after losing heart

Chapter 268 [303] That person can give him the answer

Chapter 268 [303] That person can give him the answer
But, just for a moment, he let go of her again.

Qiancheng was puzzled, and looked at him panting slightly, his eyes were blurred, his pink face was full of spring, and he looked so fragrant.

Su Mo's eyes were dark and dark, and he also stared at her tightly.

Each other's eyes are entangled.

In the end, Qiancheng turned his gaze away first, leaned his face gently on his chest, and said with a little resentment: "What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

"En!" Su Mo replied in a low voice, slowly let her go, turned around, walked to the table and sat down.

Qiancheng was startled, looked at him, thought for a while, then pursed his lips and walked over, stretched out his jade arms to hug him from behind, and gently pressed his face against his vest, "What should we do? ?"

His voice was faint, and the grief in his heart was undisguised.

"Yes!" Su Mo sighed deeply, looking at the dancing candles in the octagonal palace lantern on the table, narrowing his eyes slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

For a long time, the two of them didn't speak, they just kept the posture of her hugging him and leaning on his back.

It wasn't until after a long time that Qiancheng felt his waist was sore, he suddenly said: "Qiancheng, I ran out of incense in the study, can you give me some from the previous Four Palaces? The fragrance in my study?"

Qiancheng was slightly taken aback, "What?"

"It's the kind of spice you called 'Lotus Pond Moonlight'."

"Oh!" Qiancheng seemed to be enlightened, straightened up and walked in front of him, sat softly on his lap, stretched out his arms to hook his neck, and said with a smile: "You can, but it's just that I haven't mixed fragrance for a long time. , I’m afraid I’m going to be unfamiliar.”

"It's okay!" Su Mochen also smiled back, his dark eyes gleamed, and with the flickering of the candlelight, they became darker and darker, as deep as the sea, "I believe in you, even if you are unfamiliar, you are still the same." The best perfumer in Yuxiangfang."

"Su Mochen, your hat is so high for me, it slipped my neck." Qiancheng smiled sweetly, his face flushed slightly, and he rubbed his small face lightly into his arms.

Su Mo smiled lowly and didn't speak. After a while, he seemed to think of something again, put his hands on her shoulders, and gently lifted her up, "Qiancheng, I still have some memorials that I haven't finished approving, you first sleep!"

As soon as the voice fell, the person had already stood up and walked out.

Qiancheng stood there in a daze.

Suddenly, Su Mo paused, turned around and walked back, walked straight in front of her, held her face in his hands, and kissed her lightly on the forehead: "Hey, you go to bed first, I'm done with it." Come back with the matter at hand."

His voice is very soft, very gentle, affectionate, and reveals endless pampering.

Qiancheng's face turned red in an instant, she smiled shyly, and nodded.

Su Mo turned around and walked out quickly.

It was a dark night in the middle of winter, without a trace of moonlight.

The palace lanterns on both sides of the palace road gave off a dim yellow light, Su Mochen walked in the night wearing a cloak, the cold wind blew in front of him, cutting his skin like a knife.

It was late at night, and the surrounding area was quiet, with occasional guards patrolling around and maid eunuchs busy at night.

Maybe it was too dark at night, or maybe Su Mochen was alone, and when the court lady and eunuch who met on the way found out that it was today and was so horrified that he wanted to kneel down to salute, Su Mochen had already gone a long way.

After turning two palaces and another hall, he stopped in front of the gate of Changle Palace.

The maid at the palace gate saw him and hurriedly saluted, but he went straight past them and entered the palace gate.

The inside of the hall was brightly lit, and as soon as I entered the outer hall, I heard giggling laughter from the inner hall, which was tender and crisp.

Su Mo's solemn and solemn brows loosened slightly, and he walked in, and saw Jin'er sitting in the child's chair, looking like a jade carving in pink, and the nanny was teasing her with a rattle.

It wasn't until Su Mochen walked in front of the two that the nanny realized it was him, her expression changed in fright, and she hurriedly prepared to kneel down to salute, but was stopped by Su Mochen raising her hand.

Jin'er, who was six months old, didn't understand what happened. She only knew that the toy in front of her was gone, and she was a little unhappy. She suppressed her smile and looked at Su Mochen with big watery eyes. After a while, she seemed to recognize him. Laughed again, her jet-black eyes sparkling brightly, and she waved her little hands towards him.

At that moment, Su Mochen felt his heart tremble. He took a step forward, opened the bar on the child's chair, and stretched out his hand to hold Jin'er in his arms.

