after losing heart

Chapter 264 [299] You stupid king

Chapter 264 [299] You stupid king
Dye General's Mansion
In the study, a bean candle

Ran Fei was wearing a middle coat, sitting in front of the table, lowering his eyebrows, looking at the scroll in his hand.

Standing at the edge of the desk, Mrs. Yang gently rolled up her sleeves, rubbed the ink gently, and looked up at Ranfei from time to time, her pink face was full of spring, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of tenderness.

The man went into the study after returning from the winter solstice banquet in the palace, and read until now.

"General, it's already midnight, why don't you watch it tomorrow, let my concubine wait for the general to rest." Putting down the inkstone in his hand, Yang slowly walked to Ranfei.

Ranfei raised his head from the book, looked at her warmly, held her hand gently, and said softly: "Madam, go and rest first, I will come after reading this chapter."

Yang wanted to say that she would stay with him, but Ranfei seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile: "You are here, my heart is on you, and I can't see it, you go and rest. , I will come soon!"

Yang's face turned red in an instant. Even though they have been an old couple for so many years, this iron-blooded man who usually holds a knife and a gun occasionally said a few words of love, which still made her heart throb like a little girl who sympathized with Dou Chukai.

"That concubine resigns first, so don't work too hard, general."


Yang Shi came out of the study shyly, and as the door creaked and was taken away, the smile on Ranfei's lips slowly faded, he got up and went forward to fasten the door from the inside, and then returned to the desk, with his big hands Hold the candlestick on the table.

After rotating several times to the left and right, suddenly, with a "crash", a door on the west wall instantly moved away.

Behind the door is a tunnel, to be precise, it is a stone step, he slipped in, and the door closed automatically.

Down the stone steps is a secret room. The candles are still burning in the secret room at this time. Obviously, the master is not asleep yet.

As soon as Ranfei walked down the last stone step, a pair of weak and boneless arms wrapped around him.

Ran Fei took the opportunity to wrap the woman in his arms, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Hearing this, the woman's small face sank, and she broke away from his embrace with a little coquettishness, walked to the only bed in the secret room and sat down, complaining: "Every day in this dark place, nothing but eating and drinking It's sleep, I've slept through my whole life, how can I sleep in the long night?"

Ranfei smiled slightly, walked to her side, sat down next to her, reached out and hugged her into his arms, "I've made you feel wronged, but this kind of life won't be too long, our chance has come. "

"Opportunity?" The woman was startled, raised her head from his embrace, and looked at him in astonishment, "What opportunity?"

"The Son of Heaven is poisoned, the cause of the poison is unknown, the current situation is turbulent, and people are in panic!" Ran Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in them.

"Su Mochen has been poisoned?" The woman was shocked.


When the woman heard this, she suddenly regained her spirits, "Great! Then wait for him to die of poison, and we will start a riot!"

Ranfei shook his head, "You think too simply, not to mention we don't know when he will be poisoned, we don't know if he will find an antidote, just saying that there is still one Emperor Wen is enough to preside over the overall situation, he But an old fox."

The woman nodded in frustration, "Then when shall we do it?"

"No rush! We are waiting for a time when the right time, place and people are in harmony!"

He is waiting for a person, the person Su Mohong has been looking for recently, as long as the two parties work together, he has an absolute chance of winning.

"Actually..." The woman leaned in his arms, and Bai Bi's slender fingers casually played with a lock of his hair, "Actually, if you want to deal with Su Mochen, it's very simple. Your daughter Ran Qiancheng is the most Nice weapon."

"No!" Almost before she finished speaking, Ranfei interrupted sharply, "I don't want to involve Qiancheng in this matter, and Qiancheng is stubborn, so he will definitely not let him help us, if she You know, it can only be bad."

The woman sneered, "But she will know sooner or later."

Ran Fei was startled, her face darkened for a moment, her words were like a knife stabbing his sore spot straight.

This is also the reason why he has not done it for a long time.

He is not a good husband, but he wants to be a good father.

