after losing heart

Chapter 263 [297] What are you waiting for me?

Chapter 263 [297] What are you waiting for me?

Longyin Palace, in front of the door, a figure walked slowly, walked up and down, looked up at the sky for a while, and looked down at his feet for a while, lingering and hesitating, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Su Mochen was slightly startled, and walked over, "Why hasn't Ninth Brother returned home?"

Su Moyi raised his head, and when he saw him, he was overjoyed, and walked over quickly, "I'm waiting for fourth brother."

"What are you waiting for me for?" Su Mochen glanced at him, and walked up the stairs without stopping.

Su Moyi was stunned for a moment, originally thinking that too many things happened tonight, afraid that this man would not be able to bear it for a while, and wanted to stay and comfort him, but what kind of expression did he have, he was as calm as someone who had nothing to do.

In a daze, he saw that Su Mochen had already climbed the steps a long way away, so he hurriedly picked up steps to follow.

At the door, Eunuch Li saluted, and Su Mochen gave an order not to allow anyone to come in, so he and Su Moyi entered the hall one by one.

Taking off the torn clothes on his body and changing into a soft robe, Su Mochen turned around and glanced at Su Moyi who had been standing there, raised his finger to the soft stool beside him, and walked to the table by himself. He lifted the corner of his robe and sat down.

Su Moyi didn't sit down, but took two steps forward and walked in front of him, "Fourth brother, is it true that you were poisoned?"

"En!" Su Mochen nodded lightly.

Su Moyi swayed, frowned, and said anxiously, "Who? Who did it?"

"The descendants of the Xue family in Jiangnan." Su Mochen still spoke very lightly, very lightly, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"A descendant of the Xue family?"

Su Moyi was stunned, and looked up at him, "How can the descendants of the Xue family get close to fourth brother?"

Su Mochen smiled slightly, with a bit of bitterness twisting from the corners of his lips, he reached into the cuff of his coat with his big hand, took out a painting, and unfolded it gently on the table, "This one!"

Su Moyi was stunned for a moment, raised his brows slightly, and stretched his head to take a closer look. It was a portrait of Su Mochen and Qiancheng. He remembered that he was in Weiyang Palace just now, and Concubine Liang desperately wanted to see this painting, but he was still puzzled. What does it have to do with this man being poisoned.

Seeing his confused look, Su Mochen had already opened his mouth, "This is a painting by Wu Sheng, a magic brush. He hid the poison in the thick ink and painted it on paper, but I always carry this painting close to my body." , the poison has entered the body in the long run."

Wu Sheng?

This person, Su Moyi, has heard of him before. The rumors about this person in the Jianghu are so evil that they only give portraits to those who are destined. However, what does this have to do with Su Mochen?
Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, "Fourth brother is saying that Wu Sheng is a descendant of the Xue family?"

Su Mo was silent.

This is also the information that Concubine Liang tried to tell him before she died. Concubine Liang said, looking for him is poisonous.

Seeing Su Mo's silence, Su Moyi also understood.

"I'll send someone to look for Wu Sheng immediately."

"Since he intends to poison, he won't show up so easily, so he has to do it in secret, and don't startle the snake!"

"Well, I understand." Su Moyi nodded, and at the end, he remembered something, and said solemnly: "Fourth brother is today, after tonight, I am afraid that the whole world will know about the poisoning of fourth brother. The court situation is in turmoil, and some people with ulterior motives may be ready to move."

"It's okay!" Su Mochen curled the corners of his lips calmly, "Since they have ulterior motives, it will be a matter of time before they are ready to move. After such a long period of dormancy, what they lack may be such a good opportunity, so I will give them this opportunity. "

The smile on his lips turned cold, and he slowly narrowed his eyes, the determination and coldness in his eyes were not concealed.

Su Moyi was shocked, shocked by his expression and his word "zheng".

He suddenly thought, with this man's calmness and wisdom, he has nothing to worry about.

However, the poison on his body... I don't know how long it can last?
Thinking of this, I felt sad again.

"It's late at night, if there is nothing else, brother Jiu should go back to the mansion first!"

Su Mochen slowly folded up the portrait on the table and looked up at Su Moyi.

