after losing heart

Chapter 281 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【003】

Chapter 281 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【003】

Looking at the pot of black and yellow rice, Qiancheng wanted to cry but had no tears.

Don't even think about it, when Jingwen finds out, she will definitely be called over to be baptized.

The so-called baptism is not scolding, but education. However, for the sisters-in-law of Hanye Temple, it is better to be scolded than being educated by Master Jingwen, because once she educates, she can't stop for a few hours.

Probe to look inside the pot, and then at the woman holding the pot lid with a distressed face, Su Mochen couldn't help laughing lowly.

"What are you laughing at? It's all you! I burned the fire for ten months, but nothing like this happened. When you came today, you burned the rice!" Qiancheng glared at him and said angrily.

Seemingly delighted by her words, Su Mochen laughed even more happily.

Qiancheng gritted his teeth, wishing he could throw the lid of the pot in his hand on someone's absolutely gorgeous face.

"It's okay, there's still time, let's cook another pot, it's just a pity for the rice." The man walked over unhurriedly, rolled up his sleeves elegantly, and began to pick up the spatula to clean up the burnt rice in the pot.

"We cook two stoves together. One cooks rice and the other cooks vegetables. You light the fire, and I cook rice and stir-fry vegetables."

The man ordered calmly.

After half an hour—

Sitting by the stove, Qiancheng looked at the burning firewood inside, and then raised his eyes to see the man who was silently cooking in front of the stove, feeling like he was dreaming.

If she hadn't seen Sikong Wei's craftsmanship, she would never have imagined that this man who was born in the royal family would do these things.

And if you do it, you do it, and the movements are so elegant and smooth that people can't take their eyes off it. It seems that they are not cooking, but dancing swords.

"Su Mochen, sometimes I actually envy Yun Kou."

The man looked up at her, "Why?"

"She spent the most difficult eight years in your life with you."

Qiancheng lowered his eyebrows lightly, bent down and stuffed a piece of dry firewood into the stove.

She remembered that she once asked Sikong Wei, how could a dignified sect master know how to cook?
At that time, he said that a person who wanders and wanders around the world, what can he do?

She could only feel the hardships he had suffered through imagination, but Yun Kou accompanied him to suffer, sharing all his loneliness and secrets, and giving him encouragement and strength.

The man glanced at her again, aware of her despondency, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "In the next eight years of my life, you will be with me, won't you?"


Qiancheng shook his head and wanted to say, this is different, but he didn't say it, but just asked another sentence, "Su Mochen, tell me, am I too greedy?"

The person who got him, got his heart, even wanted to get everything about him, including his past.

When did she become so dissatisfied, so greedy?
"No! Don't be greedy!" The man put the green vegetables in the pot on a plate, smiled at her, his black eyes were as bright as stones.

Does he feel this way too?

Jealous of Su Mofeng, envious of Xiao Han, he has all these, hasn't he?
He wanted to say, if you can, you can be more greedy.

The two worked together to cook the dinner. It was just getting dark and it was just in time for the meal time in the nunnery.

Considering that a big man appeared in a nunnery with a lot of women, it was not good no matter what he thought, so Qian Cheng and Su Mochen just made do with the meals in the kitchen.

All vegetarian dishes and the harsh dining environment did not affect the two of them in the slightest. The two chatted while eating.

"Su Mochen, the dishes you cook are really delicious. This is the best meal I have eaten since entering the nunnery!"

"That's it! Haven't you heard a word?"


"Whether a meal is delicious or not often does not depend on how well the meal itself is made?"

"What's the point?"

"It's about the person who eats with you!"

The man raised his eyes to look at her. Under the light of the candlelight, the dark lights in his eyes flickered, shining brightly like the vast waves of the lake.

Qiancheng was startled, and reacting to that sentence, the man went on to say: "If the person is to your liking, then the food will be to your liking, and if that person makes you unappetizing, no matter how delicious the mountains and seas are, it will only taste like chewing." wax!"

Qiancheng thought for a while, and it seemed to make sense, but he still curled his lips in disapproval on purpose, "Oh, you should look at them with admiration for three days, some people not only thicken their cheeks, become sentimental, but also turn from elm lumps to She's eloquent."

