after losing heart

Chapter 284 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【007】

Chapter 284 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【007】

Before he came to the kitchen, he smelled the fragrance of millet porridge from afar, Qiancheng was slightly puzzled, and vaguely felt that it might be that person, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and quickened his steps.

Walking to the door of the kitchen, she unexpectedly ran into Jing Yu who came out of it. Jing Yu's cheeks were flushed, and she was slightly startled when she saw Qian Cheng, with an unnatural expression on her face.

Qiancheng thought she was going to ask her why she didn't go to her place last night, and was thinking of what to say, but in the end, Jingyu didn't say anything, turned her eyes away, and walked past her.

Looking at her expression, Qiancheng felt a little dazed, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked into the kitchen.

Sure enough, I saw someone sitting in front of the stove. Xu Shi heard the commotion here, and was looking slightly sideways. Seeing her, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "Are you up? Why don't you sleep more?" when?"

While speaking, he stood up, lifted the lid of the pot, picked up the spatula and gently stirred the rice porridge in the pot.

Qiancheng didn't speak, stood at the door, and looked back at Jingyu who was leaving, with an indescribable feeling.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Su Mo put the lid on the pot, walked towards her, and gently hugged her in his arms, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Master is here!"

She looked up at him, not a question, but a descriptive sentence.

"En!" Su Mo nodded deeply.

"What is she here for?"

"Looking for you! She thought you were cooking breakfast here!"

"Looking for me?" Qiancheng snorted coldly, only ghosts would believe it. If you were looking for her, you just ran into her at the door, why didn't you see her farting?
Clearly no peace of mind!
Thinking of Jingyu's look at Su Mochen last night like a wolf, and thinking of Jingyu's appearance just now, Qiancheng felt indescribably annoyed.

Immediately his face darkened, "Su Mochen, let me tell you, stay away from her in the future!"

It is said that monks are merciful. She knows how bad this woman is. Since she entered the nunnery, she has made her suffer, take the blame, and be wronged.


Su Mochen raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, and looked at her with a smile, the light in his black eyes twinkled like the sparkling lake light in spring.

Seeing the man smiling charmingly, Qiancheng became more and more bitter, and rolled his eyes at him, "Su Mochen, you are really a man with extremely high IQ and zero EQ, can't you see that she loves you so much?" Interesting?"

"Is she interested in me?" The man seemed to have heard a big joke, and the smile on his lips became even brighter, "She's gone to my sister-in-law."

"Cut!" Qiancheng sneered, "Then I'm also my sister-in-law!"

"Are you going to say yes or not?" Feeling depressed, she grabbed his arms directly, came to the stove and sat down.

The person who listened to the corner last night must be Jingyu.

Thinking of this made her feel sick.

Seeing that she was really angry, Su Mo smiled lowly, walked over, pulled her up, then sat down with her in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder, and exhaled evilly: "What? gone?"

"Eat her taste?" Qiancheng snorted coldly, "What a joke!"

"Then what are you doing now?" The man's dark eyes sparkled, and he smiled wickedly.

A thousand cities blocked, thought for a while, stiffened his neck, and said stubbornly: "I don't like her! Can't I?"

"Okay!" The man nodded with a smile, "It's just that, in my impression, you don't seem to be such a willful person. I'm curious, why did you dislike her so much?"

"She covets you!" Qian Cheng finally couldn't help but roared out.

This man is not finished yet.

The man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately laughed softly.

Only then did Qiancheng realize that he had been fooled, and raised his elbow to hit his chest hard. The man didn't feel the pain, but seemed to be in a good mood. He pulled her face with his big hand and kissed her heavily.

For a while, he entangled with his lips and tongue, until she was out of breath, and he slowly let her go.

The four eyes are facing each other, and each other's pupils are twisted together.

The man suddenly said, "I like to see how you eat."

Qiancheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately shouted angrily, "Su Mochen!"

But at this moment, he gently stroked her face, and said in a low voice: "Qiancheng, do you not believe me, or yourself?"

Qiancheng raised his eyes suddenly, glanced at him, and finally turned his face away and said nothing.

