after losing heart

Chapter 286 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【009】

Chapter 286 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【009】

After a while, she suddenly came to her senses and hurriedly knelt down: "The poor nun joins the emperor!"

The terrified aunts behind her also knelt down one after another.

His eyes flicked across the audience, Su Mo took a few steps forward, and gave Jingwen a little support, "Master, please stand up!"

Jingwen's palms broke out in cold sweat, and he bowed his head and said: "The poor nun has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, and I don't know if he is the real dragon emperor. During this period of time, I have offended you so much, please forgive me!"

Su Mo smiled loudly, "Master, you are serious. It is too late for me to thank you. Thank you for taking care of the Queen during this period of time, and thank you for your request. It is exactly what I want!"

At this moment, Jingwen wanted to die.

That day, the man proposed that he wanted Qiancheng to return to vulgarity and go down the mountain with him. Since this man had once lost to Qiancheng, she suggested that it was okay to return to vulgarity or go down the mountain, but he had to come to pick up Qiancheng himself in the form of marriage. To go back to the city, and, moreover, it must be widely advertised, and at least a thousand people must witness this moment.

She did this for two reasons. First, she wanted Qiancheng to get some compensation. Second, she also wanted this man to have some scruples. If he became a heartless man in the future, he would be drowned by the spittle of the world.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the other party is today.

The cold sweat worsened for a while, I didn't know whether his sentence "just what I want" came from the heart or with a mockery, so I just bowed my head and remained silent.

"There are three thousand imperial guards behind me, and there are thousands of people at the foot of the mountain. I wonder if it is enough to meet the thousand witnesses proposed by the master?"

"Poor nun... Poor nun..." Jingwen felt her throat tight again, unable to say a word.

Looking at her, the smile on Su Mochen's lips became even wider, and he turned his gaze to Qiancheng, who raised his eyes slightly and met his gaze.

Where the eyes met, their hearts were connected, and the two looked at each other and smiled again.

This eloquent and eloquent Jingwen even has moments when he is short of words, which is not easy.

At this time, several soldiers came forward carrying a phoenix robe.

The phoenix robe is also made of bright yellow, with a phoenix flapping its arms and wings in a lifelike manner. The wings and tail of the phoenix are decorated with gemstones and emeralds, shining brightly in the autumn morning light.

Su Mo stretched out his hand towards Qiancheng.

Qiancheng's heart trembled, remembering that day, at the gate of Tsinghua Palace, he stretched out his hand in the sun like this, that day, she put on the phoenix robe for the first time.

His white and slender hands were wrapped in a warm glow by the morning sun. She smiled and greeted him.

Hold both hands!
"Su Mochen, you are a fool again."

Qiancheng leaned slightly and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

That day, he was covered in blood, and she hugged him; he said, he was dirty, and the phoenix robe was very expensive; Faint king.

The memory is so clear, as if it just happened yesterday.

Su Mochen was startled for a moment, and then he showed a touching smile, "It's not the first time I've been a fool."

All the aunts knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads until the dazzling light of the pearls in the phoenix robe flashed in front of everyone's eyes. Only those who were curious dared to raise their eyes a little and sneaked a look over, and saw the man holding the A woman's hand, smiling and whispering.

It is really the most beautiful scenery in this mountain.

Some were envious, some were jealous, and some blushed slightly.

Jing Yu bit her lower lip tightly.

Suddenly, a man's mellow voice sounded, "Master Jingwen, I am welcoming the phoenix back to your Hanye Nunnery today! I wonder if the master can allocate a place for the queen to change clothes?"

"of course can!"

Jingwen also slowly regained her senses, smiled at Qiancheng, and stretched out her hand, "Ran... Empress Empress, please follow the poor nun!"

Qiancheng looked at Su Mochen, Su Mochen nodded to her with a smile, then waved his sleeves at everyone, "Everyone, get up!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Qiancheng followed Jingwen away, and several people carrying phoenix robes followed closely behind.

Everyone in the courtyard followed the woman, including Su Mochen, Su Mofeng, the guards, and aunt.

It's just that the eyes are different and the thoughts are different.

It wasn't until Qian Cheng's back entered the nunnery that everyone looked away.

