will be dirty together!"

Her appearance finally eased his stern expression, "You are wearing a priceless phoenix robe!"

"So what?" Qiancheng put his arms around his neck, "The emperor's treasury is full, and you can make another one for your queen tomorrow."

Qiancheng looked up at him with his small face, and saw a soft color finally melted between his cold brows, and the light in his black eyes gathered little by little.

"You want me to be a faint king?" The corners of his lips slightly raised with a warm smile.

Qiancheng felt a pain in her heart, and felt that the grievances, worries, fears, and bewilderment of the past few days were slowly lingering in that warm smile. She leaned her face against his chest and smiled, "It's not me, it's you Already fainted."

"Oh?" Su Mochen slightly raised his eyebrows, his black eyes sparkling, "It seems that I have to reflect."

"Then the emperor will go back and reflect on himself, and I'm leaving!"

Qiancheng stood on tiptoe to press a kiss on his lips, turned around and left, in a direction he couldn't see, her eyebrows slowly frowned, her heart ached in a ball.

In fact, she wanted him to stay. Later, she thought of the poison on his body, and it would be time for him to be poisoned after a while. She knew that he didn't want her to see it.

Yaohua Palace

Yun Kou sat in front of the bronze mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes were misty, and her long white fingers held on to an ivory comb to comb her long hair.

Liberated, finally liberated, she no longer needs to go further and further in her own obsession, and sink deeper and deeper.

But why was there another piece of emptiness in her heart while she was relieved?

The emptiness was like lost years, like a blank memory, which made her a little at a loss.

Sighing deeply, she raised her head, and suddenly found that there was an extra face in the bronze mirror, handsome face, sad eyebrows, fourteen!
She was startled, she was so absent-minded that she didn't even realize that there was someone standing behind her like this.

"Why are you here?" She didn't turn her head or get up, she just looked at the man behind her through the bronze mirror.


Fourteen opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and broken, and Yun Kou's heart trembled when he heard it.

Concentrating, she smiled slightly, "You should call me Seventh Sister!"

"No, it's not true." Fourteen shook his head, with a painful expression in his eyes, he walked up to Yun Kou, supported her thin shoulders, squatted in front of her, and stared deeply at him, " I don't believe it's true."

Yun Kou stared at him in a daze, then smiled suddenly, reached out and gently brushed his hand on her shoulder away, "Fourteenth brother doesn't believe anything is true? It's because I married your fourth brother for a long time, but I'm still the same The matter of perfect body, your fourth brother and I were poisoned, and he still didn't touch me, or..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Fourteen sharply, "I don't believe you are my sister, I don't believe it!"

Yun Kou laughed even more happily, "I don't believe it either, but what's the use of that?"

"Yun Kou" Fourteen suddenly stood up, reached out and pressed her into his arms, "Yun Kou, shall we go? Let's leave the palace, let's go to a place where no one knows us..."

The update is complete~~Happy weekend dears!

Unscrupulous Suzi sees that 20121212 is a once-in-a-lifetime good day, so he took a hole on this day. I believe Suzi’s relatives can save it first~
For the time being, it’s just a pitfall. When this book is completely finished, that book will start to be updated~
"Yeweiyang: A Woman Waiting for the Emperor"
Thank you [Xiaoxiaoyanzi 123] dear, [wbj199309] dear, [hjyblj042017] dear, for the monthly pass~~What?~~~
(End of this chapter)

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