after losing heart

Chapter 290 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【014】

Chapter 290 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【014】

Before arriving at Weiyang Palace, I heard childish laughter from a long distance away.

At that moment, Qiancheng only felt that the laughter was like knocking on her heart, which shocked her heart and soul. She couldn't wait to lift her skirt, climbed up the steps, and entered the gate.

In the yard, a little girl carved in powder and jade was walking unsteadily. A woman in front of her was bowing her waist, holding something in her hand while teasing her and leading her to chase forward. She went in, and the woman retreated. Chasing and playing.

The nanny stood on the side, looked at the two of them and smiled.

Qiancheng paused, his heart surging to the extreme.

Is that Jin'er?Is it her Jin'er?

I haven't seen him for a year, but he has grown a lot taller and can walk.

"Jin'er is good, Jin'er is really capable, come on, hurry up, hurry up and get the puppet in Auntie's hand!"

Because the woman's back was facing the door, Qian Cheng didn't recognize who it was for a while, but now when the woman opened her mouth, the familiar voice was either Xiao Qi or someone else.

The nanny raised her head, and suddenly saw two people standing at the door. She was startled, and it took a long time to realize who it was, and hurriedly saluted, "Empress Empress!"

Hearing the voice, Xiao Qi also turned her head back, and was startled when she saw her, and then smiled, showing two cute little canine teeth, and quickly walked in front of her, took her hand, and said in surprise: "Sister-in-law Si , are you really back?"

Qiancheng smiled and nodded, not knowing what to call her for a moment.

Jin'er has been chasing after the puppet in Xiaoqi's hand, seeing her coming to Qiancheng's side, she also chased after her, tripped because she ran too fast.

When several people saw this, their faces changed drastically, and Qian Cheng's heart jumped into his mouth, and he was the first to rush up and stretch out his arms, and Jin'er's small body fell straight into her arms.

A heart finally fell, Qiancheng heaved a sigh of relief, and took advantage of the situation to hug her.

Jin'er didn't know what happened, she stared straight at Qiancheng with her big black eyes, full of strangeness and curiosity.

Qiancheng also looked at her, with curved eyebrows, big eyes, and small mouth, seven parts like her and three parts like Su Mochen. At that moment, the tip of her nose was sore, and her heart was touched by something called moving. It's full of stuff.

Life is so amazing.

Is this the child of her and that man?Is it the continuation of their love?
"Jin'er, Jin'er..." She called her softly, and slowly pressed her face against hers, "Mother is back..."

But Jin'er didn't seem to appreciate it, she puckered her mouth and cried out with a "wow".

Qiancheng became anxious, and quickly hugged her and shook her, "Jin'er, what's wrong with Jin'er?"

Jin'er cried more and more, Qiancheng was at a loss, and looked at the nanny for help, and the nanny smiled, stepped forward, and took Jin'er, "Mother, don't worry, Jin'er hasn't seen her for a long time, and she's still a little rusty now. After a few days, you will get used to it."

Sure enough, as soon as it was in the hands of the nanny, Jin'er stopped crying.

Qiancheng smiled wryly, feeling a sense of loss in his heart that he had never felt before.

Her Jin'er doesn't know her anymore.

Seeing her absent-minded appearance, the nanny pursed her lips and looked at Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi understood and stepped forward with a smile, "Fourth sister-in-law, don't worry, Jin'er is still young and doesn't understand anything, but mother and daughter are connected, don't they? Don't worry, within two days, she will definitely cling to you, you don't know, this little guy will be clingy."

"It's okay!" Qiancheng smiled, "I'm a bad mother. She left her at such a young age, and she should not recognize me. I will wait, I will take good care of her, and I will make up for it. "

"Yeah!" Xiaoqi smiled and nodded.

"Auntie, Auntie..." On the other side, Jin'er waved her small hands towards Xiaoqi.

The immature child's voice was crisp and pleasant, like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, Qiancheng only felt a crashing sound in his heart.

She was able to speak, and her Jin'er could also speak, even though it wasn't her.

Xiao Qi walked over with a smile, took Jin'er and hugged her in her arms, Jin'er giggled and played with the puppet in Xiao Qi's hand.

Seeing this, Xiao Qi laughed and cursed, "Little guy, I knew your aunt and aunt called so sweetly, just because of this puppet."

"Who told you to tease her with puppets all day long!"

Following a soft and pleasant male voice, a bright yellow figure quickly stepped into the courtyard gate.

