after losing heart

Chapter 278 [313] Distracting thoughts

Chapter 278 [313] Distracting thoughts (finale)

The entire hall of the Ministry of Criminal Justice was solemn.

Qiancheng and Ranfei hugged Yang Shi, and Su Mohong hugged the former queen.

Under their feet, there was blood running all over the bluestone ground.

The person in my arms had already left, but the person I was holding was unwilling to let go for a long time.

"Drag the corpses of the two!"

Emperor Wen ordered the guards nearby in a deep voice.

Several people rushed forward, seeing that they didn't want to let go for a long time, so they began to break their arms forcibly.

Qiancheng suddenly thought of something, stood up, and bowed to Emperor Wen, "Actually, my mother is just a victim from the beginning to the end. Qiancheng dares to ask the Supreme Emperor to allow me to bury my mother properly?"

Emperor Wen frowned slightly, hesitating slightly.

After all, the general's mansion is full of guilt.

Seeing this, Su Mofeng on the side hurried forward, and also bowed to Emperor Wen, "Father, Qiancheng is also a filial piety, Father, let her be fulfilled!"

Su Moyi beside him also chimed in.

Emperor Wen pondered for a while before saying: "Good!"

Then he waved his hand at the guards, "Carry it down! Hand it over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Qin Tianjian to deal with it! Pass my order, Yang's burial!"

A farce is finally over.

Seeing the corpses of the two women being carried out, Ran Fei's feet went limp, and he slumped to the ground, as if his soul had been sucked out of him suddenly, with no vitality left.

Qiancheng looked at him with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Hate, yes, hate him for being obsessed with his wrong sin, hate him for ruining the happiness of a family, hate him for finally driving a woman who loves him to a dead end with his own hands.

However, more heartache, pain for Yang, pain for him.

He hurt everyone, and he hurt himself badly. In the end, what did he get for his dedication?
No, nothing, only endless pain and regret.

Dazedly, he glanced away from his face and looked at the two motionless women kneeling on the ground with their heads hooked from beginning to end.

Qiancheng and Zhuer.

Curving the corners of her lips mockingly, she walked over slowly, stretched out her onion-like fingers, and gently raised Qiancheng's jaw, forcing her to face her.

The four eyes met, and at that moment, she was shocked.

She had the illusion of looking at herself in a mirror.

She looks so much like herself, even with those eyes. Thinking about it, Ranfei and the former queen spent some time thinking about it.

She raised her other hand to gently stroke the woman's cheek, caressing, and Su Mofeng's words suddenly sounded in her ears.

The general underestimated my fourth brother's feelings for Qiancheng, and if he tried to fool him with just a skin, then he wouldn't be him.

Her chest trembled, and her hands suddenly tightened.

"Ah—" the woman exclaimed in pain.

Everyone was stunned, a piece of human skin as thin as a cicada's wings had been pinched by Qiancheng.

Qiancheng was shocked again.

Everyone was also shocked.

Because the two women kneeling turned out to be exactly the same.

Originally there were two thousand cities, but once the human skin mask was removed, they became two pearls.

Qiancheng was stunned for a while, then he understood.

She should have thought earlier that the one who can easily become her must be the people around her who are familiar with her every move and her living habits.

This is the real purpose of Ranfei asking Yang to send Zhu'er to her.

Zhu'er pretends to be Qiancheng, so who is Zhu'er?

She took a step forward, reached out and tore off Zhu'er's human skin mask.

It was a strange face.

She does not know.

"Who are you?" Qiancheng frowned.

The woman covered her aching face and kowtowed to beg for mercy, "Your maidservant... this maidservant used to be a maidservant of Fengqi Palace, and this maidservant was... coerced by the Sixth Prince's mother and son. There is no other way. I beg your mother to spare this maidservant!"

Fengqi Palace?
It was the palace where the former queen lived.

It turned out to be the case.

It turned out to be the former Queen's person.

In this way, everything is clear, Zhu'er is the person of Ranfei, so she will not hurt Qiancheng, but the false Zhuer is the former queen's person, so she will use the name of Ranfei to tell Yang, Su Mo Chen wanted to kill Ran Fei and Ran Ran's army.

People's hearts are terrible.

Qiancheng shook his head, turned around slowly, looked at Su Mofeng, and suddenly asked, "Where's Su Mochen?"

As soon as the words came out, she realized that she was shaking.

Su Mofeng's expression froze, he didn't speak, just looked at her.

Qiancheng frowned, then turned to look at Emperor Wen and Su Moyi who were sitting on the main seat.

"Where is the emperor? Where is he?"

A kind of fear that has never been seen before hit her overwhelmingly, surrounding her tightly, wrapping her tightly, making her breathless.

