after losing heart

Chapter 282 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【004】

Chapter 282 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【004】

Finally, when the evening class was over, Qiancheng was like an amnesty, not daring to delay for a moment, and went straight to Jingwen's meditation room, just as he reached the door, he happened to meet Su Mochen who came out of the meditation room.

Qiancheng was taken aback, is this the end?An evening class was only two hours long, and it was not Jingwen's style. Just as she was about to ask, Su Mochen stretched out her arms, wrapped her up and left.

He led her for a while before letting her go.

"what happened?"

Qiancheng looked at him suspiciously.

"It's because you're afraid that your master Jingwen will find you at the door and drag you in to teach Zen."

Su Mochen held her hand again, leading her to walk forward slowly.

Qiancheng was startled, but soon understood, and couldn't help laughing "Pu Chi", "Why? Was she frightened by her eloquence and eloquence?"

Su Mo shook his head helplessly, "It's not just frightening, it's amazing!"

Seeing his headache, Qiancheng became more and more happy, "What? There are people in this world who you, Su Mochen, are amazed by?"

"Why not?" Su Mo raised his eyebrows, squinted at her smiling face, his black eyes sparkled: "I was also amazed at you before!"


"Yeah! I still remember when you first married into the Four Princes' Mansion, the whole Nuwa empress descended to the earth, with iron walls and iron walls, and went forward bravely. Look up!"


Furious, Qiancheng shook off his hand, and said displeasedly: "What are you talking about? It's not for you. Back then you coldly trampled on everything I did for you, and now you're still talking sarcastic here."

"Yes!" Su Mo sighed softly, and then wrapped her deeply into his arms again, "You are so brave and fearless, so persistent and strong, so beautiful and kind, you are so beautiful, and I, I seem to be letting you You are hurt, let you despair, it is my fault, it is all my fault..."

His voice was hoarse and deep, resounding in the silent night, like the mellow bass of a piano, it became more and more beautiful and charming.

Qiancheng was a little taken aback, unexpectedly he would say this suddenly, and his mood was agitated for a while.

Slowly raising her head from his arms, she looked at him, looked at him with the long moonlight of the autumn night, looked at this handsome man, and said softly, "Su Mochen, in the world of love, Originally, no one is right and who is wrong. If you have to say who is bad, I used to be bad too. I gave self-righteously and gave forcefully, but I never thought about whether you want it or not, and whether it is what you want, right? ? If you have to say who hurt whom? Who made whom despair? Why not me! On the Jiangnan Shuangqiao, under the eyes of everyone, I took off the mask of Si Kongwei on your face, and I completely drove you to a dead end. , and presumptuously drugged you and Yun Kou, and almost made you the laughing stock of the whole world, you didn't blame me, did you? The past is over, Su Mochen, as long as you know, whether it is injury, pain, Whether it's sadness or joy, I don't regret it, because that person is you, the one I am willing to be hurt, willing to suffer, willing to be sad, and willing to be happy!"

"Qiancheng." Su Mochen's heart had never been shaken before. He stretched out his warm and dry hands to gently hold her face, his black eyes were deeply glued to her watery pupils, and said softly: "Qiancheng , I'm afraid I'm not good enough!"

Qiancheng shook his head, all he could do was shake his head, his eyes were wet with tears.

The warm fingertips gently rubbed her cheeks, Su Mo lowered his head, and kissed her gently.

It was a lingering kiss.

He gently rolled over her lips, bit by bit sinking her lips and teeth.

Qiancheng's feet went limp, and she leaned against his arms weakly with a trembling body, allowing him to set her lips on fire.

The autumn moon is boundless, and the brilliance is long.

The hazy moonlight shone down, covering the two figures who were close to each other.

"Cough cough cough..."

A disharmonious cough sounded suddenly, the two were startled, and then slowly let go. Qiancheng saw Su Mochen narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned his head suddenly...

Well, they were surrounded by sisters-in-law from the whole nunnery...

Fortunately, Jing Wen was not there.

