after losing heart

Chapter 277 [312] Then it's not him

Chapter 277 [312] Then it's not him

Here, Yang Shi still smiled lightly, her shoulders trembling, "Even if the general doesn't love me these years, but Qiancheng is the general's daughter, the general can be so cruel!"

"No!" Ran Fei suddenly growled, "That's not the case, if I was really cruel, she wouldn't appear."

Ran Fei pointed to the woman who looked exactly like Qian Cheng who had already been kneeled down by the guards.

"I was afraid that Qiancheng would be hurt, and that Qiancheng would be caught between me and Emperor Yijing. That's why I thought that Li Daitao was stiff and replaced Qiancheng from the palace."

Qiancheng was shocked, it turned out that she was fainted in the general's mansion, and this woman entered the palace for her.

Then she and Su Mochen...

My heart was broken, and before I had time to tidy up, I heard Ranfei smile bitterly, "The reason for sending a fake Qiancheng into the palace is to avoid arousing the suspicion of Emperor Yijing, who knows, he will still find out after all."

"Of course!" A man's sneer sounded suddenly.

It was Su Mofeng who had been silent all this time.

"The general underestimated my fourth brother's feelings for Qiancheng, and if he tried to fool him with a mere skin, then he wouldn't be him."

Behind the screen, Qiancheng's heart shuddered, with an indescribable feeling, and a question that had been entangled in his mind for a long time slowly emerged with an answer.

Su Mofeng's words continued, "Since the general is so deliberate, he is afraid that Qiancheng will be injured. Why did the real Qiancheng appear at the last moment of the forced palace? Shouldn't it be her?"

Su Mofeng's face was stern, his eyes full of coldness, Bai Bi's slender fingers pointed to the woman who looked exactly like Qiancheng who was kneeling on the ground.

Ranfei pursed her lips and frowned, "I'm not very clear about this."

He also wanted to know why, but after failing to force the palace, he was imprisoned, and he didn't have the time or energy to find out why.

"it's me!"

A cold female voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was startled, and followed the prestige.

It's Yang's.

She turned slightly and faced the three people above the hall, her eyes were pained, "I begged Qiancheng to save the general, so Qiancheng went."

Everyone is shocked!

Qiancheng was also stunned, it was indeed Yang who begged her to go.

"You?" Su Mofeng said in a deep voice, "Why did you do this?"

Ran Fei also looked at her with a face full of astonishment, "How do you know our actions?"

He kept all these things from Yang. Moreover, Qiancheng has been controlled by ecstasy and hidden in the basement under the study. How could it be?
Something flashed across Ranfei's brain, he turned his eyes in astonishment, looked at the pale woman kneeling at Emperor Wen's feet, gritted his teeth and said, "It's you?"

The woman smiled coldly, noncommittal.

"Why?" Ran Fei roared, his eyes were bloodshot in an instant, Hong Yun hesitated, "Why did you do this?"

He is here to help her so wholeheartedly, why does she treat his daughter like this?
Everyone looked at Ranfei, because they didn't know the reason, they didn't understand the meaning of his words.

This is also the first time since entering the Ministry of Criminal Justice that this man has acted out of control. Just now, the woman said that Su Mohong is not his son, and that his decades of dedication are just his own sentimentality. He was not so excited.

"Why?" The woman smiled, propped herself up from the ground, and looked at Ranfei precariously, looking like a broken pot, "Because I want to avoid future troubles! Ran Qiancheng is Su Mochen's deep love Woman, do you think that if we kill Su Mochen, she will not avenge Su Mochen? You are her father. She may care about the relationship between father and daughter, but Hong'er and I have nothing to do with her. Once she knows the truth, She will definitely put all the hatred on our heads, why should I keep this hidden danger."

"So, I moved Ran Qiancheng to her own wing, and secretly gave her the magic drug. I asked Zhu'er to tell your wife in your name that Su Mochen wanted to get rid of you and the Ran family. Army, they are confronting each other at the gate of the palace, let your wife flee quickly with Qiancheng who has been stunned."

Speaking of this, the woman paused, leaned slightly to lean in front of Ranfei, and smiled triumphantly, "Your wife is pure and kind, and when she heard that you were in trouble, she was very anxious. Just in time, Ran Qiancheng woke up, and the one behind , don’t I need to say it?”

The woman straightened up and idly patted the dust in her hands.