Su Mo stood in the yard with his hands behind his back, his eyes slightly swept over the group of aunts who were standing still and did not dare to move.

Immediately, some people's heartbeats staggered, their faces turned red, and some people lowered their brows and eyes in a panic, not daring to look directly at them.

Only one person stared at him blankly, looking at him earnestly.

It is Jingyu.

Standing among a group of aunts, she bit her lower lip slightly, her eyes glistened with resentment and coquettishness.

Su Mo's dark, ink-like phoenix eyes lit up with interest.

He bent his lips and smiled brilliantly, "Senior Sister Jingyu!"

Everyone was stunned, and Jing Yu's heart was beating wildly. He couldn't believe his ears in a trance, thinking that this was his psychedelic illusion.

The man is calling her!
This man who has been dreaming every night for the past few nights is calling her!The best man in the world is calling her!

Call her Jingyu, and call her Senior Sister!


She stepped out a little vainly.

Su Mochen still smiled captivatingly, "I wonder if Senior Sister Jingyu is willing to help the Queen change her clothes?"

Jingyu's heart was up and down, and his face was also blue, white, and red, like rice paper that had been heavily inked.

help?To put it bluntly, it's just serving, right?

Usually it is that woman who serves her, when is it her turn to serve that woman?

However, after thinking about it, her status is different now, and why this man doesn't let other women serve him, but let her alone, it shows that he has her in his eyes.

Thinking in this way, he quickly smiled and said: "It's a great honor for Jingyu to serve the empress!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled at the man, then turned and walked towards the nunnery.

Along the way, I remembered what happened in the kitchen that day.

That night, she listened to the sound of men and women making love outside the house in the middle of the night, and she stayed up all night.

The next morning, she saw the man entering the kitchen alone, so she followed him in.

When the man saw her, he just raised his eyes and said, "Morning!"

What she didn't expect was that this man would cook breakfast for that woman.

The so-called Junziyuan cooks, how can such an excellent man do this?
Her heart trembled, her heart ached, and she was also envious of that woman, the woman who was hugged and kissed deeply by this man, the woman who was pressed under this man and screamed all night.

Is it just because that woman has an alluring posture?
Heartbroken, she said that she came to help him, and when she was holding the spatula, intentionally or unintentionally, her hand touched the back of the man's hand.

Pretend to get an electric shock and take it away. When dodging, one accidentally slipped, and the body lost its balance.

As expected, there was no pain, and the man reached out to embrace her.

The man had a faint fragrance and a masculine aura, and she was soft in his arms, turning into a ball of spring water.

The man looked down at her, smiled very handsomely, and said: "Senior Sister Jingyu's six senses are not clean, and her mortal heart is not extinguished. It's a pity to be an aunt, and she should also return to vulgarity."

At that time, she didn't quite understand what he meant. To be precise, she didn't understand whether he was really sighing at her or mocking her?

He said it was a pity.Why didn't she feel that it was a pity that it was not her wish to be a sister-in-law, but because she was caught in bed with her brother-in-law by her family, and her family sent her to the nunnery in a rage.

He said that he should return to vulgarity.

Will he help her return to vulgarity?
She remembered that she was about to speak, but he suddenly let her go and said, "The porridge is boiling."

Now that he is the emperor, she has expectations in her heart again.

It's too easy for an emperor to take a woman away.

Although there is only one queen, there can be countless women in the harem, right?
When Jingyu walked in, Qiancheng's phoenix robe had already been put on.

"Empress, the emperor asked me to come in and help the empress change her clothes!"

Qiancheng was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Su Mochen to have such an arrangement, seeing that Jingyu bullied her a lot, he wanted to ridicule her a few words, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, and just said: "Don't bother Senior Sister, Bengong's phoenix robe has been changed, senior sister can help Bengong out!"

"Okay!" Jing Yu smiled slightly, stepped forward humbly, and gently supported her.

Suzi pointing fingers, dear friends, Suzi is working hard to add updates today, do you have a monthly pass?

Thank you [Lanbao 37] dear purse~~
Thank you [carol0307] dear, [starshinexy] dear, [irene—79] dear for the monthly pass~~~Crazy~~
(End of this chapter)

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