Everyone followed the prestige, Qiancheng also looked back.

The man walked straight towards her, full of beauty and high spirits, as if he wasn't the one who tossed about last night.

"I didn't see you in Longyin Palace, so I guessed that you came here."

The man gently grabbed her shoulders.

The nanny and Chunlan knelt down to salute, Xiao Qi held Jin'er in his arms, and gave Su Mo a displeased look, "Why is it bothering fourth brother if I tease Jin'er with a puppet?"

Su Mo smiled loudly, and raised his hand to signal the nanny and Chunlan to get up, "It's not like I'm in the way, I just saw that the dolls in Changle Palace are almost full, and I'm afraid there is no room for them."

Xiao Qi rolled her eyes, "You don't need fourth brother to worry about this, it's enough for fourth brother to worry about state affairs."

Su Mochen chuckled again, and Qiancheng couldn't help but bend his lips.

She remembered that when Yun Kou's identity was exposed and that Xie Yunxi in front of her was a fake little seven, she asked Su Mochen how to deal with Xie Yunxi. Always the Seventh Princess of Xi Cang.

Now it seems that she is doing very well and is a smart woman.

"By the way, Xiaoqi." Su Mochen suddenly remembered something, "Today's lunch, I'm going to invite a distinguished guest at Weiyang Palace, so you should join me!"

"Guest?" Xiao Qi looked at him suspiciously, and soon understood, "Is it the prince of some country, or the prince of some country?"

Su Mo smiled deeply, "You are smart!"

Xiaoqi looked at the sky speechlessly, "Fourth brother, can't you change something?"

"Then what kind of trick does Xiaoqi want?" Su Mo's dark eyes sparkled, full of interest.

Xiaoqi collapsed again.

"I won't tell you anymore. Anyway, I don't have time at noon today. I promised my third brother that I will go out of the palace with him to listen to books. It's almost time, so I'm leaving!"

After Xiao Qi finished speaking, she handed Jin'er to the nanny, and fled in a hurry.

Su Mochen couldn't help laughing.

Seeing his smile, Jin'er seemed to be infected as well, she stretched out her hand towards him, and called out childishly: "Daddy, Daddy..."

Su Mochen's heart was greatly moved, and he walked over with a smile and hugged her in his arms.

He didn't know how much time he spent teaching her to call her father.

Now, he still remembers the feeling that the world was falling apart when she yelled this word for the first time, the feeling that he was so moved that he wanted to cry.

"Jin'er, this is mother!" Su Mochen hugged Jin'er and came to Qiancheng, "Jin'er, come here! Give mother a kiss and let daddy see!"

Maybe she wanted to show it to Su Mochen, or maybe she was in the right mood at this time, Jin'er actually tilted her head, leaned towards Qiancheng's face and kissed her on the cheek.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

Qiancheng stared blankly at Jin'er who was still giggling at her after the kiss, and then at the man who was looking at her with a slight smile, "Su Mochen..."

The man sighed, holding Jin'er in one hand, and wiping the tears off her face with the other, "Jin'er, let's laugh at mother, mother is useless, mother is crying, mother is not as good as our Jin'er..."

The three of them played for a while, and Jin'er gradually showed signs of fatigue. The nanny said that she went to bed late last night and woke up early today, so she was tired and was going to bed.

Su Mochen stopped teasing her, hugged her in his arms, and shook her gently.

A child is a child after all, and after a while, he slept soundly in Su Mochen's arms.

It was not until she was sent to the small bed in the back room to sleep well that Su Mochen took Qiancheng away.

After leaving Changle Palace, the two walked hand in hand without speaking.

Chunlan followed closely behind.

When passing by the gate of Fengqi Palace, Qiancheng suddenly asked, "Is this palace inhabited now?"

Su Mo was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what it meant, he thought for a while and said, "Fengqi Palace has always been the queen's bedroom."

Speaking of this, he suddenly understood, "If you want, you can also move here. The reason why I didn't let you come here was because..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiancheng interrupted him, "I don't want to!"

"Tsinghua Palace is very good!" Pulling his hand out of his, Qiancheng added expressionlessly, and walked straight ahead.

Su Mo was taken aback.

Sorry for the late update~~Happy New Year, folks! !
Thank you [dongyujie] dear Huahua~Thank you [bingjiefhf] dear, [Yaoshang Yaoyao] dear, [clothed clouds and dancing] dear, [scented matcha] dear purse~~
(End of this chapter)

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