after losing heart

Chapter 272 [307] I will pay you back

Chapter 272 [307] I will pay you back

Suzi admits his mistake first:

Previous chapter [306]: He looked at the guards at the gate of the palace, then at Su Mohong, and said in an elegant voice, "I don't know who the third brother is referring to by the stubborn people who don't know how to live or die?"

【Third Brother】should be changed to 【Sixth Brother】

The man's handsome appearance was reflected in the clear water pupils, and the sleeves of the man's red gold dragon robe suddenly swung down.

swing down? !
The sound of "swish swish swish" shocked the sky!
She opened her eyes wide in disbelief, forgot to move, to react, to breathe, and even to take back Yin Yin's outstretched arm, just stood there and watched the feather arrows flying all over the sky, like snowflakes flying all over the sky. Fly towards the city tower.

Everyone was shocked.

Ranfei also raised his head and looked at the arrows flying towards him. He was terrified. He suddenly discovered that the direction of these feathered arrows was either towards Su Mohong on the left, or towards the woman on the right, but they were alone. Not one came towards him, not a single one.

He was shocked by his discovery, but in just a moment, he reacted, flew up, drew out the sword at his waist to block all the feather arrows shot at Su Mohong, and Su Mohong also swung his long sword left and right to block. The feathered arrows that were swung down randomly stuck in the snow, splashing snowflakes all over the ground.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing flesh.


Painful humming sound.

It's the woman on the side.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a feathered arrow sank into the woman's chest, and the bright red blood flowed out along the tip of the arrow, and soon dyed her pure white fox fur into a dazzling bright red, and the bright red expanded little by little. , like a rose in full bloom, shocking.

The woman raised her head slightly, and her painful eyes fixed on the man on the top of the tower for a moment. Although the man was on the verge of falling, she still kept her arms outstretched.

The pure white snowflakes gently fell on the bare back of the hand, petal by petal, little by little, slowly melting into water, which invaded the coolness of the heart.

The chest hurts, the pain of being pierced, but no matter how painful it is, it is not as strong as the pain inside the chest.

Once in that seat, this man stabbed her with a dart, and now, in the same seat, he gave her an arrow.

Su Mochen, why are you willing?

How could you be willing to hurt me so much?

Is this your whole life?Could it be that in your eyes, everything, including our affection, is not as realistic as your country is stable?
The snow fell and became bigger and bigger, and some of them fell on the eyelashes and turned into water, blurring the vision.

The eyes are white.

She trembled, holding back herself so that she would not fall down.

In the whirling light and shadow, she saw that the man on the tower was also looking at her, but only from a distance. Wei An's figure was motionless, and even though his vision was so blurred, she could clearly see his deep and dark body. There was no ups and downs in his eyes.

She smiled, laughing all over the country.

Fearing that he couldn't hear her, she screamed with all her strength, "Su Mochen, in the previous life you fed me with your blood, and in this life I will pay you back!"

That shrill sound pierced some people's eardrums and some people's hearts.

Someone was shocked, stunned, shocked, and heartbroken, but forgot to react.

After the words fell, the woman still smiled, and finally retracted her long-outstretched arm, suddenly grasped the tail of the feather arrow, and forcefully
She pushed the feathered arrow into her chest deeper into her body, bleeding profusely...

It doesn't hurt!

It turned out that this was the ultimate pain!

The moment she fell to the ground lightly, she saw the man on the tower's face change drastically, and then saw his flying figure.

Who else's painful voice floated in the cold wind, "Thousands of cities..."

At the same time, there were two other men whose faces were also terrified. One was Su Mofeng, who had been sitting on the horse and looked at all this indifferently, and the other was the one who had been beside the woman, but at the critical moment of life and death, he sacrificed his life to save Su Mohong. Dye fly.

With his toes on the horse's back, Su Mofeng flew up from the horse's back, his heart terrified to the extreme.

Ran Fei also stumbled and staggered in a stupid way.

The woman's frail body fell to the ground like a broken leaf, trembling and twitching...

White snow, white fox fur, a head of thick black hair spread all over the floor, glaring blood bubbling from his chest, even emitting heat.

White snow, black hair, red blood...

It deeply hurt the eyes of everyone present.

The sky was gray and snowy, but she felt that her eyes were getting darker and darker, and the surroundings were getting quieter and quieter, until she couldn't see or hear anything...

"A Thousand Cities!"