Su Mochen sighed softly, wrapped her arms in his arms, and placed his chin on the hollow of her shoulders again, "Qiancheng, you know, in this world, apart from you, my There is no one else in sight."

Qiancheng was taken aback.

The warm breath sprayed on the skin around her ears, causing a slight itchiness. Qiancheng only felt that somewhere in her heart was soft inch by inch. She gently pressed against him, leaning against his arms, unable to bear The tip of his nose became sore, "Su's not that I don't believe's just that I'm afraid...because I care too much, so I'm afraid...the world is too impermanent, even if you are ruthless, there will always be people who want to fall, so..." Qiancheng paused, his eyes turned red, "We have endured too much hardship to get together, I'm afraid..."

"I understand!" Su Mochen held her hand lightly, and smiled warmly, that smile was like the breeze in the valley in May, slowly pulling away.

His palm was so huge that it completely wrapped her little hand tightly. The warm and dry touch made her heart instantly settle down.

Unknowingly, it was time for breakfast, and some aunts came into the kitchen to see if the breakfast was ready, Qiancheng was so frightened that he quickly jumped up from Su Mochen's arms, and greeted the aunts awkwardly.

After watching the incident under the moon last night, the sisters-in-law seemed to be familiar with their lonely men and widows sitting in the kitchen, but when they saw the strings of ambiguous red clouds on Qiancheng Fen's neck, they still couldn't help it stunned.

No matter how uninformed he was, he knew that it was a trace of being loved by a man.

In the Holy Land of Buddhism?In front of my Buddha?They actually...

As a result, the way everyone looked at her became complicated.

Qiancheng looked at them, and saw the words indecent and sinful in their eyes. His face was dry, and he looked at Su Mochen with some annoyance, but he saw that he was fine, with his sleeves rolled up, holding a bowl of Bowls filled with rice porridge, his movements were as elegant as an exiled immortal.

"This millet porridge has just been boiled, so it's better when you serve it, don't burn your hands!"

Su Mo raised his eyes deeply, and smiled at everyone, instantly absorbing the gazes of the sisters-in-law from Qiancheng, and even some of the sister-in-laws blushed slightly.

There are still two days before the return ceremony, but Qiancheng suddenly wished he could arrive soon.

It's not an option for a big man to stay with such a group of women all day long, let alone the best man in the world like Su Mochen.

Another day later, seeing that he would be able to go down the mountain tomorrow, Su Mochen suddenly proposed that he had to go down the mountain first to prepare the sedan chair for her, and he would come to Hanye Nunnery to pick her up on time at noon the next day .

Qiancheng refused, saying that he was not that delicate and could walk down the mountain with him, but the man insisted on this, so Qiancheng had no choice but to follow him.

The two of them rubbed each other's ears for another long time before Su Mochen reluctantly left.

Qiancheng stood on the top of the mountain where he was sent off, and did not come back until dark.

Then start thinking about him.

Miss her like crazy!
She even regretted letting him go!

Fortunately, it's only one day. Tomorrow, he will pick her up in person.

No sleep for one night.

I finally looked forward to the dawn.

The morning bell rang, and the aunts gathered in the main hall. Today is a good day for Hanye Nunnery, and the aunts in the nunnery returned to secular life quietly!
For aunts, being able to return to vulgarity is equivalent to another kind of rebirth, which is something to be envied and celebrated.

In the main hall, Qiancheng knelt on the futon in the middle. Master Jingwen held a copper basin in his hand, dipped the mountain spring water in it with one hand, and sprinkled it gently on Qiancheng's head.

"After today, there will be no more Jingci in the world, only the girl Ran!"

Jingwen smiled lovingly, and began to keep saying exhortations and blessings.

An aunt who was guarding the door ran in in a panic, panting, "It's not good, it's not good. Master, there are many officers and soldiers coming up the mountain!"

Today's update is complete~ Happy weekend, dears~~~
Thank you [Scented Matcha] for your big purse~
Thank you [Kong Baixue], [Sister Xuan], [545454121212], [ruixiang blue], [cherryzhang0902], [Wind to the North], [Scented Matcha] for the monthly pass~~~ , are you crazy~~
(End of this chapter)

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