The man was not annoyed, but felt as if he had been praised, and his black eyes became brighter.

After playing and fighting, after a dinner, it's time for evening class.

Qiancheng was about to take Su Mochen to his place first, and then go to the nunnery hall for evening class, when an aunt came and said that Master Jingwen invited her husband to come over.

Qiancheng wailed in his heart, and that was all he said in the afternoon, and he really wanted to call for education.

Su Mochen looked happy, "It's just right, I want to find her too."

Then, a gust of wind went out the door.

"Why are you looking for her?"

"Talk about your going down the mountain."

Zen room, the fragrance of tea

Jingwen and Su Mochen were sitting opposite each other. There was a small case in the middle. On the case was a chessboard with several black and white pieces. It could be seen that they had been facing each other for a long time.

Jingwen gently put down a son, and looked at Su Mochen with a smile, "Su is the surname of the country, Mr. Su looks dignified and dignified, but he is a relative of the emperor?"

Su Mochen took a sip of the tea in the cup, lightly covered the tea lid, put down the cup, Bai Bi's slender fingers picked up a white grain and dropped it, also raised his eyes and smiled: "How can Su Mou have such a good fate?" !"

He didn't expect that this woman called him over to play chess with him.

Just play chess, you can talk a lot with one mouth, from the time you entered the door to now that Su is here, you haven't stopped.

Get to the bottom of it, persuade and teach, and think of which is which.

The speed of topic change is astounding.

"Master Su wants Jingci to return to vulgarity, and I have no objection to going down the mountain with Mr. Su, but this must be done in accordance with the rules of the nunnery. I will wait for Jingci to return to vulgarity on an auspicious day. become."

"Yes." Su Mo nodded deeply, and said with a slight smile, "but it's up to the master."

But the sweat in my heart, I finally got to the point.

"Jingci is a good girl, and she is deeply loved by this seat. I originally planned to pass on the mantle to her in the future. I don't want to, since you are still in this world, this matter will be nothing more than it is."

"Yeah." Su Mo smiled deeply and listened quietly.

Pass on the mantle?God, thank goodness she figured it out, fortunately he found it.

"Jingci is knowledgeable, sensible, diligent, knowledgeable about general principles, advances and retreats, and looks beautiful. It is a blessing for any man in the world to marry her. I don't know what happened to the two of you before, and I don't want to know, but, Even if you have all sorts of reasons, you should never abandon her, missing her for such a long time, and acting like this is not what a responsible and good man should do."

"Yes, what the master taught you!" Su Mochen nodded slightly.

"The so-called state-owned state law, family rules, this Hanye nunnery also has the rules of the Hanye nunnery, outside the Hanye nunnery, I can't control it, but as long as it is in my Hanye nunnery, this seat has the final say, even if the emperor at this moment In front of this seat, I have to listen to this seat."

"Yes!" Su Mo smiled softly, his brows and eyes curved, "That's natural!"

"Although it is said that the prodigal son will not be exchanged for money, but before you kept silent and abandoned Jingci, it was wrong to make Jingci sad. Now even if you repent and rehabilitate and want to take him away, it is not so easy. , you have to agree to one request of this seat."

Su Mochen was slightly taken aback, lowered his eyes and dropped the white piece in his hand on the chessboard, then raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation to her, before asking, "What request?"

The sound of wooden fish and scriptures are loud.

Qiancheng sat cross-legged among a group of aunts, knocking on the wooden fish and reciting scriptures with his eyes closed, but his heart could not calm down.

I don't know how the conversation between Su Mochen and Jingwen is going?

Will there be an unpleasant scene?

After all, Jingwen's verbosity is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Finally, when the evening class was over, Qiancheng was like an amnesty, not daring to delay for a moment, and went straight to Jingwen's meditation room, just as he reached the door, he happened to meet Su Mochen who came out of the meditation room.

Today's update is complete~Continue to ask for monthly tickets~~
Legend has it that there seems to be a boat tomorrow, but the location of the boat is Amitabha, sin, sin~~
Thank you [xiaoyudianGOOD] for your purse~~Thank you [Poppy’s Dream], [Joanna is not good], [wng2300] for your Huahua~~
(End of this chapter)

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