after losing heart

Chapter 270 [305] Don't panic, it's your own

Chapter 270 [305] Don't panic, it's your own
After an unknown amount of time, the woman on the bed slowly opened her heavy eyelids, her head ached, and her consciousness was muddled.

Looking at the complicated pink canopy, her vision gradually became clearer, and she was dazed for a long time before she slowly came back to her senses.

He was actually lying in his former wing of the General's Mansion.

Confused, she sat up slowly, lifted the quilt and got out of bed...

The snow is getting heavier.


Su Mo's face was as sinking as water, and his dark eyes slowly passed over the crossbowmen who were drawing full bows, without a trace of fear, as if these people were not looking at him at all.

"Fourth brother, don't challenge my patience!" Su Mohong's face was sullen, his annoyed tone clearly revealing his impatience.

With so many archers, as long as he gives an order, no matter how high the martial arts is, this man will definitely have no way out.

However, Su Mochen was still unmoved, his eyes glanced away from the crossbowman, and he slowly retracted. He raised his hand and gently smoothed the wrinkles on his sleeves, and said calmly and calmly: "But I I just really want to see the sixth brother lose his patience, what should I do?"

While speaking, the tip of his eyes lifted slightly, and he looked at Su Mohong with a half-smile.

provocative!It was clearly provocative!

Su Mohong only felt that the anger that he had held in his heart for a long time was completely aroused, and he couldn't hold it anymore, ignoring Ran Fei's dissuasion, he raised his hand and gave an order, "Let me go!"

Immediately, countless feathered arrows, like snowflakes all over the sky at the moment, covered the sky and "swish" through the snow curtain, and shot straight at Su Moshen at a lightning speed.

There was a suppressed exclamation from the crowd below.

Su Mochen didn't hide, he still stood against the wind, his clothes fluttering.

Just when everyone thought that the young emperor was going to die like this, they suddenly found that all the feather arrows stopped not far in front of him, to be precise, they were frozen.

what happened?

Everyone was shocked.

Su Mohong and Ranfei were even more astonished. Looking closely, they discovered that a special fine net had been pulled out in front of him at some point, and all the feather arrows had been inserted into the fine net.

Two guards were pulling the two ends of the thin net, standing at the two ends of the cornices of the tower, but just now their eyes were on Su Mochen, when the two guards came up, and when the fine net was pulled apart, they unexpectedly Neither noticed.

Everyone was stunned and unable to recover, Su Mochen's teasing voice came from the wind, "Sixth Brother, don't be so surprised, I just borrowed arrows from Sixth Brother, thank you for your generosity!"

Su Mohong's face was pale and gray, his chest heaved rapidly, his big hands were tightly clenched into fists, at this moment, he wanted to kill someone!
They managed to get someone to tamper with the feathered arrows in the palace, sprinkle them with termite-attracting drugs, and let the termites eat into the arrow body. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this man had already noticed, and used this method to kill their feathered arrows. Take it away.

"Su Mochen, you are despicable!"

"Despicable?" Su Mo shook his head, a touching smile bloomed on his thin lips, "In terms of despicableness, compared with my sixth brother, I still feel inferior!"


Su Mohong gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tighter and tighter, he heard the sound of his joints intertwining.

During the conversation between the two, the feather arrows on the thin net were quickly pulled out, and immediately, the archers of the imperial guards lined up on the tower, full of strings.

The two sides confront each other!

The atmosphere is tense.

Su Mohong didn't dare to shoot arrows anymore, that would be like giving away his best feathered arrows to others for nothing.

However, this stalemate is not a solution. Although the person who cooperated with him is also coming, it is not ruled out that the emperor will buy time and dispatch the soldiers stationed abroad.

The reason why they chose to raise an incident today is because they have considered various factors comprehensively, and the time, place and people are harmonious.

Prolonged wartime is not good for them.

He lost his mind at once, and looked at Ranfei to the side for help.

Ran Fei pursed his lips tightly, with a stern face, pondered for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "Gong!"

Following Ranfei's order, the Ranjia army raised their weapons one by one and moved quickly, all attacking the imperial guards guarding the door.