The elder sister Jingyu who was always unfriendly to Qiancheng stood at the front of the group of aunts, staring at Qiancheng with a livid face, gnashing her teeth and said: "This sacred place of Buddhism, Jingci, you are so shameless, sin, sin..."

Qiancheng's face turned pale, and just as he was about to explain, he heard Su Mo's deep laughter.

"I forgot to introduce myself to everyone. In Xiasu Momo, he is Jingci's husband. This time I came here just for Xun Jingci. I don't want to disturb the masters' Qingxiu. Please forgive me! Also, thank you for this paragraph All of you have cared for and cared for Jingci over the past few days, and after three days, Jingci will go down the mountain with me after performing the rites of returning from vulgarity."

Qiancheng was still so stunned that he couldn't react to the sentence 'in Xiasu's silence', the man had already smiled brilliantly and bowed to the aunts, took her hand and left.

The aunts petrified in situ.

Jing Yu's gaze has been following the graceful figure.

He was really the most handsome man in the world she had ever seen.

In front of my eyes, I can't help but see the two embracing silhouettes under the moonlight just now, if that woman is her, if it's her...

mind rippling.....
"Senior Sister, Senior Sister..."

She returned to her senses in a daze, and a little nun looked at her suspiciously, "Elder Sister, they have already gone far."

Jing Yu's face became dry.

God, what was she thinking, to a man she met for the first time?

Turning around, she realized that she was not the only one following that man?
Her face darkened, and she said coldly to everyone, "Let's all go away!"

"Su Mo Mo... haha, thank you for thinking it out, Su Mo Mo... Mo Mo..."

Qiancheng laughed all the way to his room, his stomach ached from laughing.

Su Mochen was silent all the way just like his new name, just looking at the person in front of him with a smile.

Maybe it was because he had carried too many burdens before, he rarely saw her so happy, but now seeing her so genuinely happy from the heart, he felt that his heart also trembled.

"Qiancheng!" After closing the door with his backhand, his body couldn't help sticking up.


Qiancheng put his hands on his chest, imitating Jingyu, and said solemnly: "This Buddhist holy place, how can Mr. Mo Mo be so frivolous, sin, sin..."

After finishing speaking, before Su Mochen could laugh, he was already panting from laughter.

Su Mo stared at her deeply, his pink face was full of spring, his watery eyes were bright, and his smile was like a flower, so cute and naive.

Su Mochen's heart moved, and he lowered his head to kiss her lips, but she giggled and turned his head away.

"Hey, don't make trouble!"

Su Mo coaxed her in a low voice.

The warm breath sprayed on her ears and neck, with the familiar and pleasant smell of sandalwood, touching her skin, Qiancheng felt as if a feather was gently brushing her heart, numb , Itching slightly, she put her hand around Su Mochen's neck, "Su Mochen, I have a question for you!"

"En!" Su Mo replied lightly, lowered his head, and pressed against her forehead, sniffing deeply the faint fragrance of her body.

"It is said that the incense used by emperors is ambergris, why do you keep using clear sandalwood?"

It was understandable to be a prince before, but later became the emperor, and he still used this.

"I'm afraid you don't like it."

She doesn't like it?

Qiancheng was taken aback.

In memory, she never said anything, right?

Lifting his head in doubt, his lips just brushed across her face, his heart trembled, and he kissed the corner of her lips.

While kissing her, he said, "Didn't you say in the courses of Yuxiangfang that among all human senses, the sense of smell is the most sensitive, has the strongest memory, and is also the most affectionate? Whether I am Not the emperor, I don't want to lose my original appearance in your heart, I am me, even if you close your eyes, you will know it is me."

Qiancheng's eyelids trembled, and her pupils were as clear as spring rain. She softly called his name, "Su Mochen", and the tip of her nose became sour when she called.

The first update, there is another update, but it will be later, at night, keep asking for monthly tickets~~
Thank you [bingjiefhf] dear purse~~thank you [Lanbao37] dear Huahua~·
(End of this chapter)

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