after losing heart

Chapter 265 [300] I went to find her myself

Chapter 265 [300] I went to find her myself

Suddenly, Eunuch Li's crying voice came from outside, followed by the sound of the door being knocked open with a "bang".

Then came Fourteen's eager and hoarse voice, "Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother..."

Su Mochen frowned slightly, glanced at Qiancheng, and walked out of the inner hall.

As soon as he stepped into the outer hall, Fourteen rushed in, holding a letter in his hand.

Seeing Shisi's appearance as if he was about to cry, Su Mo frowned even tighter, "Shishi, what happened?"

In my heart, I already faintly feel that it has something to do with Yun Kou.

Sure enough, I heard Fourteen's hoarse and old voice, "Fourth Brother, Yun Kou is gone, Yun Kou is gone..."

Su Mo was startled, this was something he hadn't thought of, he thought Shisi was because he couldn't accept the sibling relationship between himself and Yun Kou.

"When did it happen?"

"I don't know!" Shisi shook his head, his black eyes were bloodshot, the handsome young man who was originally high-spirited, has been tortured so badly in recent days, he seems to have aged several years all of a sudden, he just shook his head , "I don't know. When I went to Yaohua Palace in the morning, I saw this letter. She said she was gone and told us not to look for her."

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, pursed his lips, reached out to take the letter in his hand, and shook it away.

Sure enough, there was only such a short sentence, not even who to write to or to sign.

But he could recognize Yun Kou's handwriting, it was indeed from her hand.

Su Mo sighed softly, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He could imagine what kind of twists and turns she felt when she wrote this letter.

Over the years, he had known her as well as she had known him.

She didn't write it to anyone, but she wasn't sure if he would go to Yaohua Palace, she wasn't sure if he found out about this letter first, or Fourteen first, right?
The reason for not signing is because she doesn't know who to sign, Yun Kou, or Xiaoqi, or Su Ningshuang, right?

He knew that she would not be able to accept what happened last night, and originally planned to go to Yaohua Palace to see her today, but he didn't want to, she had already left.

Feeling sad, seeing Shisi's pained appearance, she had no choice but to comfort her and said, "Don't worry, Yun Kou is also temporarily sad about the hurdle in her heart, go out to relax, and when she figured it out, she will naturally let her go." Will be back."

"No, she won't come back..."

Fourteen shook his head blankly and sadly, "I went to find her last night, I said take her away, I said take her away, take her to live together in a place where no one knows, she must have been scared by me, so she left alone ,Definitely is!"

Su Mochen looked at him in shock. He knew that this younger brother was really moved by Yun Kou, but he didn't expect it to go so far that he even ignored blood, family, ethics and morals.

"Fourteenth brother...,"

He didn't know what to say, or rather, he didn't know how to comfort this man. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I'll send someone to find her."

"No need," Fourteen smiled wryly, turned around in a lonely and desolate manner, and walked out step by step, with heavy and frivolous steps, "I will find her by myself, at the end of the world, I will definitely find her..."

Su Mochen wanted to call him to stop, but after all, he just moved his lips and didn't call out.

In the past, he must have reprimanded him a long time ago, but now he has already understood that the word love cannot be controlled at all, how can he let it go, let it go, and let it go?

His back felt hot, and a warm body pressed against him. He slightly curled the corners of his lips, looked down at the jade arms around his waist, "Are you up?"

"Yeah!" Qiancheng nodded, and he was pulled from behind to the front by his backhand.

"Su Mochen, are you sad that Yun Kou is gone?" Qian Cheng looked at him deeply and said softly.

"What?" Su Mo smiled lowly, his black eyes were burning with darkness, "At this moment, are you still eating?"

"Of course not!" Qiancheng interrupted him slightly annoyed. At the end, he couldn't help sighing again, slowly leaning his face against his chest, and said quietly: "I know you are sad. For so many years, even if it has nothing to do with love, Yun Kou is also a special existence to you, isn't it?"

Just now in the inner hall, she heard the conversation between Shisi and him, and even she felt sad, let alone this man.

Su Mo was slightly stunned, and remained silent for a moment. His slender fingers gently lifted her chin, and his deep black eyes were fixed tightly into her eyes, as if he wanted to make sure that her words were true or false.

