after losing heart

Chapter 283 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【005】

Chapter 283 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【005】

Qiancheng's eyelids trembled, and her pupils were as clear as spring rain. She softly called his name, "Su Mochen", and the tip of her nose became sour when she called.

Her voice had always been nice, but now it was full of affection, choking and choking, making Su Mo's heart tremble even more. With a low growl, he kissed her lips directly, and swallowed all of her voice into his stomach.

This time, she accepted his kiss, and was out of breath after a while.

In the end, Qiancheng felt that he was going to be out of breath, so he lightly punched him on the back of the neck, signaling him to let her take a breath.

But where is the man willing to be, the familiar body in his arms, the familiar smell, the familiar feeling, this is his Thousand City.

A thousand cities unique in the world, a thousand cities that no one can fake.

Qiancheng, do you know how lucky I am to be alive.

I can still hold you like this, and I can still kiss you like this!
After kissing for an unknown amount of time, Qiancheng felt that he was about to faint, and then he let go of her slowly, his eyes fixed on her deeply, bent down, and hugged her horizontally in his arms.

Qiancheng was startled by his sudden movement, he let out a low cry, and instinctively stretched out his hand to climb his neck.

He bent his lips happily, hugged her and walked towards the bed, "Qiancheng, you don't know how charming you are!"

"bang bang bang"

The wooden door was knocked suddenly.

Both were startled.

Before she had time to react, Jingyu's voice sounded outside, "Jingci, I'm Senior Sister, I have something to tell you!"

at this time?
Qiancheng raised his eyes to look at Su Mochen, Su Mochen frowned slightly, and shook his head at her, telling her to ignore what was going on outside.

Seeing his displeasure, Qiancheng couldn't help laughing again, reached out and patted his shoulder, motioning him to put her down.

Then, someone frowned even tighter.

It wasn't until Qiancheng raised his head and pressed a kiss on someone's lips lightly, as a comfort, that someone let her go reluctantly.

In the end, he still didn't forget to pull her back and bite her ear, "Speak quickly! Wait for you!"

Qiancheng blushed, gave him a coquettish look, and carefully adjusted his robe before opening the door.

Jingyu outside the door was holding a lantern, poking her head and looking into the room. Before Qiancheng could ask, she had already stepped over the threshold and walked in.

Seeing Su Mochen, his eyes lit up, and he nodded at him with a smile, "Mr. Su!"

Su Mochen smiled slightly, as a way of paying back the courtesy, so he didn't look at her any more, and sat down at the desk with the corner of his robe lifted, picked up the teapot on the desk, poured himself a glass of water, and drank by himself.

Seeing this, Qiancheng walked up to him in a few steps, and took the teacup in his hand, "The tea is for the morning, it's already cold."

Su Mo smiled deeply, his black eyes sparkling like stars in the dark night, "Then make tea for me!"

Qiancheng was silent, as he agreed, and turned to look at Jingyu who was stuck in the room with a slightly pale face, and asked calmly: "I don't know why Elder Sister is looking for Jingci's office?"

Following Qiancheng's question, Su Mochen raised his eyes slightly and looked at Jingyu.

The casual glance of the phoenix eyes immediately made Jing Yu feel like the world was falling apart.

Just now outside, the moonlight was hazy, so it didn't seem real, but now I looked carefully through the candlelight, it was really incomparably beautiful, like a god.

"Oh, it's like this. Although you and Mr. Su are husband and wife, after all, this is a Buddhist holy place, and you have not yet returned to the vulgar, so it is not easy for you to live together. Tonight, let Mr. Su live in this house." , you go live with me."

Jingyu was talking to Qiancheng seriously, but her eyes fell on Su Mochen as if nothing.

Su Mo was startled, and was about to speak out to express his objection, but Qian Cheng forced him first, "That's very good, I just want to bother Eldest Sister."

"It's okay! They're all my sisters, why are you so polite?" Jing Yu's cheeks were flushed, and she smiled like a flower.

Qiancheng felt nauseous in his heart and almost passed out.

She has been in Jingye Nunnery for more than ten months, and this person has never set foot in her wing room. Usually, because Jingwen treats her very well, he is jealous and makes things difficult for her everywhere, but today he is kind.

Afraid that the ulterior motives are not in the bar?

Qian Cheng also smiled coquettishly, "Then senior sister, go back first, I'll make tea for him and come over."

"Okay!" Jing Yu left reluctantly, and before leaving the door, she still did not forget to ask: "Don't be too late!"

"Yeah!" Qiancheng walked to the door, turned around, and just closed the door, but was directly blocked by a man on the door panel.

"No! You are not allowed to go!" The dangerous voice approached, it was very soft, but it was overbearing that no one could refuse.

The man seemed a little angry.

Qiancheng suddenly put his arms around his neck, nodded, "Well, no!"

Su Mo was taken aback, unexpectedly she would be like this.

Qiancheng just laughed, and cunning flashed across his bright eyes: "Otherwise, she would have stood here forever. Anyway, she has let my pigeons go countless times, and I will not let her go just once."

The man's brows frowned slightly, "Send pigeons?"

It was only then that Qiancheng realized that these words were too modern, "Oh, anyway, it is, as you wish, I won't go!"

It's been so long since we haven't seen each other, only she knows how much she misses him.

Every dead of night, every midnight dream, she thinks of him and pain.

It's hard to be together now, and she doesn't want to be separated from him, not even for a second.

"Su Mochen..."

Gently tiptoeing, she raised her head and kissed his lips.

He has lost weight.

The kiss fell like a storm again, everything was so logical.

There was a rustling sound from outside the door.

The lingering two were slightly startled, and thought at the same time, maybe it was a lantern in someone's hand.

Qiancheng was a little embarrassed, and stretched out his hand to push Su Mochen, but Su Mochen didn't care.

The update is complete~~Jiemo is sweet, please ask for a monthly ticket~~
Thank you [Jiaxin], [sweet326198], [味味erweier], [sunhongyan72] for the monthly pass~~
I love you all!
(End of this chapter)

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