I don't know if it's because she got out of the confinement, or because she saw Su Mochen, Jin'er seemed very happy, happily flailing her little hands towards him, her mouth was babbling non-stop, and there was crystal saliva flowing naturally. Small mouth overflows.

Su Mochen couldn't help laughing, he raised his sleeve and gently wiped the corner of her mouth, as if it was the most natural thing, the nurse next to him was so frightened that he quickly presented the brocade handkerchief, but he raised his hand stopped.

The half-year-old child's eyebrows and eyes have grown, and he looks more and more like Qiancheng. Even when he smiles, the curvature of the corners of the eyes and lips are exactly the same. Su Mo looked at it, looked at it, and lost his mind.

The nanny looked at him suspiciously, seeing the absent-minded appearance he had never seen before, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

But Jin'er didn't follow her anymore, seeing that she was thrashing around for a long time, the man didn't respond at all, pursed his mouth, and cried out with a "wow".

This sound completely frightened Su Mochen, thinking that she was not feeling well, and looked at the nanny in surprise.

The nanny smiled and said: "The princess is very active, and the emperor has been holding her still, so the princess is not happy."

Su Mochen's heart finally settled down. Seeing her aggrieved appearance, he smiled slightly again, and walked while holding her, while shaking, "Jin'er, be good, Jin'er won't cry."

Jin'er was also very face-saving, and really stopped crying, and started playing with the fur on his cloak with her little hands.

The nanny stood on the side, looking at the father and daughter quietly, smiling slightly, with an indescribable feeling in her heart.

It has been rumored that this young emperor is cold-tempered, black-bellied and cruel-hearted. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that he would have such a warm side.

While playing with Jin'er, Su Mochen asked the nanny about Jin'er's situation in the past few days. It was not until some time later that Jin'er was listless and seemed to be going to sleep, so he handed her over to the nanny. Changle Palace.

The night was getting deeper, and even the maids and eunuchs could not be seen on the empty palace road. Su Mochen caressed his palms, and the applause fell, and several black shadows fell lightly behind him.

"Protect the princess! Don't let her out of your sight!"

When Su Mochen appeared at the gate of Longyin Palace, Eunuch Li who was standing at the gate was frightened, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "Emperor... Your Majesty..."

Didn't this man go to sleep in Tsinghua Palace?Why are you here in the middle of the night?
Su Mochen ignored him, just glanced at him indifferently, then stepped into the hall, walked a few steps, but suddenly stopped, turned around, "Go to Huangge to supervise a good pigeon!"

Eunuch Li was startled, thinking that he had heard it wrong, it was in the middle of the night, do you want pigeons?Signaling?
Seeing him standing there in a daze, Su Mo frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want me to say it again?"

Hearing this, Eunuch Li was terrified and ran to Huangge prison in fright.

Seeing his running back in a hurry, Su Mo sighed deeply, and slowly looked back, he turned and walked to the edge of the table, spread out a piece of white paper, and picked up the imperial brush on the inkstone with his slender fingers , lightly dipped in the black ink, pondered for a while, and wrote a few words on the white paper.

Maybe that person could give him the answer, he thought.

A few more days passed.

Su Mochen seemed to be getting more and more busy. Apart from going to Tsinghua Palace to see Qiancheng every night, he would come back to Longyin Palace to write memorials all night, and sometimes he would discuss state affairs with Su Moyi until late at night.

Eunuch Li found that since that night, he could see pigeons coming and going every night, but he didn't know who was on the other side of the pigeons.

Qian Cheng would sometimes come to Longyin Palace to see Su Mochen, and bring him some delicious food. The two played and lingered for a while, and Su Mochen continued to work on state affairs.

Because there was a kind of spice that Qiancheng had never found, she hadn't mixed the "Lotus Pond Moonlight" fragrance, so she simply mixed another fragrance for Su Mochen's study, and Su Mochen readily accepted it. I even think this one is better than the previous lotus pond moonlight.

Does anyone know how the war broke out?Just like no one knows why the sun was shining brightly yesterday, but it is snowing heavily today.

I'm sorry, there is only one bird watch today, Suzi has to take a good look at it, tomorrow the three armies!

In addition, the day after tomorrow will update the grand finale~~
Thank you [767867486] dear, [left-handed demon] dear, [tina927] dear, [springjanet] dear, [13925056463] dear monthly ticket~~~Kangyao~~~
(End of this chapter)

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