after losing heart

Chapter 269 [304] I let her not be afraid

Chapter 269 [304] I let her not be afraid

Does anyone know how the war broke out?Just like no one knows why the sun was shining brightly yesterday, but it is snowing heavily today.

In three days to the new year, Xi Cang ushered in a rare heavy snowfall in decades, and also encountered an unprecedented palace change.

The common people didn't know what was going on, they only knew that when they woke up overnight, all the capital was under martial law.

The long-lost Sixth Prince Su Mohong reappeared. With the support of General Ran Feiran, he led the army into the city on the grounds that the current son Su Mo Shen was not of the orthodox blood of the royal family and was not worthy of being in the Su family. Hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers surrounded the palace. Su Mochen strongly demanded that Emperor Wen, who had already become the Supreme Emperor, re-establish a new emperor, and Su Mochen abdicated himself.

There are large flakes of snow floating in the sky, like goose feathers, fluttering one after another, and the cold wind whistling, but these can't dampen some people's enthusiasm at all.

Both Su Mohong and Ranfei were dressed in black gold battle robes, standing outside the palace gate with a look of chill on their faces. Behind them was a black army of elite troops standing in order, and the huge "Dye" flag fluttered against the cold wind. .

Su Mohong looked at the closed palace door, a smile that swore to win, "General, what are we waiting for, just rush in and kill him!"

"Don't worry!" Ran Fei glanced at him, then looked back at the well-trained Ran family army who had followed him for many years, his eyebrows and eyes narrowed slightly, "Give Su Mochen some time to think, if he can understand current affairs, take the initiative Abdicate, that will save us from making unnecessary sacrifices."

Today's imperial palace has been surrounded by them like a dead city, not even a fly can fly out, even if Su Mochen has tens of thousands of guards, it will be futile.

in the palace

Su Mochen, who was wearing a purple-gold dragon robe, stood at the gate of Longyin Palace, with his hands casually behind his back, his face slightly raised, looking at the gray sky in the distance, his eyes slightly squinted, his thin lips tightly pursed into a straight line, He remained motionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

Eunuch Li stood behind him respectfully, looking at his back, frowning.

He didn't understand that the outside world was going to be turned upside down, how could this man stand here so quietly, as if nothing happened.

"Li Gao." I don't know how long it took, the snow fell more and more, and there was a thick snow on the ground in front of Longyin Palace that was just cleaned by the palace people, and then I heard Su Mochen's voice, "Go to Tsinghua Palace to see See if the Empress is here? If she is, tell her, I will let her not be afraid, if not..."

Eunuch Li waited for a long time, but did not wait for him to finish speaking, and finally saw that he had no intention of continuing, so he had to take orders and leave.

When he came back again, the man was still standing there, maintaining the posture he had left. Although he was very quiet, but the arrogance with his hands behind his back, for some reason, made people feel awed for no reason, and felt inexplicably sorry for him. The situation outside feels at ease.

He thought, maybe everything is under the control of this man.

"Go back to the emperor, empress..."

"Aren't you there?" Before he finished speaking, Su Mochen turned around and interrupted him. He saw Su Mochen smiling slightly, his dark eyes were so dark that there was no light.

Although he didn't know why, he couldn't help but feel his heart tense, and lowered his eyes and said, "Yes!"

He went to Tsinghua Palace just now, and met Chunlan who was anxiously looking for Longyin Palace. Chunlan told him that Zhuer was serving the queen these few days and nights, and this morning she brought the washing water and went in to serve the queen. Woke up, but the Queen and Pearl had disappeared, I don't know where they went so early.

"Very good!" The smile on Su Mo's lips deepened, and he turned and walked into the Dragon Palace.

"Fourth Brother!"

Su Mo paused in his footsteps, turned around, and saw Su Moyi climbing up the steps, wearing a big cloak, his thick black hair was covered with snow petals, and his face was stern.

"How's the situation outside?" Su Mo gave him a dull look, then slowly turned his gaze away to the snowflakes flying all over the sky.

Su Moyi frowned, hesitated a little, and then said, "I'm afraid they won't be able to hold back anymore."

The corners of Su Mochen's lips twitched slightly, his lowered eyes paused, and when he raised his eyes again, his eyes were already full of coldness, "Eunuch Li, let the commander of the imperial guards come to see me!"