He knew that it was almost time for the poisoning to occur. Although it was no secret that he was poisoned, he still didn't want others to see his symptoms.

"Yeah!" Su Moyi was also a transparent person, so he knew it, so he didn't say much, bowed slightly, and said, "Fourth brother also rested earlier!" Then he backed out.

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Youmei Palace

Emperor Wen half folded the brocade quilt, leaned on the head of the bed, slightly closed his eyes, motionless, seemed to be taking a nap, and seemed to be thinking about something on his mind.

Mei Ping broke in through the curtain in pajamas, sighed slightly when she saw Emperor Wen's appearance, frowned slightly, walked to the bed, lifted the quilt, and lay down next to him.

Emperor Wen slowly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, "Your illness is serious again."

Mei Ping was startled, and looked up at him in astonishment.

Emperor Wen slightly hooked the corners of his lips, "I saw you coughing up blood when you were in Weiyang Palace."

Mei Ping couldn't believe it. She didn't expect that she would be discovered by this man after covering up like this. She was slightly stunned for a while, and then leaned her head into his arms, "I'm fine, but it's Shen'er."

So much had happened tonight, and everything seemed to be a blow to this son of hers.

She didn't dare to think about his mood at the moment.

She wanted to see him and be with him, but she didn't dare to go.

Tonight in Weiyang Palace, when Concubine Liang's dagger was coming towards her, at the critical moment of life and death, he actually blocked her with his body.

At that moment, she knew that he had her in his heart, his mother.

She was excited, she was delighted, and she thought, even if she died at that moment, she would be satisfied.

"What about the poison on Shen'er's body? Who is so cruel and wants to kill him?"

Mei Ping raised her eyes to look at Emperor Wen with a worried face. If she could, she really wanted to take revenge on her.

She suffers for him, she suffers for him.

But no if.

Emperor Wen closed his eyes heavily, hiding the pain in his eyes, and sighed softly.

"I have sent someone to find the antidote."

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When Qiancheng came to Longyin Palace, Eunuch Li stood at the door with his hands in his hands and his head hooked. His face was gloomy. He didn't know what he was thinking. She walked up to him, but he didn't realize it.

It wasn't until she softly called "Eunuch Li" that he suddenly came back to his senses, looked up and saw that it was her, and was about to salute, but was stopped by Qiancheng raising his hand.

"My lady came here late at night, I don't know..."

He was interrupted by Qiancheng before he finished speaking, "I'm going to come and see the emperor."

"But the emperor confessed..."

Qian Cheng took over the words again, "I will bear all the consequences!"

Before the words finished, Qiancheng had already pushed open the palace door and walked in.

Eunuch Li wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

The inner hall was brightly lit, but it was strange that for the first time at this hour, Qiancheng didn't see anyone reviewing the memorial under the lights.

Slightly puzzled in her heart, she picked it up lightly with lotus steps and walked inside.

On the bright yellow dragon couch, she saw the man's figure. He was lying face-to-face with a thin quilt, leaving only a cold back outside.

His gaze slowly shifted to a dark lamp by the bedside, the light was faint and shadowy, and Qiancheng felt his heart ache again.

In her memory, he almost never went to bed so early.

Moreover, he didn't know whether it was because he was in a deep sleep or because he had too many things on his mind, but when she walked in like this, he still didn't move and didn't notice.

Quietly taking off his coat and shoes, Qiancheng threw off the quilt, lay down next to him, stretched out his hand, and hugged him from behind, tightly, motionless.

Su Mo Shen's body froze slightly, and he was about to turn around, but was stopped by Qian Cheng softly, "Don't move!"

"Just lie down like this, don't move!" Qiancheng buried his face deeply into his vest, smelling the man's unique and pleasant scent of clear sandalwood, and whispered, "Su Mochen, let me hold you, just Lying like this..."

Dear friends, there is only one bird watch today, Suzi is going to attend a children's shoes party, forgive me~
The article won’t be too long, and it’s expected to be finished next weekend~~ Dear friends, whoever you want to see, you can leave a message to Suzi~~
Thank you [Susu shallow singing] Dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Tiffany-lai], [It’s going to rain], [Lion’s Sorrow] for the monthly pass~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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