Still no one paid attention to her, Emperor Wen lowered his eyes, and Su Moyi's expression changed.

The whole place was silent.

"Tell me, where is Su Mochen?"

Qiancheng finally roared, like a shrew.

At the end of the voice, tears flowed out without warning.

The body is crumbling.

"A Thousand Cities..."

Su Mofeng's eyes hurt, and he took a step forward to support her, but suddenly she grabbed the lapel with his backhand, "Brother Feng, you never lied to me, tell me, where is he? Where is he? "

Qiancheng's eyes were red, and he looked at Su Mofeng eagerly.

Su Mofeng felt great pain in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it, so he could only bear it, and looked away calmly, pretending to be relaxed: "Will Qiancheng believe what I said?"

"Believe it! As long as Brother Feng says, I will believe it!"

Qiancheng nodded desperately, tears rolled down and splashed on the back of Su Mofeng's hand.

Hot, scalding.

Su Mofeng only felt that the corners of his eyes were wet. He shook his head, and a complex expression flashed from his eyes, "I don't know, actually we don't know where he went? He disappeared after the day he was forced into the palace." , maybe he has something to deal with, and he will come back when he is done."


Qiancheng stared at him for a moment, seeing Su Mofeng flustered for a while, so he nodded, "Of course it's true, when did Brother Feng lie to you?"

"Yeah! I'm Brother Trade Wind!" Qian Cheng smiled bitterly with red eyes, "Then I'll go back to Tsinghua Palace, in case he can't find me when he comes back!"

"Okay!" Su Mofeng lowered his eyebrows with a painful look in his eyes, "I'll take you back!"


Qiancheng nodded obediently, and put his little hand into Su Mofeng's.

Seeing the backs of the two people leaving slowly, Su Moyi closed his eyes heavily, feeling pain in his heart.

On the other hand, Emperor Wen suddenly got up, rushed to Ranfei, reached out and picked up his collar, lifted him up from kneeling on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Your daughter is awake, but Where is my son? Do you know that he was poisoned by Wu Sheng, and there is no antidote, and he gave your daughter the only life-extending pill? Your daughter was saved, but who will save him? ? Why do you want my son to bear the sins you have done? Why?"

Emperor Wen's eyes were scarlet, and he shook Ranfei for an unknown how long before letting go suddenly.

Ranfei fell heavily and sat on the ground. After a while, there was a slight tear in his wooden eyes. He looked up at Emperor Wen, "Wu Sheng? You mean Wu Sheng, the magic brush?"

That night
Tsinghua Palace, a bean candle

Qian Cheng sat under the candlelight in his pajamas, staring at the flickering yellow candlelight with his watery eyes, in a daze.

Chunlan walked over with a low sigh, put a cloak lightly on her shoulders, and said, "Master, it's late at night, and your body hasn't recovered yet, you should rest early!"

Qian Cheng returned to his senses in a daze, glanced at her, and shook his head, "It's okay, you go down and rest first, I'll wait, maybe the emperor will come soon."


Chunlan's eyes hurt, she had heard about what happened during this period, rumors in the palace, today's son Su Mochen's whereabouts are unknown.

Will she wait for him?

Her lips moved, Chunlan was about to speak, but she quietly backed away without saying anything.

There was only Qiancheng and one person left in the house, and the night was surprisingly quiet.

She reached out to take off the lampshade of the palace lantern, picked up the scissors and gently cut off the burnt wick. Suddenly, she thought of something, put down the scissors in her hand and ran outside.

The winter night was very dark, her feet felt as if she was stepping on the wind, she didn't feel cold at all, and she didn't feel the wound on her chest at all.

In one breath, he ran to the window of Longyin Palace, the window with the door half open.

There are candles flickering.

She was overjoyed and raised her eyes to look in.


Nothing at all!

The empty hall.

The dragon chair is still there, and the dragon case is still there, but the man who sat on the dragon chair countless times and gasped for poison is not there.

he is not here.

Turning around sadly, she walked back slowly step by step.

How earnest she was when she came here, how disappointed she is now.

A gust of cold wind blew over, and she couldn't help shivering.

Back at Tsinghua Palace, she picked up the scissors on the table and cut off the unfinished wicks, put the lampshade on, and she sat quietly.

Unexpectedly, this sitting lasted all night, and when he came back to his senses again, the sky was already bright.

Her neck was a little stiff, she turned her head to look at the hourglass in the corner, stood up suddenly, grabbed the robe on the hanger and put it on her body.

Walking out while covering, almost knocked over Chunlan who was about to enter the door with a copper basin.

"Where is the master going so early?"

"Golden Palace!"

The Golden Temple, brightly lit
Su Mofeng sat on the dragon chair, overlooking the civil and military officials standing respectfully by His Highness, and listened attentively to the minister's report.

