after losing heart

Chapter 271 [306]

Chapter 271 [306]

"It's snowing today, and it's difficult to march on the road. Don't blame the sixth brother for being late!" Su Mofeng also raised his eyes and smiled, and after a while, he looked away again, and turned to look at the figure on the tower.

For a moment, he looked away again.

"No, it's not too late at all, the third brother came just in time!" Su Mohong couldn't hide his complexion.

In order to persuade this man to join him in the incident, he spent a lot of effort, even going to the imperial mausoleum many times.

He valued two things about this man. First, he used to have one hundred thousand soldiers in his hands, and a group of soldiers who were loyal to him through life and death, who would surely respond to every call; second, Fang Fang. With the ability to manufacture new types of weapons, he has an unswerving love for this man.

After many times of lobbying, the two finally reached an agreement. After the matter is completed, he will get the country, and this man will get the beauty, that is, Ranqiancheng, each will get what he needs, and each will get something.

This man did not disappoint him.

"Third Brother! Then I will hand over these reckless and stubborn people to Third Brother!" Su Mohong smiled wickedly, and looked at the guards who were in formation at the gate of the palace.

No matter how strong the formation is, there is no loophole to break through. After all, it is a body of flesh and blood. He doesn't believe that he can escape the gun.

He got his wish and saw the terrified expressions on the faces of the guards.

"Okay!" Su Mofeng smiled slightly, his eyebrows were curved, his black eyes were bright, his smile was as clean as an exiled immortal without a trace of mortal spirit, he looked at the guard at the gate of the palace, then at Su Mohong, An elegant voice flowed out: "I don't know who are the stubborn people who the third brother said?"

Su Mohong was startled, and then pointed at the gate of the palace, and said with a smile, "It's not those people!"

Ranfei on the side was stunned, his brows furrowed slightly, and he looked at Su Mofeng in astonishment.

Sure enough, Su Mofeng smiled suddenly, and suddenly his smile turned cold, and he said solemnly: "But why do you think that it is you, the sixth brother, who don't know whether to live or die?"

Su Mohong's face turned pale immediately, and for a moment he thought he had heard wrong.

Ran Fei also changed his face.

Even the Ranjia army on the side was shocked, and there was a small commotion!
"What does third brother mean?"

Su Mohong still couldn't believe it.

Su Mofeng ignored him, but stretched out his hand and pulled the rein forcefully, and bowed slightly to the man on the tower, "Your escort came late, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

what's the situation?
Everyone was shocked and couldn't take it easy for a long time.

After finally realizing what happened, the Ran Family Army was horrified, and the Imperial Guard Army was ecstatic.

There was only one person who remained calm from beginning to end, with a slight smile, and that was Su Mochen. He smiled and looked at the handsome man sitting on the white horse, and said, "No, as the sixth brother said, the third brother is not late at all, he came just in time." !"

At this time, Su Mohong and Ranfei finally believed in the fact that Su Mofeng turned against him temporarily.

Looking back, Su Mofeng's army has surrounded their Yanjia army from the outside, and there are tens of thousands of imperial guards in the palace. Once they attack, Su Mofeng has a new type of weapon. Have a trace of life?
"Su Mofeng, you liar!"

Su Mohong roared with scarlet eyes.

If he hadn't thought of Su Mochen's borrowing arrows from the thin net just now, then the man's defection caught him by surprise.

How can it be?

Su Mochen persecuted this man so much, and was so incompatible with him, how could it be possible?

No, it's impossible!They all speak well, don't they?

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, his arrogance suddenly weakened, and he even said in a low voice, "Third brother, you must think clearly, he is your enemy, he is the one who caused your prince to do something. No, lost everything, he caused you to guard the tomb in the imperial tomb, he took your beloved woman, how can you help him?"

But Su Mofeng acted as if he hadn't heard it, and was unmoved by it. He straightened up slowly, looked at Su Mohong, and said after a while, "Sixth brother, the so-called differences of Tao do not conspire with each other. What am I doing? I know!"

"You have been lying to me from the beginning to the end? Are you using me?" Su Mohong's face was livid, and the veins on his forehead were bulging.

Seeing his appearance, Su Mofeng frowned and sighed, "Sixth brother, stop, turn around and be right!"