Qiancheng was slightly injured.

"I'm telling the truth!" She met his gaze unbiasedly and said solemnly.

Su Mo was silent, but frowned slightly, and reached out to hug her deeply.

The two hugged quietly for a while, and Qiancheng suddenly remembered another matter, "By the way, Su Mochen, what are you going to do, Xiaoqi? It's Xie Yunxi, how do you plan to arrange her?"

"As long as she always knows how to measure and how to advance and retreat, she will always be my imperial sister and the princess of Xi Cang."

The weather was getting colder day by day, and it snowed twice in a row.

Qiancheng stayed with Jin'er during the day and with Su Mochen at night, and she lived a happy life, but she knew that the string in her heart was always tense, never really relaxed.

On the contrary, Su Mochen seemed very calm, he was still busy like a normal person, and he would only come to Tsinghua Palace after the time of poisoning at night.

Qiancheng would wait for him many nights, leave a candle for him, and then the two would chat for a while, play for a while, and fall asleep hugging each other.

On this day, Fang Fang, who seldom showed up, appeared in the palace and said that Su Mofeng was ill. She went to the imperial hospital to get some medicine for him, and stopped by to see Qiancheng.

Thinking of Su Mofeng, Qiancheng felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. She hasn't seen that man for a year.

In fact, she wanted to see him very early, but when he was sent to the imperial mausoleum, she was pregnant with Jin'er, and she was inconvenient. Later, many accidents happened one after another, so she was delayed.

When he and Fang Fang came to the imperial mausoleum, it was already dusk.

Su Mofeng was not there, Fang Fang told her to wait in the house for a while, and she went outside to look for it. Fang Fang was a frequent visitor to this place, so she was already familiar with it and knew everything about it.

Fang Fang went out in a hurry, complaining to himself, that guy is still sick.

Qiancheng smiled, secretly happy for Su Mofeng.

The one who can make the heartless Fang Fang like this must be the one in her heart.

Qian Cheng looked around the shabby hut, there was only one bed, one cabinet, one table, and two stools, but it was tidied up very neatly, and one could tell that the owner was a very clean person.

There are a pile of wine jars in the corner, some are empty and some are still unopened.

Qiancheng frowned slightly. In his memory, he was not addicted to alcohol.

At this time, there was a palpitating crisp sound outside the door, and Qiancheng was shocked. Looking back, he saw a man standing outside the gate like a wooden stake. Under his feet was a broken kettle, a large piece of wet, porcelain Chips.

"Thousands of cities?" The man looked in disbelief.

"Brother Feng!"

At the door, the man is wearing a white cloak, black hair, his clothes and hair are flying, and his footsteps are light. His whole body seems to be covered with a layer of mist in the sunset. His eyes are clear and full of smiles. The thin lips were slowly bent, and they took advantage of the warmth of the setting sun to come to him quickly.

"Qiancheng, it's really you!"

Naturally, he wanted to hold Qiancheng's hand, but the moment he touched it, he retracted it like an electric shock.

"Hmm! It's not me!" Qiancheng smiled, deliberately ignoring the embarrassment between the two, pretending to be relaxed, "Am I a lot older?"

"No!" Su Mofeng shook his head, his eyes sparkling, bright and dark, a little bit warm, a little bit smiling, and a trace of indescribable emotion, "It's mature, and it looks better than before."

Having a child did not leave any traces on this woman, but because of the precipitation of the years, she has a different style all over her body, making her more and more charming.

"Really?" She raised her head, squinted at Su Mofeng, and suddenly smiled, her eyes were clear and bright, a very natural smile, like the breeze in April, slowly pulled away.

Su Mofeng felt that all the haze in his heart for the past year was blown away by the breeze, and his heart suddenly became happy.

"Qiancheng, are you okay?"

He cleared his throat and deliberately straightened his voice, but still couldn't hide the tremor in his voice.

Dear friends, don’t worry, Wenwen is in a transitional stage, let’s first explain the supporting roles, and second, lay the groundwork for the last big event~~
Thank you [Qiqinglei], [Bai Jiafu], [zhengqy], [Haohao 1992], [Poppy Dream], [Scented Matcha] for the monthly tickets~~ I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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