"You——" Ranfei gasped, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and he clenched his fists tightly. He held back, shook his head, his face was extremely ashen, "I, Ranfei, am really blind. After all these years, I haven't seen It turns out that you are such a femme fatale woman!"

Behind the screen, Qiancheng closed his eyes heavily, his heart hurting to the extreme.

No wonder she stretched out her hand downstairs, but Su Mochen ignored it, no wonder it was so!
Suddenly, a woman's mournful roar pierced everyone's eardrums.

"You crazy woman, I'll kill you!"

Everyone was shocked, and Qiancheng was also shocked. When he opened his eyes, he saw Yang rushed to push the woman like crazy, and led her towards the pillars in the palace.

It happened so suddenly that no one had time to react.

Qiancheng gasped even more. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have found it hard to believe that Yang, who is usually weak and weak, had such great strength.

A figure flew up suddenly, and at the moment when she saw the woman was about to be pushed against the pillar by Yang Shi, she stretched out her arms, embraced the woman, and stopped the two women's movements.

The woman's face had already turned pale, seeing her body stop suddenly, she was overjoyed, and looked at Ranfei who came to the rescue, showing a surprised expression.

But in the next moment, he frowned again, his eyes full of pain.

Glancing away from Ranfei's face, she slowly lowered her eyes and looked at her chest.

On her chest, a hairpin was deeply pierced, and the dark red blood flowed out along the hairpin. The tail of the hairpin was held by a woman's hand, and the veins of the almost transparent white hand protruded. It can be seen that the woman used brute force.

Only then did Ranfei discover the accident, and looked at Yang Shi who was holding a hairpin in a little astonishment. In her eyes, he saw hatred and pleasure.

It turned out that Yang didn't want to push the man into the post, but stabbed with the hairpin in his hand. It was just that he had exhausted all his strength and had too much inertia, leading the woman back all the time, which made people have this illusion.

As the woman's body fell into Ranfei's arms, everyone saw clearly what had happened, and all of them changed their faces. Su Mohong, who had been in a trance, seemed to wake up suddenly, and ran over with a low growl, "Mother, mother!"

"If you harm my daughter, I will ask you to pay for my daughter's life!"

Yang smiled, holding the bloody hairpin in her hand, laughing wildly, her eyes flicked away from the twitching woman's face, and looked at the man who was holding the woman. She had loved and believed in him for decades. The man of ten years, her husband-in-law, and the father of her daughter, all trembled with laughter.

Suddenly, her smile faded, and she said softly, "General, I only hope that you and I will never meet again in the next life!"

Ran Fei's face changed.

Yang's pupils narrowed, and he suddenly raised the hairpin in his hand.

"don't want--"

Two hissing screams sounded simultaneously.

A male voice is Ranfei, and a female voice comes to the screen.

Different people have the same fear in their mouths.

Everyone was shocked, Qiancheng stumbled and rushed out.

It's too late!

That hairpin, that hairpin that was stuck on another woman's chest just now, was being deeply inserted into his heart by Yang Shi.

Blood spurted out.

Ran Fei let go of the woman in his arms, stretched out his hand to hold Yang Shi in his arms, his eyes were extremely painful.

Yang shi smiled lightly, and closed her eyes heavily, but she didn't want to look at him again.

"Mother, why are you bothering?" Qian Cheng rushed over, tears streaming from his eyes.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of Qiancheng, and Su Mofeng was so ecstatic that he couldn't believe it. In the next moment, he suddenly stood up from his seat and walked quickly to her, "Qiancheng, Qiancheng, wake up!" Already!"

At this time, she couldn't care about anything else, her eyes were full of Yang Shi, she held Yang Shi's hand tightly, and cried, "Mother, mother..."

Hearing her voice, Yang opened his eyes with difficulty, staring at her face, Yang's eyes filled with joy, " it really you?"

"Well, it's me, it's really me!" Qiancheng nodded desperately, tears streaming down his face.

"Mother, I'm sorry...Mother...Mother made you suffer!" Yang wanted to laugh, but she was too uncomfortable to laugh, so she had to open her mouth and pant with difficulty.

Qiancheng shook his head desperately again, unable to utter a word.

Today's update is over~~ Dear friends, do you want to sink?If you want to, just drop the monthly ticket, quack~~
Let's stop making trouble, let's be serious, Wen Wentian's finale!

Thank you [Moonlight Kitten] for your purse~~Thank you [Kidd and Conan] for your Huahua~~
Thank you [gy3198], [shidongni—xu], [Moonlight Kitten], [auoauo] for the monthly pass~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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