However, things can't always be perfect.

Ran Qiancheng is his daughter and Su Mohong is his son.

If not, Su Mohong's mother and son would have to live a life of shame, but if he did, he might lose this lost and recovered daughter again.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat.

He doesn't want to.

As if seeing through his heart, the woman in his arms smiled lowly, stretched out her arms, wrapped around his neck like a water snake, "I have a way to make your precious daughter Ran Qiancheng completely out of this matter! "

"What way?" Ran Fei narrowed his eyes and asked eagerly.

The woman was not in a hurry to say anything, she just smiled coquettishly, her red lips moved to his face, rubbed lightly, then turned to his ear, blowing hot air, "What's the rush? Did you just come down today? To discuss these things with me?"

The implication could not be more obvious.

Ranfei couldn't stand her like this the most, with a movement of her throat, her arms suddenly moved, and she was pushed down on the bed.

The next day, when Qiancheng woke up in that warm arms, the sun was already high.

She stared at the bright yellow tent with sleepy eyes, not knowing where she was.

The top of the bright yellow tent was covered with overlapping shadows under the morning light coming in through the window. When she turned her head, she saw the man's incomparably handsome sleeping face.

The events of last night came into her mind bit by bit, her face became hot, she moved her body, and when she thought about it, she found that her body was in severe pain.

"What time is it?" Xu Shi was startled by her movement, and the man slowly opened his eyes, and after only a second of hesitation, he sat up abruptly, looked at the sunlight in the room, and frowned.

Qiancheng turned his head to look at the hourglass in the corner, first startled, then startled, and finally couldn't help laughing, "It seems that what I said yesterday is not false at all."

"What?" The man lifted the quilt, got up and got out of bed.

"You are a fool!" Qiancheng turned over, propped his head on his elbows, and looked at him with a smile, "Tell me, if a king doesn't go to court early, is he considered a fool?"

Hearing this, the man smiled lowly, picked up the middle coat and put it on, and looked back at her, his black eyes shining brightly, "Since ancient times, there has always been a beauty behind the faint kings of all dynasties."

The roots of troubles?

It took only a moment for Qiancheng to understand the meaning of his words, but he was not annoyed, instead he smiled brightly, "Is it true that every beauty has a bad end in the end?"

The man clasped his hands for a moment, and the next moment, he walked over to the side of the bed.

Qiancheng didn't know what he was going to do, so he quickly fell down and shrank into the quilt, but was fished out again by his big hand.

"Your fate is that you won't be able to get out of bed for three days!" As soon as the man finished speaking, he began to take off the shirt he had just put on.

Qian Cheng was stunned before he realized the meaning of his words, and immediately felt ashamed and annoyed, he picked up the soft pillow beside him and threw it at it, scolding with a smile: "You stupid king!"

The man reached out to take the soft pillow, threw it on the ground, and leaned over to press it.

"Ah! Hunjun!" Qiancheng exclaimed, thinking that he wanted something else, but found that he was just hugging her under the quilt.

Qiancheng was taken aback.

If he doesn't move, she has no choice but to move too.

"Qiancheng!" He called her softly.

The voice is hoarse and low, as intoxicating as alcohol.

Qiancheng's heart skipped a beat, "Huh?"

She was most afraid of his gentle and affectionate appearance.

But the man straightened up suddenly, and said with a smile, "I want to ask when you get up? Is it true that you won't be able to get out of bed?"

Qiancheng was so angry that he picked up another pillow and threw it at it, "Su-mo-shen!"

The man turned around with a harmless smile, took off the dragon robe on the hanger and put it on.

In fact, what he wanted to tell this woman was that it was the first time in two months that he slept so peacefully last night.

"Master Fourteen, you can't go in, the emperor is still sleeping! Lord Fourteen... Lord Fourteen..."

Suddenly, Eunuch Li's crying voice came from outside, followed by the sound of the door being kicked open with a "bang".

Today's update is complete~~
Dear friends, happy reading~~
(End of this chapter)

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