He had no intention of political affairs, but Emperor Wen asked him to supervise the country first, and there was nothing he could do. Now that the court situation is in turmoil, he didn't want to cause unnecessary panic, and he didn't want some people with ulterior motives to take advantage of it, so he had to bite the bullet superior.

Regarding the matters submitted by the officials, he would make the decision directly if he could make the decision, and if he was undecided, he would ask Emperor Wen for instructions before making a decision.

Today, several ministers jointly signed a letter stating that Ranfei committed a rebellion. As his daughter, Ranqiancheng must no longer be a queen, and asked her to abolish her queen.

Su Mofeng was very unhappy, so he blocked everyone back with one sentence.

"Ran is the queen of Emperor Yijing. If he wants to be deposed, he must be abolished by Emperor Yijing himself. This king has no right to make this decision."

Some people had to give up resentfully.

Su Mofeng looked at the ashen face of the proposer, and felt a little relieved, the corners of his lips curled up, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the delicate figure at the entrance of the hall.

Thousand cities!

His expression froze, why is she here?

Before he could react, the woman turned around sadly and staggered away.

He was in a hurry, and regardless of the fact that he was still in the early court, he quickly interrupted the minister who was still in a solemn voice, saying: "Let's come here today! If you have something to do, go to the study to find the king later, and leave the court!"

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he walked out quickly.

Qiancheng walked in a daze, feeling extremely hopeless in his heart.

The person sitting on the dragon chair in the Golden Luan Hall was not him, but Su Mofeng.

What does that mean?
The country has changed hands, so what does that mean?
The morning sun shone down, not strong, but for some reason it was very dazzling.

She looked around in a daze, and realized that she was lost in the palace, and this was not the way back to Tsinghua Palace.

Her footsteps stopped, she turned around, and was about to go back, when she saw Su Mofeng rushing towards her.

"A Thousand Cities..."

Su Mofeng's heart trembled violently, just now when he saw this woman leaving sadly, he wanted to chase after her, but after catching up, he found that he didn't know what to say except calling her name.

"Has he gone already?"

The woman stopped in front of him and looked up at him.

Su Mofeng was shocked, because of her words and her cold expression.

What does she know?
What does go mean?died?Or left?
He wasn't sure, so he didn't dare to answer by himself, so he just looked at her and remained silent.

Seeing his silence, the woman turned her eyes away, looked up at the distant sky, and asked again, "Is he dead?"

Su Mofeng's heart slammed, unexpectedly she would ask such a straightforward question.

Moreover, her appearance was so calm—terrifying.

"A Thousand Cities..."

He cried out in pain.

The woman slowly withdrew her gaze from a distance, glanced at him, and said lightly, "I see."

After speaking, she walked past him.

Seeing her bleak back, slightly chaotic footsteps, and pretending to be strong, Su Mofeng's heart ached to the point of trembling.

Suddenly, facing the back of the woman, he shouted:
"Qiancheng, please believe that the fourth brother has not left, he will definitely come back..."

The woman didn't look back.

When Qiancheng came to Changle Palace, the nanny was holding Jin'er in the yard to bask in the sun.

Under the sun, Jin'er smiled brightly, her dark eyes were like golden sand in the sun, very much like someone smiling, so pretty that people couldn't take their eyes off.

Curving her lips, she walked over, and the nanny saluted quickly when she saw her.

She reached out to take Jin'er and hugged her in her arms.

When Jin'er saw her, she was even more excited, with her little hands twitching and talking to her.

The pink and tender appearance makes people extremely affectionate.

Qiancheng only felt that a certain part of her heart was so soft that it couldn't be softer. She pressed Jin'er's little face lightly, unwilling to let go for a long time.

Sticking, sticking, she smiled, smiled, smiled, tears flowed out.

The way she burst into tears frightened the nurse next to her.

"My lady..."

"I'm fine!" Qiancheng raised his hand to wipe away his tears, then hugged Jin'er and started laughing and teasing again.

next day
Following the disappearance of Su Moshen, Emperor Yijing, there was another situation in the palace.

Emperor Yijing's queen Ranshi left a letter and left quietly, but her whereabouts are also unknown.

The palace seems to be very peaceful, no one knows Su Mofeng's madness in looking for Queen Ranshi, just like no one knows what kind of mood Queen Ranshi was in when she left.

The disappearance of both the emperor and the empress was supposed to cause an uproar and an uproar in the city, but the royal family did not make much noise. Therefore, some people who did not know the truth suspected that everything was a coup in the palace. Dead, killed by the third prince who is sitting on the Golden Luan Hall today?

After all, that emperor once made the third prince guard the imperial tomb, and that later was the woman whom the third prince could not love.

The motivation is clear.