The commander of the imperial guards narrowed his eyes, and led the people to quickly change the formation, shuttle, shift, shuttle, and change again, forming a formation.

The white snow was spurted up from the ground, and together with the snowflakes falling all over the sky, a huge snow curtain was formed, enveloping several people.

Although there are not many people, the formed formation is so that the Ranjia army can't find any breakthrough to attack.

There was a stalemate again.

Ranfei frowned slightly, closely watching the moving steps and directions of the people, thinking carefully about the flaws in this formation.

On the tower, Su Mochen was still standing with his hands behind his back, his black eyes quietly watching the fighting scene below, and the light in his eyes slowly narrowed.

This formation was obtained by him in a military book by chance, it is easy to defend but difficult to attack, but in fact, there are many loopholes, as long as Ranfei observes calmly, he will definitely find the loopholes quickly.

Just when Ranjiajun was at a loss, suddenly, a loud "bang bang bang" cut through the snow curtain and passed through everyone's eardrums.

Everyone was stunned, even the Ranjia army who was attacking stopped, and they all followed the prestige.

I saw not far away, a cloud of soldiers was coming here one after another. In the sky full of white snow, the battle flag was fluttering, and the huge word "wind" on the battle flag was really eye-catching.

Su Mofeng sat on a tall horse and walked in the front. He was dressed in silver armor, which seemed to blend in with the whiteness of the sky, and he was magnificent and graceful.

Behind him, there was a row of mighty war horses, each of whom was holding a very strange thing, the thing was small and light, and the black hole was still emitting green smoke at this moment.

Some people in the Ran family army attacked the border country with Su Mochen, and some people with Ran Fei wiped out the main rudder of Heisha Gate, so they all know this thing.


The "bang bang bang" sound just now was made by this thing, but it was just Su Mofeng who asked everyone to make it into the air as a warning.

Anyone who has seen the power of this thing is very clear, and it can only be described as terrible.

Even though they were well-trained, the Ranjia army still panicked.

"Don't panic, it's my own!"

Ran Fei hurriedly comforted everyone.

own people?
Everyone was shocked at first, then understood, and in the end they were all delighted.

That's right, even though they are in the military camp, they have heard about the affairs of the court to some extent. It is rumored that the third prince and the current emperor had a very unpleasant dispute over a woman, and in the end a dignified prince was demoted to guard the imperial mausoleum The fate of the tomb.

Now, it is reasonable for this person to join forces with the sixth prince and Ranfei to deal with that enemy.

In this way, there is no need to continue this war, because there is no suspense about winning or losing.

Su Mohong was even more excited. He looked at Su Mofeng who was approaching from far away, and then looked up at the man still standing on the tower, with a mocking smile on his lips, "Fourth brother, I have to say, you can do what you want to be a man." For that part, it was really a failure, everyone betrayed relatives, elder brother and elder brother wanted to take your life, younger brother and younger brother would not let you go, hey~"

A pretentious sigh.

Su Mochen slowly withdrew his gaze from afar, and looked at Su Mohong who was looking proud, without speaking, the deep black eyes were full of dark waves.

On that side, Su Mofeng raised his arms suddenly, and the army stopped not far away.

Su Mofeng came galloping on his horse alone. The white horse raised the snow all over the ground, and the snowflakes flying in the sky fell on his silver-white armor. It was a spotless white to the eyes.

The soldiers of the Ran family moved to both sides to give him a way. He didn't stop all the way until he came to the bottom of the city tower and in front of Su Mohong and Ran Fei in front of the palace gate, and then he reined in the reins.

"Third brother, you're finally here!" Su Mohong laughed.

"It's snowing today, and it's difficult to march on the road. Don't blame the sixth brother for being late!" Su Mofeng also raised his eyes and smiled, and after a while, he looked away again, and turned to look at the figure on the tower.

The first update~~Continue to update~~~
Thank you [Yaoyao Yu] and [Qiannai] for your purse~~
Thank you [whitelotus1213] dear, [nini1025] dear, [Pisces Bunny] dear, [coke-81] dear, [shapigou2011] dear, [lrmgy] dear, for the monthly pass~~~ Qunma~~
(End of this chapter)

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