"Shore?" Su Mohong sneered.

No shore, no shore behind him!
He was originally a desperado, how could Su Mochen let him go so easily?How can I give it to him?

Enough is enough, he's had enough of this kind of hiding and shady days!

Realizing his decadence, Ran Fei frowned into hills, and he pulled the horse slightly closer to him, "Hong'er..."

They still have the last piece, don't they?

That pawn should be coming soon.

But Su Mohong suddenly roared at Ranfei out of control, "It's all because of you! I'm where I am today!"

At the end, he turned his eyes to look at the man on the tower again, "Fourth brother, it's him, what happened today is all his idea, he ordered my younger brother to do this, it has nothing to do with my younger brother."

Su Mohong pointed directly at Ranfei, and complained to Su Mo in a low voice.

There was an incredible expression on Ranfei's face, a pair of weather-beaten eyes fixed tightly on Su Mohong, the light in his eyes peeled off inch by inch, he lowered his eyes to hide the pain in his eyes.

After a while, he suddenly turned over and got off his horse, and knelt heavily in front of Su Mo from a distance. The metal armor made a sonorous and crisp sound, "Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The emperor punishes, I only hope that the emperor will spare the sixth prince for the sake of brothers and sisters!"

Su Mochen ignored him, but looked at Su Mohong, looked at Su Mohong quietly, the chill in his eyes was like dark clouds in the sky on the eve of a storm, gathering little by little, and finally turned into a stormy sea.

If, as Su Mofeng said, this man stopped and turned around, he might consider giving him a way out.

However, the person Su Mochen hated the most in his life was this kind of person who betrayed his promise, shirked his responsibilities, and was greedy for life and afraid of death!

Ranfei ordered him?

Who would believe it!
Slowly raising his eyes, he looked lightly at the man kneeling on the ground with his back straight. Snowflakes stained the man's black hair, and the whiteness of his head made people feel desolate and gorgeous.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "General Ran, do you not regret it?"

Although he knew that this man had always belonged to the queen and Su Mohong for so many years, he was still a little shocked that he was willing to take the blame at the critical moment of life and death.

"not regret!"

Ran Fei firmly escaped the word.

Su Mochen smiled lightly.

In fact, in his heart, he knows that he has been giving this man a chance, because of a certain person, he does not want to be an enemy of this man, and he has been thinking that maybe today's military encounter will not happen, but this man will eventually fight against him. Pushed up.

"Never regret dying?"

"I don't regret even dying!"

"Okay, I will fulfill you!"

Su Mochen still smiled warmly, but his eyes were as dark as thick ink that couldn't be wiped away, and there was no light in sight.

Is there another pawn coming?
"Ran's death is not a pity, I just ask the emperor to spare the life of the sixth prince!" Ranfei's voice was loud and clear, without any trace of fear.

Su Mo was thinking deeply, did he really regard death as such, or was he sure that he would let them go when the pawn came?
"Don't forgive!" He heard his own voice say so.

Turning around suddenly, he faced the archers lined up on the tower, and ordered in a deep voice: "Archers, get ready!"

It's not too much to use the feathered arrows they carefully prepared to shoot him against themselves.

The crossbowmen fully drew their bows, and Su Mochen slowly raised his arms.

The audience was silent, only the snowflakes flying all over the sky remained between the sky and the earth, and there was no sound at all.

"Do not--"

A woman's stern roar cut through the snow curtain and everyone's eardrums.

In the snow, a woman in white fox fur came riding a horse. Before reaching the city tower, she couldn't wait to get off her horse. I don't know whether it was because the snow was too slippery or because I was really panic, so I fell down several times.

Everyone looked at her, including Su Mohong, Ranfei, Su Mofeng, and the god-like man on the tower with his arms raised.

She rushed straight to the side of Ranfei, stretched out her hand to the man on the tower panting, but couldn't make a sound, "Su..."

The man's handsome appearance was reflected in the clear water pupils, and the sleeves of the man's red gold dragon robe suddenly swung down.

The second update, there will be more to come~~
Thank you [Scented Matcha] and [Su Xin Momo] for your purse~~
Thank you [Blue Cat Konger] and [Lion's Sorrow] for the monthly pass~~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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