The figure in the red gold dragon robe fell lightly, and he quickly stepped forward, took the woman into his arms, and reached out and quickly touched several big holes on the woman's body.

"Imperial Physician, Imperial Physician, Hurry up and announce the Imperial Physician..."

This was the first time that outsiders saw the panic-stricken look of the young emperor.

He roared, "Prince doctor, hurry up, doctor..."

The sound broke eagerly, like sawing wood.

For such a quiet person, his body was shaking, his hands were shaking, his lips were shaking, and even his voice was shaking.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would believe that this man was the man who just stood on the tower like a god, looking down upon all living beings.

What's going on here?

Everyone did not understand.

Judging by his appearance, he is obviously extremely hurt and heart-piercing, so why did the archer send out those arrow feathers just now?

"Thousands of cities...thousands of cities..."

He called her name over and over again, helpless like a child.

The cold wind was bleak, and the audience was silent.

Su Mochen raised his head suddenly, and looked at Su Mofeng with scarlet eyes, "Why? Why her?"

Su Mofeng didn't speak, and closed his eyes heavily, trembling with heartache.

He didn't know why it was her?
Obviously their plan is to threaten them with a fake thousand cities as the last step.

Seeing that Su Mofeng didn't speak, Su Mochen turned his eyes to Ranfei again, the scarlet in his eyes was replaced by killing intent, he shook his head lightly, and his voice burst out from the depths of his throat, "She is you daughter! She is your own daughter! How can you be willing? How can you be willing to use it like this?"

"I..." Ran Fei opened his mouth, a gust of cold wind suddenly entered his throat, choking him so much that he couldn't utter a word, he also shook his head, his face was full of painful expressions, he bent his body and shook for two He fell down, kneeling on the ground slumped, as if he had aged several years in an instant.

"Qiancheng, don't sleep..."

The wind messed up her long black hair, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, and carefully smoothed it out for her. Under the white snow, her face was also translucently white. He lowered his head and gently kissed her lost hair. Bloody lips whispered, "Qiancheng, don't sleep, don't sleep."

A savage sweetness rushed straight up from his appetite, his throat was itchy, he squeezed it, let go of the woman's lips, tilted his head, and a bright red blood spewed out from his mouth, splashing on the two of them , I can no longer tell whether it is his or hers.

"Your Majesty!" Su Mofeng exclaimed.

He raised his hand to indicate that he was fine.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, he suddenly raised his head and roared, "Where's the imperial physician? Why hasn't the imperial physician come?"

After finishing speaking, he bent down and picked up the woman's body, and quickly walked towards the palace gate, his steps were messy, and almost knocked over the guards who were in formation at the gate of the palace before they had time to make way.

Seeing the man's back and the blood dripping across the ground, Su Mofeng's eyes hurt, and he wanted to follow the past, but suddenly remembered that there was still a mess to be cleared up, so he stopped, his eyes glanced coldly at Su Mohong, Ran Fei and a group of Ran family troops.

The confrontation between the three armies, a forced palace ended because a woman was shot by an arrow.

In the end, the Ran family army was defeated, the sixth prince Su Mohong and General Ran Feiran were imprisoned, the Ran family army was taken back by the court, and General Ran's mansion was sealed up.

Dozens of men, women and children in Ranfu were all imprisoned.

When the imperial guards searched the Ran's mansion, they found a dark room under the study, in which they found out the former queen who had escaped from prison.

Of course, this is something.

Dragon Palace

The woman lay quietly on the dragon couch, and the imperial physicians frantically stopped her bleeding. Su Mo stood aside with a stern expression.

"How about it?"

"Your majesty, the empress's arrow is in the chest seat, and the empress forcibly pushed it..."

"I know, that can save me!" Before the hospital director could finish his sentence, Su Mo interrupted him sharply, "There are so many strange medicines in my palace, there is always one that can hang your life. No, as long as you can tell, I will definitely find it!"

Today's update is complete~~ Tomorrow will continue to add more~~~
In addition, Suzi took a hole in "Ye Weiyang: A Woman Waiting for the Emperor", for the time being, it is just a hole. Those who like and believe in Suzi can bookmark it first, and the link is in the author's announcement on the left. ╭(╯3╰)╮

Thank you [mali8008], [Chenguang Xiwei], [wany1971], [370758204] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [xiaoyudianGOOD], [Yiyun Erwu], [mali8008] for your purse~~~Qunyou~~~
(End of this chapter)

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