The snow fell harder and harder, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness between the sky and the earth.

Thick snowflakes had already accumulated on the armors of the soldiers of the Ran Family Army. Su Mohong looked impatient on his tall horse, and even Ran Fei, who had been as calm as water, felt a little restlessness in his heart.

The palace seemed to be very peaceful, not even the flustered voices of the maids and eunuchs, as if they didn't know what was going on outside.

He has seen the composure and wisdom of this young emperor before, but he thought, no matter how introverted he is, he is young after all, and there are always times when he can't hold his breath. He didn't expect that he had reached this point, and that man could still be so calm. surprise him.

Just when he was thinking about whether to go in directly, the palace gate suddenly opened.

Then, the commander of the imperial guards rode a horse and led a team out of the opened palace gate, lined up, and guarded the palace gate tightly.

Ranfei sneered, just relying on these people, he really didn't pay attention to them.

"Sixth brother, stay safe and sound!"

Suddenly, a man's cold voice came through the snow curtain, with a smile and a chill.

Both Su Mohong and Ranfei were startled, raised their heads, and followed the prestige.

On the original blue-gray city tower, there was a vast expanse of white snow. A man wearing a purple-gold dragon robe stood facing the wind. His fluttering sleeves and fluttering black hair hovered lonely. Below, the eyes are like torches.

From their point of view, the man's feet are covered with white snow, and behind him is the boundless sky. He is like a god descending from the sky, looking down on all living beings.

Su Mo Shen!
Su Mohong's eyes flickered slightly, he turned his head and exchanged a look with Ranfei, then slowly raised the corners of his lips, and said loudly: "I wonder if the edict for the fourth brother's abdication has been prepared?"

"Abdicate?" Su Mochen was not annoyed, but followed him with a slight smile, and looked up at the sky, "Although it is snowing heavily today and there is no sun, the sixth brother should never open his eyes and daydream !"

Su Mohong's face turned pale, and he was suddenly very angry, "You—"

On the other hand, Ran Fei was much calmer, and said with a smile: "Since the emperor also said that the sky is bright, the emperor must be able to judge the situation and see the current situation clearly!"

"Oh?" Su Mo raised his eyebrows deeply, looked away from Su Mohong, turned to Ran Fei who was sitting on the maroon horse, and smiled brilliantly: "General Ran is really loyal!"

Ran Fei's face turned pale. After all, he was wrong, and just as he didn't know how to respond, Su Mohong had already picked up the words, "Fourth brother, I might as well be clear. If fourth brother knows the current affairs, I don't need to embarrass fourth brother, but if fourth brother Brother is obsessed with obsession, so stop blaming me for being rude!"

As Su Mohong said, he deliberately turned his head to look at the huge army behind him.

"Really?" The smile on Su Mochen's lips deepened, with a touch of bloodthirsty coldness, he also raised his eyes to look at the dark soldiers, and said, "I want to see how rude the sixth brother is?"

"Okay! This is what the fourth brother said himself!"

Su Mohong's eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand suddenly, the metal armor made a crisp sound, a row of crossbowmen stepped forward quickly, lined up, all the strings in their hands were pulled up, bent into a full moon shape, and pointed straight at the tower The figure above, just waiting for an order.

Dye House Basement

A bean candle.

The woman walked up and down, wandering anxiously.

I don't know what's going on outside?

For some reason, even though she had made sufficient preparations for nearly a year, she still had no idea and was very restless.

After forbearance for so long, the key is to do it in one fell swoop. If it succeeds, it will ascend to the sky in one step, but if it fails...

No, this operation can only succeed, not fail.

She couldn't afford to lose, and if she lost again, she and Su Mohong would die without a place to die.

Pursing her lips tightly, she turned around slowly, her eyes fell on the lying motionless woman with her eyes slightly closed on the bed.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be updated, the grand finale~~
Thank you [bigthree], [tiffany-lai], [Yi Nuanhuakai], [The Quiet Place] for your purse~~
Thank you [audreysun], [tina CD-ROM], [Cat Bridge], [无言无言无言], [松瑞宝贝], [411296978] for the monthly pass~~ I love you~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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