after losing heart

Chapter 285 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【008】

Chapter 285 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【008】

An aunt ran in in a panic, panting, "It's not's not good, master, many officers and soldiers have come up the mountain!"

officers and soldiers?

Everyone was shocked, and Jing Wen also changed his face.

This Hanye Nunnery is the only one among the West Mountains, and Hanye Nunnery has never cared about world affairs, it does not bother the villagers, and it does not offend the imperial court, so how could it attract officers and soldiers?

"Go, take a look!"

Jingwen put down the copper basin in her hand, turned around and hurried out of the hall.

Everyone looked solemnly, looked at each other, and quickly picked up steps to follow.

Qiancheng was also a little confused, got up and followed the crowd.

Outside the Hanye Nunnery, there were two rows of soldiers standing in unison.

In front of the soldiers stood a man, dressed in white clothes that were as snowy as snow, with black hair flying, his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of mist by the autumn morning light, like a fairy or a god.

The man was talking to one of the soldiers, and the distance was too far, so he couldn't hear what he said. He could only vaguely see the man's handsome eyebrows like swords, black eyes like stars, and his thin lips slightly raised. His handsome appearance made people move Do not open your eyes.

The aunts all looked at him blankly.

This Hanye nunnery has been lightly incensed all year round, and it is rare to see a few pilgrims, let alone such a handsome man. I didn't expect to see two as soon as I saw them these few days.

Jingwen narrowed her eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what this military master means?"

The man raised his head at the sound.

"Brother Feng!"

A woman's exclamation passed through everyone's ears.

Everyone was startled, including Jingwen and the man.

The man followed the prestige, and saw the delicate figure squeezed out from behind a group of sister-in-law. The black-haired gown was reflected in his eyes, and then the warmth bloomed, and the red of the maple leaves seemed to be there. In a glance, the eyes turned into shallow water, filled with all the lovesickness in the past few months.

"Qiancheng..." He smiled slightly, his voice trembling.

"How did you come?"

Qian Cheng came out from behind the crowd, wearing a sky-blue auntie shirt, her hair full of black hair, which poured down her shoulders without any restraint.

Su Mofeng couldn't express the feeling in his heart, but felt that everything in the world lost its color at that moment, even the fiery red maple in the courtyard disappeared, and there was only one person in his eyes, and that person stood there looking at him and smiling.

Unable to restrain himself anymore, he walked towards that person, walking faster and faster, his clothes and hair flying like the wind.

Before walking in front of that person, he couldn't wait to wrap his long arms around him, and hugged that person tightly, without any scruples.

Even in full view!
Even if he is not the man in her heart!

With the familiar body in his arms, he finally understood desperately that what he couldn't let go of, what he couldn't forget.

No one knew what he had been in this year, the feeling of extreme pain and extreme regret.

In the past in Huangling, although it was painful, at least she knew that she was doing well, under the protection of another man, but this year...

He thought she was dead, he thought she died because of Su Mo, and he regretted not telling her the truth.

Yesterday, when Su Mochen told him that she was still alive, he was so excited that he stayed up all night. Today, he was ordered to go up the mountain first, and his heart was staggering all the way.

Now, she is so real in front of him.

Jingwen opened her mouth in astonishment.

All the aunts were already stunned.

A good-looking woman is really different. She can kiss a man passionately that night, and hug another man today.

More than 100 people were petrified, but there was no sound at all.

After being stunned for a moment, Qiancheng smiled slightly, broke free from his arms, and repeated his question, "Why are you here?"

As he asked, his watery eyes glanced at the soldier behind him.

"Come to pick you up!"

Su Mofeng's eyes were clear, with a smile on his face, he looked at Qiancheng tenderly without blinking.

Qiancheng was startled for a moment, and immediately understood that Su Mochen must have asked him to come, but, didn't that person say that he came to pick her up in person?how……

Feeling lost in my heart, I was about to ask, but was suddenly interrupted by a stern voice, "No!"

It's Jingwen!
She slowly walked towards the two of them, stretched out her hand to pull Qiancheng, and put a little distance between her and Su Mofeng. Then, with one hand in front of her face, she saluted Su Mofeng, "Amitabha, this Military Lord, Miss Ran can't go with you!"