These once became the talk of Xicang people after dinner, for a long time.

a year later, autumn
Nishiyama, Kanba-an
A little nun held a broom, bowed her waist slightly, and swept the fallen leaves in the courtyard.

Pieces of maple leaves are red, enchanting like fire.

The little nun stopped her hands, bent down, picked up a piece of red maple, and looked at it carefully. Finally, she lifted it up again and looked at the sun. The orange-yellow autumn sun reflected on her white jade through the fiery red maple leaves. There was a radiance on his face.

Although she was wearing a gray nun's robe, she still couldn't conceal her graceful figure. Her hair was completely covered by an old-fashioned nun's hat, making her small face the size of a palm.

The skin is snow-like, and the eyebrows are picturesque, which is actually an allure.

Yes, she is Qiancheng.

That day when she saw Su Mofeng sitting on the Golden Luan Hall, she was sure of the fact that Su Mochen was no longer there. She wanted to die, she wanted to accompany him, but, for Jin'er, she finally survived.

It is said that Zen can make people calm down, so she came here.

During the day, she sweeps the courtyard, cooks fast meals, and listens to the old nun's lectures on Zen, and her life seems to pass in a snap.

However, only she knows what she experiences in the dead of night.

The pain and longing in her heart were like a sharp knife, piercing her heart over and over again.

She also finally understood that some things are carved into the bone marrow, and the more she doesn't think about it, the more intense it becomes.

She still remembers that day, when she was shaved in the nunnery, the old nun held the scissors on top of her head: "Miss Ran, once this knife is dropped, all ties will be cut off from now on, and you can no longer be attached to the world of mortals, and you can't have distracting thoughts. You can do it." ?”

At that time, she thought, she had long since broken the predestined relationship, and the world of mortals was no longer nostalgic for it, it was just that she had distracting thoughts...
She asked the old nun, "Master, does thinking about someone silently count as distracting thoughts?"

Therefore, the pair of scissors did not fall.

The old nun asked her to wait for her training.

Taking a light breath, she blew off the maple leaf in her hand, lowered her brows again, and started sweeping with a broom.

The other sisters-in-law were all in the backyard, and the front yard was very quiet, only the sound of the broom sweeping on the fallen leaves, rustling, rustling.

"A Thousand Cities!"

Qian Cheng's cardiac arrest, who is it?Who is calling her?Whose voice is so hoarse and deep?
Still so familiar!
Raising her eyes in astonishment, she looked back.

I don't know if it was because her back was facing the sun, but at that moment, she just felt that everything in the world lost its color, and there was only one painting in her eyes. Under the flaming maple tree, the clothes flutteringly looked at her, and slowly smiled and opened his eyebrows and eyes.

Is it a dream?Or miss too much, have hallucinations?

For a long time, she didn't dare to blink, she was afraid that if she blinked, he would disappear.

Staring at him blankly, she grabbed the back of her hand severely.

Pain, not a dream!
Forgot to move, forgot to react, only knew to face the Qiuyang and look at that person for a long time, and the person approached step by step, opened his arms and embraced her...

Wow, finally the finale of Bird, the two can finally spend Christmas Eve and Christmas together~~
Tomorrow, Suzi will have a day off, and the day after tomorrow will start to update the episode. The first one will be Shen and Qiancheng's episode. Some unsolved foreshadowings in the article will also be solved in the episode. Children who like Shen and Qiancheng should not miss it~ ~
The structure of this article is relatively large, and there are many conspiracy calculations. Suzi is a bit slower, and there must be many loopholes. Thank you for your tolerance all the time. It is your support that Suzi has come to this point.

Suzi is still the same sentence, Suzi is not a prolific author, but she is definitely an author who will not stop updating.

In the new article "Ye Weiyang: A Woman Waiting for the Emperor", when all the extras of this article are over, then the book will start to be updated. I believe that those who like Suzi can bookmark it first. The link is in the author's announcement on the left. .

Bow again and thank all of you who met Shen and Qiancheng!

Starting on the 26th, let us march towards the sweetness of Shen and Qiancheng——

Thank you [Qiannai], [xiaoyudiangood], [Lion's Sorrow], [Su Xin Momo], [Scented Matcha] for your purse~~
Thank you [naqima] dear, [326330842] dear, [snoopydo25] dear, [Shen Shang Ai Geng] dear, [shidongni-xu] dear, [Nie Haiyan] dear, [Red Roof] dear, [Mo Xiaoyu] dear, [hjhgl] pro, [Lu Jin] pro, [hhyeywlc] pro's monthly ticket~~~
Thank you [Lu Jin] dear, [sirg1231] dear Huahua~~ I love you all

PS: This chapter is 6200 words, the above is more than 400 words, and the total is 6600 words, and the coins are still collected according to 6000 words~~
(End of this chapter)

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