Everyone was startled, and Su Mofeng also turned to look at her.

"Miss Ran has long been famous and married, and she has a husband. Although her husband once failed her, he has repented and rehabilitated, and the prodigal son has turned back. I have a saying, knowing the mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it. Ni has also promised her husband to let her return to vulgarity and let him bring her back! The poor nun will definitely not break his promise."

Jingwen spoke firmly and resolutely.

Su Mofeng was stunned, Qiancheng knew that Jingwen had misunderstood, and quickly smiled and said: "Master!" She was about to explain, but was stopped by Jingwen's hand, Jingwen raised her eyebrows, and looked at Su Mofeng coldly, Said in a deep voice: "This seat has been in the world for dozens of years, and the most important thing is trust. Even if you come here with troops, this seat is not afraid! Even if the emperor Laozi comes today, this seat is tough and will never let the girl go away." !"

Su Mofeng was even more confused, and looked at Qiancheng seeking solutions.

Qiancheng's head was full of black lines, and he looked at the sky speechlessly.

Everyone who didn't know the truth looked at the three of them in a daze.

Suddenly, a burst of "pop" applause sounded from the end of the soldiers, crisp and loud.

Everyone was shocked.

"Master Jingwen is really high-minded, I really admire it!"

A low and evil male voice came over.

Hearing these words, all the sisters-in-law were shocked, and even Jing Wen, who had looked deathly at home just now, changed his face.

One by one, they just thought their ears had heard wrong.

What did the man say?That person said that I admire him very much?

The person who calls himself "Zhen"...isn't he the current Holy One?

How could the Holy Majesty appear here today?

Everyone was astonished, looking up, they couldn't hide their feelings of shock and fear, joy and disbelief.

"So, I also complied with Master Jingwen's request, informed the world, and personally came to pick up my queen, but I don't know if Master Jingwen is still stubborn and won't let her go?"

At this time, the officers and soldiers were neat and orderly, and with a "swipe", a road was drawn from the middle, and a handsome man dressed in bright yellow walked out slowly.

The appearance of the dragon and the phoenix, the abundance of the gods like jade, the kind of demeanor overlooking all living beings, the aura of dominating the world, is completely natural!

"Weichen see the emperor!"

Su Mofeng knelt on one knee, and so did Su Moyi who was following Su Mochen.

Next, all the soldiers knelt down in unison, shouting long live!

a bolt from the blue!

All the aunts were shocked!

How can it be?

Jing Ci's husband, Su Mo Mo is actually the current emperor?

How is this possible? How could a noble emperor come to the nunnery and even cook for the nuns himself?

But... But now, the current Holy One is clearly the handsome man in front of him.

But...if he is the emperor, then the queen he talks about is not...

Everyone looked back and looked at Qiancheng, who was only smiling and not speaking.

God, Queen? !

They have heard more or less the story about the current emperor and empress, and they have heard a lot of rumors about the empress going to the immortal with the emperor. They thought it was impossible to get in touch with people. Not only did they not die, but the queen lived with them for a year?
Jingyu's legs softened and she almost sat on the ground.

Jingwen also stood there stiffly, with her mouth slightly open, feeling tightness in her throat.

In fact, early in the morning, she felt that this man was full of elegance, and his gestures and gestures showed the aura of looking down on the world. She said that Su was a surname, and asked him if he was a relative of the emperor. He said that he did not have such a good fate.

It's the emperor!

Then she... She said that night, even if the emperor Lao Tzu is in front of me, he still wants to listen to me!
Today she said that even if the emperor Lao Tzu comes, this seat will be tough and won't let anyone go!

Is that what she said?
"Are you really the emperor?" She trembled.

Su Mo smiled but said nothing.

After a while, she suddenly came to her senses and hurriedly knelt down: "The poor nun joins the emperor!"

The terrified aunts behind her also knelt down one after another.

Sorry to keep you waiting for the bird, Suzi is very busy today, just a chapter, Suzi will be on holiday tomorrow, try to get an early watch, okay~~ Ask for a monthly ticket, roll around and ask for a monthly ticket~~
Thank you [sunhongyan72] for a big bouquet of flowers~~
Thank you [Ning Qi], [Fengyuge], [hedy Ying] for the monthly tickets~~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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